Saskatchewan Gen Web - One Room School Project - Regional or Placename Schoolhouse Listing

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.
Other Presentations of Saskatchewan One Room School Districts
(Sorted by School Name, School District #, township-range location.)

Alphabetical Placename Listing:



























AB, CANot Identified PlacenameSaskatchewan Placenames beginning with the letter above and each letter leads to its alphabetical listing. ALERT
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School NameSchool District NumberLocationComments (Source - RM - Date)Neighboring
ALDER GROVE School District # 4616 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ALLAN School District # 3705 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ALLANBACK School District # 348 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ALPHA School District # 983 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ANEMONE School District # 549 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ANTELOPE PARK School District # 3464 NE NE Sec 19 Tsp 32 Rge 28 W of the 3 Meridian 49 107 1916-1963
ARRAT School District # 336 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ASHLEAF School District # 2270 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
AVON HILL School District # 2764 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
AYRTON School District # 4243 SE Sec 36 Tsp 2 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian 63 94
BADGER DALE School District # 1842 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BALLIOL School District # 424 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BANSLEY School District # 3955 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BAPAUME PARK School District # 3877 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107 Alert
BAPAUME PARK School District # 3977 NW Sec 11 Tsp 32 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 63 ALERT
BARDAHL School District # 1147 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BARRIER FORD School District # 4618 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BARRIERVILLE School District # 3015 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BARRYVILLE School District # 2946 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BEARVERDALE School District # 4976 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BEAUBIER School District # NE Sec 29 Tsp 2 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 63 63 name previously known as CLUSE VALLEY 3711
BEAVER LAKE School District # 222 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65
BEECHMORE School District # 3762 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BEECHWOOD School District # 1993 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BELLCARE BROOK School District # 4173 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BELLEVUE PLAINS School District # 1727 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BELLROCK School District # 4244 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BERGHEIM School District # 2819 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 41 107 1912
BIG HORN School District # 3458 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BIG STONE School District # 1807 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BIRCH BARK School District # 5167 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BLACK HEATH School District # 1198 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BLACK OAK School District # 2910 Sec Tsp 7 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1913
BLACK STRAP School District # 3506 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BLUEFOX School District # 4926 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BLUFF VIEW School District # 975 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BLYTHESWOOD School District # 3513 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BOGNOR School District # 4798 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BONNIE VALE School District # 4023 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BONVOULOIR School District # 3260 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BORDER VALE School District # 4230 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BORDERLINE School District # 3783 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BOROSZCZOW School District # 2538 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BORSCHIW School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian
BOTHWELL School District # 2889 SE Sec 27 Tsp 18 Rge 5 W of the 3 Meridian 64 ? 63 1913
BOW School District # 165 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 (disorg) 107
BOX ELDER CREEK School District # 2975 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BREARDALE School District # 4061 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BREDALBANE School District # 1836 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BREMEN School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64
BRENNER School District # 2921 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BRIAR LEA School District # 3103 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BRIAR MOUND School District # 1273 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BRIERCLIFFE School District # 302 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BROCKTON School District # 2222 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BROMSTED School District # 529 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BROWNING School District # 1235 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Later named YANKEE 1235 107
BRYNTERION School District # 248 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 See also MENNO 248 107
BUFFOW LAKE School District # 2489 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
BUKOIVINA School District # 2012 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CANA School District # 1611 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Previously McDOUGALL 1611 69 107
CANDLE LAKE School District # 5261 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 No School 1973, Aug 15
CANDLE LAKE School District # 5261 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107
CANMORE School District # 168 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65
CANTAUR School District # 2258 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CARLTON SIDING School District # 4072 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CASTLETON School District # 118 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CATHRINTAL (CATHRINTHAL) School District # 563 Sec Tsp 16 Rge W of the Meridian 69
CECILIA School District # 371 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CEDARHILL School District # 749 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CENTRE School District # 4056 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CHITEK LAKE School District # 5262 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 No School 1974, Jan 1
CHRISTIANNIA School District # 2520 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CLAYCENTRE School District # 4672 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CLEAR VIEW School District # 1087 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CLOVER BAR School District # 212 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65
CLOW School District # 4181 NE Sec 8 Tsp 28 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian 63
CLUME School District # 434 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CLUSE VALLEY School District # 3711 NE Sec 29 Tsp 2 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian 63 63 name changed to BEAUBIER 1916-1930
