Saskatchewan Gen Web - One Room School Project - Numerical Schoolhouse Listing

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Other Presentations of Saskatchewan One Room School Districts
(Sorted by School Name, Placename, township-range location.)

Numerical School District Listing:

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School NameSchool District NumberLocationComments (Source - RM - Date)Neighboring
KIPLING School District # 2500 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Kipling
RUDYARD School District # 2500 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Kipling
DRAHOMANOW School District # 2501 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Peterson
DUSHOMANOW School District # 2501 SE Sec 3 Tsp 38 Rge 27 W of the 2* Meridian (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 Wakaw
GRASS LAKE School District # 2502 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Luseland
GRASS LAKE School District # 2502 SE Sec 11 Tsp 37 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Luseland * / Asor *
SLAGER School District # 2503 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Slager
SLAGER School District # 2503 NW Sec 18 Tsp 3 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian NWT 66 107 Slager * / Oungre *
AUDLEY School District # 2504 SW Sec 24 Tsp 21 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ? 63 - 86 107 1909 to 1965 Waldron
HOWIE VALE School District # 2505 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1909 Superb*
HOWIEDALE School District # 2505 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Superb
SUPERB School District # 2505 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Superb
DRAKE School District # 2506 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Drake
VIEW HILL School District # 2507 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 98 107 107 Estevan
MOUNT ROYAL School District # 2508 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Gull Lake
LILY VALE School District # 2509 NW NW Sec 19 Tsp 31 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian 151 Kamsack
LILYVALE School District # 2509 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Kamsack
MacKINTOSH LAKE School District # 2510 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Middle Lake
PROGRESSIVE School District # 2510 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Tompkins
PROGRESSIVE School District # 2510 NE Sec 13 Tsp 12 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 66 NWT Tompkins * / Leghorn *
WILSON HILL School District # 2511 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Mawer
TRENTON School District # 2512 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Davidson
GERMANIA School District # 2513 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Meacham
SICZYNSKI School District # 2513 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Meacham
SLEZYNSKI School District # 2513 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1910 Meacham *
SONNINGDALE School District # 2513 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sonningdale
WEBB School District # 2514 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Webb
SUNNY NORTH School District # 2515 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
SOUTH MINSTER School District # 2516 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SOUTHMINSTER School District # 2516 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Lloydminster
BIEBERDORF School District # 2517 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Jensen
ARLAND School District # 2518 SE Sec 28 Tsp 11 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 63 107 Bateman
OTTAWA School District # 2519 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Photo 107 Marcelin
CHRISTIANIA School District # 2520 SE Sec 31 Tsp 31 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 63 1910-1956 Buchanan
CHRISTIANIA School District # 2520 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Buchanan
CHRISTIANNIA School District # 2520 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BATTLE HILLS School District # 2521 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Lashburn
BATTLE HILLS School District # 2521 SW Sec 11 Tsp 47 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Lashburn * / Battle Valley * / Unity *
BRODIE School District # 2522 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 see Also RANGER 2522 69 107 Anglia * / Rosetown * / North Battleford
RANGER School District # 2522 Sec Tsp 44 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Began as BRODIE 2522 69 107 Rossall / North Battleford ?[sic]
RIDGEDALE School District # 2523 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Ridgedale
STONEY VIEW School District # 2524 SE Sec 15 Tsp 31 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sheho
STONY VIEW School District # 2524 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HAVELOCK School District # 2525 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Earl Grey
EPP School District # 2526 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Langham
McMILLAN School District # 2527 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Prince
EMMERY School District # 2528 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Gravelbourg
EMMERY School District # 2528 SE Sec 18 Tsp 12 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian SK :66 107 St. Boswells *
PALM School District # 2529 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Grosswerder
VICTORIA School District # 2530 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 107
STRING BUTTE School District # 2531 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Gull Lake
PILOT School District # 2532 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1910
PILOT School District # 2532 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107
DONNELLYVILLE School District # 2533 SE Sec 8 Tsp 16 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 92 107 Herbert
ROSETOWN School District # 2534 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Rosetown
EDWARDS School District # 2535 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Dilke
CLEEVES School District # 2536 NE Sec 5 Tsp 52 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Cleeves
HILLHEAD School District # 2536 Sec Tsp 52 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Cleeves
HILLHEAD School District # 2536 NW Sec 29 Tsp 51 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Turtleford *
SCANDINAVIAN School District # 2537 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 65; 1922 SD name change to WOODHURST (64) Buchanan
WOODHURST School District # 2537 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ; (1922 SD name change from SCHANDINAVIAN 64) 107 1922 Buchanan
ARPAD School District # 2538 SE Sec 29 Tsp 26 Rge 15 [sic] W of the 2 Meridian 63 107 Lestock
ARPAD School District # 2538 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Tyneside
BOROSZCZOW School District # 2538 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
McCOLL School District # 2539 Sec Tsp 1 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 North Portal
HAMPSTEAD School District # 2540 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Margo
HAMPSTEAD School District # 2540 SE Sec 24 Tsp 32 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian SK 66 Margo * / Harold * / Edfield *
BRUCE School District # 2541 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stonehenge/ Limerick
FLORENCE School District # 2541 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Stonehenge
BERNARD School District # 2542 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sunkist
SUNRAY School District # 2542 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sunkist
MORTON School District # 2543 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Broadacres
TACKE School District # 2543 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Broadacres
HOUGHTON LAKE School District # 2544 Sec Tsp 39,40 Rge 18,19 [sic] W of the 2 Meridian 64 (Bremen P.O. Twp.39, R.26, W2 66) 1910 Bremen *
HOUGHTON LAKE School District # 2544 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Bremen / Howell ?
HOUGHTON LAKE School District # 2544 NW Sec 29 Tsp 39 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 1935 Name Change to ST. LASZLO #2544 d 37 1910-1935 Wakaw
HOUGHTON LAKE School District # 2544 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Later called LASZLO 69 107
LASZLO School District # 2544 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. LASALO School District # 2544 SE Sec 26 Tsp 39 Rge 27 W of the 2* Meridian (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 Bremen * / Wakaw
ST. LASZLO School District # 2544 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Bremen / Howell ?[sic]
ST. LASZLO School District # 2544 NW Sec 29 Tsp 39 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 1935 Name Change from HOUGHTON LAKE 2544 37 107 1935-1953 Wakaw
GREEN LAWN School District # 2545 SW Sec 1 Tsp 41 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 91 107 1910-1937 1937-1954 Naicam
GREEN LAWN School District # 2545 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Naicam
WALDHEIM VILLAGE School District # 2546 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Waldheim
LAIRD School District # 2547 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Laird
LAIRD School District # 2547 Sec Tsp 4 [sic] Rge 4,5 W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Laird P.O. Twp.44, R.4, W3 66) 1910 Laird *
LAIRD VILLAGE School District # 2547 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Laird
BRODERICK School District # 2548 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Broderick
KILMORY School District # 2549 SW Sec 1 Tsp 32 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (33-24-W2) 107 Watrous
KILMORY School District # 2549 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian *** Watrous * / Simpson / Imperial
PRESTON School District # 2550 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Ridgedale / (Tisdale ?)
