In considering the growth of any community and the influence vari- ous men and women have had on its development it is always necessary to pay especial attention to those educators who, as the teachers of the rising generation, have ever played an important part in molding public life and thought. As a man intimately connected with the public school system of Moose Jaw for twenty years, Joseph Wright Sifton, now super- intendent of the city schools, has been an important factor in the intel- lectual and cultural advancement of this city and no account of Moose Jaw today would be complete without some extended mention of his work. Joseph Wright Sifton was born in Middlesex county, Ontario, on the 8th of November, 1872, a son of Joseph W. and Hannah (Sutton) Sifton, both of whom are deceased. His father and mother were each born in Middlesex county, married there and spent all their life in that same locality, where the father operated a farm. Joseph W. Sifton, Sr., was the son of John Sifton, a native of the Emerald Isle, who came to Canada in the early days accompanied by his father, Charles Sifton. The latter made his home in Ontario until his death, which occurred when he had passed the century mark. In connection with his farming interests Joseph Wright Sifton's father operated a cheese factory and in the sum- mer time manufactured butter. He was an active Liberal in political circles and held some of the minor township offices. Both he and his wife were consistent members of the Methodist church. Five of the eight children born to Mr. and Mrs. Sifton are living; Mrs. John Kelley, who makes her home in Ontario; John D., of Moose Jaw, a large farmer of this province; Charles, a farmer of Ontario; and Truman and Joseph Wright, twin brothers. Truman lives on a farm north of Pascoe. Joseph Wright Sifton obtained his early education in the Ontario common schools near his father's farm and the Strathroy Collegiate In- stitute, where he prepared for entrance to Toronto University, from which he graduated with the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1898. All of his mature life Mr. Sifton has been engaged in educational work, where he has reached a position of distinction. He began teaching in the high school at Uxbridge, Ontario, and there remained for three years. After a year spent teaching in the Edmonton schools he came to Moose Jaw, in March of 1903, as principal of one of the city schools. In 1906 he was advanced to the position of superintendent, and he has thus served for nearly eighteen years. Under his able administration the schools have advanced steadily, in keeping with the development in edu- cational methods and with the growth of the city, so that they now rank among the best in western Canada. Mr. Sifton is one of the oldest super- intendents of schools in Saskatchewan in point of the length of time he has held such a position in this province and is one of the men who have been instrumental in building up the educational profession in this part of the Dominion. He was one of the organizers and the first elected president of the Saskatchewan Educational Association, in which he has always been an effective worker. It is a tribute to Mr. Sifton's business ability that he has prospered financially, in spite of the fact that he is connected with a profession that is not generally considered a very lucrative one. When he went to Edmonton in 1902 he was twelve hundred dollars in debt for his rather expensive educational preparation. This borrowed money was well in- vested, however, for the young man forged rapidly ahead in the educa- tional world, unhandicapped by lack of proper schooling and university training. At the same time he saved something from his salary and was soon able to become interested in some financial enterprises of this city. He is now a director of the Saskatchewan Life Insurance Company of Regina and holds a similar office in the Administrative & Executors Trust Company. Moreover, he and his brother own seven sections of excellent farm land in this part of the province which they operate jointly. On the 17th of August, 1904, Mr. Sifton was married to Miss Maude Nokes of Uxbridge, Ontario, who was educated in Uxbridge and taught school before her marriage. One son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Sifton: Steele Sifton, who graduated from the Moose Jaw Collegiate In- stitute in the class of 1923 and the following fall went to Toronto to enter Toronto University. Mr. Sifton is a member of the board of the Metho- dist church, while his wife is active in various branches of the church work. He represents the educational profession in the Moose Jaw Rotary Club and has served as chairman of the local library board, of which he has been a member for a number of years. His political affiliations are with the Liberal party, but he does not take an active part in its affairs, for he rightly considers that he is performing a more valuable public service by devoting his time and talents to the betterment of the public schools than he could possibly do by holding any of the various municipalor provincial elective offices. Bibliography follows:

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