COALDALE School District # 4094 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
COBOURG School District # 641 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CODETTE School District # 4657 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
COLD RIDGE School District # 242 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
COLD SPRING School District # 1866 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
COLINGWOOD School District # 2203 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CONNEL School District # 2594 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CONSUL School District # 2594 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CO-OPERATION School District # 3482 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CORNELL School District # 5164 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
COTEAU VIEW School District # 1199 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
COURVAL School District # 2710 Sec Tsp 13,14 Rge 2,3 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1910-Oct 24
COWAN LAKE School District # 5251 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 No School 107 1954, Feb 3
CRAIGLANDS School District # 745 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CRAIGLEA School District # 5062 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CRAIGMORE School District # 1178 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CRANISH LAKE School District # 3317 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CREEK SIDE School District # 997 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CRESCENT BLUFF School District # 1292 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CROSSROAD School District # 4775 SE Sec 24 Tsp 27 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian 69 93 107 -1929
CROWN School District # 3518 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CUTKNIFE School District # 1992 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CYMRI School District # 3927 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
CYPRESS School District # 3491 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DAFFODIL School District # 4703 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DAHINDA School District # 2666 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 22,23 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1910-Aug 24
DAHLTON School District # 394 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69; Previously HEIMDAHL 69 107
DAKOTA School District # 1814 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DAMA School District # 2900 Sec Tsp 15 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1913
DAYBREAK School District # 2696 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1940-Sept 22
DAYLIGHT School District # 2690 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DE LARONDE LAKE School District # 5016 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DELMAY School District # 1803 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DENY GROVE School District # 74 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 1886-1888
DENZIL School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DENZIL (SACRED HEART) School District # 2658 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DEWAR LAKE School District # 4455 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DIAMOND School District # 601 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DONGELA School District # 603 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DRAVLAND School District # 947 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DUCK LAKE School District # 187PS Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DUFFTON School District # 475 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DUNKELD School District # 246 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
DUNMORE School District # 173 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65
DUVAL School District # 2864 Sec Tsp 25 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1913
EAGLE VALLEY School District # 4254 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
EAST BROOK School District # 2925 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
EAST END School District # 3430 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
EDEN KILLIE School District # 2022 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
EDENVAILE School District # 1723 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
EMSDALE School District # 4047 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
EVANSVALE School District # 708 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
FAIR LAND School District # 1278 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
FERNBANK School District # 128 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
FERRELL School District # 1485 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
FERRISDALE School District # 4969 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
FINNIE School District # 1602 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Disorg. 69 107
FIREFLY School District # 5098 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
FISCHMANN School District # 2829 Sec Tsp 8,9 Rge 6,7 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1911, Mar. 24
FISH CREEK School District # 367 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65
FLEGEL School District # 1214 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 (Attach) 107
FLOWER DALE School District # 687 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
FLOWERVILLE School District # 4150 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
FORT PELLAR School District # 163 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64
FORTSBURGH School District # 4224 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
FRONTINAC School District # 305 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
FUSILIER School District # 3335 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GAINSBOROUGH School District # 229 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GARNOOK School District # 2227 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GARVAGH School District # 3115 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GAUTHIER School District # 2388 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GIRWOOD School District # 5006 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GLADIOLI School District # 4652 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GLASGOW School District # 714 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GLEN EAGLE School District # 2331 Sec Tsp 31,32 Rge 21,22 [sic] W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Ednaburg later Beaufield P.O. Twp.32, R.22, W3 66)
GLEN HORNE School District # 5048 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GLEN MORRIS School District # 436 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GLENROSE School District # 2183 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GLEN-UIG School District # 4780 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GOLBURN VALLEY School District # 1225 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GOLDRIDGE School District # 3306 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GOSHEN School District # 662 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GRAMPIAN HILLS School District # 123a Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GRATON School District # R.C. 13 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GRAYSON School District # R.C. 4 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GREEN BLUFF School District # 1158 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GREEN BRIAR School District # 2168 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GREEN BUSH School District # 1028 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GREEN PARK School District # 4416 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GREENBANK School District # 692 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GREENFORM School District # 1598 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64