COALVILLE School District # 2551 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shaunavon
POWERMINE School District # 2551 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
POWERMINE School District # 2551 SE Sec 29 Tsp 7 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 66: SK Shaunavon */ Nummola *
OPAL School District # 2552 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Tyner
PAULSON School District # 2552 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Tyner
CITY VIEW School District # 2553 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Moose Jaw
CITY VIEW School District # 2553 Sec Tsp 14,15 Rge 28,29 W of the 3 [sic] Meridian 64 (Moose Jaw P.O. Twp.16, R.26, W2 - 66) 1910 Moose Jaw *
KNOLL HILL School District # 2554 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Eyebrow
LENEY School District # 2555 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Perdue * / Normanton * / Mead * / Lemsford
BLAIR School District # 2556 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kindersley
ROLING PLAINS School District # 2557 SW Sec 15 Tsp 18 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (18-8-W3) Morse
ROLLING PLAINS School District # 2557 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BRUNS School District # 2558 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Illerbrun
BURNS School District # 2558 NW Sec 23 Tsp 11 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 ? 63 107 Illebrun / Simmie
SUNNY BANK School District # 2559 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SUNNYBANK School District # 2559 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Rosetown
SUNNYBANK School District # 2559 Sec Tsp 27,28 Rge 15,16 W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 64 (Rosetown P.O. Twp.30, R.15, W3 66) 1910 Rosetown *
WILDFLOWER School District # 2560 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 1912 AB - Sedalia, AB
WILKIE BAY School District # 2560 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Govan
GAMBLE School District # 2561 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Handel / Landis ? [sic]
HIGHLAND School District # 2562 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Standard Hill * / Standard / Maidstone ?[sic]
RIVER BEND School District # 2562 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Standard Hill / Maidstone ?[sic]
ORANGE VIEW School District # 2563 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Watrous
LETT School District # 2564 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Levant
SWIFT CURRENT TRAIL School District # 2564 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Naseby / Matcham
DETROIT School District # 2565 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Vanscoy
MUDDY LAKE School District # 2565 SE Sec 21 Tsp 39 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Unity *
VERSCHOYLE School District # 2566 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 13 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 107 Talmage
THORNDYKE School District # 2567 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Glasnevin
THORNDYKE, THE School District # 2567 SW Sec 1 Tsp 8 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Glasnevin * / Kayville *
VERONIKA School District # 2568 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 107 Muenster
FORD School District # 2569 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 1,2 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1910 Mazenod
FORDYCE School District # 2569 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Mazenod
QUEEN MAUD School District # 2570 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 South Valley
BLAINE LAKE School District # 2571 Sec Tsp 44 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Blaine Lake
CROCUS HILL School District # 2572 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Flowing Well
PINTO VALLEY School District # 2573 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Woodrow
ACADIA School District # 2574 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Dinsmore BB (merged with Dinsmore)
ST. JEROME School District # 2574 SW Sec 35 Tsp 2 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (325-W2) 107 Buffalo Gap
BLOOMFIELD School District # 2575 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Lanigan
GOULDTOWN School District # 2576 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 (Gouldtown P.O. located at Twp.19, R.9, W3 66); Previously LOWFARM 69 107 Gouldtown
LOWFARM School District # 2576 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65; Later GOULDTOWN 69 107 Gouldtown
PONY BUTTE School District # 2576 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Gouldtown
GLENROSA School District # 2577 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Vanguard
POHORLOWTZ School District # 2578 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 10 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sheho
TARNAPOOL School District # 2579 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1910 Tway *
TARNOPOL School District # 2579 SW Sec 23 Tsp 43 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 101 Tarnopol
TARNOPOL School District # 2579 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Tway
ST. JEAN BAPTISTE de la SALLE School District # 2580 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Delmas P.O. Twp.45, R.18, W3 66) Delmas
GLENHILL School District # 2581 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 23 107 Glenside
GLENSIDE School District # 2581 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 69 GLENSIDE was both 1733 and 2581 107 Glenside
GLENSIDE School District # 2581 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 23 (Outlook P.O. Sec.15, Twp.29, R.8, W3 66) Glenside * / Outlook
HABSBURG School District # 2582 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 24,25 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1910
HABSBURG School District # 2582 SW Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107
HAPSBURG School District # 2582 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 94 Briercrest
LYNDHURST School District # 2583 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Young
RUS School District # 2584 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Hafford
VALLEY School District # 2585 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 107 Leader / Prussia
RIVERHILL School District # 2586 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Chellwood
BELGRAVE School District # 2587 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Brooksby
BELGRAVE School District # 2587 SE Sec 25 Tsp 46 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 63 Fairy Glen
ALMOND School District # 2588 SW Sec 9 Tsp 45 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 63 (SD changed name to Hudson Bay) Hudson Bay
ALMOND School District # 2588 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Hudson Bay
HUDSON BAY JUNCTION School District # 2588 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Hudson Bay
OXFORD CENTRE School District # 2589 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 10 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Nut Mountain / Wadena
SWANSON School District # 2590 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 Wawota
BRIDE School District # 2591 SE Sec 16 Tsp 38 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 63 69 disorganized aft 18/74 107 Macklin
BRIDE School District # 2591 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 29 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Macklin
WHITE ROCK School District # 2592 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Halbrite
GREENDALE School District # 2593 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Bromhead
GREENDALE School District # 2593 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 15,16 W of the 2 Meridian 64 (Bromhead P.O. Twp.2, R.13, W2 66) 1910 Bromhead *
CONNEL School District # 2594 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CONSUL School District # 2594 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
KALVIN School District # 2594 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 ; later CONNEL 69 107 Kelvinhurst
RUTHERFORD School District # 2595 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Moose Jaw
HEILAND School District # 2596 Sec Tsp 37 [sic] Rge 23 [sic] W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Abbnott P.O. Sec.18, Twp.36, R.23, W3 ; Main Centre [sic] P.O. Twp.18,19, R.10, W3 66) 107 Main Centre [sic]
HELLAND School District # 2596 Sec Tsp 26,27 [sic] Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Main Centre NE 5-19-10-W3 64tlas ME) Main Centre [sic] *
HELLAND School District # 2596 Sec Tsp 26,27 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1910
HAYFIELD School District # 2597 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Central Butte
COMET School District # 2598 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Central Butte *
COMET School District # 2598 SE Sec 15 Tsp 22 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 63 1910-1947 Riverhurst
CARDIGAN School District # 2599 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Govan
CARDIGAN School District # 2599 NW Sec 11 Tsp 29 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 66: SK ? 63 School formerly named MURNEY Semans * / Tate *
MURNEY School District # 2599 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Govan
MURNEY School District # 2599 NW Sec 11 Tsp 29 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 63 School Later named CARDIGAN 2599 Semans * / Tate *
MURNEY School District # 2599 NW Sec 11 Tsp 29 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Semans * / Tate *
ERNFOLD School District # 2600 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Ernfold
NASEBY School District # 2601 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Naseby / Matcham
GALABANK School District # 2602 NW Sec 20 Tsp 44 Rge 21A W of the 2 Meridian Places 107 1911 Melfort
GALABANK School District # 2602 Sec 20 Tsp 44 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 16 1911-1944, Fire 1944-1960 Meskanaw
GALABANK School District # 2602 Sec Tsp 44 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Meskanaw * / Makanaw [sic]
CAMEO School District # 2603 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
JACK PINE VALLEY School District # 2603 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
JNO K RITTENHOUSE School District # 2604 NE Sec 15 Tsp 7 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Forward *
MERRINGTON School District # 2604 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kindersley
STRONGFIELD School District # 2605 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1910- June 8 Strongfield
STRONGFIELD School District # 2605 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Strongfield
PLUNKETT School District # 2606 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Plunkett
AUGUSTA School District # 2607 SE Sec 25 Tsp 6 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ? 63 107 Midale
DOBRANIWKA School District # 2608 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Rosthern
NIXONVILLE School District # 2608 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Weekes
VELVA School District # 2609 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 107 Cantuar
MacKINTOSH LAKE School District # 2610 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 23,24 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1910-June 24
RAYMORE School District # 2611 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Raymore
DEFIANCE School District # 2612 Sec Tsp 2 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Estevan
SONNINGDALE School District # 2613 Sec Tsp 39,40 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1910-June 24
SUMMERFIELD School District # 2614 (SE) SE Sec 25 Tsp 36 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 97 107 Elstow
