Saskatchewan Gen Web - One Room School Project - Regional or Placename Schoolhouse Listing

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.
Other Presentations of Saskatchewan One Room School Districts
(Sorted by School Name, School District #, township-range location.)

Alphabetical Placename Listing:



























AB, CANot Identified PlacenameSaskatchewan Placenames beginning with the letter above and each letter leads to its alphabetical listing. ALERT
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School NameSchool District NumberLocationComments (Source - RM - Date)Neighboring
SAGATHUN School District # 3579 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sagathun
SAGATHAN, THE School District # 3579 NE Sec 35 Tsp 13 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Sagathun * / Maple Creek *
FOCH School District # 4033 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 [14-26-w3) 107 Sagathun / Golden P.. ? [sic]
SALTBURN School District # 3619 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Saltburn
ASTON School District # 1537 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Saltcoats
BOAKEVIEW School District # 1325 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Notice this school name is spelled BOAKEVIEW from a past teacher. 107 Saltcoats
CASTLETOWN School District # 118 Sec Tsp 26,24 Rge 1,1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 and 64 Saltcoats
CHATSWORTH School District # 1810 SE Sec 25 Tsp 24 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ? 63 places 107 1907-1966 Saltcoats
CRESCENT School District # 110 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 and 64 107 1887 Saltcoats
DURHAM School District # 1810 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Saltcoats
EDEN School District # 197 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 98 107 Saltcoats
EDEN School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian People Saltcoats
GRAHAME School District # 151 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 (Saltcoats P.O. located at Sec.1, Twp.24, R.2, W2 66) 107 Saltcoats
HILLERTON School District # 4326 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 2 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Saltcoats
LOYAL School District # 4385 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Saltcoats
MEADOWVALE School District # 175 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Saltcoats
PERLEY School District # 395 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 2 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Saltcoats
SALTCOATS School District # 140 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Saltcoats
TUPPER School District # 196 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Saltcoats
BOAKVIEW School District # 1325 SE Sec 29 Tsp 23 Rge 2 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Saltcoats * / Atwater *
SALTER School District # 3186 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Salter
SALTER School District # SE Sec 27 Tsp 38 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Salter * / Unity
ALBA School District # 881 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Salvador
DEER LODGE School District # 2798 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Salvador
MULBERRY School District # 1625 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 See PRINCE EDWARD 1625 107 Salvador
SALVADOR School District # 109 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Salvador
SALVADOR VILLAGE School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the 3 Meridian 100 Salvador
DEER LODGE School District # 2798 SW Sec 29 Tsp 37 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian SK :66 Salvador * / Luseland * / Asor *
DEER LODGE School District # SW Sec 29 Tsp 37 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Salvador * / Luseland * / Asor * / Unity
AMARANTH School District # NE Sec 3 Tsp 38 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Salvador * / Reward * / Unity
ALBA School District # 881 NE Sec 1 Tsp 37 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 100 / 63 107 Salvador * / Unity
MULBERRY School District # SE Sec 1 Tsp 39 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Salvador * / Unity
OLLENBERGER School District # SW Sec 16 Tsp 37 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Salvador * / Unity
OLLENBERGER School District # 2636 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Salvador / Macklin ?[sic]
AMARANTH School District # 479 NE Sec 3 Tsp 38 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian SHIP 1937930 Salvador / Reward
AMARANTH School District # 479 NE Sec 3 Tsp 38 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian SK - 66- 64 ? 63 107 Salvador / Reward / Luseland
PRINCE EDWARD School District # 1625 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 see MULBERRY 1625 (Salvador P.O. Sec.9, Twp.37, R.25, W3; Pinkham P.O. Sec.28, Twp.28, R.25, W3 66) 107 Salvador [sic]
PRINCE EDWARD School District # 1625 Sec Tsp 24,25 Rge 21,22 W of the 2 Meridian 64 see MULBERRY 1625 Salvador [sic] *
DAVID School District # 3842 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Samburg
ZAMOK School District # 784 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Samburg
KALYNA School District # 3945 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (50-24-W2) 107 Samburg / Meath Park ? [sic]
EAST GAP School District # 3688 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sanctuary
OULTON School District # 4349 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sanctuary
SOUTHDEAN School District # 3448 NW Sec 19 Tsp 23 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sanctuary
SOUTHDEAN, THE School District # 3448 NE Sec 20 Tsp 23 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Sanctuary *
DURE LAKE School District # 5160 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sand Beach
LINK School District # 4872 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sand Beach
SANDFORD DENE School District # 79 SE Sec 19 Tsp 18 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 90 94 107 1912-1954 Sandford Dene *
SANDFORD DENE School District # 79 NE Sec 19 Tsp 18 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 66, Gallery 107 Sandford Dene *
SANFORD DENE School District # 79 Sec Tsp 18,19 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 1911 Sandford Dene * / Cabri
HYDE PARK School District # 2830 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sandwith
JAMESVILLE School District # 2986 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sanford Dene
NORTH LANDING School District # 3198 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Saskatchewan Landing
SASKATCHEWAN LANDING School District # 2214 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Saskatchewan Landing / Stewart Valley
BROWNELL School District # 904 SE Sec 21 Tsp 37 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 63 94 107 Saskatoon
BROWNELL School District # 904 SE Sec 16 Tsp 37 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 64 94 Saskatoon
BROWNELL School District # 904 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 94 Saskatoon
BROWNELL School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian (Saskatoon area) 94 Saskatoon
DIOVA School District # 769 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Grandora P.O. Twp.36, R.8, W3 66 Former name Diova) Saskatoon
DOUGLAS PLAIN School District # 900 NE Sec 9 Tsp 36 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 4 / 64 107 1904-1958 Saskatoon
GARFIELD School District # 915 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (R.R. 2 Saskatoon) / 64 107 1903 Saskatoon
GEDION School District # 682 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (See also Gideon) Saskatoon
GIDEON School District # 682 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 (36,37-6-W3) 107 1902 Saskatoon
GRAND CENTRAL School District # 10 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Saskatoon
KILMAURS School District # 180 SE Sec 31 Tsp 37 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 107 Saskatoon
MELNESS School District # 1179 Sec 9 Tsp 35 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Saskatoon
MERRRILL School District # 1582 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Saskatoon
MONTGOMERY PLACE School District # 5226 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Saskatoon
NUTANA School District # 869 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1903 Saskatoon
NUTANA School District # 869 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Saskatoon
REDFORD LODGE School District # 2197 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Saskatoon
SASKATOON School District # 13 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Saskatoon
SMITHVILLE School District # 430 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (64 27-36-6-W3) 107 Saskatoon
TWIN LAKES School District # 917 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1903 Saskatoon
VIRTUE School District # 2616 (SE) NE Sec 12 Tsp 38 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 107 Saskatoon
BOYLSTON School District # 902 SE Sec 14 Tsp 36 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Saskatoon *
EDZELL School District # 1562 SE Sec 22 Tsp 37 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 64 Saskatoon *
EDZELL School District # 1562 SW Sec 23 Tsp 37 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 66 1906-1966 Saskatoon *
GIDEON School District # 682 SW Sec 12 Tsp 37 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Saskatoon *
LITTLE STONE School District # 13 Sec 33 Tsp 35 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian Saskatoon, NWT 1887 See Also OLD STONE School Saskatoon *
OLD STONE School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Saskatoon, University of Saskatchewan campus Places See also LITTLE STONE School Saskatoon *
SMITHVILLE School District # NE Sec 28 Tsp 36 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 66 ?-1966 Saskatoon * / Smithville *
BELL School District # 2999 NW Sec 3 Tsp 21 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 ? 63 107 Sceptre
KATHLEEN School District # 334 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 64 (disorg) 107 1911 Sceptre
KATHLEEN School District # 334 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sceptre
SANDY VIEW School District # 3632 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sceptre
SCEPTRE School District # 3678 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sceptre
WYNCOTE School District # 3221 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sceptre
KATHLEEN School District # 334 SW Sec 25 Tsp 21 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Sceptre *
WYNCOTE, THE School District # SW Sec 4 Tsp 23 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Sceptre * / Lemsford *
AUSTINVILLE School District # 3061 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Scotsguard
DAHLIA School District # 4721 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Scotsguard
EARLY School District # 1129 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Scotsguard
ESMOND School District # 2940 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Scotsguard
HARTY School District # 861 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Scotsguard
PINTO CREEK School District # 3061 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Scotsguard
SCOTSGUARD School District # 3444 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Scotsguard
ESMOND School District # 2940 NW Sec 35 Tsp 8 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 34 107 1914-1942 Scotsguard / Admiral
COAL VALLEY School District # 482 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 Scotsguard / Shaunavon
CHAMPAGNE School District # 2255 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Scott SW 21-39-20-W3 64tlas ME) 107 Scott
ELDERTON School District # 2269 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Scott
LOCAL CENTER School District # 4270 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 43 1919/1927-1937 1939-1942 Scott
LOCAL CENTER School District # 4270 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Scott
REVENUE School District # 2269 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Scott
SCOTT School District # 2255 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Scott
CROOKED VALLEY School District # 2122 Sec Tsp 38,39 Rge 21,22 W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 64 Scott * / Tako ?
