Nearby Place namesAbernethy is a nearby VillageAbernethy No. 186 is a nearby Rural Municipality Blackwood is a nearby Unincorporated area Duff is a nearby Village Finnie is a nearby Unincorporated area Gillespie is a nearby Unincorporated area Kenlis is a nearby Unincorporated area Lemberg is a nearby Town Lorlie is a nearby Unincorporated area McLeod No. 185 is a nearby Rural Municipality Neudorf is a nearby Village Okanese is a nearby Indian Reserve Peepeekisis is a nearby Indian Reserve Pheasant Forks is a nearby Unincorporated area Star Blanket is a nearby Indian Reserve 84 For more informationBook Title Pheasant Forks history, 1882-1905 by Len. W. Sumner ISBN 0969035701 Title The Lemberg Star, June 24, 1955 [pamphlet] Published Lemberg, Sask. 1955 One Room Schoolhouse Map School Map used with permission |
Gallery | | | More School Districts near Moose Jaw and Regina by Mary Worel |
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