ROLAND School District # 2615 NW Sec 30 Tsp 19 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (20-10-W3) 107 Gouldtown
VIRTUE School District # 2616 (SE) NE Sec 12 Tsp 38 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 107 Saskatoon
KOKESCH School District # 2617 SE Sec 13 Tsp 37 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65(37-27-W3) 107 Cactus Lake
SUMMIT School District # 2618 Sec Tsp 1 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 98 107 Graham Hill
ELTON School District # 2619 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1910, June 24 Parkbeg
ELTON School District # 2619 Sec Tsp 33 [sic] Rge 18 [sic] W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 65 (Parkbeg P.O. Sec.31, Twp.17, R.2, W3 66) Parkbeg
ELTON School District # 2619 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Parkbeg P.O. Sec.31, Twp.17, R.2, W3 66) Parkbeg *
BLESSUM School District # 2620 NE Sec 36 Tsp 15 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 63 Webb
BLESSUM School District # 2620 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Webb
ANTONIO School District # 2621 SW Sec 29 Tsp 32 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 66 107 Amsterdam
MEADOWBANK School District # 2622 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Biggar
PROPECT HIEIGHTS [sic] School District # 2623 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Outlook
PROSPECT HEIGHTS School District # 2623 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BRATTON School District # 2624 NE Sec 23 Tsp 28 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 26 107 1915 Bratton * / Surbiton * / Macrorie
BRATTON School District # 2624 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Bratton / Surbiton *
McNAUGHTON School District # 2625 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Forgan / Wiseton
McNAUGHTON School District # 2625 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1910-June 24 Forgan / Wiseton *
TUNBRIDGE WELLS School District # 2625 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Flintoft
MOSCOW School District # 2626 NW Sec 2 Tsp 18 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 92 107 Beaver Flat
SELMA School District # 2627 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Nipawin
STRATHCONA School District # 2627 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Canora
KINDERSEY School District # 2628 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kindersley
WOOD DALE School District # 2629 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 94 107 Lafleche
NORWEGIAN GROVE School District # 2630 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Lake Lenora [sic]
NORWIDIAN GROVE School District # 2630 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Lake Lenora [sic]
MEDINA School District # 2631 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Landis
ROSE FARM School District # 2632 Sec Tsp 16 Rge W of the Meridian 69 92
ROSEFARM School District # 2632 Sec Tsp Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Herbert
ROYAL EDWARD School District # 2633 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Maple Creek
STUCKEL School District # 2634 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 20,21 W of the 2 Meridian 64 (Ambles P.O. Sec.16, Twp.40, R.20, W2 66) 1910-July 9 Ambles *
STUCKEL School District # 2634 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Ambles / Lenora Lake ?[sic]
BAUDALE / BAUDLE School District # 2635 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sturgis
MELROSE School District # 2635 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sturgis
STURGIS School District # 2635 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sturgis
OLLENBERGER School District # 2636 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Salvador / Macklin ?[sic]
DOBROWODY School District # 2637 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Rama
RALPH School District # 2638 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 12 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Ralph
CENTREVILLE School District # 2639 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 56 1910-1964 Alingly
CENTREVILLE School District # 2639 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spruce Home
BATEMAN School District # 2640 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 69 previously named STEWART 2640 107 Bateman
STEWART School District # 2640 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 94 69 later named BATEMAN 107 Bateman
ST. JULIEN School District # 2641 NW Sec 11 Tsp 42 Rge 28 W of the 2* Meridian (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 107 Carpenter * / Wakaw
ST. JULIEN School District # 2641 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Carpenter / Wakaw
VASLOUTZ School District # 2642 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 107 Buchanan
AUSTIN School District # 2643 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Valley Centre
WEST OSAGE School District # 2644 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 13 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Osage
KEPPEL School District # 2645 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Keppel
TWEEDYSIDE School District # 2645 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Keppel
TWIN BUTTES School District # 2646 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Gull lake
WHITE BEAR School District # 2647 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Tuberose
WHITE BEAR School District # 2647 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 6 [sic] W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Tuberose P.O. Sec.34, Twp.22, R.16, W3 66 ) 1910-July 9 Tuberose *
PRAIRIE QUEEN School District # 2648 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 Kamsack
LOST LAKE, THE School District # 2649 SE Sec 29 Tsp 43 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 66 107 Krydor * / Redberry *
NORTH END School District # 2650 Sec Tsp 40,41 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1910 Macklin
NORTH END School District # 2650 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Macklin P.O. Twp.39, R.28, W3 66) Macklin
SILVER PARK School District # 2650 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Silver Park
DONEGAL School District # 2651 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Donegal / Unity ?
PELLETIER School District # 2652 SE Sec 12 Tsp 10 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 85 94 107 Gravelbourg
PELLETIER School District # 2652 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Gravelbourg
FLORADALE School District # 2653 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Lockwood
MIDDLETON School District # 2654 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Milleton
VALLEY VIEW School District # 2655 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 107 Carmel / Carmell [sic]/ Humboldt
VALLEY CENTRE School District # 2656 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Fiske
VALLEY CITY School District # 2656 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 17,18 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 107 Fiske *
NEWBORGER School District # 2657 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Percival / Persival [sic] / Whitewood ?[sic]
DENZIL School District # 2658 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Denzil
DENZIL (SACRED HEART) School District # 2658 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
NETHERHILL School District # 2659 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Netherhill
SILVER PARK School District # 2660 NW Sec 33 Tsp 42 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Pleasantdale *
NICKLET School District # 2661 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Colonsay
DILKE School District # 2662 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65; previously ELLERSLIE 69 107 Dilke
ELLERSLIE School District # 2662 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65; Later DILKE 69 107 Dilke
EAR HILL School District # 2663 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Broadacres 35-21-W3 66) 107 Broadacres
EAR HILL School District # 2663 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 22,23 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1910, Aug 9 Broadacres *
LITTLE WOODY School District # 2664 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Little Woody / Willow Bunch
BEVITT School District # 2665 NW Sec 33 Tsp 13 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 63 - 2 107 1911-1952 Baildon /Moose Jaw
BEVITT School District # 2665 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Crestwynd / Cristwyn [sic] (Post office)
DAHINDA School District # 2666 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Dahinda
DAHINDA School District # 2666 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 22,23 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1910-Aug 24
RAKOCZI School District # 2667 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Forgan * / Bender
RAKOIZI School District # 2667 Sec Tsp 12,13 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1910-Aug 24 Bender *
LIONS HEAD School District # 2668 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Forgan * / Wiseton
PEARL LAKE School District # 2669 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Hanley
PEARL LAKE, THE School District # 2669 SW Sec 31 Tsp 31 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Hanley *
HARTSBURG School District # 2670 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kerrobert
MONARCH School District # 2671 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Biggar
YORK School District # 2672 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Meacham
ROUSE School District # 2673 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Imperial
ROUSE School District # 2673 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 27-26 W of the 2 Meridian *** Imperial / Simpson
GOOD HOPE School District # 2674 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 85 107 Waldron
BURES School District # 2675 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Bures
BURES School District # 2675 NE Sec 26 Tsp 8 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian SK 2 ACRES 66 Bures * / Amulet *
RED DEER School District # 2676 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Bolney
KOPJE School District # 2677 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sturgis
ARMLEY School District # 2678 SE Sec 3 Tsp 48 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Armley P.O. Sec.6, Twp.48, R.14, W2 66) Armley
ARMLEY School District # 2678 NE Sec 3 Tsp 48 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 1915-Name change to WATERFIELD 2678 40 1910/1912-1915 Armley
WATERFIELD School District # 2678 SE Sec 3 Tsp 48 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (48-11-W2) Armley
WATERFIELD School District # 2678 NE Sec 3 Tsp 48 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 1915 Name was ARMLEY 40 1950 School moved 1/2 mi S & 1/2 mi W of original site 107 1915-1962 Armley
ANTELOPE BUTTE School District # 2679 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Cabri
BIG MEADOW School District # 2679 Sec Tsp 2 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Lake Alma
MAPLE BUSH School District # 2680 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Gilroy
ARABELLA School District # 2681 SW Sec 2 Tsp 36 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Arabella
RADIMNO School District # 2682 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Yorkton
WHEATHEART School District # 2683 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Borden
RUSSELDALE School District # 2684 Sec Tsp 1 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 North Portal
COSY NOOK School District # 2685 Sec Tsp 46 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Cozy Nook * / Wycollar * / Lashburn