CROOKED VALLEY School District # 2122 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Tako P.O. NW 31-39-21-W3) 107 Scott * / Tako ?
CROOKED VALLEY School District # NW Sec 4 Tsp 39 Rge 21 W of the Meridian 43 1908/1909-1946 1948-1951 1951-1961 Scott * / Tako ?
REVENUE School District # NW Sec 35 Tsp 37 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Scott * / Tramping Lake * / Unity
CROOKED VALLEY School District # NW Sec 4 Tsp 39 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Scott * / Unity
LOCAL CENTER School District # SW Sec 23 Tsp 39 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Scott * / Unity
SCOTT School District # SW Sec 21 Tsp 39 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Scott * / Unity
SCOUT LAKE School District # 3604 SE Sec 8 Tsp 5 Rge 30 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (4-1-W3) (Scout Lake P.O. Twp.5, R.30, W2 66) (Hay Meadow P.O. Hay 4-1-w3 660 107 Scout Lake
LITTLE VALLEY School District # 3956 NW Sec 10 Tsp 5 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 98, 3 Scout Lake * / Willow Bunch *
HAY MEADOW School District # 4214 NE Sec 29 Tsp 4 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Scout Lake *
HAY MEADOW School District # 4241 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Hay Medaow P.O. Sec.33, Twp.4, R.1, W3; Scout Lake [sic] P.O. Twp.5, R.30, W2 66) 107 Scout Lake / Hay Meadow
HAY MEADOW School District # 4241 Sec Tsp 4,5 Rge 1,2 W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Scout Lake SE 8-5-30-W2 64tlas ME) Scout Lake / Hay Meadow *
LITTLE VALLEY School District # 3956 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Scout Lake / Willow Bunch
SCRIP School District # 4630 SE Sec 3 Tsp 28 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Scrip
STIGSTAD School District # 403 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 Scrip
LAURA SECORD School District # 3529 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Secretan
SECRETAN School District # 3191 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Secretan
THISTLEDOWN School District # 4763 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Secretan
THREE HILLS School District # 3559 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Secretan / Herbert
ANDREASHEIM School District # 976 SE Sec 6 Tsp 15 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 63 / 64 (disorg) (New Holstein P.O. Twp.15, R.15, W2 - 66) 107 1904 Sedley
ANDREASHEIM School District # 976 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 116[SIC] W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Sedley P.O. Twp.14, R.15, W2 66) Sedley
FRIEDENTHAL School District # 3384 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sedley
SEDLEY School District # 1305 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sedley
SEDLEY School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places Sedley
ALEXANDRA School District # 1908 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 94 Semans
ALEXANDRA School District # 1908 NE Sec 35 Tsp 27 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 63 107 Semans
ALEXANDRIA School District # 1908 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Semans
ASH LEAF School District # 2270 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Semans
BLYTHESWOOD School District # 3514 NW Sec 6 Tsp 27 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 63 - 65 (26-20-W2) Semans
CLEAR LAKE School District # 1615 SW Sec 6 Tsp 28 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 63 1906-1949 Semans
CLEAR LAKE School District # 1615 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Semans
ELLIS School District # 1894 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Semans
GLEN AFTON School District # 1725 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Semans
KAMANATHA School District # 1894 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Semans
SALINE CREEK School District # 4085 SW Sec 27 Tsp 30 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Semans
SEMANS School District # 2428 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Semans
ALEXANDRIA School District # 1908 Sec Tsp 27,28 Rge 19,20 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1907 Semans *
CARDIGAN School District # 2599 NW Sec 11 Tsp 29 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 66: SK ? 63 School formerly named MURNEY Semans * / Tate *
MURNEY School District # 2599 NW Sec 11 Tsp 29 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 63 School Later named CARDIGAN 2599 Semans * / Tate *
MURNEY School District # 2599 NW Sec 11 Tsp 29 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Semans * / Tate *
WAKEFIELD School District # 470 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 (Semans Sec.22, Twp.28, R.20, W2; Whortley Plains P.O. Sec.22, Twp.29, R.20, W2 - 66) 107 Semans / Siemins [sic]
LITTLE WEST School District # 5199 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 29 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Senate
RANGEVILLE School District # 3742 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 69 later named SENATE 107 Senate
SENATE School District # 3742 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 previously named RANGEVILLE 3742 107 Senate
ZENTNER School District # 2976 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Senate
ABBYWOOD School District # 3517 SE Sec 3 Tsp 40 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 66 (Senlac Sec.32, Twp.40, R.26, W3 66) 107 Senlac
AIREDALE School District # 3813 Sec 22 Tsp 41 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 66, (65 42-26-w3) Senlac
COTSWOLD School District # 2771 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Senlac
LONG LAKE School District # 3037 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Senlac
PENILE School District # 3207 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Senlac
SENLAC School District # 2749 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Senlac
CANADIAN School District # 4137 Sec 29 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 66 (41-28-W3) 107 Senlac *
COTSWOLD School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places RM of Senlac 411 Senlac *
COTSWALD School District # 2771 SE Sec 11 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 66: [sic] ? 63 107 1911-1949 Senlac * / Estevan
COTSWOLD School District # 2771 SE Sec 11 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 66: [sic] ? 63 1911-1949 Senlac * / Evesham
GARVOCH School District # 3754 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Senlac * / Lashburn
LONG LAKE, THE School District # 3037 SW Sec 30 Tsp 41 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Senlac * / Northend *
ABBYWOOD School District # NE Sec 34 Tsp 39 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Senlac * / Unity
AIREDALE School District # 3813 NE Sec 21 Tsp 41 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 100 / 63 107 Senlac * / Unity
CANADIAN School District # NW Sec 29 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Senlac * / Unity
COTSWOLD School District # SE Sec 11 Tsp 40 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Senlac * / Unity
SENLAC School District # SW Sec 5 Tsp 41 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Senlac * / Unity
ABBEYWOOD School District # SE Sec 30 Tsp 40 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 100 63 Senlac * / Unity / Evesham
SERATH School District # 2442 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Serath
SERATH RIDGE School District # 3735 NW Sec 26 Tsp 25 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (26-19-W2); 69 previously named STONY RIDGE 3735 107 Serath
STONEY RIDGE School District # 3735 NW Sec 26 Tsp 25 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (26-19-W2); Serath
STONY RIDGE School District # 3735 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 later named SERATH RIDGE 107 Serath
SERATH School District # 2442 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 Serath *
LIVERPOOL School District # 4161 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Setenen
MIRY CREEK School District # 397 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shackleton
NEWARK School District # 1288 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 69, see also SHACKLETON inserted. 107 Shackleton
SHACKLETON School District # 1288 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 90 ; 69, see also NEWARK 1288 107 1916-1968 Shackleton
UNDERWOOD School District # 511 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 (disorg) 107 1911 Shackleton
UNION School District # 1288 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shackleton
HILL School District # 3624 SE Sec 17 Tsp 20 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian SHIP 1989570 107 Shackleton * / Abbey *
HILL, THE School District # 3634 SE Sec 17 Tsp 20 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian SK Shackleton * / Abbey *
MIRY CREEK, THE School District # 397 NE Sec 10 Tsp 21 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 1 acre 90 om/~cansk/school/Footnotes.html#66">66 1912-1956 Shackleton * / Abbey *
UNDERWOOD School District # 511 SE Sec 10 Tsp 20 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Shackleton * / Abbey *
BOLINGBROKE School District # 2883 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shamrock
LAMB HILL School District # 3967 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shamrock
MAYPOLE School District # 1078 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shamrock
SHAMROCK VILLAGE School District # 4741 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Shamrock P.O. Twp.14, R.5, W3 -) 107 Shamrock
VESCY HILL School District # 3291 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shamrock
VESEY School District # 3291 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shamrock
SHAMROCK CENTRE School District # 4475 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 Shamrock *
GREENVIEW School District # 4373 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 94 1927-1963 Shand Creek / Porcupine Plain
GREEN VIEW School District # 4373 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Porcupine Plain P.O. located at Sec.8, Twp.42, R.9, W2) 107 Shand Creek / Porcupine Plain ? [sic]
ANGLO School District # 516 NE Sec 25 Tsp 7 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 63 107 Shaunavon
ANGLO School District # 516 Sec 25 Tsp 8 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shaunavon
AVON HEIGHTS School District # 3610 SE Sec 27 Tsp 7 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 63 107 Shaunavon
COALVILLE School District # 2551 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shaunavon
