Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Simpson School District 1359

in town of Simpson
south west quarter of section 3 township 29 range 25 west of the second meridian
in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada

Simpson School District 1359, 1919-  , in town of Simpson, south west quarter of section 3 township 29 range 25 west of the second meridian

Simpson School District 1359, 1919-  , in town of Simpson, south west quarter of section 3 township 29 range 25 west of the second meridian

Submitted by Mary Worel

Simpson School District 1359 MAP, 1919-  , in town of Simpson, south west quarter of section 3 township 29 range 25 west of the second meridian

For more information:

Title Down memory lanePublished Simpson, Sask. : Simpson History Book Committee, 1987, c1986

Neighbouring placenames

Amazon is a nearby Unincorporated area

Imperial is a nearby Town

Imperial Beach is a nearby Unincorporated area

Simpson is a nearby Villag

Undora is a nearby Unincorporated area

Venn is a nearby Unincorporated area

Watertown is a nearby Unincorporated area

Wood Creek No. 281 is a nearby Rural Municipality


See also:

Simpson and Imperial School Listing

Simpson School District 1359 memorial
Simpson School District 1359 school house
Simpson School District 1359 memorial and consolidated school
Simpson School District 1359 school house
Simpson School District 1359 school house

Township, Range, Meridian Legal Land information
Numerical School District Listing to determine neighbouring schools on School Maps.

Historical maps showing township and ranges | School Maps ~ shows neighboring school districts by school district #. Used with permission.
| Gallery | More School Districts near Moose Jaw and Regina by Mary Worel

Submitted by Mary Worel

Subject: E-mail Sask Gen Web Julia Adamson Webmaster

Postal Mail

Simpson is in the Regina gen web region for further information, posting and query boards, mailing lists

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Simpson School District 1359, 1919- , in town of Simpson, south west quarter of section 3 township 29 range 25 west of the second meridian Simpson School District 1359, 1919- , in town of Simpson, south west quarter of section 3 township 29 range 25 west of the second meridian Simpson School District 1359, 1919- , in town of Simpson, south west quarter of section 3 township 29 range 25 west of the second meridian historical one room school houses, one room school districts, little white school house,heritage education, historic schools, Saskatchewan, Canada, photos, gallery, schoolhouse photographs, historical one room school houses, one room school districts, little white school house,heritage education, historic schools, Saskatchewan, Canada, photos, gallery, schoolhouse photographs, historical one room school houses, one room school districts, little white school house,heritage education, historic schools, Saskatchewan, Canada, photos, gallery, schoolhouse photographs,