NWT Placenames on the 1901 Census Sask Gen Web - Census
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The Census is searchable by geographic location (name of village, city,
town, district and so on. Geography, ie placenames are the key to using the National
Archives census online database successfully. What Province of Saskatchewan Placenames existed in 1901? What name changes have occurred? How are place names spelled on the 1901 census? What current day placenames exist near 1901 census placenames which do not exist anymore? Which 1901 census placenames are RE-named at a totally different current location from the location used in 1901? If a placename is listed under another name, for instance the census area covers more than one placename yet only one is listed in the census index, then check above for the placename to enter The 1901 Census placenames are highlighted to indicate microfilm reel numbers. If you can't find the name of your city or village in the Census records, check above alphabetical listing .
If the homestead location is known, then the new Census placenames by Location database will assist in finding the right section to search the 1901 census. This database is sorted first by Meridian, so the homestead is narrowed down by West of the Prime or First Meridian near the Manitoba border, West of the second Meridan, or West of the third Meridian which is western Saskatchewan; closer to the Alberta border. Secondly the database ascends by Township, the larger the Twp number, the further north is the location. Lastly the database then ascends within the above groupings by Range, or Rge number. The Range numbers start at the meridian and increase numerically by travelling westward.
Nearby Present Day placenames are cited for 1901 census placenames which do not exist any longer. Perhaps this will help genealogists, historians find clews in those 1901 placenames which are becoming obscure in the memory. For example the 1887 Location is given for the 1901 placename of Chickney (which does not exist anymore). The location 16-20-10-W 2 known for Chickney is East of (present day) Lemberg at 21-20-9-W2 and W of present day (present day) Abernethy at 25-20-11-W2. For example if no one knows where "Wide Awake" is, then will anyone look for familial 'clews' therein? But if the location relative to existing areas is given, perhaps there will be an insight gained. Please let me know if this is helpful at all.
What do the locations here mean? These are the post office locations which correspond to the 1901 census area for each location which are cited along with the date.
The first nations under treaty and northern areas were enumerated without a Schedule 2 - Buildings and Land, Churches and Schools. First Nations bands can be found on the schedule 2 of the nearest placename settlement. First Nations bands are enumerated under their respective administrative Agency/Agence. Northern areas are also enumerated in a similar fashion. For example, Montreal Lake is enumerated with Schedule 1 and 2 in: Montreal Lake, Saskatchewan. Montreal Lake is enumerated without schedule 2 in: Montreal Lake, Athabaska, Unorganized Territories / Territoires Non Organisés which enumerates the population of William Charles Band, Montreal Lake.
ABBREVIATIONS | "Est" | Established |
Assa | Assiniboia, Provisional District NWT |
Sask | Saskatchewan, Provisional District NWT |
Atha | Athabaska, Provisional District NWT |
R, Rge, Rg | Range |
T, Tp, Tsp, Tp | Township |
Meth | Methodist |
Pres | Presbyterian |
R Cath | Roman Catholic |
Luth | Lutheran |
C 0f E or English | Church of England |
Union | Sunday School not belonging to one specific religious denomination |
Please use the spelling of Athabaska when searching by district and not the alternate spelling Athabasca
French-English Some French - English translations to help with census areas enumerated in French or Michif - a Métis (mixed blood) French - Cree language mix.
Location: An enumerator may not add which meridian the Tsp Rge is West of. Enumerators also had their own abbreviations for Township, Range. The ordering of Township and Range also varied. Sometimes it was Tsp - Rge -Sec or it could be Sec - Tsp- Rge which is standard currently, or it could be Rge - Tsp - Sec. Using many sources has enabled a citing herein of the 1901 placenames complete with Sec- Tsp - Rge - West of the meridian location to help researchers. For the census regions enumerated in french, a la français, this would be "sur le canton 6, rang 27 a l'Ouest du second Méridien."
Sec - Section, Twp - Township, Rge - Range, W of
Meridian, - west of which numbered meridian. How
to read Legal Land Descriptions
Search Saskatchewan Place Names is listed alphabetically to determine which Saskatchewan Gen Web Region is needed for genealogical or historical research. The closer you get to your intended search area, the more likely you are to find what you need. Do you want a posting board, mailing list, etc. about history/genealogy in a 1901 census placename area?
Alberta - Saskatchewan Placenames: The NWT provisional districts of Assiniboia and Saskatchewan extended westerly past the Province of Saskatchewan's current border on Meridian 4 and went westerly to range 10 west of the 4th meridian. Any ranges west of the 4th meridian are now a part of the province of Alberta. The NWT provisional district of Athabaska covered the northern portions of both present day provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan and was mainly enumerated as first nations without a schedule 2. Atlas of Saskatchewan Selected Maps
Manitoba - Saskatchewan Placenames: The NWT provisional districts of Assiniboia and Saskatchewan extended easterly past the Province of Saskatchewan's current border, which includes the southern portion Ranges 30-34 West of the Prime or First Meridian. The current easterly boundary of Manitoba - Saskatchewan does not travel due North and South along a township or along a meridian line. The provisional district of Saskatchewan extended easterly to the north west shores of Lake Winnipeg and Lake Winnipegosis. Atlas of Saskatchewan Selected Maps
Assiniboia East - Assiniboia West Placenames: Assiniboia East was in the South East went including all Ranges West of the Prime Meridian that are in Saskatchewan, (30-31-32-33), and continued easterly up to and including Range 1 - 15, West of the 2nd Meridian. Assiniboia West was in the South West and it started at Range 16 West of the 2nd Meridian and continued westerly on to Range 30 West of the 2nd Meridian and also all Ranges West of the 3rd Meridian. Assiniboia West also included some Ranges West of the 4th meridian (which is now part of the province of Alberta) up to and including Range 10 West of the 4th meridian
e-mail if you can confirm a placename name change or a
placename location as of 1901. For any additions, or updates please
also e-mail. Thank you.
The 1901 census placenames of Clinton and Thynne Flat locations were confirmed by Ian Holmes, Past President Alberta Genealogical
Michael. (1999)
Atlas of Saskatchewan Celebrating the Millennium. Saskatoon:
SOURCE: RICHARDS, J. Howard & FUNG, K.I. (1969). Atlas of
Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: Modern Press.
SOURCE: Saskatchewan Wheat Pool MAPS 60 Years 1924-1984
SOURCE: Canadian Geographical Names Home Page (CGN)
SOURCE:National Archives -
Archivia Net - Western Land Grants (1870-1930) - Census of Canada, 1901 - Postal Archives
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due diligence. This Saskatchewan
Gen Web - 1901 NWT Census Placename Index is not made in
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and to assist in personal research so it is published here under
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It is the intention of this site to make
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