CRESTON School District # 4722 SW Sec 17 Tsp 9 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 63 1927-1971 Shaunavon
GEORGINA School District # 2936 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
GRASSY CREEK School District # 520 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 (8-18-W2) 107 1911 Shaunavon
HANNAHVILLE School District # 668 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
HUNTER'S LODGE School District # 4764 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
KING ALBERT School District # 4068 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
MADELON School District # 4868 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
MARCLIFFE School District # 3355 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 85 94 107 1917-1950 Shaunavon
MULE CREEK School District # 3380 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
NUMMOLA School District # 3520 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
ORANGE VALLEY School District # 3851 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
POWERMINE School District # 2551 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
RIVERBURN School District # 4209 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
ROCK CREEK School District # 3219 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
SHAMROCK CENTRE School District # 4475 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Shamrock P.O. Sec.9, Twp.14, R.5, W3; Shaunavon [sic] P.O. Sec.17, Twp.8, R.18, W3) Shaunavon
SHAUNAVON School District # 3228 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
THOMPSON VALLEY School District # 2721 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shaunavon
WILKINSON School District # 561 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Shaunavon P.O. Sec.17, Twp.8, R.18, W3 66) / 64 (11-17-W2 [sic] ) 107 1912 Shaunavon
GRASSY CREEK School District # 520 SE Sec 36 Tsp 8 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 Shaunavon * / Scotsguard *
RIVERBURN, THE School District # 4209 NE Sec 31 Tsp 4 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 Shaunavon * / Waldville *
MULE CREEK, THE School District # SW Sec 2 Tsp 7 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Shaunavon */ Nummola *
POWERMINE School District # 2551 SE Sec 29 Tsp 7 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 66: SK Shaunavon */ Nummola *
LEITCHVILLE School District # 2492 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 20 W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 65 (Leitchville P.O. Twp.9, R.19, W3 ; Shaunavon P.O. Sec.17, Twp.8, R.18, W3 66) 107 Shaunavon [sic]
CHAPMAN School District # 240 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ? 63 community later served by SHEHO LAKE 217 1892-1898 Sheho
DEER CREEK School District # 1275 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 10 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sheho
FEDKOWICH School District # 3164 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sheho
FOSTI School District # 1700 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sheho
KRASNY School District # 1121 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 10 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sheho
NEWBURN School District # 1920 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sheho
POHORLOWTZ School District # 2578 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 10 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sheho
SHEHO School District # 953 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sheho
SHEHO LAKE School District # 217 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ? 63 community previously served by CHAPMAN 240 107 Sheho
STONEY VIEW School District # 2524 SE Sec 15 Tsp 31 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sheho
WHITESAND RIVER School District # 4333 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sheho
WOLKOWETZ School District # 1730 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sheho / Insinger
CAMP LAKE School District # 4342 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shell Lake
CHIMSIDE School District # 665 Sec Tsp 46 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shell Lake
EDGEWATER School District # 4967 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shell Lake
FARRISDALE School District # 4969 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shell Lake
HEART OF WHEAT School District # 4785 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shell Lake
HONEYWOOD School District # 1138 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Shell Lake
IROQUOIS School District # 5010 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65; later WOOD HILL 69 107 Shell Lake
LYNWOOD School District # 4494 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (50-8-W3) 107 Shell Lake
RESTAL School District # 1067 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 69 later named SHELL LAKE 107 Shell Lake
SHELL LAKE School District # 1067 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 69 previously named RESTAL 1067 107 Shell Lake
SHELL LAKE School District # 2903 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shell Lake
SHELL LAKE RURAL School District # 2903 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shell Lake
CRESCO School District # 4789 SW Sec 27 Tsp 50 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 66 ? 63 1929-1962 Shell Lake *
LYNWOOD, THE School District # 4494 NE Sec 8 Tsp 50 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 Shell Lake *
SHELL LAKE School District # 2903 SW Sec 16 Tsp 50 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian SASK 66 Shell Lake *
HURRICANE School District # 5183 SW Sec 19 Tsp 48 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 149 1942-65 Shell Lake ALERT
BRIGHTHOLM School District # 2204 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
CAMEO School District # 2603 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
HAZEL RIDGE School District # 3844 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
HAZEL RIDGE School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian RM Shellbrook 493 Shellbrook
HOLBEIN School District # 641 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
JACK PINE VALLEY School District # 2603 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
NORTHERN LIGHTS School District # 2808 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Shellbrook
PARKVIEW School District # 896 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 1903 Shellbrook
PINE GROVE School District # 3302 NW Sec 35 Tsp 47 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (48-2-W3) 107 Shellbrook
PLEASANTVILLE School District # 328 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 107 1894 Shellbrook
RAYSIDE School District # 2808 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
RICH VALLEY School District # 1830 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
ROZILEE School District # 2473 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Shellbrook
SHELLBROOK School District # 252 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 107 1911 Shellbrook
SHELLBROOK School District # 290 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Shellbrook
CRYSTAL PLAIN School District # 898 SW Sec 14 Tsp 50 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Shellbrook *
PARKVIEW School District # 896 NW Sec 14 Tsp 49 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian SHIP 849029 Shellbrook *
RAYNER HEIGHTS School District # NE Sec 13 Tsp 41 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Shellbrook * / Unity
CRYSTAL PLAINS School District # 898 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 107 1903 Shellbrook / Holbein
MOUNT NEBO / MT NEBO School District # 442 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 Shellbrook / Mont Nebo [sic]
HILLDROP School District # 1348 SW Sec 13 Tsp 49 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 ? 63 107 Shellbrook / Shell Lake
SHERWOOD School District # Sec 16 Tsp 20 Rge 34 W of the 2 Meridian Near Sherwood, NWT 66 Sherwood
GUIDEME School District # 4954 Sec Tsp 52 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Shipman
SHIPMAN School District # 5063 Sec Tsp 52 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Shipman
CELTIC School District # 4663 NW Sec 21 Tsp 51 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 63 1926-1963 Shipman / Celtic
SIDEWOOD School District # 890 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sidewood
BEAVER DAM School District # 1297 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sidewood / (Tompkins?)
DAISY MEADOW School District # 5131 Sec Tsp 62 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sikip
CHATWOOD School District # 4988 Sec Tsp 62 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sikip / Dorintosh
LONGLAKETON School District # 112 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Silton
MARIETON School District # 513 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 107 1899 Silton
SILTON School District # 112 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Silton
SILTON School District # 1038 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 (21-21-W2) 107 1912 Silton
STRATHALLAN School District # 4620 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Silton
THORNCLIFFE School District # 4183 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Silton
SILTON School District # 113 Sec Tsp 21.22 Rge 21.22 W of the 2 Meridian 64 Silton * / Craven *
THORNCLIFFE, THE School District # 4183 NW Sec 11 Tsp 22 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian SK 66 Silton * / Gibbs *
VERNA School District # 195 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 107 107 Silton / Craven
SILVER GROVE School District # 1196 Sec Tsp 46 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Silver Grove
MOSS DALE School District # 3101 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Silver Park
SILVER PARK School District # 2650 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Silver Park
WINDIGO School District # 3403 SW Sec 16 Tsp 42 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian SHIP 1176723 Thomas F. Gannon (Silver Park PO Twp.42, R.18, W2 66) 107 Silver Park
MOSS DALE School District # 3101 SE Sec 5 Tsp 43 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 3; 17 1914-1964 Silver Park * / Resource *
WINDIGO School District # 3403 SW Sec 16 Tsp 42 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 1914-1958 17 Silver Park / Pleasantdale
CEDAR VIEW School District # 968 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 (11-16-W3) Later SIMMIE 69 107 1912 Simmie
CONGRESS School District # 3236 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 34 Simmie
