1901 Census

Census 1901 Placename Index

NWT Placenames on the 1901 Census
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Assinboia East/EstT-6552
Assiniboia West/Ouest T-6553
Assiniboia East/EstT-6553

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Placename NWT Provisional District Sec Twp Rge W Meridian
Wabasca Athabaska, Unorganized Territories / Territoires Non Organisés
See Trout Lake Whitefish Lake
Waldeck 16-12-W3 is enumerated at Swift Current. A P.O. est 1906 at 21-16-12-W3
Waldheim Saskatchewan 16 42 5 W 3
Present location and 1900. 1901 census area of Waldheim includes the Doukhobor Village of Petrofka 35-42-8-W3
P.O. Wallace on 1901 census location Devils Lake
Walsh Assiniboia West/Ouest
1891 a P.O. was est. at 34-11-1-W4M The 1901 census area extends across the current Saskatchewan - Alberta border encompassing Tsp 10,11,12,13,14 -Rge 1-W 4 (Current Alberta) as well as Tsp 10,11,12,13,14-Rge 29-W 3, Tsp 10,11,12-Rge 30-W3 and Tsp 11, 12-Rge 28-W3. (Current Saskatchewan) (The present day border of the 4th Meridian between Alberta and Saskatchewan was not the same border used between 1901 provisional districts)
Wapella Assiniboia East/Est 9 15 33 W 1
1883 and present location. Wapella at 9-15-33-W1 is on the 1901 census and is also the closest present day loation to the 1901 census location of Benbecula which does not exist anymore.
Wascana Assiniboia West/Ouest 22 18 22 W 2
1884 Location. (Present location 29-17-20-W2)
Wasnes Sleinyak
Wasnes Sleinyak (AKA Nasnesainyako) 34-30-W1 is mentioned on the 1901 census at Pelly 203-x(2)-2
Wawata Assiniboia East/Est 28 11 33 W 1
Wawota actual Spelling. Present location 13-11-1-W1 1884 Location.
Wawota 28 11 33 W 1
See Wawata. Present location 13-11-1-W1 1884 Location. Wawota is on the 1901 census at Wawata, and is NE of the 1901 census placename of Glen Adelaide which does not exist anymore.
Webb 24-14-17-W3 is not on the 1901 census, but is North West of the 1901 census placename of Eagle Quill Lake.
Welwyn is not on the 1901 census. Welwyn 35-15-30-W1 is N of the 1901 census placename of New Hastings
West Ghyll
See 1901 census placename of Grande Coulée [actual spelling is Grand Coulee West Ghyll 14-16-22-W2 is located on schedule 2, is partner with Gatesgarth line.
Westview Assiniboia West/Ouest 14 18 28 W 2
In 1902 a P.O. named Westview was established at 14-18-28-W2 which corresponds to the area on the 1901 census.
Weyburn Assiniboia East/Est 30 8 14 W 2
1895 and present location. Weyburn 203-v(3)Includes the block and lost numbers for in Weyburn.
Weyburn (North/Nord) Assiniboia East/Est
Weyburn North is Weyburn District 203-w(3) includes Tsp 8-Rge 14,15-W2, Tsp 7-Rge 13,14,15-W2, Tsp 9-Rge 14,15-W2.
White Bears Band No. 70
Administered by the Moose Mountain Agency. See 1901 census placename Moose Mountain Agency.
Whitefish Lake See Athabaska

Whitesand Assiniboia East/Est 9 28 5 W 2
1892 Location. (Present location 28-28-5-W2) 1901 census 203-x(3) includes Tsp 27,28,29-Rge 5-W2
Whitewood Assiniboia East/Est 7 16 2 W 2
Was named Whitewood Station. 1883 location. 1901 census for Whitewood 203-y(3) includes Whitewood and the district. Whitewood is on the 1901 census, and is also SW of Forrest Farm, a 1901 census placename location at Forest Farm which does not exist anymore.
Whitewood Station
Whitewood name 1883-1895. Later named Whitewood.
Wide Awake Assiniboia East/Est
Wide Awake does not exist anymore, the 1901 census includes the area of Tsp 19-Rge 12, Tsp 19-Rge 13, Tsp 20-Rge 12 West of the 2nd meridian. The location is north of present day Winro 28-18-13-W2 and Indian Head at 24-18-13-W2.
William Charles Band
William Charles Band, Montreal Lake. Sk enumerated on Lac La Ronge Montreal Lake Pelican Narrows, Athabaska
See Willocks name 1900-1911. Willmar Station 1911-1957. Willmar 1957- Present location 22-6-4-W2
Willmar Station
See Willocks name 1900-1911. Willmar Station 1911-1957. Willmar 1957-
Willocks Assiniboia East/Est 24 6 5 W 2
Willocks name 1900-1911. Willmar Station 1911-1957. Willmar 1957- This is 1900 Location. See Willmar for current location
Willoughby Saskatchewan 13 46 1 W 3
1883 Location 13-46-1-W3 was from 1883-1907. This Tsp 46-Rge 1-W3 and just the other side of the meridian... Tsp 46-Rge 28-W2 area is the 1901 census location.(The name Willoughby was re-used at a totally different location in 1933. In 1933 Willoughby was located at 11-42-12-W2 which is NOT the 1901 census location. This later Willoughby had a previous name of Pré-Ste. Marie from 1913-1933 at 12-42-12-W2.)
Willowbunch Assiniboia West/Ouest 19 5 27 W 2
1895 and present location. Spelled Willow Bunch on the 1901 census, which is also a more current spelling.
Willow Bunch
See Willowbunch
Wingard SW7-46-3-W3 is mentioned on the 1901 census location of Carlton. Wingard P.O. est. 1888 at 6-46-3-W3.
Winlaw Assiniboia East/Est 22 1 30 W 1
1884 Location Gainsborough currently at 33-2-30-W1 is on the 1901 Census and is the closest present day location to the 1901 Census Placename of Winlaw, which no longer exists. Winlaw's location is south of Gainsborough.
Winro 28-18-13-W2 is not on the 1901 census, the location is just south of the 1901 census placename of Wide Awake which does not exist anymore.
Wishart Assiniboia East/Est 16 29 15 W 2
1884 Location . (Present location is at 30-29-14-W2) Wishart 203-c(4) at 29-15-W2 area has location placemarkers such asTouchwood Hills, Round Plain, Little Touchwood.
Wolf Creek
Wolf Creek name 1882-1887. Later name Wolseley.
Wolseley Assiniboia East/Est 11 17 10 W 2
1882 and present location Town of Wolseley and district included on 203-c(4)
Wolverine Point See Athabaska
Northern Saskatchewan Near Athabasca Sand Dunes on south shore of Lake Athabasca.
Wood Mountain Assiniboia West/Ouest 20 4 3 W 3
(Present location is at 8-5-3-W3.) 1894 Location Wood Mountain 204-z(2) includes NWMP Police Post and district.

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NWT Placenames on the 1901 Census
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