1901 Census

Census 1901 Placename Index

NWT Placenames on the 1901 Census
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Assinboia East/EstT-6552
Assiniboia West/Ouest T-6553
Assiniboia East/EstT-6553

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Placename NWT Provisional District Sec Twp Rge W Meridian
Taché Assiniboia East/Est
The 1901 census area for Taché includes Tsp 16-Rge 15, Tsp 17-Rge 15, Tsp 16-Rge 14, Tsp 13-Rge 14, Tsp 15-Rge 14. West of the 2nd Meridian. Taché does not exist anymore. The location is closest to present day Vibank 12-16-15-W2 and Francis 21-13-14-W2.
Kamsack lists on schedule 2 Tamboka 29-30-W1
Tantallon at 16-18-32-W1 in the Broadview area is the closest present day location to the 1901 Census place names of Carnoustie, Ohlen and Dongola which do not exist anymore.
See Coalfields, regarding name change.
Taylorton 34 1 6 W 2
Was named Coalfields 1897-1906. Then named Taylorton. 6-2-6-W2
Kamsack lists on schedule 2 Terfrenia 27-32-W1
Terrepaenia 24-31-1-W2 (AKA Terer-pain-ya, Terrepainia) is mentioned on the 1901 census at Pelly 203-x(2)-1
The Pas Saskatchewan
1895 a P.O. est at 1-56-27-W1. There are notations on schedule 1 for "The Pas' that this is Pas Mountain. There was a Pas Mountain HBC trading post NW Saskatchewan. There are no locations given on the 1901 census for this placename. (The boundaries between the provinces of Sk & Mb are not the same as the provisional district borders of 1901.)
Thynne Flat Assiniboia West/Ouest
Thyneés Flat includes the locations on the 1901 census of Tsp 13-18, Tge 3-4, W4, Tsp 14-18, Rge 5-6, W 4, Rsp 15-18, Rge 7-8, W4, and Twp 16-48, Rge 9, W4. (The present day border of the 4th Meridian between Alberta and Saskatchewan was not the same border used between 1901 provisional districts)
Tiefengrund Saskatchewan 6 44 4 W 3
Laird present name. 1900 Location Tiefengrund includes the unicorporated villages of Uspennic 6-44-5-W3, Pozivajeffka 27-44-6-W3, Toitzkoiya 2-44-7-W3, Lorellaya 20-40-9-W3, Tornboffka 20-40-9-W3
See the previous name of Spicer (1909-1912). Tilney after 1912.
Tirée Assiniboia East/Est 10 19 8 W 2
1895 Location. Tirée does not exist anymore. The location is south of Neudorf which is presently located at 14-20-8-W2.
The unincorporated village of Toitzkoiya 2-44-7-W3 is included in the 1901 census placename of Tiefengrund
The unincorporated village of Tornboffka 20-40-9-W3 is included in the 1901 census placename of Tiefengrund
Touchwood Assiniboia West/Ouest
Touchwood Hills. 1879 No P.O. Location. Present location 27-16-W2. South Touchwood 1910 14-25-16-W2. Touchwood 1945 23-27-16-W2. Fort Touchwood, and Touchwood Hills HBC trading posts est. 1849-1909. Touchwood is located in Assiniboia West.
Touchwood (Agency/Agence) Assiniboia East/Est
Touchwood Agency administers Day Stars Band, Poor Man's Band, and Gordon's Band.
Trout Lake Whitefish Lake Athabaska, Unorganized Territories / Territoires Non Organisés
This location says Trout Lake Whitefish Lake in the index. On the census return it says Wabaska.
1882-1884 Troy. 1884-1902 Qu'Appelle Station. 1902-1911 South Qu'Appelle. 1911- Qu'Appelle. See Qu'appelle 1901 census.
Tuhamuroka (AKA Techamuroka) 33-32-W1 is mentioned on the 1901 census at Pelly 203-x(2)-2
See the 1901 census placenames of Carmel (Actual spelling is Carwel) and Marlborough. Tuxford 5-16-26-W2 is NW of Carwel which does not exist anymore Tuxford is NE of Marlborough's location.

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NWT Placenames on the 1901 Census
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