PELLETIER HILL School District # 3850 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 34 107 1917-1954 Simmie
PELLETIER HILL School District # 3850 SE Sec 30 Tsp 11 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Simmie
SIMMIE School District # 968 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65; Previously CEDAR VIEW 968 69 107 Simmie
STONEFARM School District # 2899 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Simmie
STONE FARM School District # 2899 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1913 Simmie *
CONGRESS School District # 3236 SW Sec 11 Tsp 11 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 66: SK Simmie * / Stone Farm *
CONGRESS School District # 3236 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 34 107 1916-1972 Simmie / Admiral
STONE FARM School District # 2899 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 1941 Name change 34 1941-1957 Simmie / Admiral
STONEFARM School District # 2899 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Name change 34 1914-1941 Simmie / Admiral
FARRERDALE School District # 3499 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Simpson
JUNE ROSE School District # 722 SW Sec 15 Tsp 29 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Simpson
NORDAL School District # 1410 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Simpson
SEAFORTH School District # 2129 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Simpson
SIMPSON School District # 1359 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 *** 107 Simpson
SIMPSON School District # 1659 Sec Sec 3 Tsp 29 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian (Simpson area)***; 94 Simpson
SWEET HILL School District # 4749 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Simpson
JUNE ROSE School District # 722 SW Sec 15 Tsp 29 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Simpson *
SWEET HILL School District # 4749 NE Sec 11 Tsp 29 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian SK 66 *** Simpson *
CONCORD School District # 1971 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian 65 94 107 Simpson * / Davidson
NORDAL School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 66 Simpson * / Imperial *
AUSMUS School District # 2965 NE Sec 24 Tsp 28 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian *** (65 28-27-W2) Simpson / Imperial
CONCORD School District # 1971 Sec 6 Tsp 28 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian *** 94 Simpson / Imperial
FARRERDALE School District # 3499 NW Sec 18 Tsp 29 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian *** Simpson / Imperial
HIGHWOOD School District # 299 SE Sec 15 Tsp 30 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian *** Simpson / Imperial
LAKE CITY School District # 1431 SE Sec 16 Tsp 28 Rge W of the 2 Meridian *** Simpson / Imperial
LILYHOME School District # 3606 Sec 4 Tsp 30 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian *** Simpson / Imperial
MEADOWVILLE School District # 4228 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian *** 66 Simpson / Imperial
MEAUSE School District # 3869 SW Sec 3 Tsp 30 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian *** 66 Simpson / Imperial
MORNIMONT School District # 4551 SE Sec 29 Tsp Rge W of the 2 Meridian *** 66 107 Simpson / Imperial
NORDAL School District # 1410 SE Sec 27 Tsp 29 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian *** 107 Simpson / Imperial
ORVALD School District # 1899 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 26-25 W of the 2 Meridian *** Started as Orvald moved to Renown before 1920 Simpson / Imperial
SEAFORTH School District # 2467 SW Sec 29 Tsp 39 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian *** Simpson / Imperial
SHYLOH School District # 2234 Sec Tsp 28 Rge W of the 2 Meridian *** Simpson / Imperial
RYAN School District # 1944 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sinnett
SPRING GROVE School District # 1944 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sinnett
BRINDLE School District # 2347 SE Sec 13 Tsp 34 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ? 63 107 Sinnett / (Lanigan?) / LeRoy
MANRESA School District # 1809 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sinnett / Lang
SINNETT School District # 1809 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sinnett / Lang
ALLINDALE School District # 846 SE Sec 7 Tsp 18 Rge 10 W of the 2 Meridian 63 106 107 1903-1963 Sintaluta
RED FOX VALLEY School District # 72 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 11,12 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / ( 64 17-11,12-W3) (Sintaluta P.O. Twp.17, R.11, W2 66) 107 Sintaluta
SINTALUTA School District # 337 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 (17-11-W2) 107 1894 Sintaluta
SPRING COULEE School District # 59 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 107 Sintaluta
DURHAM School District # 347 NW Sec 14 Tsp 17 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian NWT :66 107 Sintaluta *
DURHAM School District # 347 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 106 1895-1965 Sintaluta / Wolseley
BLUFF CREEK School District # 1066 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sister Butte
MAYNE School District # 1066 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sister Butte
VALANCE School District # NE Sec 28 Tsp 4 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Sister Butte * / Lidget *
SISTER BUTTE School District # 643 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sister Butte / Lidget *
SLAGER School District # 2503 Sec Tsp 3 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Slager
SLAGER School District # 2503 NW Sec 18 Tsp 3 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian NWT 66 107 Slager * / Oungre *
ALDERGROVE School District # 4616 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 63 (North and South Aldergrove SD) / 65 (Smeaton P.O. NE Sec.13, Twp.52, R.20, W2 66) Smeaton
BISSET CREEK School District # 5051 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Smeaton
ELKHART School District # 4935 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Smeaton
INLAND School District # 4931 Sec Tsp 52 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Smeaton
JACQUINE LAKE School District # 4937 Sec Tsp 53 ? Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Smeaton
SMEATON School District # 4992 Sec Tsp 52 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Smeaton
BEDARD CREEK School District # 4904 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Smeaton / Snowden
BONNIE BURN School District # 531 SW Sec 15 Tsp 31 Rge 26 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 / 63 107 1911 Smiley
SMILEY School District # 3171 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Smiley
VICTORY School District # 852 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 107 Smiley
SMOKY BURN School District # 5234 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Smoky Burn
BLUEFIELD School District # 5196 Sec Tsp 46 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 Smoky Ridge
PRETTY LAKE School District # 2102 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Smuts
PRETTY LAKE School District # 2102 NE Sec 9 Tsp 40 Rge 28 W of the 2* Meridian (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 Smuts * / Wakaw
CARSCADEN School District # 4688 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Snipe Lake
MONTROSE School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 28 Snipe Lake
ORMELY School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 28 Snipe Lake
DIAMOND LAKE School District # 4990 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Snowden
JUSTAMERE School District # 4985 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Snowden
SNOWDEN HAMLET School District # 5097 Sec Tsp 52 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Snowden
SAKAL School District # 1955 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1908 Sokal */ Rosthern * / Wakaw*
SOKAL School District # 1955 SW Sec 16 Tsp 43 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sokal / Rosthern / Wakaw
SOMME HAMLET School District # 5169 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Somme
HOFFER School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 66 (Sonnenfeld Colony) 98 DIS-ORG 1928 Sonnenfeld Colony *
DRAVLAND School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian -1912 (Sonnenfeld Colony) 98 Sonnenfield Colony
LORRAINE School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian (Sonnenfeld Colony) 98 closed C1929 Sonnenfield Colony
RATCLIFFE School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian (Sonnenfeld Colony) 98 1929 Sonnenfield Colony
SUMMIT School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian (Sonnenfeld Colony) 98 1911 Sonnenfield Colony
MURRAY SMITH School District # 3034 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 98 107 Sonnenfield Colony *
MURRAY SMITH School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian (Sonnenfeld Colony) 6698 1914 Sonnenfield Colony *
VELHAVEN School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian (Sonnenfeld Colony) 98 -1915 Sonnenfield Colony *
BELLEVANT School District # 4408 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 94 107 Sonningdale
GUNNESS School District # 4060 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sonningdale
SONNINGDALE School District # 2513 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sonningdale
SPARTAN School District # 4805 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sonningdale
SPEERS School District # 3719 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sonningdale
STONY CREST School District # 4317 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sonningdale
TIPERARY School District # 4408 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sonningdale
CLEARDALE School District # 5259 NW Sec 12 Tsp 37 Rge 30 W of the 1 Meridian 64 portable school (Sopoff Tsp 36- Rge 30- W1 1924 Rand McNally Map) 107 1957, Feb 25 Sopoff*
GREAT NEST School District # NW Sec 16 Tsp 5 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Souris Valley * / Radville *
KLINTONEL School District # 1119 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 South Fork
SOUTH FORK School District # 2132 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 South Fork
SILVER GRAND School District # 5224 Sec Tsp 58 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 South Makwa
BLUEBERRY School District # 4897 Sec Tsp 57 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 South Makwa / (?Makwa)
BRIGHT VIEW School District # 5149 Sec Tsp 58 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 South Makwa / (Loon Lake?)
