Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, 1906 | Approved by the Governor General in council, 22nd day of January, 1906. PROVINCE Saskatchewan, DISTRICT SUB-DISTRICT Page 1 Date when filled , 1906. Signed by Enumerator. |
Recensement de Manitoba, Saskatchewan et Alberta, 1906. | Approuvé par le Gouverneur Général en Conseil le 22iéme jour de janvier, 1906 PROVINCE Saskatchewan DISTRICT SOUS- DISTRICT Date des entrées , 1906. Signé par enumérateur Page. |
District | # | Subdistrict | Page |
No. of family in order of visitation. |
Name of each person in family |
Relation to head of family. |
Sex. |
Married, single, widowed or divorced. |
Age. |
Country or place of birth. |
Year of immigration to Canada. |
Post Office address. |
Province |   |
District | # | Sous-district | Page |
No. de la famille des visiton. |
Nom de chaque peronne dans la famille. |
Relation aved le chef de famille |
Sexe |
Marié, non-marié, en venvage ou divorcé. |
Age. |
Pays ou lien de naissance. |
Année d'immigration au Canada. |
Post Office |
  |   |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Sk | 16 | 1 | 34 | 30 | 280 | Unsti | Philip |   | M | S | 17 | Galicia | 1904 | Winnipeg | Man | Cotton and Osborne Construction Camp | |
Sk | 16 | 7 | 1 | 9 |   | Urmbrampt | Peter | Servant | M | S | 20 | Belgium | 1897 | New Ottawa |   | Sub Contractor CPR Land | |
Sk | 16 | 1 | 34 | 31 | 280 | Usnock | Joe |   | M | M | 30 | Galicia | 1904 | Winnipeg | Man | Cotton and Osborne Construction Camp |
Transcriber Note: The above listing of "Strays" to the Saskatchewan provincial area was started to enable researchers who were looking for a 1906 resident who did not appear on the census location for their home town. Those listed here either had a Post Office address different from the existing placenames of the census location or were part of a work crew such as a Railway Construction camp or a Survey Camp. This listing is still being compiled. The information provided on this webpage is provided in accordance with National Archives:Noncommercial Reproduction You are our Visitor # visitor-- thanks for stopping by! URL: Copyright |
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