GREENMANTLE School District # 5157 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GROVE VALLEY School District # 4824 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
GULLY School District # 1984 Sec Tsp 40 Rge 24,25 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1908
GUYHIRNE School District # 2923 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HABSBURG School District # 2582 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 24,25 W of the 2 Meridian 64 1910
HABSBURG School District # 2582 SW Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107
HADINGTON School District # 68 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HANDEL School District # 3514 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HAPPY LAND School District # 1732 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HARD VALLEY School District # 5004 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HAZEL WOOD School District # 2814 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HEART LAKE School District # 4500 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HELLAND School District # 2596 Sec Tsp 26,27 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1910
HEPBURN School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places 1927
HERRMAN School District # 401 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HERSCHEL School District # 1304 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 107
HIGHLAND School District # 437 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HIGHLAND VALLEY School District # 2397 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HIGHLAND VIEW School District # 3602 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HILLSVALE HUTTERITE BRETHERN School District # 2479 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 44 re-used District #2479 when WARDENVILLE #2479 closed. 1962
HINTERLAND School District # 5253 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 No School 107 1954, Feb 17
HOIUM School District # 1376 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HOLBECK School District # 3830 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HORSHAM School District # 3131 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 previously named ROCK HILL 3131 107
HOUGHTON LAKE School District # 2544 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Later called LASZLO 69 107
HUGHESVALE School District # 3687 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
HUMBOLDT School District # 15 RC Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 RC Sep 107
ITUNA School District # 2240 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
JAREMA School District # 1731 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
JASMIN School District # 2078 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
JASPER School District # 3523 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 see also 1891A 107
JASPER School District # 1891A Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 see also 3523 107
JELLICOE School District # 3512 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
KENSINGTON School District # 2723 Sec Tsp 30 Rge 18 W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 64 107 1910, Nov 9
KEY School District # 5260 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 No School 107 1969, Feb 25
KIMBERLEY School District # 176 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
KINGS COUNTY School District # 4428 Sec 23 Tsp 18 Rge 19 W of the 3 Meridian 69 90 107 1922-1952
KINGSMEAD School District # 4011 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
KOEHMSTEDT School District # 2938 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Later ST. JOHN NEPPO 107
KRONSBERG School District # 4922 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LA PORTE School District # 3981 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LABASSEE School District # 4156 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69; 69 previously named RHEIN 634 107
LAIDLEY SPRING School District # 5242 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LAKE ALMA School District # 2812 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Later PEPPER 69 107
LANGEMARCK School District # 3683 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY School District # 92 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LASZLO School District # 2544 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LAVENTURE School District # 5161 Sec Tsp 52 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65; Later REGENT 69 107
LE CAIN School District # 224 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LE ROSS School District # 2274 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LE SUEUR School District # 4570 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LEBRET School District # 1273 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LEPINE School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 66
LETHBURN School District # 280 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LILLY VIEW School District # 1097 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LINACRE School District # 1381 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69; 69 previously named PEACE VALLEY 1381 107
LITTLE HOLLYOOD School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Guestbook
LITTLE MOOSE LAKE School District # 4245 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LITTLE PINE School District # 4437 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65
LLANWENARTH School District # 4202 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LLOYDMINSTER School District # RCS 34 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LOCHABER School District # 2075 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LONESOME BUTTE School District # 3150 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LONESOME PINE School District # 3957 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LONGVIEW School District # 1272 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LONSDALE School District # 4956 Sec Tsp 58 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian 65
LOON LAKE VILLAGE School District # 4980 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69; Previously MAKWA LAKE 69 107
LOON RIVER School District # 5082 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LORNDALE School District # 1985 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LOST HORSE CREEK School District # 3931 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
LUSCOMBE School District # 620 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MacKINTOSH LAKE School District # 2610 Sec Tsp 41 Rge 23,24 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1910-June 24
MALLARD HILL School District # 5205 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MANVILLE School District # 658 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MANYBONE VALLEY School District # 1184 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MATHIEU School District # RCS 7 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 - 85 107 1969-2002
