Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

One Room School House Records -- What You Can Learn From Them,
Province of Saskatchewan, Canada

Pioneer Slogan ~

"A New School Everyday for Twenty Years (1900-1920)."

Original Print Pamphlet: One Room School House Records -- What You Can Learn From Them.
Answers to questions

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage. The one room school house of the late 1800s in the NWT and early 1900s provided education to a burgeoning population. This project honors the communities, teachers and students of that era.?


The objective of the Saskatchewan One Room School Project is an online project for those interested with the digital preservation of Saskatchewan country schools, recording the location of one room schools, celebrating the legacy of schoolhouses remaining, restored or commemorated by plaque or picture, the history of the people and places involved. A digital image gallery captures records, teacher and pupil letters, report cards, school photographs, biographies, year books, memories, class photos and recollections from those who taught and attended Saskatchewan One Room School houses.

Where are these schools today?? Do any remain?? The School Districts Listing contains the names, legal land description and dates of establishment of over 5,000 schools.

How did schools obtain teachers? Saskatchewan Normal Schools and Union Schools were the precursors of University courses providing teacher training when there was a drastic shortage of teachers in Saskatchewan. ?What about yearbooks?

How did the one room school house education system evolve into the school system in use today? Book transcriptions of pioneer school planning are complemented with a timeline; the Evolution of Education in Saskatchewan.? Reminiscences are included and the guestbook provides an online centre to reach out to the one room school community.? The One Room Schoolhouse is an endangered species today.

What has been the role of the One Room School House District to your family, in the community and for the province of Saskatchewan?? How can you help preserve the memories of this important and vanishing segment of our history before they are lost forever??

We encourage everyone to become involved!
Saskatchewan Gen Web
Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project
Online Historical Map Digitisation Project

saskgenweb AT

The SaskatchewanGenWeb project, Discover your Saskatchewan Family History, is hosted by volunteer researchers who either live in their own region or who are familiar with the local resources becoming an online resource for international genealogists.? A GenWeb site is generally used as a learning tool or stepping stone for researchers hoping to learn more about their geographical area of research, coordinators add to the existing online data and create web pages which collect and distribute genealogical data on the web which answer questions or point researchers in the direction they need.


The provincial website is the gateway linking to the local regional GenWeb areas therefore you can get closer to your place of interest and connect with area residents and fellow researchers.

Saskatchewan Gen Web Provincial Genealogy Resources

1. Swift Current

2. Moose Jaw

3. Weyburn

4. Kindersley

5. Regina

6. Yorkton

Lloydminster region 10 Prince Albert region 11 Battleford region 7 Saskatoon Region 8 Kamsack Region 9 Kindersley Region 4 Regina Region 5 Swift Current Region 1 Moose Jaw Region 2 Weyburn Region 3 Yorkton Region 6
7. Battleford

7a. St. Joseph's Colony

8. Saskatoon

9. Kamsack

10. Lloydminster

10a. Barr Colony

11. Prince Albert

Examples of what may be found?

Maps and Names of the region Rural Municipalities, towns and cities

? Geographical and historical facts

? Ethic Culture, Religious History, and? Folklore

?  Reference Materials (census, deeds, biographies, etc.)

?  A lookups section for pertinent genealogical resources

?  Resource Addresses (Libraries, archives, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Family History)

?  Postal addresses and Internet links to:? Genealogical and Historical societies

?  Rural municipal offices, and addresses for vital records

?  Research tips

?  Local History Books

?  Cemeteries; locations and transcriptions -?

?  Census

?  Church Records

?  Genealogy/History events

?  History ? start of settlement, geographical changes over the years

?  Land Petitions/Records Newspapers

?  Local Web Links??

?  Pioneer Families - A list of family surnames who arrived within 20 years of settlement, and biographies.???

?  Visiting -- Places of genealogical interest not to be missed if visiting this area.?

? Links to Query Boards/Message Board systems to network local information

?  Mail List to connect with fellow researchers

???? SaskGenWeb


???? ?SK Schools




  • - is there a requirement to submit school records to the archives, the ministry of education, or the school division?

    As per Government of Saskatchewan protocol, the various Ministries (previously called Departments of the Government of Saskatchewan) all send their historical or archival information to the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan. Similarly, cities send their historical documents to their city archives, and University heritage papers are stored in University archives.

    That being said, there perhaps are school records being held by former school trustees, former teachers, pupils or residents, the consolidated school division who assumed management of the one room schoolhouse district, local museums, and libraries. At times documents were destroyed by fire or flood. If, perchance, when sorting through papers or settling an estate, one would come across historical school document paperwork, old photographs, or any historical memorabilia it would be fantastic to digitize the same, and send the digital copies to:
    By sending out a digital copy to these repositories, the best fit to preserve and store the actual physical item, paper or book can be found. Whereas the SK one room schoolhouse project only serves the online medium, it is still fantastic to email a digitized version of the one room schoolhouse document, before the paper edition is preserved at the archives, museum or library.