COZY MOSK, THE School District # 2685 SW Sec 11 Tsp 46 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Cozy Nook * / Wycollar *
HOLDSWORTH School District # 2686 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Limerick
LIMERICK School District # 2686 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Limerick
TURKEY TRACK School District # 2687 NW Sec 1 Tsp 12 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 SHIP 1985984 94 107 Vanguard
RIDPATH School District # 2688 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Anglia * / Rosetown *
STEWART VALLEY School District # 2689 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stewart Valley
BIRNAMWOOD School District # 2690 NW Sec 16 Tsp 50 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 ? 63 name changed to MEDSTEAD Medstead
DAYLIGHT School District # 2690 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MEDSTEAD School District # 2690 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Medstead
MEDSTEAD School District # 2690 NW Sec 16 Tsp 50 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 ? 63 name used to BIRNAMWOOD 2690 Medstead
WELCOME School District # 2691 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Assiniboia
WELCOME School District # 2691 SW Sec 1 Tsp 9 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Assiniboia * / Congress *
LINDEN School District # 2692 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Ogema
NESS School District # 2693 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Meota
NESS School District # 2693 NW Sec 5 Tsp 48 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 76 ?Little Red Schoolhouse" 1911-1940 when it burned down. 107 1911-1940 Meota
NESS School District # 2693 NW Sec 8 Tsp 47 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 76 In 1958, a central school was built named St. Leon School and remained open until 1968 107 1940-1957 Meota
ANDERSON School District # 2694 SE Sec 6 Tsp 6 Rge 10 W of the 2 Meridian 63 / 65 (6-11-W2) 107 Midale
KILDRUM School District # 2695 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Bruno
KILDRUM School District # 2695 SW Sec 6 Tsp 37 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian SK 66 Bruno * / Carmel * / Pererson *
DAYBREAK School District # 2696 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Neville
DAYBREAK School District # 2696 SE Sec 16 Tsp 12 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian SHIP 2047886 Neville * / Blumenhof *
DAYBREAK School District # 2696 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1940-Sept 22
GOODEVE School District # 2697 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Goodeve
BUDWEIS School District # 2698 NW Sec 31 Tsp 10 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 63 107 Mazenod
BUDWEIS School District # 2698 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Mazenod
DOUGLAS School District # 2699 Sec Tsp 10,11 Rge 9,10 W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Vanguard P.O. Sec.15, Twp.11, R.10, W3 66) 107 1910-Oct 10 Vanguard *
DOUGLAS PLAIN School District # 2699 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Vanguard
BROCK School District # 2700 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 30 [sic] W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Brock P.O. Sec.35, Twp.28, R.20, W3 66) 107 Brock
BROCK School District # 2700 Sec Tsp 28,29 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Brock P.O. Sec.35, Twp.28, R.20, W3 66) 1910-Oct 10 Brock *
KOTZKO School District # 2701 SE Sec 34 Tsp 40 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian 65 and (41-28?W2) 107 Alvena
THREE BUTTES School District # 2702 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Cabri
THREE BUTTES School District # 2702 NW Sec 33 Tsp 18 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 66 90 107 1911-1949 Cabri * / Roadene *
OAK KNOLL School District # 2703 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 Rocanville
ANEROID School District # 2704 Sec 6 Tsp 9 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 85 107 AneroidSE9-9-10-W3
ANEROID School District # 2704 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Gallery ASTON AneroidSE9-9-10-W3
INDIANOLA School District # 2704 Sec 6 Tsp 9 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 85 94 1910 Aneroid
INDIANOLA School District # 2704 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Indiana Sod Schoolhouse 29 1910 Aneroid
HOHENLOHE School District # 2705 Sec 11 Tsp 22 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian places 65 107 Langenburg
AMULET School District # 2706 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Amulet
BEADLE School District # 2707 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 94 Beadle
BEADLE School District # 2707 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 66 107 Beadle
FALCONHURST School District # 2708 SE Sec 6 Tsp 38 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (38-28-W3) and 100 107 Primate
REIMCHE School District # 2709 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Alhambra
COURVAL School District # 2710 Sec Tsp 13,14 Rge 2,3 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1910-Oct 24
GUTHRIE School District # 2711 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Eston
SKALA School District # 2712 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Cudworth
SKALA School District # 2712 SE Sec 29 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian Cudworth *
SKALA School District # 2712 NE Sec 29 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Cudworth *
FORT PITT School District # 2713 Sec Tsp 54 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 94 107 Turtleford
TICKNERVILLE School District # 2713 Sec Tsp 54 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Turtleford
TICKNERVILLE School District # 2713 SE Sec 1 Tsp 54 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Turtleford * / Frenchman Butte * / Frenchman's Butte *
PARKDALE School District # 2714 NE NE Sec 22 Tsp 50 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 79 107 1913-1963 Stony Lake / Stoney Lake
ST. CLAIR School District # 2715 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Antelope
BARICH School District # 2716 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Herbert
MEADOW PRAIRIE School District # 2716 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Herbert
RICHLAND School District # 2717 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Venn
RICHLAND School District # 2717 NE Sec 20 Tsp 29 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian *** Venn * / Simpson / Imperial
TWO CREEKS School District # 2718 NE Sec 16 Tsp 27 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 Bunesville / Wroxton
PRINCE OF WALES School District # 2719 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Webb
CORINNE School District # 2720 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Corinne
THOMPSON VALLEY School District # 2721 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
CARPATHIAN School District # 2722 NE Sec 11 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 and 64 and 63 Noted previously named OZERIANY 107 1935-1960 Cudworth
OZERIANY School District # 2722 NE Sec 11 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 63 Noted later named CARPATHIAN 2722; 69 later named CARPATHIAN 107 1910-1935 Cudworth
OZERIANY CARPATHIAN School District # 2722 NE NE Sec 11 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 -Moved here 1915 1910 Cudworth
OZERIANY CARPATHIAN School District # 2722 SW NW Sec 24 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 -Re-named CARPATHIAN S.D.1935 1910 Cudworth
KENSINGTON School District # 2723 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Fiske P.O. Twp.29, R.17,18, W3 66) Fiske
KENSINGTON School District # 2723 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 18 W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 64 107 1910, Nov 9
BUNKER HILL School District # 2724 NE Sec 25 Tsp 38 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 63 94 107 Annaheim
BUNKER HILL School District # 2724 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 94 Annaheim
SEIFERT School District # 2725 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SELFERT School District # 2725 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Cactus Lake * / Macklin
GLIDDEN School District # 2726 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 (Glidden P.O. located at Sec.14, Twp.26, R.24, W3, former name Holbeck 66) 107 Glidden
KINCORA School District # 2726 SW Sec 4 Tsp 27 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Glidden * / Sandgren *
KINCORA School District # 2726 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Glidden / Eatonia * / Dankin * /
MAPLE DALE School District # 2727 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Abbey
MAPLE DALE School District # 2727 NE Sec 24 Tsp 21 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Abbey * / Shackleton *
BROOKS School District # 2728 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Traynor
BROOKS School District # 2728 NE Sec 29 Tsp 38 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Traynor *
NORTH BEND School District # 2729 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 94 107 Frenchman Butte / Frenchman's Butte / Monnery
YANKEE BEND School District # 2729 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Frenchman Butte / Frenchman's Butte / Monnery
LAFLECHE School District # 2730 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Lafleche
BANANA BELT School District # 2731 SW Sec 5 Tsp 50 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 63 107 Lashburn
BANANA BELT School District # 2731 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Marshall
PROGRESS HILL School District # 2732 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 11 W of the 1 Meridian 65 2 Locations given (Congress P.O. Sec.24, Twp.9, R.1, W3 66) Congress
PROGRESS HILL School District # 2732 NW Sec 24 Tsp 9 Rge 12 [sic] W of the Meridian 65 2 locations given (Congress P.O. Sec.24, Twp.9, R.1, W3 66) Congress
PROGRESS HILL School District # 2732 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 30,31 W of the 2 [, 3 sic] [sic] Meridian 64 (N.B. 9-30,31-W2 is nearby Congress P.O. Sec.24, Twp.9, R.1, W3 66) 1910, Nov 9 Congress *
PROGRESS HILL School District # 2732 NW Sec 24 Tsp 9 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Congress *
PROGRESS HILL School District # 2732 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 30,31 [sic] W of the 2,3 [sic] Meridian 64 107 1910, Nov 9
CADILLAC School District # 2733 SE Sec 16 Tsp 9 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Same Number as Elmwood SD 2733) 22 98 107 Cadillac
CADILLAC School District # 2733 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 98 Cadillac
CADILLAC (ELMWOOD) School District # 2733 SE Sec 16 Tsp 9 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 22 Cadillac
ELMWOOD School District # 2733 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Cadillac
GREENFIELD School District # 2734 SE Sec 29 Tsp 4 Rge 25 W of the Meridian 65 (5-26-W2) Bengough *
GREENFIELD School District # 2734 SE Sec 29 Tsp 5 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 66 107 Bengough *
GREENSFIELD School District # 2734 SE Sec 29 Tsp 5 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 64 Bengough *
WHITEHALL School District # 2735 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Success
FAIRBANK School District # 2736 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Success
FAIRBANK School District # 2736 NE Sec 16 Tsp 23 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Success * / Lemsford * / Sceptre *
STONEPILE School District # 2737 NW Sec 14 Tsp 10 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 66 107 Garden Head * / Stone *
STONEPILE School District # 2737 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Garden Head P.O.
