Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

LEWIS LAKE School District # 3400
1916-1950 1950-1962
SE Sec 36 Tsp 40 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian
Longfield, Glen Kelly, Naicam region of Saskatchewan

Lewis Lake School District #3400

LEWIS LAKE School District #3400 History, Teacher and Pupil Listing

Teachers and Pupils Lewis Lake School District 3400 Listing

The district was named Lewis Lake from a lake situated on the N.W. 1/4 of 20, 40, 18, 2 and partly on S.W. 1/4 of 29, 40, 18, 2 which is land presently owned by Alex Neish. The school was to have been built on this land, but a greater percentage of children lived to the northwest, so it was built on the S.E. 1/4 of Sec. 36, 40, 19, 2, which is land now owned by Reigh Long.

The first Lewis Lake schoolhouse was built in 1914—1915 with school opening in 1916. The first teacher was Mrs. Anna Loyns. Subsequent teachers were:

Miss Amy Chappel

Miss Minerva Quenell

Miss Ethel Smith

Mrs. Norma Leask

Mr. Clarence McGuire

Mrs. Isabel Weseen

Mr. MU Watson

Mr. Bill Mikaluk

Miss Meta Evans

Mrs. Clara Thompson

Mr. Pearson Crothers

Miss Lavawn Goranson

Miss Gwendolyn Brougham

Mss Mary Campbell

Miss Marion Ratz

Mrs. Irene Berthold

Miss Marguerite Presber

Mr. Harvey Hegg

Miss Thelma Vennard

Miss Patricia Hand

Miss Mabel Lewis

Miss Arleen Thompson

Mr. C.E. Trueman

Miss Lila Brenna

Miss Mary Cross

Mrs. Margaret Douglas

Miss Violet Beasley

Mrs. Elvina Hirsch

Miss Boris Craig

Mrs. Nora Pederson

Mrs. Rene le Marie Hiebert

At the annual meeting in February of 1950, it was decided to build a new school. This was done during the summer of 1950. The old school was purchased by Lester Weseen and was renovated into a house which is presently situated on the Burton Gilbertson farm. School continued until about the end of the 1962 term. A bus route was then started up to take the children to the Naicam schools. The first bus driver was Launce Hawkins.

In 1970, the school was sold to Harold Sandsbraaten and he moved it onto his farm and renovated it into a house in which he and his family now reside.

Lewis Lake School, continued.

List of students, in alphabetical order, who attended Lewis Lake
School at some time or another between 1916 and 1962:

