Our pioneer teachers. Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.
  • ARENDT, Ethel May nee LEDINGHAM

    Arendt attended a one-room schoolhouse near Colgate proceeding to Normal School in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. After acquiring her teaching certificate in 1935, she started teaching across southern Saskatchewan from Ravenscrag to Griffin. Following her marriage six years later, she continued teaching to about another ten years before turning to nursing. 25

  • BALL, Augustus H.

    Augustus H. Ball born Jan. 29, 1873 was the provincial Deputy Minister of Education starting in 1912. The Territorial Teacher's Association was formed in 1898, for which Mr. Ball served as secretary. 6Taught school near Qu' Appelle 1897. Principal Maple Creek School, 1898-1901. Principal Moose Jaw, 1901-1903.Appointed inspector of schools with headquarters at Yorkton, 1903. Appointed. assistant - principal Regina Normal School, 1911. Appointed Deputy Minister of Education, 1912. 23

  • BAILEY, William J.

    William J. Bailey, taught at Moose Jaw, the Normal School, and at Laura, Sk,. He served as Vice Principal of Benson school and principal of Albert school and Connaught school of Regina.11

  • BRANION, Dora (REEVE) and Samuel John Albert .

    Samuel John Albert Branionborn on the 7th of October, 1874, taught near Moosomin at the Trafford School and the neighboring school district Orangeville. He also taught at the McKay rural school near Whitewood and Medicine Hat before becoming principal at the Wolseley school. He married Miss Dora Reeve who conducted a private school in their residence before the formation of a school district at Grenfell. 9

  • BRYANT Mrs. Mable Myra, .

    Taught in Portage la Prairie and in Regina. 22

  • BURBACK, Richard

    BURBACK, Richard (July 22, 1931 - Sept 4, 2005) was born in Rhein to Henry and Molly (Mehling) Burback, he attended school in Rhein and Yorkton Collegiate before entering the Moose Jaw Normal School. He taught school for 38 years, first at Grunert School near Yorkton, then in Rhein from 1952 to 1965, serving as principal from 1960 t 1965. While in Rhein, he played trumpet in a small band and taught square dancing. He enrolled at the University of Saskatchewan and obtained his bachelor of education degree in 1966, then returned to Yorkton where he taught, and worked as principal to Victoria School. In 1971, he transferred to Fairview School. From 1972 until his retirement in 1989, he taught at Yorkdale Junior High School. From 1991 to 2001, he and members of his family owned and operated a Subway Restaurant. He was a member of the Lions vlub, the rock and gem club, the multicultural society and the German club.24

  • CALDER, Hon. James Alexander, B.A., LL.D.

    Principal Moose Jaw High School, 1891-94. Inspector Schools, North-west Territories, 1894-1900. Deputy Commissioner North-west Territories, 1901-05. 1905, was appointed Provincial Treasurer and Commissioner of Education 21

  • COFFEY, Ralph

    Ralph Coffey born in Cedar Grove, Iowa in 1909 attended Kennedy school north of Kenosee as a child and high school at Hazel Valley. From 1936-37 Ralph Coffey attended Normal School in Regina. As a pioneer teacher he taught large numbers of students at one room school houses in southern Saskatchewan.5

  • CROSS, Colonel, The Honourable James Albert. (K.C., D.S.O.)

    Taught school for a time. Member Regina Public School Board for four years and chairman one year. 20

  • DEACON, Captain R

    Captain R. Deacon was one of four men who stood at the four corners of the first little log schoolhouse of the North West Territories. These men built the building and hired a teacher in order to get some schooling for their children some years before the government schools were organized.10

  • DENNY, James D.