STONEPILE, THE School District # 2737 NW Sec 14 Tsp 10 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 Garden Head * Stone *
AVONLEA School District # 2738 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 13 94 94 1912 Hawarden
EAR LAKE School District # 2739 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Reward
BALMAE School District # 2740 SW Sec 2 Tsp 38 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 50 63 107 1910-1956 Arelee
BALMAE School District # 2740 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Arelee
MOUNTAIN ASH School District # 2741 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Hawarden
SKULL CREEK School District # 2742 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Piapot
SKULL CREEK School District # 2742 NW Sec 22 Tsp 11 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Piapot * / Cross *
HEWSON School District # 2743 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Limerick
BURTON School District # 2744 SE Sec 17 Tsp 11 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 ? 63 107 Herbert / Vanguard
BISSELL School District # 2745 NE Sec 8 Tsp 12 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 85 107 Vesper
BISSELL School District # 2745 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 15,16 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 Vesper
BISSELL School District # 2745 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 6 [sic] W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Vesper P.O. Twp.12, R.15, W3 66) Vesper
SALISBURY School District # 2746 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 13 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Tribune
SALISBURY School District # 2746 SE Sec 15 Tsp 3 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Tribune * /Oungre *
MARQUETTE School District # 2747 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65; Later PALMER 69 107 Palmer
PALMER School District # 2747 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65; Previously MARQUETTE 69 107 Palmer
PRAIRIE STAR School District # 2748 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Piapot
SENLAC School District # 2749 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Senlac
HAMPTON School District # 2750 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Primate
HAMPTON School District # 2750 NE Sec 32 Tsp 38 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Primate *
McGEE School District # 2751 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 McGee
FRASER School District # 2752 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Heward
MILLS School District # 2753 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Fillmore
LIMESTONE HILL School District # 2754 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Allan
HORSE BUTTE School District # 2755 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kyle
LORLIE STATION School District # 2756 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 42 107 closed 1964 Lorlie
LORLIE STATION School District # 2756 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 10 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Lorlie
ROSEBUD School District # 2757 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Radville
TROY School District # 2757 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 55 1901/1912-1957 Ceylon / Radville
TROY School District # 2757 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Radville
ANNAK School District # 2758 SE Sec 1 Tsp 29 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 & 63 Later was GORLITZ 69 107 Gorlitz
GORLITZ School District # 2758 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 (Gorlitz P.O. located at Twp.28, R.4, W2 66) Previously was Annak 2758 69 107 Gorlitz
EASBY School District # 2759 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Hodgeville
OGEMA School District # 2760 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Ogema
ALSASK School District # 2761 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 29 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Alsask
WEYBRIDGE School District # 2762 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Willows
WEYBRIDGE School District # 2762 SW Sec 28 Tsp 7 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Willows *
SHRUBLAND School District # 2763 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Webb
AVON HILL School District # 2764 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
AVONHILL School District # 2764 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Avonhill / Beaufield *
LANGBANK School District # 2765 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 66 107 Langbank
SPRING MOUNT School District # 2766 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SPRINGMOUNT School District # 2766 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Viceroy
SPRINGMOUNT, THE School District # 2766 NE Sec 21 Tsp 7 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Viceroy * / Readlyn *
PONY BUTTE School District # 2767 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Herbert
PONY BUTTE VALLEY School District # 2767 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1910-Dec 22 Herbert *
NORTH FORK School District # 2768 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stone
KILMENY School District # 2769 NW Sec 12 Tsp 38 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 41 107 1910/1911-1946 1952-1957 Sutherland
KILMENY School District # 2769 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sutherland
ST. HUBERT School District # 2770 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Hubert
COTSWALD School District # 2771 SE Sec 11 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 66: [sic] ? 63 107 1911-1949 Senlac * / Estevan
COTSWOLD School District # 2771 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Senlac
COTSWOLD School District # 2771 SE Sec 11 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 66: [sic] ? 63 1911-1949 Senlac * / Evesham
ENGLEWOOD School District # 2772 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Grosswerder / Heart's Hill
ALMONTE School District # 2773 SE Sec 3 Tsp 28 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 63 107 Wiseton
DINSMORE School District # 2773 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Dinsmore
CORONACH School District # 2774 Sec Tsp 2 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ; 69 previously named POPLAR CREEK 2774 107 Pretty Valley
POPLAR CREEK School District # 2774 SW Sec 2 Tsp 2 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian SHIP 1973426; 69 later named CORONACH 107 Coronach *
POPLAR CREEK School District # 2774 Sec Tsp 2 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Pretty Valley
INVERALLAN School District # 2775 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Wilkie
KINCORTH School District # 2776 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kincorth
WINTHORPE School District # 2777 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 Winthorpe *
WINTHROPE School District # 2777 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Winthorpe P.O. Twp.28, R.11, W2 66) Winthrope
SUNDWALL School District # 2778 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Govan
SUNDWALL School District # 2778 SW Sec 29 Tsp 27 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Govan *
ELM POINT School District # 2779 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kerrobert
FARGO School District # 2780 Sec 5 OR 6 Tsp 24 Rge 28 W of the 2* Meridian 21 (Craik PO Sec.14, Twp.24, R.28, W2 66) Craik
FARGO School District # 2780 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Craik
MOZART School District # 2781 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Mozart
VIKING School District # 2781 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 25,26 W of the 3 Meridian 64 Robsart
LUCE School District # 2782 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Robsart
MOZART School District # 2782 Sec Tsp 32,33 Rge 14,15 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1911-Jan 24 Mozart *
CHERRY GROVE School District # 2783 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Loreburn
ROUEN School District # 2784 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Bateman
ARBORFIELD School District # 2785 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 12 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Zenon Park P.O. Twp.47, R.12, W2 66) Zenon Park
TREASURE School District # 2785 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 (Zenon Park P.O. Twp.47, R. 12, 13, W2 66) 107 Zenon Park ?[sic]
SALEM School District # 2786 Sec Tsp 6,7 Rge 34 W of the 1 Meridian 64 Manor
SALEM School District # 2786 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Manor
NOTRE DAME EAST School District # 2787 NW Sec 25 Tsp 9 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 102 C1910-1951 Ponteix
NOTRE DAME EAST School District # 2787 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Ponteix
WHITESAND VALLEY School District # 2788 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Veregin
GANDER LAKE School District # 2789 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Webb
MARYVILLE School District # 2790 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Gronlid
MARYVILLE School District # 2790 SW Sec 15 Tsp 47 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 66 98 Gronlid *
EDGEHILL School District # 2791 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Parkbeg
KING GEORGE School District # 2792 SE Sec 18 Tsp 41 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Borden
WOOD MOUNTAIN School District # 2793 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Wood Mountain
DOVERLEY School District # 2794 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 13 W of the 2 Meridian 65 98 107 Kelliher
DOVERLY School District # 2794 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 98 94 Kelliher / Lestock / Leross
MIDWAY School District # 2794 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
KERROBERT School District # 2795 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kerrobert
ROSENFELD School District # 2796 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Golden Prairie
MAYBRIDGE School District # 2797 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 Pelly
DEER LODGE School District # 2798 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Salvador
DEER LODGE School District # 2798 SW Sec 29 Tsp 37 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian SK :66 Salvador * / Luseland * / Asor *
DEER LODGE, THE School District # 2798 SW Sec 29 Tsp 37 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian SK :66 Luseland * / Asor *
OXFORD PLAINS School District # 2799 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Zelma
PINE LAKE School District # 2800 NE Sec 11 Tsp 19 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Thunder Creek
SUNNY VALE School District # 2801 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Viceroy
MOOSE PARK School District # 2802 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Wilkie
MOOSE PARK, THE School District # 2802 NE Sec 29 Tsp 39 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Wilkie *
BELFORD School District # 2803 SE Sec 2 Tsp 14 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Bigford
BIGFORD School District # 2803 SE Sec 5 Tsp 14 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Braddock
RAVENCRAIG / RAVENSCRAIG School District # 2804 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Pambrun
RAVENSCRAIG School District # 2804 Sec Tsp 11,12 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 Pambrun *
BEACON School District # 2805 SE Sec 4 Tsp 23 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 64 21 1910-1943 Eyebrow
BEACON School District # 2805 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Eyebrow
ATLAS School District # 2806 SW Sec 29 Tsp 18 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 66; (65 18-15-W3) 107 Stewart Valley
BENCH School District # 2807 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Gull Lake
NORTHERN LIGHTS School District # 2808 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shellbrook
RAYSIDE School District # 2808 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
CENTRAL School District # 2809 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Tompkins
CENTRAL School District # 2809 NE Sec 17 Tsp 12 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 66: SK Tompkins * / Leghorn *
BRADBURN School District # 2810 NW Sec 17 Tsp 35 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 63 107 Quill Lake
