Placename | NWT Provisional District | Sec | Twp | Rge | W Meridian |
Badanaqua | | | | | |
| Badanaqua 34-32-W1 is mentioned on the 1901 census at Pelly 203-x(2)-2
Bahadanofka | | | | | |
| 20-39-8-W3 Bahadanofka, an unincorporated village is located on 1901 census at placename Osler
Balcarres | Assiniboia East/Est | 13 | 21 | 12 | W 2 |
| 1884 Location and present location.
Balgonie | Assiniboia West/Ouest | 3 | 18 | 17 | W 2 |
| 1883 Location and present location.
Baljennie | | | | | |
| See 1901 census placename of Beljennie., however Baljennie is the 1901 census and current spelling of the placename at this location.
Barbour | | | | | |
| Dunleath Station Previous Name, Dunleath name as of 1936. 16-25-2-W2 previous location. (33-25-2-W2 1917 and present location.)
Barrier River | Saskatchewan | | | | |
| Present location at 10-42-12-W2 The 1901 census comprises a Sawmill. Thomas Sauder -Head, Thomas Jones- Foreman, Thomas Campbell- Engineer, William W. Hearn-s Bookkepper, Fred R. Graves- Tail Sawyer, Charles [Howard]- Canter, Walter Copeland- Laborer.
Batoche | Saskatchewan | 17 | 43 | 1 | W 3 |
| (Present location is at 33-43-1-W3.) 1884 Location. 1816 NWC Fort est.
Battleford | | 30 | 43 | 16 | W 3 |
| 1877 Location (Present location is at 30-43-17-W3) 1875-1914 HBC est. 1885 RWMP post est.
Battleford (Agency/Agence) | Saskatchewan | | | | |
| From other sources: Battleford Agency administered to Red Pheasant, Stonies, Sweet Grass, Poundmaker, Little Pine, Moosomin, and Thunderchild Reserves. These first nation bands should be enumerated here.
Battleford (North/Nord) | Saskatchewan | | | | |
| The 1901 census covers an area including the NWMP Barracks, RC Church, HBC Store, Post Tel Office, Four Mill, Public School, Herald Regional Office, Hotels, Stables of Battleford
Battleford (South/Sud) | Saskatchewan | | | | |
| The 1901 census covers an area including Main office, B'ford Industrial School, Register Office, and the location is near Sweet Grass Reserve.
Battleford Village | | | | | |
| Mentioned on the 1901 census schedule two under placename Onion Lake
Beachview | | | | | |
| See 1901 census placename of Meota. Later name for Beachview was Meota.
Beardy's Band | | | | | |
| Beardy's Band, Duck Lake is enumerated at 1901 census placenames of Duck Lake Agency.
Beaverdale | Assiniboia East/Est | 15 | 26 | 7 | W 2 |
| 1900 and present day location. Beaversdale, Beaver Dale alt spelling. 1901 census mentions William McGrath - Yorkton P.O. NE 22-Tsp 26-Rge 7-W2, and Duncan Bros - Yorkton P.O. NE 36-26-7-W2. SW of Orcadia 26-26-5-W2. NW Yorkton 35-25-4-W2.
Beaversdale | | | | | |
| See alt spelling of Beaverdale, Beaver Dale.
Belbeck | | | | | |
| See the 1901 census placenames of Carmel [actual 1901 census place name is 'Carwel'] and Marlborough.Present day Belbeck at 31-17-26-W2 is SW of Carwel which does not exist anymore. Belbeck is SE of Marlborough.
Beljennie | Saskatchewan | 28 | 41 | 14 | W 3 |
| Present Location is at 24-41-14-W3. 1891 Location - Baljennie is the correct spelling. Beljennie schedule 2 mentions Red Pheasant Reserve for a nearby location to this census area.
Bellegarde | Assiniboia East/Est | 25 | 6 | 31 | W 1 |
| Present Location is at 36-6-31-W1. 1898 Location. Current spelling is Bellegarde. On Census spelling is Bellgarde, Belgarde and in the placename listing is Belle-Garde. Included also is the placename Antler, Antler Hall and a school (?cole dans la Fran?ais)
Bellevue | Saskatchewan | | | | |
| The 1901 census area for Bellevue includes Tsp 44-Rge 28, Tsp 43- Rge 28, Tsp 42-Rge 27, Tsp 41- Rge 28, Tsp 42- Rge 28. This 1901 census placename of 'Bellevue' is Isidore de Bellevue. St. Isidore de Bellevue named 1904-1927 at 2-44-28-W2. In 1927 briefly assumed the name Middleton Hill for 3 months at 35-43-28-W2. In 1927 changed name to Garonne at location 23-43-28-W3 (St. Isidore de Bellevue named 1927 RE-using the name. Former name was Garonne 1897-1927 at 10,12 -44-28-W2.)
Bellfield | | | | | |
| See New Hastings. On the 1901 census area are Stanley Sec 4-Tsp 14-Rge 30-W1, New Hastings Sec 31-Tsp 14- Rge 30-W1, Bellfield Sec12- Tsp 14-Rge 30-W1. None still exist. Present day Welwyn 35-15-30-W1 is N of this area, and Moosomin 32-13-32-W1 is SW
Benbecula | Assiniboia East/Est | 3 | 14 | 1 | W 2 |
| 1886 Location. Benbecula (does not exist anymore) location is SW of Wapella at 9-15-33-W1.