RABBIT RIVER School District # 4601 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65; 69 later named MAKWA 107 South Makwa / Makwa ? [sic]
MAKWA School District # 4601 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65; 69 previously named RA63IT RIVER 4601 107 South Makwa / Makwa? [sic]
QUEEN MAUD School District # 2570 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 South Valley
SOUTHCOTE School District # 1967 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 22,23 W of the 2 Meridian 64 Southcote *
BOURNEVILLE School District # 3521 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
COYNACH School District # 3360 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
CRAIGILEA School District # 5062 NE Sec 32 Tsp 21 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 63 1934-1950 Southey
CROSSWOODS School District # 1902 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
FRANSFIELD School District # 2031 NW Sec 21 Tsp 22 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian Gallery Southey
FRANSFIELD School District # 2031 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
FREUDENTHAL School District # 1309 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
GREGHERD School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places Southey
KINGSVILLE School District # 2288 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
KOENIGSBURG School District # 2031 Sec Tsp 22 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Southey
SNARUM School District # 1262 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
SNOWDROP School District # 3414 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
SOUTHEY School District # 1617 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
SOUTHEY School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places Southey
SUNNY NORTH School District # 2515 Sec Tsp 23 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Southey
FRONTIER, THE School District # 3741 SW Sec 15 Tsp 1 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 Southey *
PINE COULEE School District # 4595 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Southfork
FRANKLIN School District # 2136 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sovereign
SOVEREIGN School District # 2862 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sovereign
HADDINGTON School District # 68 Sec Tsp 29 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sovereign *
HADDINGTON School District # 68 Sec Tsp 28,29 Rge 12,13 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1911 Sovereign * / Glamis *
VERGINIA School District # 467 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 64 See Also VIRGINIA Soveriegn *
VIRGINIA, THE School District # 467 NW Sec 11 Tsp 30 [sic] Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 66 See also VERGINIA Soveriegn * [sic]
CHAMPLAIN School District # 1185 NW Sec 11 Tsp 39 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 63 1912-1963 Spalding
CHAMPLAIN School District # 1185 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Spalding
CHELTON School District # 2241 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Spalding NW 2-39-18-W2 64tlas ME) 107 Spalding
CLEARVIEW School District # 1087 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Spalding
KINGSCOURT School District # 4409 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spalding
LAKE EDWARDS School District # 2967 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Spalding
PILON School District # 1577 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 5 107 Spalding
ROSE BUSH School District # 2192 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Spalding
SPALDING School District # 1577 NW Sec 13 Tsp 39 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 5 Spalding
SPALDING School District # 1577 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spalding
SUNNY VIEW School District # 2307 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spalding
CHAMPLAIN School District # Sec 14 Tsp 39 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 66 LATER NW 11-39-19-W2 Spalding *
CHELTON School District # 2241 SE Sec 26 Tsp 38 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Spalding *
LAKE EDWARD School District # 2967 NW Sec 10 Tsp 39 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 66 107 Spalding *
PILON School District # 1577 NW Sec 13 Tsp 39 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian NAME LATER CHANGED TO SPALDING Spalding *
SUNNY VIEW School District # 2307 Sec 27 Tsp 38 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Spalding *
CLEARVIEW School District # 1087 SE Sec 18 Tsp 38 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Spalding * / Daphne *
SPEEDWELL School District # 4860 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Speedwell / Fairholm ?[sic]
CORBET School District # 1914 Sec Tsp 44 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Speers
CORBETT School District # 1914 Sec Tsp 43,44 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1907 Speers
GREE BLUFF School District # 1158 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Speers
SPRINGBANK School District # 1667 NW Sec 24 Tsp 44 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Speers
TILLOTSON School District # 4757 Sec Tsp 44 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Speers
ASGARD School District # 771 SW Sec 1 Tsp 40 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 63 107 Spinney Hill
BLACK POPLAR School District # 2129 SE Sec 9 Tsp 29 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 93 1923-1956 Spirit Lake
BLACK POPLAR School District # 2129 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spirit Lake
NORTH CREEK School District # 4572 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Spiritwood
RESOLUTE School District # 4212 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Spiritwood
SPIRITWOOD School District # 4819 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Spiritwood
TEMESVAR School District # 4793 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Spiritwood
TINSON School District # 612 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Spiritwood
WILD BEAR School District # 4787 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Spiritwood
WILLOW FLATS School District # 273 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Spiritwood
WILD BEAR School District # 4787 SW Sec 16 Tsp 51 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Spiritwood * / Mildred *
TINSON School District # 612 NE Sec 32 Tsp 49 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 Spiritwood * / Norbury *
NORTH CREEK School District # 4572 SE Sec 5 Tsp 52 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian SK Spiritwood * / Victoire *
LITTLE BRIDGE School District # 4240 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spooner
SPRING CREEK SCHOOL School District # Sec 5 Tsp 12 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian Near Spring Creek, NWT 66 Spring Creek / Rossetti * / Moosomin *
ARTESIAN School District # 3213 NE Sec 30 Tsp 11 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 63 107 Spring Valley
ARTESIAN School District # 3213 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 25, [16 sic] W of the 2 Meridian 65 Spring Valley
DUNDALK School District # 4222 SE Sec 11 Tsp 11 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spring Valley
CURRIE School District # 4013 NE Sec 22 Tsp 10 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ? 63 107 Spring Valley
PLEASANT VALLEY School District # 4112 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spring Valley / Abernethy *
PLEASANT VALLEY School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 42 existed 8 years never in operation. 1918-1954 Spring Valley / Abernethy *
BEAVER School District # 374 NE Sec 35 Tsp 22 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Springside
BEBLO School District # 3962 SE Sec 21 Tsp 28 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 93 ? 85 -63 94 107 1918-1967 Springside
CLEAR CREEK School District # 424 NW Sec 34 Tsp 27 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 93 1897-1899 1900-1959 Springside
CLEAR CREEK School District # 424 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 65 85 107 Springside
CROSSROADS School District # 4775 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 65 85 Springside
GOOD LUCK School District # 3666 SW Sec 14 Tsp 28 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 93 Gallery 93 1917-1966 Springside
GOOD LUCK School District # 3666 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Springside
HOMESTEAD School District # 2247 SE Sec 25 Tsp 28 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 93 65 (Springside Town SE 23-27-6-W2 64tlas ME) 107 1909-1956 Springside
NORTH LAKE School District # 3991 SW Sec 24 Tsp 29 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 65 85 93 107 1918-1965 Springside
SPRINGSIDE School District # 1148 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 85 107 Springside
WINDSOR School District # 265 NE Sec 31 Tsp 26 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 94 93 107 1901-1966 Springside * / Theodore * / Orcadia *
WINDSOR School District # 265 Sec Tsp 26, 27 Rge 5,6 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 85 1892-1967 Springside / Orcadia
STONEY COULEE School District # 3584 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian 65 85 93 107 1916-1964 Springside / Willowbrook ?[sic]
STAPLETON School District # 4658 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Springwater
SPRUCE GROVE School District # 4131 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 2 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spruce Grove / Hyas ?[sic]
CENTREVILLE School District # 2639 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spruce Home
HANNA School District # 1946 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spruce Home
WHEATLEY School District # 3821 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Spruce Home
ALAMAC School District # 4465 SE Sec 6 Tsp 53 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 63 (SD changed name to Spruce Lake) Spruce Lake
ALAMAC School District # 4465 Sec Tsp 52 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (53-22-W3) Spruce Lake
MAY BELL School District # 1282 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Spruce Lake
BRIGHTSAND LAKE School District # 3447 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 94 107 Spuce Lake
DEER HORN School District # 3807 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 Spy Hill
SPY HILL School District # 170 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Spy Hill
VALLAR School District # 1020 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian 65 / 64 107 107 Spy Hill
WILLOW VALE School District # 4165 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 Spy Hill
WILLOWVALE School District # 4165 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian 65 Spy Hill
BAVELAW School District # 747 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 30 W of the 1 Meridian 65 / 64 107 Spy Hill / Gainsboro
CO-OPERATION School District # 3482 Sec Tsp 47 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Square Hill
FRATERNITY School District # 3756 NE Sec 11 Tsp 47 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Square Hill
FRATERNITY School District # 3756 NE Sec 11 Tsp 47 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 Square Hill * / Mullingar *
STAFFORD School District # 4540 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Srongfield
SPRUCE BLUFF School District # 2029 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Srpuce Bluff
ST. EDWARD School District # 884 Sec Tsp 5,6 Rge 1 W of the 1 [sic] Meridian 64 (St. Antoine P.O. Twp.5, R.31, W1 66) Check also ST. EDMUND St. Antoine [sic]
BELMONT School District # 2040 SE Sec 10 Tsp 42 Rge 25 W of the 2* Meridian 63 - (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 St. Benedict
BELMONT School District # 2040 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Benedict
ELIZTBETH / (ELIZABETH?) [sic] School District # 2040 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 St. Benedict
HOODOO School District # 1353 NW Sec 14 Tsp 41 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 101 St. Benedict
ROCK VALLEY School District # 1150 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Benedict
WILFRED School District # 1476 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Benedict
ROCK VALLEY School District # 1150 SW Sec 16 Tsp 41 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian NWT 66 St. Benedict *
MINAKI School District # 4951 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 St. Benedict / Lake Lenore
FISCHMAN School District # 2829 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Boswells
LAWTONIA School District # 3832 Sec Tsp 13 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 St. Boswells
