Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Kempville School District 4144

north east section 16 township 10 range 25 west of the second meridian
near Spring Valley village
north east section 30 township 11 range 25 west of the second meridian
in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada

Kempville School District 4144, 1919-1954,north east section 16 township 10 range   west of the second meridian, Spring Valley village, north east section 30 township  11 range 25 west of the second meridian,

Kempville School District 4144, 1919-1954,north east section 16 township 10 range   west of the second meridian, Spring Valley village, north east section 30 township  11 range 25 west of the second meridian,

Submitted by Mary Worel

Kempville School District 4144, 1919-1954,north east section 16 township 10 range   west of the second meridian, Spring Valley village, north east section 30 township  11 range 25 west of the second meridian,

Spring Valley village Northeast section 30 township 11 range 25 west of the 2nd meridian
49º 56' N, 105º 24' W77

More information
Book Title Terrell 101 : faith and freedom

Published Spring Valley, Sask.

Author Terrell Historical Committee, 1981

Edited by Elva Paton

ISBN 0889252777

Title Let's forefoot da sonovabitch : true stories from Southern Saskatchewan

Author Nagel, Brian

Published Yellowknife, NWT : HBLS, 2013

ISBN 9780978319250, 0978319257

Nearby Placenames:

Bayard is a Hamlet

Bayard Station is a Hamlet

Cardross is an Unincorporated area

Claybank is a Hamlet

Crane Valley is a Hamlet

Crystal Hill is an Unincorporated area

Galilee is an Unincorporated area

Hearne is an Unincorporated area

Mayberry is an Unincorporated area

Spring Valley is an Unincorporated area

Terrell No. 101 is a Rural Municipality


Placenames above from the map segment:Grace (later Cardross area), Dirt Hills SE 25 tsp 10 rge 26 W2, , Dewdrop, Maxwellton, Crane Valley, Ormiston. Note this map was created 1912, and the school district formed in 1919, so Kempville SD 4144 does not show up on this map, only the neighbouring school districts are numbered and appear on the map.
Township, Range, Meridian Legal Land information
Numerical School District Listing to determine neighbouring schools on School Maps.

Historical maps showing township and ranges | School Maps ~ shows neighboring school districts by school district #. Used with permission.
| Gallery | More School Districts near Moose Jaw and Regina by Mary Worel

Submitted by Mary Worel

Subject: E-mail Sask Gen Web Julia Adamson Webmaster

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Spring Valley is in the Moos Jaw gen web region for further information

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Kempville School District 4144, 1919-1954,north east section 16 township 10 range west of the second meridian, Spring Valley village, north east section 30 township 11 range 25 west of the second meridian, Kempville School District 4144, 1919-1954,north east section 16 township 10 range west of the second meridian, Spring Valley village, north east section 30 township 11 range 25 west of the second meridian, Kempville School District 4144, 1919-1954,north east section 16 township 10 range west of the second meridian, Spring Valley village, north east section 30 township 11 range 25 west of the second meridian, historical one room school houses, one room school districts, little white school house,heritage education, historic schools, Saskatchewan, Canada, photos, gallery, schoolhouse photographs, historical one room school houses, one room school districts, little white school house,heritage education, historic schools, Saskatchewan, Canada, photos, gallery, schoolhouse photographs, historical one room school houses, one room school districts, little white school house,heritage education, historic schools, Saskatchewan, Canada, photos, gallery, schoolhouse photographs,