Beresina (East) | Assiniboia East/Est | 30 | 23 | 31 | W 1 |
| 1899 Location. Beresina (does not exist anymore) location is NE of present day Bredenbury at 35-22-1-W2. Berseina 203-g(1) includes Tsp 23,24-Rge 32-W1
Beresina (West) | Assiniboia East/Est | 30 | 23 | 31 | W 1 |
| 1899 Location. Beresina (does not exist anymore) location is NE of present day Bredenbury at 35-22-1-W2 Berseina 203-g(2) includes Tsp 23,24-Rge 30-W1 Tsp 24-Rge 31-w1
Bethune | | | | | |
| Bethune mentioned on 1901 census for census placename of Chamberlain. Bethune p.o. est. 1905 at 24-20-24-W2
Big Stick Lake | Assiniboia West/Ouest | | | | |
| P.O named Big Stick Lake opened in 1911 at 22-14-26-W3. Big Stick Lake does not exist anymore. The location is south of Fox Valley at 26-17-26-W3 and north of Maple Creek at 15-11-26-W3 1901 census covers the area of Tsp 13-Rge 26, Tsp 14-Rge 26, Tsp 13-Rge 26, Tsp 13-Rge 25, Tsp 17-Rge 25, Tsp 16-Rge 24.
Big Stone River | | | | | |
| See Lake La Ronge which should be Lac La Ronge. Big Stone River included on f(1)-1
Birch Hills | Saskatchewan | 20 | 46 | 24 | W 2 |
| Present location is at 21-46-24-W2. 1895 Location.
Birch River | Saskatchewan | | | | |
Blackwood | | | | | |
| Kenlis from 1884-1885 then this location 27-19-11-W3 renamed Blackwood
Blazadarockan | | | | | |
| Mulock - See Kamsack lists on schedule 2 Blazadarockan 30-29-1-W2
Blumenort | | | | | |
| The unincorporated village of Blumenort 41-4-W3 is enumerated on the 1901 census placename of Rosthern
Boharm | Assiniboia West/Ouest | 20 | 17 | 27 | W 2 |
| Present Location is at 14-46-20-W3. 1890 Location.
Bonne Madone | | | | | |
| Bonne Madone is presently located at 3-43-25-W2, the 1900 post office was located at 32-43-24-W2. The 1901 census place name Crooked Lake includes placename Bonne Madone.
Bonnington | | | | | |
| Bonnington Station 6-33-4-W3 mentioned on Dundurn 1901 census. (This is not Bonnington P.O. at 19-29-2-W3 which later was named Kenaston )
Boucher | | | | | |
| Later name St. Louis.
Brancepeth | Saskatchewan | 20 | 46 | 23 | W 2 |
| Present Location is at 34-46-23-W2. 1891 Location Brancepth is on the 1901 census, it also is the closest present day location to Butler which does not exist anymore.
Bredenbury | | | | | |
| Bredenbury at 35-22-1-W2 is the closest location to the 1901 placenames of Clumber and Beresina which do not exist anymore.
Bresaylor | Saskatchewan | 20 | 46 | 19 | W 3 |
| Present location is at 14-46-20-W3. 1884 location
Brewer | | | | | |
| Brewer at 19-23-5-W2 is the closest present day location to the 1901 census placename of Crescent which does not exist anymore. Brewer is not on the 1901 census.
Broadview | Assiniboia East/Est | 30 | 16 | 5 | W 2 |
| 1882 Location and present. Mention of many churches and schools, 'Yrrace', Hotel, Spring Hall, and Village.
Brookside | Assiniboia East/Est | 32 | 13 | 1 | W 2 |
| 1893 location. Brookside (which does not exist anymore) location is North east of present day Vandura at 20-12-1-W2
Buck Lake | Assiniboia West/Ouest | | | | |
| There is an actual lake named Buck lake, this one is in Assiniboia West - at 10,15-14-19-W2 The census area covers Tsp 14-Rge19-W2 and Tsp14-Rge20-W2 near present day Gray at 16-14-18-W2 south of Regina.
Buckland | | | | | |
| Buckland 32-48-27-W2 is not on the 1901 census but is the closest present day location to the 1901 census placename of St. Catherine (actual 1901 spelling is St. Catharines)
Buffalo | Assiniboia West/Ouest | | | | |
| 1901 Census comprises the area for Buffalo Lake [actual] Tsp20-Rge 27-W2, Tsp19-Rge 26-W2, Tsp 20-Rge 26-W2, Tsp 19-Rge 27-W2. Buffalo Lake does not exist anymore Present day Keeler at 7-20-28-W2 and Brownlee 36-20-1-W3 are closest to this location which is north of Moose Jaw. There are records of a Buffalo Lake School Dist at NW10-19-26-W2
Buffalo Head Ranch | | | | | |
| The 1901 census place name Crooked Lake includes placename Buffalo Head Ranch.
Buffalo Lake | | | | | |
| See 1901 census location Buffalo Buffalo Lake is also close to the 1901 census placename of Point Elma
Burrows | | | | | |
| Burrows 6-16-1-W2 is not on the 1901 census. Burrow is S. of Forrest Farm [actual 1901 census spelling] a 1901 placename at Forest Farm Forrest Farm, an original spelling and 1901 census spelling, has since in other records also been called "Forest Farm".
Butler | Saskatchewan | | | | |
| 1901 census includes Tsp 47,48-Rge 22, Tsp 48-Rge 22,23. The placename of Butler does not exist anymore. The location is S of Prince Albert, and N of Brancepeth 34-46-23-W2.