ST. BOSWELLS School District # Sec Tsp 13 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 St. Boswells
MIDDLEFOLD School District # 1165 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (St. Boswells NW 36-12-7-W3 64tlas ME) 107 St. Boswell's
EMMERY School District # 2528 SE Sec 18 Tsp 12 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian SK :66 107 St. Boswells *
MIDDLEFOLD School District # 1165 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 8 W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 64 St. Boswell's *
BUSCH School District # 311 NE Sec 22 Tsp 11 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 65 ? 63 107 1911 St. Boswell's / Gravelbourg / Glenbain
HANGEVILLE School District # 3643 NW Sec 29 Tsp 13 Rge 7 W of the 3 Meridian 66 St. Boswells / Hodgeville *
BRUSHWOOD School District # 3668 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Brieux
HARRIVILLE School District # 4020 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 St. Brieux
LACOMBE School District # 3714 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Brieux
MIORA LAKE School District # 3116 NW Sec 32 Tsp 41 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (42-22-W2) 107 St. Brieux
SACRISTON School District # 4330 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 St. Brieux
SAINT BRIEUX School District # 1463 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 St. Brieux
TILLY School District # 4515 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Brieux
HARRIVILLE School District # 4020 NE NE Sec 14 Tsp 43 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 98 107 1919 St. Brieux * / Melfort *
GREY OWL School District # 5179 Sec Tsp 61 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Cyr Lake
WILLOW POINT School District # 4973 Sec Tsp 60 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (61-15-W3); 69 later named ST. CYR LAKE 107 St. Cyr Lake
BRIGHTSIDE School District # 648 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Front
ST. FRONT School District # 4095 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Front
ST. RAYMOND School District # 4772 Sec Tsp 39 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (39-16-W2) 107 St. Front
NORTH ST. GREGOR School District # 3196 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 St. Gregor
SJOLIE School District # 2145 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (St. Gregor SW 17-37-20-W2 64tlas ME) 107 St. Gregor
SOUTH ST. GREGOR School District # 3163 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Gregor
ST. GREGOR School District # 3196 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Gregor
MINTERN School District # 772 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 St. Gregor *
SJOLIE School District # 2145 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 20,21 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1908 St. Gregor *
SJOLIE School District # 2145 NW Sec 18 Tsp 36 Rge 29 [sic] W of the 2 Meridian 94 St. Gregor *
MINTERN School District # 772 Sec Tsp 36,37 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 64 (St. Gregor P.O. Twp.37, R.20, W2 66) 1925 St. Gregor * / Watson *
ARRAS School District # 3969 NE Sec 12 Tsp 38 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 149 St. Gregor ALERT
HARVEST School District # 3661 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Gregor Lake
ST. HUBERT School District # 2770 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Hubert
NADON School District # 1664 NW Sec 36 Tsp 47 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 66 St. Hypolite * / Vawn *
NADON School District # 1664 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 St. Hypolite / Paynton ?[sic]
ST. CYRIL School District # 1664 Sec Tsp 48 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Hypolite / Paynton ?[sic]
BELLEVUE School District # 4916 SE Sec 2 Tsp 44 Rge 28 W of the 2* Meridian (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 107 St. Isidore de Bellevue
BELLEVUE School District # 4916 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 St. Isidore de Bellevue
ST. GERARD School District # 5240 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (St. Isidore de Bellevue Twp.43, R.28, W2 66) St. Isidore de Bellevue
ST. GERARD School District # 5240 SW Sec 15 Tsp 44 Rge 28 W of the 2* Meridian (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 St. Isidore de Bellevue * / Wakaw
ST. ISIDORE School District # 4832 sw Sec 18 Tsp 44 Rge 27 W of the 2* Meridian (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 107 St. Isidore de Bellevue * / Wakaw
ST. ISIDORE School District # 4832 Sec Tsp 44 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian 65 St. Isidore de Bellevue / St. Isidore
ST JOSEPH School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places Qu'Appelle RM 157 St. Joseph's
KOLOMYIA School District # 1878 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Julien
POLTAWA School District # 2335 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian 65; 69 later named CARPENTER 107 St. Julien
SNIATYN School District # 1729 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Julien
TORHOWYCIA School District # 2335 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian 65 St. Julien
NVENA School District # 3027 NE Sec 12 Tsp 41 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian St. Julien *
SVOBODA School District # 1704 NW Sec 22 Tsp 41 Rge 29 W of the 2 Meridian 98 St. Julien *
THORNHOWYCIA School District # 2335 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 28 W of the 2 Meridian 64 St. Julien *
KILOMYIA School District # 1878 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 28,1 W of the 2,3 Meridian 64 St. Julien * / Wakaw
KOLOMYIA School District # 1878 SW Sec 29 Tsp 42 Rge 28 W of the 2* Meridian 65 (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 St. Julien * / Wakaw
SNIATYN School District # 1729 NW Sec 10 Tsp 43 Rge 28 W of the 2* Meridian (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 St. Julien * / Wakaw
FOURMOND School District # 4911 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 St. Laurent
FOURMOND School District # 1911 Sec 9 Tsp 44 Rge 29 W of the 3* Meridian )St. Laurent - Grandin P.O. Twp.44, R.1, W3 66) St. Laurent *
BREMNER School District # 2921 SE Sec 15 Tsp 46A Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 63 St. Louis
GERROND School District # 661 Sec Tsp 46 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Louis
LECOQ School District # 3663 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (64 15-45-28-W2) 107 St. Louis
OXFORD School District # 4042 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 27 W of the 2 Meridian 65; 69 later named ST LOUIS HAMLET 107 St. Louis
ST LOUIS HAMLET School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 previously named OXFORD 4042 107 1902 St. Louis
ST. ANDREWS School District # 8 Sec Tsp 46 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 (46-26-W2) 107 1885 St. Louis
ST. LOUIS School District # 728 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 (5,6-34-W1) (St. Louis was Boucher P.O. Twp.45, R.27, W2 66 ) 107 1902 St. Louis
ST. LOUIS de LANGEVIN School District # 4908 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 27 W of the 2* Meridian 65 / 64 (Wakaw P.O. Twp.42, R.26, W2 66) 33 107 St. Louis
STRATFORD School District # 4365 SW SW Sec 31 Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 151 1922-1965 St. Philips
STRATFORD School District # 4365 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 St. Philips
ST. BASCILIAN School District # 103 NE Sec 12 Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 151 1913-1964 St. Philips / Kamsack
ST. BASILIAN / BASCILLIAN School District # 103 Sec Tsp 31,32 Rge 31,32 W of the 1 Meridian 65 / 64 1911 St. Philips / Kamsack
GONDNEY School District # 3781 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 30 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 St. Victor
MAISONNEUVE School District # 4582 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 St. Victor
DEER VALLEY School District # 3918 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Walburg
GLENBOGIE School District # 3022 Sec Tsp 54 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Walburg
HOPETOWN School District # 3918 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 St. Walburg
MYRTLE School District # 4354 Sec Tsp 55 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Walburg
ST. WALBURG School District # 590 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 69 lists this as ?OLD ST WALBURG 590" St. Walburg
WINDING CREEK School District # 3481 Sec Tsp 55 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 St. Walburg
COTTAGE GROVE School District # 4133 Sec Tsp 54 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 94 St. Walburg * / Stowlea (Turtlesford)
COTTAGE GROVE School District # 4133 NE Sec 29 Tsp 54 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 66 94 107 St. Walburg * / Saint Walburg *
DEER VALLEY, THE School District # 3918 NW Sec 4 Tsp 54 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian SK :66 St. Walburg * / Saint Walburg *
FISHPONDS School District # 1270 Sec Tsp 54 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 St. Walburg * / Saint Walburg *
GLENBOGIE, THE School District # 3022 NE Sec 10 Tsp 54 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian OF SASK 66 St. Walburg * / Saint Walburg *
MYRTLE, THE School District # 4304 SE Sec 2 Tsp 55 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 66 St. Walburg * / Saint Walburg *
WINDING CREEK, THE School District # 3481 SE Sec 35 Tsp 54 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 66 St. Walburg * / Saint Walburg *
BERMUDA School District # 2225 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 26 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Stalwart
BERMUDA School District # Sec Tsp 28 Rge W of the 2 Meridian *** Stalwart
STALWART School District # 409 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stalwart
CARLSBAD, THE School District # 3347 NE Sec 29 Tsp 50 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Standard Hill *
HIGHLAND School District # 2562 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Standard Hill * / Standard / Maidstone ?[sic]
RIVER BEND School District # 2562 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Standard Hill / Maidstone ?[sic]
CAMPBELLVILLE School District # 1140 Sec Tsp 46 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Star City
EXCELSIOR School District # 1868 Sec Tsp 44 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Star City
MacALISTER School District # 621 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Star City
McALLISTER School District # 621 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Star City
NORWOOD School District # 1234 SW Sec 4 Tsp 46 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 98 107 1904 Star City
ORIOLE School District # 3779 SE SE Sec 20 Tsp 44 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 98 / 25 107 1917 Star City
SOUTH STAR School District # 1333 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Star City
SOUTH STAR School District # 1333 SW Sec 29 Tsp 43 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 98 107 1914 Star City
SOUTH STAR School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian RM Star City 428 Places Star City
STAR CITY School District # 1475 Sec Tsp 45 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 65 98 NE Main Street 107 1906 Star City
WILLOW VALLEY School District # 1887 NE Sec 20 Tsp 46 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 SHIP 803319 NWT J.S. Desk 107 Star City
EXCELSIOR School District # 1868 NE Sec 14 Tsp 44 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 98 1908 Star City * / Clemens Siding *
CAMPBELLVILLE School District # 1140 NE Sec 34 Tsp 45 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 98 - 63 1905 Star City * / Naisberry *
McALLISTER School District # 621 NE Sec 9 Tsp 45 Rge 17 W of the 2 Meridian 98 / 25 1901 Star City * / Naisberry *
ORCHARD, THE School District # 2199 NE Sec 9 Tsp 45 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 98 Star City / Melfort
STAYNOR HALL School District # 3682 Sec Tsp 2 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Staynor Hall
SOUTH RIDGE School District # 4092 Sec Tsp 2 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Staynor Hall / Eastend ?[sic]
STE. MARTHE School District # 1546 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Ste. Marthe
GOPHER HILLS School District # 3424 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Steeldale
ROSELEA, THE School District # 3415 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Steelman
STEELMAN School District # 820 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65; 69 previously named ROSELEIGH 820 107 Steelman
ROSELEIGH School District # 820 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64; 69 later named STEELMAN 107 Steelman / Alameda