    James D. Denny, Superintendent of the City Schools of Regina.13

  • GOLDSMITH, Violet

    Violet Goldsmith born 1880, was a graduate of Prince of Wales College, P.E.I. Following Normal School, a teaching vacancy was offered at Stockholm school 1905. Violet embarked on a journey west to impart knowledge to Swedes, Hungarians, Germans and Bohemians as the first teacher of the Stockholm School. When she starts out, there wasn't a schoolhouse built and they used the church. 3

  • HUTCHISON, Frank (September 12, 1865-March 18, 1935)

    John Franklin Hutchison, known as Frank Hutchison, was born on a farm near Columbus, Ontario on September 12, 1865 to Canadian parents, William Hutchison and Sarah Vickery. He was the eldest of their three children. The Hutchisons moved to a new farm in Meaford, Grey County, Ontario in 1875 when Frank was still a boy. He went to high school in Owen Sound and presumably took some of his Normal School training there before becoming a teacher around 1885. 27 (Read More)

  • JANZEN, William Eldon

    Janzen, a teacher in several one room country schools in Saskatchewan between 1916-1927; enrolled in the University of Alberta's dentistry program in 1927. Photo album, Teaching certificates and contracts online. 28

  • LATTA, Honourable Samuel:

    A Minister of Education, author of several educational works. A popular speaker on educational subjects 19

  • MACKEY, Dr. Mary Isabel

    Dr. Mary Isabel Mackey 1898-1986 was responsible for teaching children in the Stalwart, Saskatchewan community's one-room schoolhouse. 4

  • MATHESON, Rev. Canon Edward K.

    Rev. Edward K. Matheson born on the 21st of April, 1855 was appointed superintendent of Indian Missions in 1914.7

  • MACLEAY, Colin

    Colin Macleay first school teacher in the Saltcoats area at Eden School District, No. 197 (Sask.).14

  • MCLENAGHEN, Jessie Louise

    Jessie Louise McLenaghen born Dec. 3, 1888 near Balderson Corners, Lanark County, Ontario, to John and Elspeth (McIlquham) McLenaghen. Jessie taught for awhile here in Ontario, then moved Portage La Prairie, Manitoba in 1904 and then taught grade school in southern Manitoba and Saskatchewan. She helped to instill home economics in school courses until her passing 19 December 1968.2

  • MOORMAN, Josephine

    My mother Josephine Moorman taught school at Quill Plains in 1913 to 1915. She came from Indiana. Submitted by M. Goodrich 15

  • NEILSON, Orma (HUTCHISON) (1889-October 4, 1967)

    My portrait of Orma Vinetta Hutchison is much fuller. She finished high school in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and obtained her Standard VIII certificate from the Department of Education in August, 1907. She may have had some initial Normal School training in P.A. as well, because she obtained her first class certificate when she graduated from Normal School in Regina in the summer of 1908. She was then 18 years old, like many Normal school trained female teachers when they started out.27 (Read More)

  • PEARCE, Ethel; LONG, Marguerite; DICKLE, Ivy :

    At Creelman Homecoming Hundreds of friends rediscover the past. Ethel Pearce taught at Creelman School. E. Marguerite Long, taught in Creelman from 1960-65. Ivy Dickie was the teacher of Sequin School, about 16 kilometres northeast of Creelman. 17

  • PERRETT, Thomas Edwin.

    Colonel Perrett,principal of the Normal School at Regina was born , on the 13th of February, 1871. Perrett was a teacher in the Regina Normal School in 1904 before becoming the principal there 1906. He served three years as Superintendent of Regina Schools before returning as principal to the Normal School. AFter serving in the Great War, he returned as Principal of the Normal School again 1918 - 1925. It is of note that Colonel Perrett was among the leading educators of western Canada.8 26

  • Saskatchewan women teachers 1905-1920 : their contributions

    "The Canadian Northwest could not have been settled, maintained, or developed without women. ... Among the many women who so silently and steadily halped in the formation of a strong Canadian West was the vast army of women teachers." 16 Our Roots Canada's Local Histories Online - Women teachers--Saskatchewan--History

  • SHKLANKA, Elias and Xenia (CHERNEY)

