Posting Board

New and Improved!

Some things you will notice about the new  boards...

Navigation is smoother--no more archiving of old messages.  Move from
to message by means of "previous" and "next" links 25 messages at a time
either threaded or by date reversed (most recent first).  View the list of
messages at a time either in a "collapsed" format (outline) or in an
"expanded" format (full text of messages).  Or better yet, search (using the
advanced search feature) for any specific message or surname, etc. you wish
to locate.

Searching is much more advanced--search a single  board, a category, or all
 boards using the Advanced Search functions.

One of the first things you will notice about the new boards(and one I find
most exciting) is that what used to be covered by 7  boards in a suite is now
consolidated onto one master  board.  This does not remove any of the
functionality of having the 7 separate boards as the one board gives you the
option of selecting a 'category' when posting.  If you are posting a query
general message you need do nothing with the category drop down menu.  if
are posting data, select the appropriate data type from the menu when
posting.  By selecting the data type when posting, you enable board
to find your post under this specific data type.   Search ONLY for a
data type without all the hassles associated with moving from one board to
another or searching separate boards individually--all of the features of 7
boards are rolled into one for ease and convenience.  Also, note that the
drop down menu includes a new expanded selection of data types!!!  Here are
the marriage, birth, death, cemetery, etc. boards you've all been wanting in
category selection.

Posting is easier and more intuitive and universal address changes on posts
are now made possible to our users through a registration and login feature.
User are now responsible for their own address updating and changes--no more
struggling to wade through impossible bounce messages!

URLs you include in the message text appear automatically as hotlinks in the
posted message.  You may include certain types of file attachments when
posting to the new boards.

There are many more new exciting features you'll find by doing a bit of
exploring.  Enjoy!

             [BOARDS-ADMINS] New Boards and new list
             Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:29:02 -0600
             Thu, 21 Jun 2001 22:28:51 EDT
Saskatchewan Posting Boards

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Saskatchewan Posting Boards
Query | Bible | Biography | Birth | Cemetery | Census | Death | Deed | Immigration | Look up | Marriage | Military | Obituary | Pension | Will

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Genealogy Queries