1901 Census

Census 1901 Placename Index

NWT Placenames on the 1901 Census
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Assinboia East/EstT-6552
Assiniboia West/Ouest T-6553
Assiniboia East/EstT-6553

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Placename NWT Provisional District Sec Twp Rge W Meridian
Badanaqua 34-32-W1 is mentioned on the 1901 census at Pelly 203-x(2)-2
20-39-8-W3 Bahadanofka, an unincorporated village is located on 1901 census at placename Osler
Balcarres Assiniboia East/Est 13 21 12 W 2
1884 Location and present location.
Balgonie Assiniboia West/Ouest 3 18 17 W 2
1883 Location and present location.
See 1901 census placename of Beljennie., however Baljennie is the 1901 census and current spelling of the placename at this location.
Dunleath Station Previous Name, Dunleath name as of 1936. 16-25-2-W2 previous location. (33-25-2-W2 1917 and present location.)
Barrier River Saskatchewan
Present location at 10-42-12-W2 The 1901 census comprises a Sawmill. Thomas Sauder -Head, Thomas Jones- Foreman, Thomas Campbell- Engineer, William W. Hearn-s Bookkepper, Fred R. Graves- Tail Sawyer, Charles [Howard]- Canter, Walter Copeland- Laborer.
Batoche Saskatchewan 17 43 1 W 3
(Present location is at 33-43-1-W3.) 1884 Location. 1816 NWC Fort est.
Battleford 30 43 16 W 3
1877 Location (Present location is at 30-43-17-W3) 1875-1914 HBC est. 1885 RWMP post est.
Battleford (Agency/Agence) Saskatchewan
From other sources: Battleford Agency administered to Red Pheasant, Stonies, Sweet Grass, Poundmaker, Little Pine, Moosomin, and Thunderchild Reserves. These first nation bands should be enumerated here.
Battleford (North/Nord) Saskatchewan
The 1901 census covers an area including the NWMP Barracks, RC Church, HBC Store, Post Tel Office, Four Mill, Public School, Herald Regional Office, Hotels, Stables of Battleford
Battleford (South/Sud) Saskatchewan
The 1901 census covers an area including Main office, B'ford Industrial School, Register Office, and the location is near Sweet Grass Reserve.
Battleford Village
Mentioned on the 1901 census schedule two under placename Onion Lake
See 1901 census placename of Meota. Later name for Beachview was Meota.
Beardy's Band
Beardy's Band, Duck Lake is enumerated at 1901 census placenames of Duck Lake Agency.
Beaverdale Assiniboia East/Est 15 26 7 W 2
1900 and present day location. Beaversdale, Beaver Dale alt spelling. 1901 census mentions William McGrath - Yorkton P.O. NE 22-Tsp 26-Rge 7-W2, and Duncan Bros - Yorkton P.O. NE 36-26-7-W2. SW of Orcadia 26-26-5-W2. NW Yorkton 35-25-4-W2.
See alt spelling of Beaverdale, Beaver Dale.
See the 1901 census placenames of Carmel [actual 1901 census place name is 'Carwel'] and Marlborough.Present day Belbeck at 31-17-26-W2 is SW of Carwel which does not exist anymore. Belbeck is SE of Marlborough.
Beljennie Saskatchewan 28 41 14 W 3
Present Location is at 24-41-14-W3. 1891 Location - Baljennie is the correct spelling. Beljennie schedule 2 mentions Red Pheasant Reserve for a nearby location to this census area.
Bellegarde Assiniboia East/Est 25 6 31 W 1
Present Location is at 36-6-31-W1. 1898 Location. Current spelling is Bellegarde. On Census spelling is Bellgarde, Belgarde and in the placename listing is Belle-Garde. Included also is the placename Antler, Antler Hall and a school (?cole dans la Fran?ais)
Bellevue Saskatchewan
The 1901 census area for Bellevue includes Tsp 44-Rge 28, Tsp 43- Rge 28, Tsp 42-Rge 27, Tsp 41- Rge 28, Tsp 42- Rge 28. This 1901 census placename of 'Bellevue' is Isidore de Bellevue. St. Isidore de Bellevue named 1904-1927 at 2-44-28-W2. In 1927 briefly assumed the name Middleton Hill for 3 months at 35-43-28-W2. In 1927 changed name to Garonne at location 23-43-28-W3 (St. Isidore de Bellevue named 1927 RE-using the name. Former name was Garonne 1897-1927 at 10,12 -44-28-W2.)
See New Hastings. On the 1901 census area are Stanley Sec 4-Tsp 14-Rge 30-W1, New Hastings Sec 31-Tsp 14- Rge 30-W1, Bellfield Sec12- Tsp 14-Rge 30-W1. None still exist. Present day Welwyn 35-15-30-W1 is N of this area, and Moosomin 32-13-32-W1 is SW
Benbecula Assiniboia East/Est 3 14 1 W 2
1886 Location. Benbecula (does not exist anymore) location is SW of Wapella at 9-15-33-W1.
Beresina (East) Assiniboia East/Est 30 23 31 W 1
1899 Location. Beresina (does not exist anymore) location is NE of present day Bredenbury at 35-22-1-W2. Berseina 203-g(1) includes Tsp 23,24-Rge 32-W1
Beresina (West) Assiniboia East/Est 30 23 31 W 1
1899 Location. Beresina (does not exist anymore) location is NE of present day Bredenbury at 35-22-1-W2 Berseina 203-g(2) includes Tsp 23,24-Rge 30-W1 Tsp 24-Rge 31-w1
Bethune mentioned on 1901 census for census placename of Chamberlain. Bethune p.o. est. 1905 at 24-20-24-W2
Big Stick Lake Assiniboia West/Ouest
P.O named Big Stick Lake opened in 1911 at 22-14-26-W3. Big Stick Lake does not exist anymore. The location is south of Fox Valley at 26-17-26-W3 and north of Maple Creek at 15-11-26-W3 1901 census covers the area of Tsp 13-Rge 26, Tsp 14-Rge 26, Tsp 13-Rge 26, Tsp 13-Rge 25, Tsp 17-Rge 25, Tsp 16-Rge 24.
Big Stone River
See Lake La Ronge which should be Lac La Ronge. Big Stone River included on f(1)-1
Birch Hills Saskatchewan 20 46 24 W 2
Present location is at 21-46-24-W2. 1895 Location.
Birch River Saskatchewan