BRADBURN School District # 2810 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Quill Lake
IDALEEN School District # 2811 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Rosetown
LAKE ALMA School District # 2812 SE Sec 16 Tsp 3 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Lake Alma * / Gladmar *
LAKE ALMA School District # 2812 NE Sec 16 Tsp 3 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 and 1913570 SHIP 94 Pepper
LAKE ALMA School District # 2812 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Later PEPPER 69 107
PEPPER School District # 2812 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65; Previously LAKE ALMA 69 107 Pepper
BELLENDEN School District # 2813 NE Sec 29 Tsp 31 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 63 107 Rama
BELLENDEN School District # 2813 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Rama
HAZEL WOOD School District # 2814 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HAZELWOOD School District # 2814 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Gregherd / Southey ?[sic]
QUEEN MARY School District # 2815 SE Sec 28 Tsp 39 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Cando
LOCH LOMOND School District # 2816 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Drake P.O. Twp.32, R.22, W2 66) Drake
LOCH LOMOND School District # 2816 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 23,24 W of the 3 [sic] Meridian 64 107 Drake *
LOCK LOMOND School District # 2816 SW-SE 1/4 Sec 30 Tsp 32 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 1910-1958 12 Guernsey
PANSY School District # 2817 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Courval
PANSY School District # 2817 NW Sec 21 Tsp 13 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian SHIP 1932587 Courval * / Rodgers * / Ada *
PANSY School District # 2817 NW Sec 21 Tsp 13 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 66: 1 ACRE Courval * / Rodgers * / Ada *
NEW BANK School District # 2818 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Lucky Lake
BERGHEIM School District # 2819 SE Sec 24 Tsp 37 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sutherland
BERGHEIM School District # 2819 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 41 107 1912
SPRING School District # 2820 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Wymark
FAIR VALLEY School District # 2821 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Morse
FAIR VALLEY, THE School District # 2821 NW Sec 21 Tsp 14 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian SK-66 Morse * / Vogel *
DONAUER School District # 2822 SE Sec 14 Tsp 10 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Arbuthnot
KRAMER School District # 2822 SE Sec 14 Tsp 10 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Arbuthnot
KRAMER, THE School District # 2822 SE Sec 14 Tsp 10 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 Arbuthnot *
ELTHAM School District # 2823 NW Sec 14 Tsp 33 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian Gallery 107 Wolverine *
ELTHAN School District # 2823 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 94 Plunkett
VALENTINE School District # 2824 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 107 Pennant
CULLYTON School District # 2825 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Cullyton
CULLYTON School District # 2825 SW Sec 18 Tsp 26 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Cullyton * / Stalwart *
BOLTON School District # 2826 SW Sec 24 24 Tsp 5 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian 65 ? 63 94 107 Storthoaks bolton
NIPAWIN School District # 2827 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Nipawin
NIPAWIN RURAL School District # 2827 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 WWW 107 Nipawin
WOOD RIVER School District # 2828 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Woodrow
FISCHMAN School District # 2829 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Boswells
FISCHMANN School District # 2829 Sec Tsp 8,9 Rge 6,7 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1911, Mar. 24
HYDE PARK School District # 2830 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sandwith
CLOVERLEY School District # 2831 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Cloverley
TRIUMPH School District # 2832 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Biggar
ROLLING PRAIRIE School District # 2833 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Aquadeo
TAYLORSIDE School District # 2834 Sec Tsp 44 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Teddington
TAYLORSIDE School District # 2834 SE SE Sec 29 Tsp 45 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 98 1912 Teddington * / Mile 102 * / Melfort *
TAYLORSIDE School District # 2834 SE Sec 6 Tsp 45 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 64 Teddington * / Beatty *
HALYCRY School District # 2835 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Beaver Bluff
MITCHELVIEW School District # 2835 Sec Tsp 33,34 Rge 6,7 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1911 Mitchellview, Dobrowdy, Buchanan
AYLESFORD School District # 2836 NE Sec 33 Tsp 9 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 66 / 63; (65 10-25-W3) 107 Maple Creek
CLOVER HILL School District # 2837 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Plunkett
CLOVER HILL School District # 2837 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 23,24 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1911-Apr. 18 Plunkett *
DUBLIN School District # 2838 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Zealandia * / Zealandia
MAPLETON School District # 2839 SE Sec 11 Tsp 30 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 D'Arcy
MAPLETON, THE School District # 2839 NE Sec 11 Tsp 30 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 66 D'Arcy *
RODERICKVILLE School District # 2840 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Neidpath
RODERICKVILLE School District # 2840 SW Sec 18 Tsp 15 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 25 1912-1947 Neidpath / Roderickville
LILLY School District # 2841 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Aberdeen
JANOW School District # 2842 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Meath Park
SELZ School District # 2843 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1911 Meath Park *
WESTWOOD VALLEY School District # 2844 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kincaid
ALBERMARLE School District # 2845 NE Sec 23 Tsp 28 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 63 107 Rosetown
ALBERMARLE School District # 2845 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Rosetown
NEVILLE School District # 2846 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 12,13 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1912, Dec 9
SELZ School District # 2846 NE Sec 34 Tsp 19 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Prelate
RANCHVIEW School District # 2847 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Mantario
RANCHVIEW, THE School District # 2847 NW Sec 29 Tsp 26 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Mantario *
QUILL PLAINS School District # 2848 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Watson
TRUAX School District # 2849 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Truax
PREECEVILLE School District # 2850 Sec Tsp 34,35 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1912-Dec16
SALTFLEET School District # 2851 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Gull Lake
SALTFLEET, THE School District # 2851 NW Sec 11 Tsp 14 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Gull Lake *
JONESVILLE School District # 2852 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Collins
WINNIFRED School District # 2853 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Woodrow P.O. Sec.10, Twp.9, R.6, W3 ; Lone Star Sec.31, Twp.7, R.5,6, W3 Harehills Twp.7, R.6, W3 66) 107 Woodrow / Lorne Star * / Harehills *
IRVINGTON School District # 2854 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Brooksby / Brooksley [sic] / Star City
PITTVILLE School District # 2855 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 94 107 Hazlet
SAMESBURG School District # 2855 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Hazlet
GRENDON School District # 2856 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Lemsford
LEMSFORD School District # 2856 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Lemsfort
RED WING School District # 2857 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 56 1912 Alingly
RED WING School District # 2857 SE Sec 32 Tsp 49 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Prince Albert
YUNGHILL School District # 2858 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Bulyea
MYLREA School District # 2859 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Kindersley P.O. Twp.29, R.23, W3 -66) Kindersley
MYLREA School District # 2859 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 22 W of the 2 [sic[ Meridian 64 107 1913 Kindersley *
MAZEPPA School District # 2860 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Veregin / Verigin
REDFIELD School District # 2861 NE Sec 5 Tsp 45 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (46-12-W3) 107 Redfield
SOVEREIGN School District # 2862 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sovereign
ARDATH School District # 2863 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swanson * / Ardath
DUVAL School District # 2864 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1913
AFFLECK School District # 2865 SW Sec 25 Tsp 22 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 63 (SD changed name to Demaine) Demaine / Beechy *
AFFLECK School District # 2865 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Demaine / Beechy *
DEMAINE School District # 2865 SW Sec 25 Tsp 22 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 63 (Was named Affleck SD) 107 Demaine / Beechy *
DEMAINE School District # 2865 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Demaine / Beechy *
HAGAVILLE School District # 2866 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Eatonia P.O. was Cornfield P.O. Twp.25,26, R.25, W3 66) 107 Eatonia
HAGAVILLE School District # 2866 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 64 Eatonia *
FORTY MILE COULEE School District # 2867 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Mossbank P.O.Twp.11, R.29,30, W2 66) Mossbank
FORTY MILE COULEE School District # 2867 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 29 W of the 3 [sic] Meridian 64 107 Mossbank *
FORTY MILE COULEE School District # 2867 NW Sec 22 Tsp 11 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian SASK 66 Mossbank *
SCHUBERT School District # 2867 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Mossbank
ODESSA School District # 2868 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Odessa
ODESSA VILLAGE School District # 2868 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ROSENTHAL School District # 2869 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Fox Valley Twp.17,18, R.26, W3 66) Fox Valley
ROSENTHAL School District # 2869 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 16 [sic] W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 Fox Valley * / Tuxford *
ROSENTHAL, THE School District # 2869 SE Sec 13 Tsp 19 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Fox Valley * / Tuxford *
WISNIA School District # 2870 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 2 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Canora
STAHL School District # 2871 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 29 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Maple Creek
BIG VALLEY School District # 2872 NW Sec Tsp 26 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 26 107 1912 Macrorie
BIG VALLEY School District # 2872 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Macrorie
MAGNOLIA School District # 2873 Sec Tsp 44 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Duck Lake
COW CREEK School District # 2874 Sec Tsp 1 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 East Poplar
JACK CREEK School District # 2875 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Hazenmore
ALGOMA School District # 2876 SE Sec 3 Tsp 33 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 63 107 Cut Knife / Plenty * / Astum * / Ermine
KENSMITH School District # 2877 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Biggar
THIRSK School District # 2878 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Biggar