HARA School District # 5142 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 12 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Steen P.O. Twp.43, R.11, W2 66) 107 Steen
NORTH HYDE School District # 4423 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Steen / Bjorkdale ?[sic]
STELCAM School District # 3599 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stelcam
CRYSTAL LAKE School District # 1255 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stenen
FRAME LAKE School District # 3456 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stenen
GEORGE ALBERT School District # 3673 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stenen
GOLD BANK School District # 677 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 R Stenen
STENEN School District # 892 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stenen
CRYSTAL School District # 1255 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 3,4 W of the 2 Meridian 64 Stenen *
GOLD BANK School District # 677 NE Sec 16 Tsp 36 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Stenen * / Danbury *
GOODHUE School District # 2293 NE Sec 6 Tsp 35 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (34-4-W2) 107 Stenen * / Danbury *
ATLAS School District # 2806 SW Sec 29 Tsp 18 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 66; (65 18-15-W3) 107 Stewart Valley
HOVDESTAD School District # 2045 SE Sec 24 Tsp 19 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 92 107 Stewart Valley
HOVDESTAD School District # 2045 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stewart Valley
STEWART VALLEY School District # 2689 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stewart Valley
WHEAT BELT School District # 4100 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stewart Valley
HAVESTAD School District # 2045 Sec Tsp 19,20 Rge 12,13 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1908 Stewart Valley *
STIRLING School District # 258 NW Sec 11 Tsp 19 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian Near Stirling, NWT 66 Stirling
NEW STOCKHOLM School District # 120 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 2,3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 107 Stockholm
PILCHAK School District # 2359 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stockholm
ST. DAVID School District # 4432 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stockholm
STOCKHOLM School District # 1285 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stockholm
STOCKHOLM School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian People (Stockholm P.O. Sec.25, Twp.19, R.3, W2 66) Stockholm
SWEA School District # 139 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Stockholm
WALES School District # 4542 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stockholm
PILCHOK School District # 2359 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 2,3 W of the 2 Meridian 64 Stockholm *
EXCEL School District # 894 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 (19,20--3-W2) 107 1903 Stockholm / Halbrite
SCANDIA School District # 676 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 107 Stockholm / Ohlen
LUNBY School District # 4258 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 2 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stockholm / Whitewood
BONE CREEK School District # 646 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 RM of Shaunvaon 107 Stone
NORTH FORK School District # 2768 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stone
PLEASANT MOUND School District # 292 NE Sec 7 Tsp 10 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 66 107 Stone *
PLEASANT MOUND School District # 292 Sec Tsp 10 Rge 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Stone / (Tompkins)
ANTELOPE LAKE School District # 907 NW Sec 16 Tsp 9 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stone schoolhouse (Eastend was south of this school BB)
FLORENCE School District # 2541 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Stonehenge
STONEHENGE School District # 4833 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stonehenge
TWELVE MILE LAKE School District # 3328 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stonehenge
WILLOW BEACH School District # 4339 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stonehenge
BRUCE School District # 2541 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stonehenge/ Limerick
ROCKY LAKE School District # 1027 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 33 [sic] W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Stony Beach P.O.T wp.17,18, R.23,24, W2 Ca A) 107 Stony Beach
STONY BEACH School District # 186 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Stony Beach
ROCKY LAKE School District # 1027 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 64 (Disley P.O. Twp.19, R.23, W2 Later name Glen Valley P.O.) 1904 Stony Beach * / Disley * / Glen Valley *
BROADWAY School District # 1708 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stony Beach / Stoney Beach
FREEMONT School District # 1303 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stony Lake
PARKDALE School District # 2714 NE NE Sec 22 Tsp 50 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 79 107 1913-1963 Stony Lake / Stoney Lake
ANGOVE School District # 2202 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 33 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 Stornoway
CLYDE School District # 875 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 2 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stornoway
ELITE School District # 1724 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 33 W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 69 was previously GEDDES 1724; 65 see also GEDDES 1724; PROBINA 1724; PROBIZNA 1724 (Stornoway later Barvas Twp.26, R.1, W2; Stornoway was Mailand, Stornoway Station Twp.26, R.1, W2 66) 107 Stornoway
GEDDES School District # 1724 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 33 W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 69 later ELITE 1724; 65 see also ELITE 1724; PROBIZNA 1724; PROBINA 1724 (Stornoway later Barvas Twp.26, R.1, W2; Stornoway was Mailand, Stornoway Station Twp.26, R.1, W2 66) 107 Stornoway
NEW CANADIAN School District # 264 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stornoway
PROBINA School District # 1724 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 see also ELITE 1724; GEDDES 1724; PROBIZNA 1724 Stornoway
PROBIZNA, THE School District # 1724 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 32,33 W of the 1 Meridian 64 see also ELITE 1724; GEDDES 1724, PROBINA 1724 (Stornoway was Mailand, Stornoway Station Twp.26, R.1, W2 66) Stornoway
STONOWAY School District # 829 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Stornoway
VERENCZANKA School District # 264 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Stornoway
LOTHIAN School District # 714 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 (25,26-1-W2) 1902 Stornoway / Dunleath
BOLTON School District # 2826 SW Sec 24 24 Tsp 5 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian 65 ? 63 94 107 Storthoaks bolton
ST. MAURICE School District # 4655 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian 65 107 Storthoaks
ST. THOMAS School District # 865 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian 65 / 64 (Carievale) 107 Storthoaks
STORTHOAKS PROTESTANT SEPARATE School District # 2 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 31,32 W of the 1 Meridian 64 (Storthoaks Tsp 5- Rge 31- W1 Rand McNally 1924 Map) 107 1918 Storthoaks *
FERN School District # 496 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian 65 / 64 107 Storthoaks /Gainsborough
ST. EDMOND School District # 884 Sec Tsp 6 Rge 32 W of the 1 [sic] Meridian 65 (Storthoaks P.O. Twp.5, R.31, W1 66) Check also ST. EDWARD 107 Storthoaks [sic]
HILL HURST School District # 1758 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stoughton
HILLIER School District # 1570 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stoughton
MELROSE School District # 1576 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stoughton
RANNIE School District # 1387 Sec Tsp 11 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65; 1922 SD name changed to SOUTH HANDSWORTH (64) Stoughton
STOUGHTON School District # 691 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Stoughton
MILROSE School District # 1576 Sec Tsp 8,9 Rge 7,8 W of the 2 Meridian 64 Stoughton *
CAVALIER School District # 709 Sec Tsp 8 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 (7,8-7-W2) Stoughton / Alma
LA SALETTE School District # 734 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 (8,9-7-W2) 107 Stoughton / Alma
WALTON School District # 830 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 (7,8-8-W2) 107 Stoughton / New Hope
ARDEN LEIGH School District # 5015 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Lintlaw Twp.36, R.9, W2 ) (Stove Creek P.O. Twp.37, R.8, W2 66) 107 Stove Creek
SKY ROCK School District # 5147 Sec Tsp 55 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stowlea
SKY ROCK School District # 5147 NW Sec 25 Tsp 55 Rge 21, 22 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stowlea
NOBLE VIEW School District # 2120 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stranraer
OAKENSHAW School District # 3684 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stranraer
STRANRAER School District # 651 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Stranraer
NOBEL VIEW School District # 2120 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 17,18 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1908 Stranraer *
OAKENSHAW School District # 3684 Sec 27 Tsp 31 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian SK 66 Stranraer *
TOFT HILL School District # 3396 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stranraer * / Herschel
BEULAH School District # 4427 SE Sec 25 Tsp 24 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 ? 63 107 Strasbourg
EAST MOUNT School District # 1715 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Strasbourg
EDELAND School District # 824 Sec Tsp 23,24 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1903 Strasbourg
EDELAUE School District # 824 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Strasbourg
LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY School District # 93 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Strasbourg
MIDWAY School District # 2294 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Strasbourg
MOUNT HILL School District # 4439 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Strasbourg
RAVINESIDE School District # 1336 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Strasbourg
RAVINESIDE School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places RM McKillop 220 Strasbourg
STRASBOURG School District # 1542 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places Strasbourg
STRASBOURG School District # 1542 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Strasbourg
STRASSBURG School District # 92 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Strasbourg
STRASSBURG STATION School District # 1542 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Strasbourg
EDELANE School District # 824 NE Sec 10 Tsp 24 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian SHIP 663740 Wilhelm Schroeder Strasbourg *
LAKESIDE School District # 2336 SW Sec 29 Tsp 25 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Strasbourg *
STROSSBURG School District # 92 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1887 Strasbourg *
VIOLA School District # 1215 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 21 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Strasbourg *
MONS School District # 3974 NE Sec 22 Tsp 40 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (50-23-W2) 107 Strong Pine
STRONG PINE School District # 4489 Sec Tsp 50 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Strong Pine
CHERRY DALE School District # 3072 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Strongfield
CLEAR RIDGE School District # 3944 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Strongfield
OSPREY School District # 1636 Sec Tsp 28 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Strongfield
PEBBLE BEACH School District # 1806 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Strongfield
STRONGFIELD School District # 2605 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1910- June 8 Strongfield
STRONGFIELD School District # 2605 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Strongfield
PEBBLE BEACH School District # 1806 SW Sec 11 Tsp 27 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 20 Strongfield * / Bladworth
PLEASANT RIDGE School District # 2109 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Strongfield * / Loreburn