    By the same token, if doing genealogical or historical research in an archives, library or museum, any digitized research papers about Sk one room schoolhouses would be appreciated at the Sk one room schoolhouse project if proper and adequate permissions were ascertained and requested. (Thank you most kindly)

  • - Where is the best place to find school records?

    To seek out paper documents, there are records held at both the Saskatoon and the Regina branches of the provincial archives of Saskatchewan. The Department of Education, as mentioned, did submit all records to the archives, and it is stored under various headings. Reference numbers in the provincial archives search engine called "threshold" beginning with "R" are those papers held in Regina, and reference numbers initiated with "S" are in the Saskatoon branch office.

    There are many museums and libraries who hold local documentation and historical records. Staff at museums know what is in their collections, and what type of information they have about the local one room school districts in their area, which varies depending upon local resident submissions.

    Librarians, are well versed with their catalog system, and which local history books have been compiled in relation to school districts, and if their library holds further information in the way of photographs, yearbooks, &c depending on their acquisitions department.

    The contemporary school division, similarly may hold historical yearbooks or may have delved into historical research at some time or another. Saskatchewan is a pretty friendly bunch.

  • - where can I find teacher records?

    Teacher records are unique when it comes to copyright and privacy laws. Actual Department of Education employment contracts are subject to privacy laws, and family would need to show genealogy for access to the complete file. Usually if such a file is available it would be redacted (personal information removed)

    That being said, it is public knowledge, and not protected to ascertain the names of teachers, and the dates they held positions in the various one room school houses. This information can be gleaned from a wide variety of sources, including the Sk one room schoolhouse project.

    If you are researching this point for genealogical purposes, it is best to start with what is known, and work towards what is unknown. There are a couple of getting started start here guides online for Saskatchewan along with a compilation of resources available provincially. The regional gen webs, have local resources posting boards and mailing lists listed on the region genweb pages.

    The historical census which have been released may give an indication if a person enumerated were a teacher. The Henderson's Directories and Polk directories have many years and localities transcribed online which may be of use. In book format are sorted name and address, however, now that they are online, they can be searched by keyword.

    The local history books published circa 1955 (the province's 50th anniversary), circa 1980-1981 (Saskatchewan's 75th anniversary), or 2015 (the 100th birthday) may also have a compilation of school house history, recollections and pictures submitted by local history research committees, local residents, former pupils, and/or former teachers. The school districts recorded in the various local history books are coming online at the Footnotes web page. The titles of these books can perhaps be found in either the University library or Saskatchewan public library online searches. Quite a few of the local history books have been digitized by Our Roots Nos Racines, and can be found online. Local history books are becoming rare, at times the local museum or Rural Municipality Office may know if any additional copies of the local history books are still available from their printing request, otherwise a rare history book may be offered used online through various used book stores.

    The 1955 heritage booklets published by the students and teachers of the one room schoolhouses may furnish more information as might the Clippings file (coming online).

    Furthermore, placing a note on the Sk One Room Schoolhouse guestbook may help make a connection online with former students and teachers.

  • - is there anyone who researches schools that would have been within 20 mile radius of Regina?

    Records held in the Saskatoon branch or the Regina branch of the Provincial archives of Saskatchewan might be transferred between office depending on the type of record being requested, and the size of it. If it can be found in rovincial archives of Saskatchewan search engine "Threshold" then it may behoove the researcher to follow up on a request to view it at either the Saskatoon or Regina location.

    The Saskatchewan Genealogy Society offers a training course to certify researchers. If you are seeking to do long distance research, and have exhausted all online avenues and searchable listings at the Saskatchewan Gen Web, the Saskatchewan one room schoolhouse project, the provincial archives of Saskatchewan, various local and provincial museums, and library network, then you may be wise to hire a researcher from the Saskatchewan Genealogy Society.

    The Sk One Room SchoolHouse Project, library, museum or archives may indeed be so inclined to give an answer or a further suggestions to assist you on your search if you pop off an email stating which routes you have researched, and what your dead end seems to be.

    If anyone wishes to place their name online as a volunteer in this capacity for the Saskatchewan Gen Web or the Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse project, it would be fantastic to hear from you.

    If anyone has additional information in regards to the above queries, please email, so the webpage can be updated. Thank you most kindly.

We encourage everyone to become involved!
Saskatchewan Gen Web
Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project
Online Historical Map Digitisation Project

saskgenweb AT


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One Room School House Records -- What You Can Learn From Them, One Room School House Records -- What You Can Learn From Them, One Room School House Records -- What You Can Learn From Them, One Room School House Records -- What You Can Learn From Them, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,