THIRSK, THE School District # 2878 SE Sec 29 Tsp 34 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Biggar *
FOX VALLEY School District # 2879 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Fox Valley
PATRICIA School District # 2880 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 13 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1913
KANDIYCHI School District # 2881 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Willows
KANDIYOHI School District # 2881 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1913 Willows *
CORONATION School District # 2882 SE Sec 19 Tsp 14 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 63 1913-1957 Windthorst
CORONATION School District # 2882 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Windthorst
BOLINGBROKE School District # 2883 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shamrock
ZENITH School District # 2884 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Willows
GOLDEN PRAIRIE School District # 2885 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Golden Prairie
WESTERN School District # 2885 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Golden Prairie
QUINNEY School District # 2886 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Eatonia / Dankin * / Glidden
CLOVER VALLEY School District # 2887 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Vedora
BRITTON School District # 2888 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Goldberg
BRITTON School District # 2888 NE Sec 15 Tsp 33 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 63 Ruthilda * / Herschel
BOTHWELL School District # 2889 Sec Tsp 33 [sic] Rge 16 [sic] W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Chaplin P.O. Sec.29, Twp.17, R.5, W3 66) 107 Chaplin
BOTHWELL School District # 2889 SE Sec 27 Tsp 18 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 64 ? 63 1913
PROUSE School District # 2890 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Eston / McMorran *
HAINSTOCK School District # 2891 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Harptree
MUDDY VIEW School District # 2891 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Harptree
SWEET GRASS School District # 2892 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 Mortlach
SWEET GRASS School District # 2892 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 30 W of the 2 Meridian 65 N.B. (17-1-W3 is nearby to 16-30-W2 ) (Mortlach P.O. Sec.22, Twp.17, R.1, W3; Lillestrom P.O. Twp.15,16, R.28,29, W2 66) Mortlach
RIDGELY School District # 2893 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Frontier
DIVIDE School District # 2894 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65; Later RELIANCE 69 107 Reliance
RELIANCE School District # 2894 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 64; Previously DIVIDE 2894 69 107 1913
SCOFIELD School District # 2895 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Kuroki
INGEBRIGHT School District # 2896 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1913 Fox Valley *
INGEBRIGT School District # 2896 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65; This is also the spelling of the 69 database listing 107 Fox Valley
CRESCENT HILL School District # 2897 Sec Tsp 45A Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Kinistino
FUNK School District # 2898 NW Sec 9 Tsp 19 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 92 Main Centre
FUNKA School District # 2898 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Main Centre
FUNKS School District # 2898 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1913 Main Centre *
STONE FARM School District # 2899 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1913 Simmie *
STONE FARM School District # 2899 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 1941 Name change 34 1941-1957 Simmie / Admiral
STONEFARM School District # 2899 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Simmie
STONEFARM School District # 2899 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Name change 34 1914-1941 Simmie / Admiral
DAMA School District # 2900 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Gull Lake
DAMA School District # 2900 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1913
NIXON School District # 2900 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Gull Lake
ANDERSONVILLE School District # 2901 SW Sec 14 Tsp 8 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 63 Admiral
ANDERSONVILLE School District # 2901 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Admiral
ANDERSONVILLE School District # 2901 SW-NW Sec Tsp 8 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 34 107 Admiral , Neville
BULL CREEK School District # 2901 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Admiral
GORDON School District # 2902 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Hardy
GORDON School District # 2902 NE Sec 33 Tsp 4 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 55 Moved in 1941 1916-1941 Hardy
GORDON School District # 2902 NE Sec 9 Tsp 5 Rge 21 W of the Meridian 55 Moved in 1941 1941-1959 Hardy
SHELL LAKE School District # 2903 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shell Lake
SHELL LAKE School District # 2903 SW Sec 16 Tsp 50 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian SASK 66 Shell Lake *
SHELL LAKE RURAL School District # 2903 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shell Lake
WIENREVEW School District # 2904 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1913 Fox Valley *
WINREVEW School District # 2904 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Fox Valley
HAMONIA School District # 2905 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Yorkton Area Blaine Lake
HARMONIA School District # 2905 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1913 Blaine Lake *
SOLHEIM School District # 2906 Sec Tsp 2 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Torquay
BLUNT School District # 2907 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Neptune
BLUNT School District # 2907 NW Sec 2 Tsp 6 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 63 107 Radville
FIFE LAKE School District # 2908 Sec 3 Tsp 4 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (4-29-W2) 107 Fife Lake
VERGLAND School District # 2909 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 107 Pennant
BLACK OAK School District # 2910 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1913
SPRUCE GLEN School District # 2911 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Parkside
JAGOE School District # 2912 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 and 13 107 1913-1953 Hawarden
REGINA BEACH School District # 2913 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Regina Beach
ALLAN School District # 2914 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 10 Allan
CARDELL School District # 2915 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Cardell
SUMMIT PRAIRIE School District # 2916 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Volbrand
BLOOMING School District # 2917 Sec Tsp 2 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Blooming
LONE TREE LAKE School District # 2918 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Ernfold
ALLAN School District # 2919 NE NE Sec 3 Tsp 34 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 45 107 1918-1988 Allan
LESTOCK School District # 2919 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Lestock
LESTOCK VILLAGE School District # 2919 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Lestock
KEMP School District # 2920 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Gull Lake
LYNETTE School District # 2920 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Lucky Lake
BREMNER School District # 2921 Sec Tsp 47A Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Fenton
BREMNER School District # 2921 SE Sec 15 Tsp 46A Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 63 St. Louis
BRENNER School District # 2921 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
RED LAKE SPRINGS School District # 2922 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 29 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 69 previously named SCHROEDER 2922 107 Hatton
SCHROEDER School District # 2922 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 69 later named RED LAKE SPRINGS 107 Mossbank
GUYHIRN / GUYHIRNE School District # 2923 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Image Medstead
GUYHIRNE School District # 2923 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
NUT GROVE School District # 2924 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 10 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Nut Mountain
EAST BROOK School District # 2925 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
EASTBROOK School District # 2925 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Eastend
AUCKLAND, THE School District # 2926 SE Sec 29 Tsp 35 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian SK - 66 ? 63 107 Viscount
SHAND School District # 2927 Sec Tsp 2 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Estevan
CAPUTH School District # 2928 SW Sec 16 Tsp 34 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 63 107 Duperow
GUYHIRNE School District # 2928 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 94 Medstead
IBSTONE School District # 2929 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Ibstone
PATRICK School District # 2931 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Superb
ORANGE VALE School District # 2932 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Preeceville
ROIA DENE, THE School District # 2933 SW Sec 12 Tsp 18 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 107 Roadene * / Bestville *
ROLA DENE School District # 2933 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Abbey
VOLL School District # 2934 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 107 Illerbrun
MILLSDALE School District # 2935 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Francis
GEORGINA School District # 2936 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
BUFFALO BASIN School District # 2937 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Beechy
KOCHMSTEDT / KOEHMSTEDT School District # 2938 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Reward
KOEHMSTEDT School District # 2938 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Later ST. JOHN NEPPO 107
ST. JOHN NEPPO School District # 2938 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65; Previously KOEHMSTEDT 69 107 Reward
CANWOOD School District # 2939 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Canwood
McOWAN School District # 2939 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Canwood
ESMOND School District # 2940 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Scotsguard
ESMOND School District # 2940 NW Sec 35 Tsp 8 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 34 107 1914-1942 Scotsguard / Admiral
HEATHERBANK School District # 2941 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 1922 SD name change from PIG LAKE (64) 107 1922 Lintlaw
PIG LAKE School District # 2941 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 1922 SD Name change to HEATHERBANK (64) Lintlaw
WHITECRAIGS School District # 2942 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Gull Lake
ORMAUX School District # 2943 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Ormeaux / Ormaux
WAITVILLE School District # 2944 NE Sec 11 Tsp 45 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Waitville
WAITVILLE School District # 2944 NE Sec 11 Tsp 45 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian SK 66 Waitville * / Kinistino * / Birch Hills *
WESTASTA VALLEY School District # 2945 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Daphne
WESTASTO VALLEY School District # 2945 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Daphne
BARRIERVILLE School District # 2946 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Atkinson * / Cactus Lake
BARRYVILLE School District # 2946 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
IOLA School District # 2947 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swanson
DEUTCHER School District # 2948 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Revenue (Unity)
MUDDY LAKE School District # 2948 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Unity / Revenue
ROUND UP School District # 2949 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Ceylon
ROUND UP School District # 2949 SW Sec 13 Tsp 5 Rge 20 W of the Meridian 55 1913/1914-1957 Ceylon
SPIRAL School District # 2950 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Meyronne