ASHDELL School District # 4725 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Strongfield / Loreburn
DICKSON School District # 3816 Sec 1 Tsp 39 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Struan
PETROFFSK School District # 3041 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Struan
PETROFFSK School District # 3041 NE Sec 8 Tsp 38 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 50 107 Struan / Arelee
RABBIT BLUFF School District # 5070 Sec Tsp 54 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stump Lake
STUMP LAKE School District # 4987 Sec Tsp 53 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Stump Lake / Canwood
STURGEON RIVER School District # 3565 Sec Tsp 52 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sturgeon River
BRANT School District # 3018 Sec Tsp 51 Rge 2 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sturgeon Valley
NATIONAL PARK School District # 4839 Sec Tsp 52 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sturgeon Valley
STURGEON VALLEY School District # 3786 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Sturgeon Valley
BAUDALE / BAUDLE School District # 2635 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sturgis
BEAVER BANK School District # 4279 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sturgis
BROOKVIEW School District # 4340 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sturgis
CAVELL School District # 3667 SW Sec 34 Tsp 35 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (36-5-W2) Sturgis
KOPJE School District # 2677 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sturgis
MELROSE School District # 2635 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sturgis
STURGIS School District # 2635 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sturgis
WOOLIGHT School District # 3823 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sturgis
AJAX School District # 3667 SW Sec 34 Tsp 35 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian 63 / 65 (36-5-W2) 107 Sturgis / Hinchcliffe
HAZEL BLOOM School District # 4975 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (Sturgis P.o. Twp.34, R.4, W2; Lintlaw P.O. Twp.36, R.9, W2 66) 107 Sturgis / Lintlaw
HAZEL BLOOM School District # 4975 SW SW Sec 26 Tsp 37 Rge 9 W of the 2 Meridian 64 (Sturgis NW 20-34-4- W2 Lintlaw NW 4-36-9-W2 64tlas ME) 1932, June 22 Sturgis / Lintlaw *
FAIR HILLS School District # 3691 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Success
FAIRBANK School District # 2736 Sec Tsp 24 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Success
FLATS School District # 1602 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Success
ORILLIA School District # 3970 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Success
SUCCESS School District # 2053 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Success
WHEAT VALLEY School District # 2053 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 16 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Success
WHITEHALL School District # 2735 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Success
CHARLOTTE, THE School District # 3510 SE Sec 1 Tsp 16 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 66: SK Success *
CHARLOTTE, THE School District # 3510 SW Sec 1 Tsp 16 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 66: SK Success *
FAIRBANK School District # 2736 NE Sec 16 Tsp 23 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Success * / Lemsford * / Sceptre *
LEINAN School District # 314 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 107 Success / Leinan
SUMMER HILL School District # 34 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Summerberry
SUMMERBERRY School District # 33 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 8, 9 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 107 Summerberry
SUMMERHILL School District # 34 Sec Tsp 16,17 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 / 64 107 Summerberry
THISTLE School District # 32 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 Summerberry
THISTLE School District # 36 SE Sec 36 Tsp 17 Rge 9 W of the Meridian 106 sold, moved and re-named WESTFIELD 35 in 1887 1885-1891 Summerberry
WELDON School District # 65 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Summerberry
SUMMERHILL School District # 34 SW Sec 28 Tsp 16 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 66 Summerberry * / Adair *
CARR HILL School District # 3187 SW Sec 31 Tsp 18 Rge 8 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (19A-19-W2) 63 107 1913-1950 Summerberry * / Lemberg
SUMNER School District # 804 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sumner / Zeneta
BERNARD School District # 2542 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sunkist
SUNRAY School District # 2542 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Sunkist
HOWIEDALE School District # 2505 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Superb
NICHOL School District # 4207 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Superb
PATRICK School District # 2931 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Superb
SOMME School District # 4127 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Superb
SUPERB School District # 2505 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Superb
SUPERBA School District # 2984 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 29 Superb
PATRICK School District # NE Sec 22 Tsp 34 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Superb * / Unity
HOWIE VALE School District # 2505 Sec Tsp 33 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1909 Superb*
BALTIC School District # 3285 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 30 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Surprise
SURPRISE School District # 3285 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 30 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Surprise
BAINESVILLE School District # 214 NW NE Sec 33 Tsp 36 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 83 Sutherland
BAINESVILLE School District # 214 NE Sec 33 Tsp 36 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 63 Also BAINSVILLE) 107 Sutherland
BAINSVILLE School District # 214 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sutherland
BERGHEIM School District # 2819 SE Sec 24 Tsp 37 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sutherland
GARDENVILLA School District # 963 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sutherland
KILMENY School District # 2769 NW Sec 12 Tsp 38 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 41 107 1910/1911-1946 1952-1957 Sutherland
KILMENY School District # 2769 Sec Tsp 38 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Sutherland
EVANSVALE / EVANVALE School District # 708 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 (36,37-4-W3) 1902 Sutherland / Nutana
BIGHORN School District # 3458 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Swan Plain
BIGHORN CREEK School District # 3458 Sec Tsp 37 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Swan Plain
POELCAPELLE School District # 3980 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Swan Plain
POELCAPELLE School District # 3980 SE Sec 29 Tsp 36 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian 66 107 Swan Plain * / Pelly * / Maloneck *
MOSS SIDE School District # 4981 NW Sec 36 Tsp 37 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Swan Plain / Parr View
BAPAUME School District # 4135 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 149 1919-1947 Swanson
IOLA School District # 2947 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swanson
KNIGHT School District # 1756 Sec Tsp 32 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 ; Later SWANSON VILLAGE 69 107 Swanson
KNIGHT School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian RM Montrose 315 See also SWANSON school Places Swanson
SWANSON School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian RM Montrose 315 See also KNIGHT School Places Swanson
SWANSON VILLAGE School District # 1756 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65; Previously KNIGHT 69 107 Swanson
ARDATH School District # 2863 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swanson * / Ardath
BAPAUME School District # 4135 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swanson * / Ardath
HEATHLAND School District # 1166 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swanson * / Ardath
VIOLET HILL School District # 2347 Sec Tsp 31 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Swanson * / Ardath
SWARTHMORE School District # 1484 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swarthmore
SWASTIKA School District # 3042 SW Sec 18 Tsp 38 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 50 107 1914/1915-1957 Swarthmore
SWASTIKA School District # 3042 SW Sec 18 Tsp 38 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (38-12-W3) Swarthmore
SWARTHMORE School District # SE Sec 3 Tsp 42 Rge 21 W of the 3 Meridian 100 Swarthmore * / Unity
CARLUKE School District # 4617 NE Sec 31 Tsp 41 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 63 107 Sweetgrass Reserve
ARROYO School District # 1980 NE Sec 36 Tsp 14 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 63 94 107 Swift Current
ARROYO School District # 1980 Sec Tsp 14,15 Rge 14,15 W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 64 94 Swift Current
ARROYO School District # 1980 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Swift Current 25-15-14-W3 64tlas ME) 94 Swift Current
BELVIDERE School District # 2248 SE Sec 24 Tsp 16 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 63 107 Swift Current
BELVIDERE School District # 2248 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 (Swift Current 25-15-14-W3 64tlas ME) Swift Current
BLUMENHOF School District # 4089 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65; 63 previously named CLEMENCEAU 4089 107 Swift Current
BODE School District # 2262 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
CENTRAL School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places Swift Current
CLEMENCEAU School District # 4089 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Swift Current
DURBAN School District # 3359 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
EBY School District # 1026 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 Swift Current
LENS School District # 3966 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
LONGFORD School District # 1991 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
NORTH VIEW School District # 4529 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
PEEL School District # 1968 NW Sec 34 Tsp 14 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
PLEASANT HILL School District # 1665 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
PRAIRIEVILLE School District # 1115 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
ROSENHOFF School District # 5236 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
RUSKIN School District # 1026 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian 65 / 64 107 1912 Swift Current
SHANER School District # 3253 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
SWIFT CURRENT School District # 167 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
SWINTON School District # 4545 Sec Tsp 14 Rge 15 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Swift Current
DURBAN, THE School District # 3359 N Sec 11 Tsp 16 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian :66 Swift Current * / Aikins *
NORTH VIEW School District # 4529 SE Sec 29 Tsp 16 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian 66 Swift Current * / Aikins *
BEACH GROVE / BEACHGROVE School District # 4702 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sylvania
BEECH GROVE School District # 4702 SW Sec 29 Tsp 42 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 63 107 Sylvania
MILFORD School District # 4410 NE Sec 33 Tsp 42 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 (43-15-W2) 107 Sylvania
SYLVANIA School District # 1873 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sylvania
SYLVANIA HAMLET School District # 4933 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian 65 107 Sylvania
GOLBOURNE VALLEY School District # 1225 Sec Tsp 43,44 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 64 (Sylvania P.O. Twp.43, R.14, W2 66 ) Sylvania *
McKAGUE School District # 1264 Sec Tsp 42 Rge 13,14 W of the 2 Meridian 64 (Sylvania Tsp 43- Rge 14- W2, Craigie Tsp 43- Rge 14 -W2 Rand McNally 1924 Map) 107 1925 Sylvania * / Craigie *
WHITECOTE School District # 1873 Sec Tsp 43 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian 65 Sylvania / (near Tisdale)

Sources and bibliography .......Location notes

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schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, pioneer, settler,schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, pioneer, settler

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