James D. Denny, Superintendent of the City Schools of Regina, has
been engaged in educational work ever since he was sixteen years of age,
when he began to teach in Durham county, Ontario, under a second-class
certificate. Before he came to Regina in 1920 he had a wide experience
in school administration and had been principal of one of the largest
schools in Ottawa for fifteen years. When he assumed charge of the
school system of Regina, therefore, the people felt that they were indeed
fortunate in securing the services of so competent a man to care for the
educational interests of their children.
Born near Lindsay, Ontario, James D. Denny is the only living child
of James and Ann (Davidson) Denny, the father a native of the north
of Ireland and the mother was born in Ontario. James Denny was edu-
cated in his native land and as a young man came out to Canada, where
he engaged in agricultural pursuits.
Their son, James D. Denny, received his early education in Lindsay,
following which he attended the Peterborough Collegiate Institute and
subsequently Queen's University, from which he graduated with the Bache-
lor of Arts degree in the class of 1908. When he was but sixteen years
old he met the requirements for a second-class teacher's certificate and
began what was to he his life work-teaching. In 1898 he went to Ottawa,
where he became an assistant principal and after seven years' experience
in this capacity, he was made principal of one of the largest schools in
the capital. Fifteen years later he came to Regina to fill the position of
Superintendent of City Schools. He now has under his supervision fifteen
schools, a teaching force of more than one hundred and fifty teachers and
over six thousand pupils. A sufficient evidence of Mr. Denny's qualifi-
cations for this important position is found in the thoroughly
and efficient school system which is one of the things to which the citizens
of Regina point with justifiable pride. Possessing a high conception
the duties and responsibilities of an educator, Mr. Denny devotes his
entire attention to his school work, never allowing his energies to
force by scattering them through various lines of activity. Consequently
he has not only maintained an excellent system for the administration
educational affairs, but many a pupil has been inspired to attempt large
things through contact with his strong personality, and more than
teacher has done better work because of the timely encouragement
and assistance he has been able to render.
Mr. Denny was married to Miss Eleanor Sutcliffe, who was educated in
Ontario. They have one child, a daughter, Alma, who is secretary to the
Civil Service Commissioner of Saskatchewan. The family is affiliated with
the Knox Presbyterian church, in which Mr. Denny is an elder. Mr.
Denny belongs to the Masonic order, and is a thirtieth degree member
of the Scottish Rite. He was master of Dalhousie Lodge in Ottawa dur-
ing his residence in that city. He is also a member of the Canadian Or-
der of Foresters and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. While in
Ottawa he took an active part in local church and municipal affairs and
for six years served on the city council. He also served for three years
as a member of the Advisory Council of the Minister of Education for
Ontario, being elected to that position by his fellow teachers of his native
province. Since coming to Regina he has been elected to the membership
of the Rotary Club and represents his profession in that organization.
He has also occupied the position of chairman of the Playgrounds Commis-
sion of Regina for the past four years.
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