Saskatchewan Gen Web - One Room School Project - Home Page


Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage. The one room school house of the late 1800s of the NWT and early 1900s provided education to a burgeoning population. This website honors the communities, teachers and students of that era.

  • ALPHABETICAL Listing One Room Schools, 1850 - 1950.
    Before the advent of large administrative units in the middle 1900s, new communities came together to provide education. Soon there were small school districts every 4-6 miles apart. Most districts consisted of a single 'One Room School' which helped to establish their placename on a map. This section provides an alphabetical listing of some of the nearly 5,000 one room schools. They remain a haven for memories of an earlier time.

  • Footnote Sources.
    School house names, and locations sources which comprise Local History - Family Biography Books, provincial archive listings, Department of Education listings, Canada Library and Archive databases, maps and other books which have been used so far. Note: This listing is not complete at this moment - if you have a local history book and would like to contribute please e-mail.

  • Freqently Asked Questions
    The answers to a few questions which have arisen from researchers about Saskatchewan One Room Schools.

  • Gallery of pictures.
    An increase of enrolment and attendance saw the demise of the one room school house by introducing the need for larger schools. Some factors which increased school population were the introduction of the 1945 family allowance which improved student attendance, increased public transportation, larger units of school administration and post-war immigration. The gallery lists images in order received -
    Latest additions at bottom of this page --> Gallery 7 | Gallery 6 |Gallery 5 | Gallery 4 | Gallery 3 | Gallery 2. For earlier submissions see Gallery 1
    Gallery images listed in alphabetical order:
    School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

  • Historical notes.
    The growth and evolution process towards formation of early schools of the NWT and Saskatchewan. Educational related chapters from The Story of Saskatchewan and its People By John Hawkes Legislative Librarian 1924

  • Important Notice.
    It has been an honour and pleasure to acknowledge these contributors to the One Room School House Project. It is with pleasure that these schools, history, photos and/or legal land description locations have been added to the Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse website. Thank you very much for these kind submissions. With the help such as this it is hoped to make this as complete a list of school houses as possible, as well as provide history and reminiscences of the One Room School House era. Thank You all of you...

  • Maps
    School District Maps of Saskatchewan showing neighboring schools.

  • Normal Schools in Saskatchewan.
    History of Teacher Training in Saskatchewan, evolution of Normal Schools and University Department of Education. Yearbooks, Images, School and class photographs, history, and articles about the teacher training facilities (Normal Schools) in the North-West Territories (before 1905) and in the early days of the province of Saskatchewan (after 1905).

  • Orders Issued by the Commissioner of Education.
    The majority of these orders contain the full location of theschool districts and dates of organistion. Completely Indexed alphabetically in the books in handwriting, and a sampling of orders digitally resproduced are indexed by Alphabetical transcription. Courtesy of the Archives of Saskatchewan .Collection Call Number R.177.11

    Collection File Number: 4.1
    10 Sept 1901 to 31 Oct 1902

    Collection File Number: 4.2
    Oct 14 1902 to 26 Aug 1903

    Collection File Number: 4.3
    6 Aug 1903 to 9 May 1904

  • PEOPLE and biographies.
    The spirit and initiative of community members who became one roomschool house trustees, teachers, principles are reflected in these biographies. Not only did these teachers brave the wild and woolly west, but they were models to their community,school caretakers, and taught classrooms of multi-age children.

  • Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan Finding Aids
    The Finding Aids, those table of contents or indexes, which may pertain to Department of Education archival holdings at the Saskatoon or Regina offices of the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.

  • Schools and school districts.
    One roomschool house history. The pioneer school houses and districts are treasured by many communities and individuals as is reflected in these WWW sites which house maps of original homesteaders in each school district, names of teachers, principals and students, and/or one roomschool house history. WWW links which are Saskatchewan related.

  • Survey of Education. 1918
    Survey of Education. The Province of Saskatchewan Canada. A Report. Government of the Province of Saskatchewan. by Harold W. Foght, Ph.D. Specialist in RuralSchool Practice, Bureau of Education, Washington, D.C., Regina. J.W. Reid, King's Printer. 1918. Complete book online.