    Elias and Xenia (Cherney) Shklanka were both teachers in the Hafford area for 25 years. WDM Prairie Gamble - Family History Album Shklanka family . 18

  • SIFTON, Joseph Wright

    .Joseph Wright Sifton principal and then Superintendent of Moose Jaw City Schools.12


    Don Stephens was born in Yorkton, Sask., on Oct. 25, 1931 to parents who were teachers. He himself taught at a one-room schoolhouse outside the farming community of Goodeve, Sask and later became a professor at UBC.1

1Excerpted from: Canadian Literature / Litterature Canadienne. UBC. Vancouver BC. By Tom Hawthorn, Special to The Globe and Mail Tuesday, February 5, 2002 – Print Edition, Page R9

2Excerpted from: The Homeroom: Jessie McLenaghen

3Excerpted from: Excerpts from this file were published in Saskatchewan History(Winter 1984; Volume XXXVll No.1; pages 32 to 34)under the title "Stockholm's First Teacher." Copyright?1999. edited by Brian M. Brown. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.first posted February 1999. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/4850/Vi-Sask.htm then transfered to http://www.alittlehistory.com on Jan. 10/01

4Excerpted from: Mary Isabel Mackey Award

5Excerpted from: Saskatchewan Teachers Federation

6Excerpted from: Augustus H. Ball. The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People by John Hawkes Legislative Librarian Volume III Illustrated Chicago - Regina The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 1924

7Excerpted from: Edward K. Matheson. The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People by John Hawkes Legislative Librarian Volume III Illustrated Chicago - Regina The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 1924

8Excerpted from: Thomas Edwin Perret. The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People by John Hawkes Legislative Librarian Volume III Illustrated Chicago - Regina The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 1924

9Excerpted from: Samuel John Albert Branion. The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People by John Hawkes Legislative Librarian Volume III Illustrated Chicago - Regina The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 1924

10Excerpted from: Captain R. Deacon. The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People by John Hawkes Legislative Librarian Volume III Illustrated Chicago - Regina The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 1924

11Excerpted from: William J. Bailey. The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People by John Hawkes Legislative Librarian Volume III Illustrated Chicago - Regina The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 1924

12Excerpted from: Joseph Wright Sifton. The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People by John Hawkes Legislative Librarian Volume III Illustrated Chicago - Regina The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 1924

13Excerpted from: James D. Denny. The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People by John Hawkes Legislative Librarian Volume III Illustrated Chicago - Regina The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 1924

14Excerpted from: Eden School District, No. 197 (Sask.)

15Submitted by: M Goodrich

16Excerpted from: Saskatchewan women teachers 1905-1920 : their contributions

17Excerpted from: Weyburn Review: At Creelman Homecoming Hundreds of friends rediscover the past

18Excerpted from: WDM Family History AlbumSHKLANKA Family

19Excerpted from: Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: LATTA: Honourable Samuel.

20Excerpted from: Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: CROSS, Colonel, The Honourable James Albert. (K.C., D.S.O.)

21Excerpted from: Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: OALDER: Hon. James Alexander, B.A., LL.D.

22Excerpted from: Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: BRYANT : Mrs. Mable Myra.

23Excerpted from: Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: BALL: Augustus H., M.A., LL.B..

24Excerpted from: Canora Courier, October 12, 2005 Page B6

25Excerpted from:Ethel Arendt Published: Thursday, April 19th, 2012 vre Daily News.

26Excerpted from: HistoricPlaces.ca Canada's Historic Places (Parks Canada) features this heritage residence of Jim and Linda Dickenson also known as the Hall Residence and the T.E. Perrett Residence

27Excerpted from: A story about a Pioneer Saskatchewan School Inspector and his One Room School House teacher daughter. J.Frank Hutchison (1865-1935) and Orma V. Neilson (1890-1967) By Lisa G. Hendersone 28Excerpted from: A photo album from William Eldon Janzen DDS (1896-1977) By Sandra Janzen

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