Kenlis from 1884-1885 then this location 27-19-11-W3 renamed Blackwood
Mulock - See Kamsack lists on schedule 2 Blazadarockan 30-29-1-W2
The unincorporated village of Blumenort 41-4-W3 is enumerated on the 1901 census placename of Rosthern
Boharm Assiniboia West/Ouest 20 17 27 W 2
Present Location is at 14-46-20-W3. 1890 Location.
Bonne Madone
Bonne Madone is presently located at 3-43-25-W2, the 1900 post office was located at 32-43-24-W2. The 1901 census place name Crooked Lake includes placename Bonne Madone.
Bonnington Station 6-33-4-W3 mentioned on Dundurn 1901 census. (This is not Bonnington P.O. at 19-29-2-W3 which later was named Kenaston )
Later name St. Louis.
Brancepeth Saskatchewan 20 46 23 W 2
Present Location is at 34-46-23-W2. 1891 Location Brancepth is on the 1901 census, it also is the closest present day location to Butler which does not exist anymore.
Bredenbury at 35-22-1-W2 is the closest location to the 1901 placenames of Clumber and Beresina which do not exist anymore.
Bresaylor Saskatchewan 20 46 19 W 3
Present location is at 14-46-20-W3. 1884 location
Brewer at 19-23-5-W2 is the closest present day location to the 1901 census placename of Crescent which does not exist anymore. Brewer is not on the 1901 census.
Broadview Assiniboia East/Est 30 16 5 W 2
1882 Location and present. Mention of many churches and schools, 'Yrrace', Hotel, Spring Hall, and Village.
Brookside Assiniboia East/Est 32 13 1 W 2
1893 location. Brookside (which does not exist anymore) location is North east of present day Vandura at 20-12-1-W2
Buck Lake Assiniboia West/Ouest
There is an actual lake named Buck lake, this one is in Assiniboia West - at 10,15-14-19-W2 The census area covers Tsp 14-Rge19-W2 and Tsp14-Rge20-W2 near present day Gray at 16-14-18-W2 south of Regina.
Buckland 32-48-27-W2 is not on the 1901 census but is the closest present day location to the 1901 census placename of St. Catherine (actual 1901 spelling is St. Catharines)
Buffalo Assiniboia West/Ouest
1901 Census comprises the area for Buffalo Lake [actual] Tsp20-Rge 27-W2, Tsp19-Rge 26-W2, Tsp 20-Rge 26-W2, Tsp 19-Rge 27-W2. Buffalo Lake does not exist anymore Present day Keeler at 7-20-28-W2 and Brownlee 36-20-1-W3 are closest to this location which is north of Moose Jaw. There are records of a Buffalo Lake School Dist at NW10-19-26-W2
Buffalo Head Ranch
The 1901 census place name Crooked Lake includes placename Buffalo Head Ranch.
Buffalo Lake
See 1901 census location Buffalo Buffalo Lake is also close to the 1901 census placename of Point Elma
Burrows 6-16-1-W2 is not on the 1901 census. Burrow is S. of Forrest Farm [actual 1901 census spelling] a 1901 placename at Forest Farm Forrest Farm, an original spelling and 1901 census spelling, has since in other records also been called "Forest Farm".
Butler Saskatchewan
1901 census includes Tsp 47,48-Rge 22, Tsp 48-Rge 22,23. The placename of Butler does not exist anymore. The location is S of Prince Albert, and N of Brancepeth 34-46-23-W2.

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NWT Placenames on the 1901 Census
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