Placename | NWT Provisional District | Sec | Twp | Rge | W Meridian |
Eagle Butte | Assiniboia West/Ouest | | | | |
| P.O. in Alberta Sec. 20, Twp. 8, R. 4, W4M - 1900-05-01 At Sec 1-Tsp 8-Rge 4-W4 Police Barracks, Tsp 7, Rge 3 is a Medicine Lodge. Tsp 6-Rge 3 is Willow Creek. The notations on schedule 1 confirm this location. (The present day border of the 4th Meridian between the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta was not the same border used between provisional districts)
Eagle Quill Lake | Assiniboia West/Ouest | | | | |
| 1901 census encompasses Tsp 13-Rge 14, Tsp 12-Rge 15, Tsp 11-Rge 15, Rsp 10-Rge 14, Tsp 12-Rge 14, Tsp 12-Rge 16, and Tsp14-Rge 11 West of the 3rd meridian. Eagle Quill Lake does not exist anymore. This location is SW of Swift Current. Webb 24-14-17-W3 and Dunelm 1-14-W3 are the closest present name locations.
East End | Assiniboia West/Ouest | 23 | 7 | 22 | W 3 |
| 1900 Location Later name is Dorrell. East End not subdivided for 1901 census. Close to White Mud River, Frenchman Creek, Swift Current Creek (20-13-W3). Daniel H. Pollock owned 15,22,23,27-7-21-W3.Page 1 schedule 1 for 204-u East End says that Townships 1,6,7 Ranges 20-24 were to be enumerated.
East View | Assiniboia West/Ouest | | | | |
| P.O. opened called Eastview 1902 at 20-17-24-W2 .
Eastend | | | | | |
| East End 1914-1949 changed name to Eastend is at 31-6-21-W3. This is different from East End on 1901 Census.
Ebenezer | Assiniboia East/Est | 7 | 27 | 4 | W 2 |
| 1891 Location. Later Name Ebenezer Valley.
Ebenezer | | | | | |
| Location as of 1911 and present day location 25-27-4-W2 which is a bit north of the Ebenezer of 1901 census date.
Ebenezer Valley | | 7 | 27 | 4 | W 2 |
| 1891 Location. Later Name Ebenezer Valley. 7-27-4-W2
Ebenfield | Saskatchewan | | | | |
| The 1901 census covers the area Tsp 43-Rge 4-W3, Tsp 43-Rge 5, W 3 and Tsp 43-Rge 6-W3. Ebenfeld does not exist anymore and the location is closest to the present day placename of Laird.
Echo | Assiniboia East/Est | | | | |
| On the 1901 census the Echo area includes Tsp 21,22 Rge 30, W 1. This location is NE of Langenburg 27-21-31-W1 and West of Churchbridge 17-22-32-W1 The more recent placenames called Echo are not related to the 1901 ensus placename of Echo. There was an Echo P.O. in 1911 18-3-20-W3 which was later at 35-2-22-W3. There was also an Echo P.O. named in 1923 which was previously Cariss and Later Loomis at 17- 4-21-W3 later at 14-3-21-W3.
Edenwold | Assiniboia West/Ouest | 18 | 19 | 16 | W 2 |
| 1890 Location. (Present day is at 26-19-17-w2) 'Edenwald' spelling on 1901 census. Includes Tsp 19,20-Rge 17-W2, Tsp 20-16,17-W2.
Egg Lake | Saskatchewan | | | | |
| Egg Lake near Roc la Ronge Egg Lake P.O. 28-56-26-W4 est 1897 which is near Morie Ville, Ab, St. Paul Ferry, St. Paul Mission, Moose Lake, Moose Mountain. Provisional District is Saskatchewan, NWT, however would be in current Province of Alberta these days. (The present day border of the 4th Meridian between Alberta and Saskatchewan was not the same border used between 1901 provisional districts)
Egg Lake | | | | | |
| See Nut Lake mentioned on schedule 2.
Ellisboro | Assiniboia East/Est | 17 | 18 | 9 | W 2 |
| 1883 and present day Location.
Elm Springs | Assiniboia West/Ouest | 1 | 5 | 1 | W 3 |
| 1898 Location. (Present day location is at 14-5-2-W3) This location was unsurveyed for the 1901 enumerator. In this neck of the woods of the census place markers such as Willow Bunch, Cs Wood Springs, McDonald's Butte, Woody Lake, Twelve Mile Butte, WoodSpring, Wood Mountain Trail, Galsgo Trail, Hay Bottom, Poplar River, Old Wives Creek, 12 mile Lake.
English River | | | | | |
| Mentioned on the 1901 census schedule two under placename Onion Lake
Erfokremovka | | | | | |
| Kamsack lists on schedule 2 Erfokremovka 29-32-W1
Erwood | | | | | |
| Erwood 11-45-2-W2 is included in the Census placename of Red Deer River. The first p.o. to Erwood est. 1905 at 10-45-7-W2. Erwood present location is 11-45-2-W2. East of present day Saskatchewan placename of Hudson Bay.
Esterhazy | | | | | |
| Esterhazy 28-19-1-W2 is NE of 1901 census placename of Ohlen which does not exist anymore.
Estevan | Assiniboia East/Est | 27 | 2 | 8 | W 2 |
| 1892 Location and Present Day Location. 1901 census area for Estevan includes Macoun Settlement.