ELM SPRINGS School District # 2951 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Collier
GLADMAR School District # 2951 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Gladmar
PROGRESS School District # 2952 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 30 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Horsham
HIGHCROFT School District # 2953 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Kincaid
KINCAID School District # 2953 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kincaid
STRATHMORE School District # 2954 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Lone Rock
ALADA School District # 2955 Sec Tsp 44 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 98 Baldwinton
ALADA School District # 2955 SW Sec 18 Tsp 44 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 100 / 63 107 Baldwinton * / Cut Knife * / Unity
ALADA School District # 2955 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 60 1913-1963 Unity / Wilbert / Winter
BADY School District # 2956 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 40 1919 Armley
BADY School District # 2956 Sec 12 Tsp 48 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Armley
MANLIUS School District # 2956 NW SW Sec 12 Tsp 48 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 40 1913-Meeting/Construction 1914-Classes 1913/1914-1962 Armley
MANLIUS School District # 2956 Sec 12 Tsp 48 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Armley
KILRONAN School District # 2957 Sec Tsp 54 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Kilronan
PRODUCT School District # 2958 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Kandahar
HIGHWORTH School District # 2959 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Highworth / North Battleford
HUNTER'S HILL School District # 2960 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Clair
ZALISCHKY School District # 2961 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ZALISCHYKY School District # 2961 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Wakaw
MOUNT CARMEL School District # 2962 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 94 107 Bruno
HAWKEYE School District # 2963 SE Sec 27 Tsp 49 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian Sk 66 107 Mount Nebo *
SPRING VALLEY School District # 2964 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Hallonquist
WIWA VIEW School District # 2964 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 94 107 Hallonquist
AUSMUS School District # 2965 NE Sec 24 Tsp 28 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 63 107 Davidson / Simpson
AUSMUS School District # 2965 NE Sec 24 Tsp 28 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian *** (65 28-27-W2) Simpson / Imperial
CODETTE School District # 2966 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Codette
CODETTE School District # 2966 NE Sec 34 Tsp 49 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 1232070 Frank Inkster SHIP Codette * / Pontrilas *
INKSTER School District # 2966 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Places 107 Nipawin
LAKE EDWARD School District # 2967 NW Sec 10 Tsp 39 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 66 107 Spalding *
LAKE EDWARDS School District # 2967 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Spalding
YELLOW STONE School District # 2968 Sec Tsp 2 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Arena
FOUR CORNERS School District # 2969 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Mazenod
SICZYNSKI School District # 2970 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Glaslyn
WIOLA School District # 2970 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Glaslyn
WOLIA School District # 2970 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GLENARCHY School District # 2971 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Meyronne
JEFFERSON School District # 2972 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Valjean
BEAVER HILLS School District # 2973 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 10 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Goodeve
CAPELAND School District # 2974 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Main Centre
BOX ELDER CREEK School District # 2975 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BOXELDER School District # 2975 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 30 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Neuheim / AB Walsh , AB
BOXELDER CREEK School District # 2975 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 30 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Neuheim / AB Walsh , AB
ZENTNER School District # 2976 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Senate
GARTHLAND School District # 2977 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Garthland
HORSE HILL School District # 2978 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Edam
WESTMOUNT School District # 2979 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 90 107 1913-1953 Cabri
DUNKECLEY, THE School District # 2980 SW Sec 3 Tsp 6 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian :66 Eastend * / Hardy * / Roe *
DUNKEELEY School District # 2980 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Eastend
GLADMAR School District # 2981 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Previously NORTH GLADMAR 2981 69 107 Gladmar
NORTH GLADMAR School District # 2981 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65; Later GLADMAR 2981 69 107 Gladmar
FELL School District # 2982 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Dahinda
LYONS School District # 2983 NW NW Sec 30 Tsp 6 Rge 21 W of the Meridian 55 1913-1943 Ceylon / Radville
LYONS School District # 2983 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Ogema
LYONS School District # 2983 NW Sec 30 Tsp 6 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Ogema * / Hardy *
PIZARRO School District # 2984 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Marengo
SUPERBA School District # 2984 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 29 Superb
MacVILLE School District # 2985 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Bengough
JAMESVILLE School District # 2986 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sanford Dene
SANDY PLAIN School District # 2987 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SANDY PLAINS School District # 2987 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Tessier
NORTHWOOD School District # 2988 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Broadview
LYNNHURST School District # 2989 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Fairmount* / Kindersley
TYNNHURST School District # 2989 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Fairmount* / Kindersley
DORGAN School District # 2990 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Lynthorpe
ALPINE School District # 2991 NW Sec 21 Tsp 11 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 63 (SD first named Parnassus) 107 Gull Lake
ALPINE School District # 2991 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Tompkins
PARNASSUS School District # 2991 NW Sec 21 Tsp 11 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 63 (SD later named ALPINE) Gull Lake
PARNASSUS School District # 2991 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Tompkins
KRUPP School District # 2992 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Mendham
SUNNY BROW School District # 2993 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 12 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Bjorkdale
EXCELSIS School District # 2994 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65; Later KAYVILLE 2994 69 107 Kayville
KAYVILLE School District # 2994 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ; Previously EXCELSIS 2994 69 107 Kayville
BJELDE CREEK School District # 2995 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 69 formerly called RED PHEASANT 2995 107 Battleford
BJELDE CREEK School District # 2995 SE Sec 30 Tsp 41 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 63 Red Pheasant Rserve
RED PHEASANT School District # 2995 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 later called BJELDE CREEK 2995 107
IFIELD School District # 2996 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Lewvan
BLAIRBETH School District # 2997 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Davidson
CARNBROGIE School District # 2998 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Ceylon
CARNBROGIE School District # 2998 NE Sec 29 Tsp 4 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 66 ? 63 1913-1947 Ceylon
CARNBROGIE School District # 2998 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 55 1913/1914-1947 Ceylon / Radville
BELL School District # 2999 NW Sec 3 Tsp 21 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 ? 63 107 Sceptre
STONY VIEW School District # 3000 NE Sec 10 Tsp 27 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 in the 65 typed up database, both STONY VIEW 3000 and STONY VISTA 3000 have the same SD # and location Eatonia
STONY VISTA School District # 3000 NE Sec 10 Tsp 27 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65; in the 65 typed up database, both STONY VIEW 3000 and STONY VISTA 3000 have the same SD # and location 107 Eatonia

Sources and bibliography .......Disclaimer and location notes

School Districts West of the 4th Meridian are West of Saskatchewan.


School name changes and variations may have happened throughout the years. It is important to go to the source which is on the alphabetical school district name pages in the source column to see where the alternate spellings and variations originated.
The school district used by a community may be found by also checking spelling variants. A local community may also have called their school a nick name, the brick school house, or the red school house rather than the registered name. Many genealogisits and historians know the value of searching for surname variations, it is the same for placenames and school names. Hearing a word or name may create individual interpretations in spelling, or interpreting hand writing may also cause spelling variations, a typing or transcription error may also cause variations through time. Problems may arise in the pronunciation of a school name which may cause variations in the written word. A school name may move from the school house located in a rural setting to the new school building in a town or village setting and thus cause a name change for the rural building, yet the school district number remains the same. Investigate abbreviations for school district names. In some cases a school district name made from two descriptive words may be spelled as one word, or it may be seperated into two words.

In the North West Territories the 1884 Territorial Ordinance #5 allowed for the formation of school districts. School Districts were given numbers in the order by which the areas applied for. This sorting by School District Number then gives an idea of the NWT early settlement patterns, and school house formation by year. When Saskatchewan and Alberta became provinces in 1905, numbers previously in use in Alberta were cancelled and re-applied to School Districts of Saskatchewan. When the two provinces were formed Alberta continued numerically incrementing from the last school District Number which was at that time Bow Valley S. D. 1409. The next one of Alberta therefore numbered was 1410. Saskatchewan then re-used any numbers which were now not being used and therefore some School Districts may have two names attached to them...the early use of the number in Alberta, and later use in Saskatchewan.

When a source provides a certain name with its unique, that is the spelling provided, in this way it can be traced. If a school district number is assigned a variation in school name on this web page, it is important, as in genealogy, to go to the source and then to follow up on additional sources of information. Sources used come from local history books, local community signs, historic Rural Municipality maps, the actual school house building, school building photographs, school district records, two seperate Provincial Archive typed listings, Department of Education hand written listing, school house files stored at Provincial Archives and/or Canadian Archives records.

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schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, pioneer, settler,schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, pioneer, settler

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