Erected - 1992 Nearby Place namesBengough No. 40 is a nearby Rural MunicipalityClark Bridge is a nearby Unincorporated area Gye is a nearby Unincorporated area Harptree is a nearby Unincorporated area Hart is a nearby Unincorporated area Hart Butte No. 11 is a nearby Rural Municipality Landscape is a nearby Unincorporated area Roncott is a nearby Unincorporated area Viceroy is a nearby Hamlet Willow Bunch is a nearby Town 84 For more informationTitle From the turning of the sod : the story of the early settlers in the R.M. of Hart Butte No. 11 [compiled by the Coronach Historical Committee] Published Winnipeg : Inter-Collegiate Press, 1980 One Room Schoolhouse Map School Map used with permission |
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