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MESSAGE BOARD ATTACHMENTS. You have probably posted a message, or
replied to one on the RootsWeb/Ancestry message boards:
but are you using the boards to their fullest potential?
Certain types of attachments -- GEDCOM files and graphic files,
including pictures and scanned images -- may be attached to any board
message. The potential uses of such attachments are endless. Post a
transcription of a will, deed, or family Bible record and add a scan of
the image of the original record for others to view and download.
Perhaps you have unidentified family photos you would like to upload so
that others might view, and possibly identify, the people in the
pictures. If you have a photo of an ancestor's tombstone upload it when
posting an obituary for that individual. Signature comparisons can help
prove or disprove whether you have found the correct ancestor. Actual
scanned signatures may be uploaded and added to a post for researchers
to examine. In addition to posting a query, attach a GEDCOM of your
family tree that may be downloaded by other researchers.
You may add up to five attachments to any single message. Graphics
files will be converted to .JPG or .GIF format upon upload. Files other
than GEDCOMs and graphics files are not accepted.
To add an attachment click on "Attachments: [Add]" when viewing the
POST NEW MESSAGE or POST REPLY screen. Either type in the path to the
location of the GEDCOM or graphics file on your computer, or click on
the browse button to navigate to the file and then select it for
After you have located your file or files and the paths are showing in
the boxes next to the browse button, click on SUBMIT option to upload
the files. Complete your message and remember to click on POST. You
can select PREVIEW if you want to proofread your message before you
select POST.
The attached files will be accessible when anyone views your message.
When viewing a message, look for the icon -- it's a colorful swirl
within a box -- beneath the message. That denotes there is an
to that post.
Permission to reprint articles from RootsWeb Review is granted unless
specifically stated otherwise, provided: (1) the reprint is used for
non-commercial, educational purposes; and (2) the following notice
appears at the end of the article: Previously published in RootsWeb
Review: Vol. 5, No. 21, 22 May 2002 and written by [author's name,
e-mail address, and URL, if given].
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Genealogy Queries