Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Harptree School District 628
south east section 20 township 4 range 26 west of the second meridian
Harptree CN siding
south east section 22 township 4 range 26 west of the second meridian
school built 1912, burnt in 1920 - rebuilt same site

school house moved to Harptree in 1953
province of Saskatchewan, Canada

Harptree-memoria(HDR) 20130914 Harptree-school(HDR) 20130914 Harptree-school-detail 20130914 Harptree-site 20130914 Harptree628Map

School district photographs taken by Mary Worel
We dedicate this plaque to the pioneers who built this school, to the teachers who taught thee and to the families whose children attended.

Harptree School
District No 628

53 years - 45 teachers - 280 students.
Built in 1912 on S.E. 1/4 20-4-26-W of 2nd.
This school, barn and 2 privies were built
by W. Chappe at the cost of $1500.00 the
school burnt in 1920 and was rebuilt on the
same site. It was moved to Harptree in 1953.

Opened in 1913 with 18 students
Teacher - I. Stakes Stewart

Closed in 196 with 19 students
Teacher -Christine Merrien

Families whose children attended:
CameronKempSt. Dennis

Erected - 1992

Nearby Place names

Bengough No. 40 is a nearby Rural Municipality

Clark Bridge is a nearby Unincorporated area

Gye is a nearby Unincorporated area

Harptree is a nearby Unincorporated area

Hart is a nearby Unincorporated area

Hart Butte No. 11 is a nearby Rural Municipality

Landscape is a nearby Unincorporated area

Roncott is a nearby Unincorporated area

Viceroy is a nearby Hamlet

Willow Bunch is a nearby Town 84

For more information

Title From the turning of the sod : the story of the early settlers in the R.M. of Hart Butte No. 11

[compiled by the Coronach Historical Committee]

Published Winnipeg : Inter-Collegiate Press, 1980

One Room Schoolhouse Map
School Map used with permission

Gallery | More School Districts near Moose Jaw and Regina by Mary Worel

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1. From: Mary Worel
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Harptree School District 628

Postal Mail

Harptree School District 628, 1912-1966, south east section 20 township 4 range 26 west of the second meridian, Harptree CN siding south east section 22 township 4 range 26 west of the second meridian, built 1912, burnt in 1920 - rebuilt same site, moved to Harptree in 1953, Harptree School District 628, 1912-1966, south east section 20 township 4 range 26 west of the second meridian, Harptree CN siding south east section 22 township 4 range 26 west of the second meridian, built 1912, burnt in 1920 - rebuilt same site, moved to Harptree in 1953, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,