Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

MERRYWOOD School District # 3470
S.W. 1/4 Section 5- Township 41-Range 22 West of the 2nd meridian
near Middle Lake, Saskatchewan

2015-05-18 04.10.49 2015-05-18 04.10.57 2015-05-18 04.12.00
2015-05-18 04.12.40 2015-05-18 04.12.46 MerrywoodSchool3470Map
" I was in Pilger, Saskatchewan last week on a genealogy tour trying to track down relatives. It was the first time I had ever gone to a community for the express purpose of trying to fill holes in my family’s history. I am from Nanaimo, BC and my family has lived in the same community for 160 years and I have had no trouble tracking that branch. While in Saskatchewan I came across this wee school house that my grandmother would have attended around 1920. (Olive Bauer) My grandmother died in the late 90’s and took many secrets to the grave with her that I am just now unravelling." Barbara Webb, submitter of photographs.


Officially founded and located
at this site S.W. 1/4 5-41-22 W2 in 1921.
The school was opened March 6, 1922.
There were 14 students the first
summer Miss Anne Farrel was the
teacher. The pioneers constructed
the school to provide a basic
education for their children and
generations to come. In August
1961 Merrywood school was closed
and the students were bused to
Middle Lake. This cairn is dedicated
to the pioneers, trustees, the 180
students and the 28 teachers
who passed through the doors of
Merrywood School from 1922 to 1961.

Quotation on plaque mounted on cairn.

Middle Lake locates at section 31- township 40- range 23-W2
Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 52° 28' 58" N, 105° 18' 28" W
Latitude - Longitude (decimal) 52.4827722, -105.3079139

Dead Moose Lake Later Marysburg SW 2-39-22-W2-
Fulda 14-39-23-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area 16 kilometers from Middle Lake
Lenora Lake - later Lake Lenore SE 32-39-21 W2
Pilger 9-40-23-W2 is a nearby Village 7 kilometers from Middle Lake
Reynaud 19-42-24-W2 is a nearby Hamlet 19 kilometers from Middle Lake
St. Benedict 33-41-24-W2 is a nearby Village 11 kilometers from Middle Lake
Tarnopol 11-43-24-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area 25 kilometers from Middle Lake
Three Lakes No. 400 is a nearby Rural Municipality 5 kilometers from Middle Lake
Willmont SW 14-39-24-W284 63

School District maps

Historical maps showing township and ranges

For more information:

Title Middle Lake : the vintage years : a history of the village of Middle Lake, including school districts of Grove Lake, Middle Lake, Merrywood, Mackintosh, Lake Ignace, Lucien Lake, and Wilfred
By Middle Lake Celebrate Saskatchewan History Book Committee.
Middle Lake, Sask. : The Committee, c1982.

Middle Lake Saskatchewan on Wikipedia

Middle Lake, Saskatchewan on Sask Biz Profiles

Villge of Mddle Lake on Face Book


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E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice - Submitter

1. From: Barbara Webb
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Date May 22, 2015