In 1912 Rev. Edward K. Matheson was made a Canon of the Church of England. He has been a minister in the Anglican church for years and for some thirty-five years has made his home in Battleford. He was born on the 21st of April, 1855, in Kildonan, Manitoba, a son of Hugh and Letitia (Pritchard) Matheson, likewise natives of Manitoba. His father taught school in early manhood and later engaged in farming, which he followed the remainder of his active life. He died in June, 1864. Mrs. Matheson died on the 26th of February, 1909. The public schools of his birthplace afforded Edward K. Matheson his preliminary education and later he attended St. John's College School and Emmanuel College at Prince Albert, from which latter institution he was graduated in 1882. It was in that institution that he studied for the ministry and he was ordained on the 2d of May, 1880, two years prior to his graduation. He was stationed at Lethbridge two years and since that time has held various charges in Saskatchewan. He has resided in the old town of Battleford since 1888. When Mr. Matheson came west in 1877 he walked all of the way from Winnipeg, driving oxen who drew Red River carts containing his household goods. There was no town at Battleford then and he located at Sandy Lake, where he engaged in school teaching for several years. Later he had charge of the Indian Industrial School in Battleford, being active in that connection for nearly twenty years. He was appointed superintendent of Indian Missions in 1914, and has since been active in that position. In 1912 Mr. Matheson was made Canon of the Church of England. He is one of the most highly esteemed and respected men in the district and is widely known for his charity and kindliness. Mr. Matheson has been twice married. He was married to Miss Josephine K. Raymond of London, Ontario, on the 15th of June, 1892, and they had three children, all of whom died young. Mrs. Matheson's death occurred on the 24th of May, 1903. On the 1st of June, 1905, Mr. Matheson was married to Miss Eleanor Sheppird, a graduate of the Church of England Deaconess House, Toronto, Ontario. They were the parents of one child, who has passed away. Mr. Matheson is an exemplary member of the Masonic craft, of which he is a past master. He has a won- derful collection of relics which he acquired from time to time and is very fond of exhibiting them. As a pioneer citizen of Battleford he has been influential in the continued growth of the community. Bibliography follows:

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