Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Summerfield SD #2614

(SE) SE 25-36-3 W3
Near Floral, Blucher areas

Summerfield S.D. #2614
Located at (SE) SE 25-36-3 W3
Best reference is Blucher History Book. Also written up in SE Saskatoon (Floral) HB
My Grandfather, John Edward Mason homesteaded one mile north of this location
@ SE36-36-3 W3 in 1905. The school and site are gone now. They have been
replaced with a 200 ft. deep gravel pit.

Thanks, Glen Mason

Further References

Title Blucher builders : Blucher community, 1900-1982
Published Saskatoon : Blucher Historical Society, 1982
ISBN 0889253420

Title Our heritage : era of south and east of Saskatoon
Published Saskatoon : Floral History Book Committee, 1985
ISBN 0889255806

Webmaster Note:
This entry above has been verified as the location of the building of the Summerfield SD 2614
one room school house. The following entries were replaced from the initial databases used
with permission to establish the One Room Schoolhouse Project Online.
SUMMERFIELD School District # 2514 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian Sk A Cheviot
SUMMERFIELD School District # 2614 Sec Tsp 36,37 Rge 2,3 W of the 3 Meridian Sask A 1910-June 24
SUMMERFIELD School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 10 Elstow
SK A: Abbreviation for Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Regina Branch
Sask A: Abbreviation for Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Saskatoon Branch
Footnote 10 local history book mentions school but not location
School District Database Organisation
- or Why did a one schoolhouse have more than one entry or location in the database?

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Sunday, January 16,
Reminiscence by Glen Mason