  • The CountrySchool in Non-English Speaking Communities in SK. 1915.
    By Rev. H. Oliver, Ph.D.Principal, Presbyterian Theological College, Saskatoon. Vice President Saskatchewan Public Education League. This address was delivered before the Saskatchewan Public Education League in Regina on September 22nd, 1915. Note this time frame was during WWI (1914-1918). Complete book online.

  • Canada Year Book
    By Statistics Canada. Education Chapters. The various years in the Canada Year Books express the conditions, challenges and progress faced in that era. Browse through the years to see how the educational lifestyle and focus changed, how the past events influenced the schools and educational conditions of the present and the future.

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We are very sorry for any errors or omissions in information and for missing pictures.
We will update the web site as necessary, if you have information or photos you wish to submit.

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URL: school
E-mail Webmaster / Author Julia Adamson
Important Notice

Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, township, range, meridian, vintage, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, education, history, Saskatchewan One Room School Project, Saskatchewan Gen Web, One Room School Project, one room school house, Evolution of Education in Saskatchewan, CA, Can, Saskatchewan School, Sask School, Saskatchewan Schools, Sask Schools, Saskatchewan One Room Schools, Sask One Room Schools, Sask One Room School, Saskatchwean One Room School, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, township, range, meridian, vintage, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, education, history, Saskatchewan One Room School Project, Saskatchewan Gen Web, One Room School Project, one room school house, Evolution of Education in Saskatchewan, CA, Can, Saskatchewan School, Sask School, Saskatchewan Schools, Sask Schools, Saskatchewan One Room Schools, Sask One Room Schools, Sask One Room School, Saskatchwean One Room School, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, township, range, meridian, vintage, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, education, history, Saskatchewan One Room School Project, Saskatchewan Gen Web, One Room School Project, one room school house, Evolution of Education in Saskatchewan, CA, Can, Saskatchewan School, Sask School, Saskatchewan Schools, Sask Schools, Saskatchewan One Room Schools, Sask One Room Schools, Sask One Room School, Saskatchwean One Room School, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, township, range, meridian, vintage, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, education, history, Saskatchewan One Room School Project, Saskatchewan Gen Web, One Room School Project, one room school house, Evolution of Education in Saskatchewan, CA, Can, Saskatchewan School, Sask School, Saskatchewan Schools, Sask Schools, Saskatchewan One Room Schools, Sask One Room Schools, Sask One Room School, Saskatchwean One Room School, Sask rural school, Saskatchewan rural schools, Sask rural school, Saskatchewan rural schools, Sask rural school, Saskatchewan rural schools, © Copyright 1979 -

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We're delighted to welcome you to our new digital abode at and! If you've been a traveler through the pathways of the Provincial Saskatchewan GenWeb and the Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse site hosted by Rootsweb and Ancestry, to find that they have become static without updates nor upgrades, fret not???our webpages will not only endure but thrive at this new domain and new SK One Room Schoolhouse Domain
Patreon: Fueling the Future:

The heartbeat of this endeavor is our Patreon community. Their support ensures not only the financing of this project for the current year but paves the way for future years. It's a collective effort where every contribution propels us forward.

Gratitude to and

A heartfelt thank you to and for providing the foundation. Now, as we transition, we seek your support in finding paid web hosting. Your backing ensures a lasting legacy.

Consider supporting our efforts to document memories and enrich knowledge about Saskatchewan, and places. An appeal is made to preserve invaluable documents like old school yearbooks, classroom photos, images of one room schoolhouses, telephone books, Henderson's directories, city directories, pioneer photos, letters, books, town directories, co-op membership books, credit union and elevator books, grain company records, church books, cattle brand books, school records, church lists, homestead maps, and more. These documents list names of community residents and should be preserved. Placing them online or duplicating them will help prevent the loss of primary source documents for family genealogists

Thank you for being a cherished part of our community. Your passion for history fuels our dedication.

Warm regards,

The Saskatchewan GenWeb Volunteer Team