Anderson, Doreen

Berge, Bertha

Beige, Signe

Birnie, Margaret

Bryant, Winnifred

Bryant, William

Bunnah, Eileen

Bunnah, Rita

Bunnah, Cardinal

Bunnah, Robert

Bunnah, Jack

Bunnah, James

Bunnah, Marie

Bunnah, Donald

Bunnah, Larry

Bums, Marie

Cardiff, Charles

Cook, Arthur

Cook, June

Curtis, Raymond

Curtis, William

Cutler, Raymond

Cutler, Ivor

Davis, Clayton

Davis, Robert

Davis, Margaret

Davis, Jack

Davis, Lois

Davis, Eric

Davis, George

Davis, Stacey

Davis, Barbara

Davis, Margaret
Especeth, Agnes

Especeth, Audrey

Especeth, Srling

Especeth, Hazel

Especeth, George

Fisher, Eleanor

Fraser. Muriel

Fraser, Harry

Fraser, Dorothy

Fraser, Willis

Fraser, Patricia

Fraser, Lyla

Gollinger, Carson

Gollinger, Elsie

Gollinger, Violet

Goodwin, Arthur

Govenlock, Elsie

Govenlock, Mabel

Govenlock, Charles

Govenlock, Gordon

Graff, Edwin

Graff, Elvira

Gudbrandson, Hazel

Gudbrandson, Ina

Gudbrandson, Norma

Hall, Doris

Hall, Evelyn

Hawes, Marcia

Hawkins, Walter

Hawkins, Launce

Hawkins, Arther

Hawkins, Vera

Hawkins, Mabel

Hawkins, Mildred

Hankins, Judy

Holmes, Forrest

Holmes, Mabel

Holmes, Theodore

Holmes, Hazel

Hume, Agnes

Jensen, Thormo

Jensen, Eldor

Jensen, Solveig

Jensen, Ivor

Jensen, Violet

Jestin, Claudia

Jestin, John

Jestin, Bobert

Jestin, Margaret

Kravigk, Nels

Lewis, Aleta

Lewis, Gordon

Lewis, Otis

Lindbloom, Phyllis

Lindbloom, Ford

Lindbloom, Carol

Lindbloom, Grant

Lindbloom, Adelaide

Lindbloom, Joyce

Lindbloom, Jean

Lindbloom, Betty

Lindbloom, Marvin

Lindbloom, Elaine

Livesy, Audrey

Long, Roscoe

Long, Louis

Long, Victor

Long, Lloyd

Long, Fern

Long, Reigh
Long, Randy

Long, Audrey

Long, Lois

Lyonais, Marvin

Lyonais, Delia

Martin, Merle

MeCurrian, John

Mclure, Rena May

Neish, Mary

Neish, Sheila

Neish, Glen

Neish, Gordon

Nikish, Lucien

Nikish, Francis

Olson, Violet

Pederson, Meyer

Pederson, Eleanor

Pederson, Millie

Pederson, Gunvor

Pederson, Ernest

Peterson, Dennis

Peterson, Pauline

Qually, Hazel

Qually, Lawrence

Quinn, Emily

Quinn, Leslie

Quinn, Raymond

Ritchie, Albert

Ritchie, Ethel

Ritchie, June

Ritchie, Orville

Sandsbraaten, Jean

Sandsbraaten, Ruth

Sandsbraaten, Harold

Scaife, Hilda

Sehmelzel, Garnet

Simonson, Margaret

Simonson, Stanley
Sather, Trygve

Starks, Robert

Starks, Shirley

Starks, Thelma

Steep, Robert

Svedin, Eadie

Svedin, Lloyd

Svedin, Mildred

Terry, Ernest

Terry, Hazel

Terry, James

Terry, John

Terry, Loretta

Terry, Mabel

Terry, Violet

Tetrault, Hilda

Tisdel,. Clifford

Tisdel, Omar

Thompson, Clifford

Thompson, Edith

Thompson, Harry

Thompson, Henry

Thompson, Bruce

Thompson, Murray

Thompson, Janet

Wales, Cyril

Wales, Lillian

Wales, Muriel

Wales, Cecil

Wales, Irene

Wales, Alfred

Wales, Marjorie

Wales, Minnie

Wales, Dora

Watt, Albert
Watt, Eva

Watt, Gertrude

Watt, Wilbert

Weigel, Mary

Weigel, Theresa

Wellington, Brenda

Wellington, Verdun

Weseen, Arnold

Weseen, Harris

Weseen, Lester

Weseen, Adelaide

Weseen, Marvin

Weseen, Hazel

Weseen, George

Weseen, William

Weseen, Anna May

Weseen, Forrest

Weseen, Doreen

Weseen, Lorne

Weseen Alice

Weseen, Wayne

Weseen, James

Weseen, Gayle

Weseen, Wade

Weseen, Lorraine

Weseen, Warren

Weseen, Barbara

Weseen, Mark

Weseen, Gregory

Weseen, Ross

Williams, Garnet

Williams, Jack

Williams, Kenneth

Williams, Murray

More information and images on
Lewis Lake School District #3400

This pupil and teacher listing information was part of a Lewis lake scrap book donated by Helen Sandsbraaten to the Naicam Museum.

This information was compiled and submitted by Helen Sandsbraaten in 1980 at the time the Naicam history book was published.

Due to space not all of the write up or student lists made it into the history book.
Gleanings along the way : a history of Naicam, Lac Vert and surrounding districts Bridging the years : Nipawin, Saskatchewan

Thank You to Helen for sharing this information with us.

Regarding the Lewis Lake School District #3400 Images The Lewis Lake emblem, school stamp, and seal are in the repository of the Naicam Museum. The Naicam Museum curator Sandra LeBarre , has kindly consented to allowing the images to be posted digitally on the Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project which is greatly appreciated. The Naicam Museum is making its debut online revealing the characteristics of the museum in Naicam, in order to complement, enhance, and augment the archival collections and traditional displays.

Photographs of Lewis Lake #3400 taken and submitted by Gordon Neish School District Maps are courtesy of the Online Historical Map Digitization Project and the Archives of Saskatchewan. Ratepayer, resident map is courtesy Gordon Neish.

Nearby Placenames and their legal land locations:

Naicam Sec.2, Twp.40, R.18, W2
Longfield Sec.1, Twp.40, R.19, W2 Previously Glen Kelly
Lac Vert located at both NW 1/4 Sec.2, Twp.41, R.18, W2
and at Sec.34, Twp.40, R.18, W2 77

School district maps
Humboldt Right
Prince Albert South


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