MAVERICK School District # 7 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64
MAYFAIR School District # 4851 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
McKAY School District # 135 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
McKENZIE School District # 234 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65
MEADOW LAKE School District # RCS 35 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MEADOW VALE School District # 175 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MEDSTEAD School District # 4903 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MESKANAW School District # 5017 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Previously LOYAL RIDGE 69 107
MIDWAY School District # 2794 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MITCHELLTON School District # 1375 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MONSIGNOR JANSSEN School District # RCS 29 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MONT NEBO School District # 442 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 99 1906-1955
MOORE School District # 3560 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MOOSE DALE School District # 4997 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MOOSE HEAD School District # 3193 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MORNINGSIDE School District # 282 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Later HYDE 69 107
MOUNT JOY School District # 566 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MOUNT LORRAINE School District # 4315 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MOUNT NEBO School District # 442 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MOUNT PLEASANT School District # 558 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
MOUNTAIN VALLEY School District # 1479 Sec Tsp 25,26 Rge 6,7 W of the 3 Meridian 64 [this is the location for BONNIE VIEW 1480]
NASH School District # 2481 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian On the handwritten 69 database, NASH 2481 (became HARROW) was a printed insert in a different hand from the original 107
NEIFIELD School District # 144 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
NEIGEL PLAINS School District # 3046 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
NEILBURG School District # 2218 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 MANITOU LAKE printed in 107
NEVILLE School District # 2846 Sec Tsp 12 Rge 12,13 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1912, Dec 9
NEW PARK School District # 4113 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
NEWBLISS School District # 5135 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
NEWVILLE School District # 610 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
NIAGRA School District # 4469 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
NICOLLE School District # 3540 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Changed from COYOTE RUN 3540 69 107
NORTH GATE School District # 4006 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
NORTH VALE School District # 4972 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ODESSA VILLAGE School District # 2868 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
OLD LOON LAKE School District # 4273 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Previously LOON LAKE 69 107
OLD ST. WALBURG School District # 590 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
OLDS School District # 235 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65
OLIVET School District # 1131 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ORANGEDALE School District # 115 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ORCHARD School District # 2199 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ORMELY School District # 581 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
OVERDALE School District # 4346 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
OVERLAND School District # 74 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PARAGON School District # 2466 Sec Tsp 34,35 Rge 19 W of the 2 [sic] Meridian 64 1909
PARK VIEW School District # 896 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PARKLANDS School District # 268 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PARRY School District # 3020 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PATRICIA School District # 2880 Sec Tsp 4 Rge 13 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1913
PEACH VIEW School District # 4322 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PEERLESS HAMLET School District # 4942 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Was previously GOODSOIL 4942 69 107
PEMBINA School District # 4863 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PERRYVILLE School District # 4341 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PEVERIL School District # 551 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PHEASANT VALLEY School District # 2472 Sec Tsp 20 Rge 11 W of the 2 Meridian 64
PILOT School District # 2532 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 18 W of the 3 Meridian 64 1910
PILOT School District # 2532 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65 107
PINE VIEW School District # 5093 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PIPESTONE LAKE School District # 3508 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PLAINSVILLE School District # 1294 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PLEASANTSITE School District # 443 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
POLTAVA School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian
POPLAR PARK School District # 4876 Sec Tsp 27 Rge 16 W of the Meridian 69
PRAIRIE DALE School District # 335 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PRATT School District # 3023 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PREECEVILLE School District # 2850 Sec Tsp 34,35 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1912-Dec16
PRELATE School District # P.S. 5 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PRINCE ALBERT School District # RCS 6 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
PROGRESS HILL School District # 2732 Sec Tsp 9 Rge 30,31 [sic] W of the 2,3 [sic] Meridian 64 107 1910, Nov 9
PROSPECT HEIGHTS School District # 2623 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
QUILL LAKE School District # 936 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
QUILL LAKE VIEW School District # 3904 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
QUINTON School District # P.S. 7 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
RAVENSWOOD School District # 4574 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
RED LEAF School District # 4851 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
RED PHEASANT School District # 2995 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 later called BJELDE CREEK 2995 107
REDROWS School District # 3038 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
RELIANCE School District # 2894 Sec Tsp 5 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian 64; Previously DIVIDE 2894 69 107 1913
REWARD School District # 3332 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 previously named UFFORD 3332 107
RICHFARMS School District # 1782 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
RICHMOUND School District # 780 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 previously named OASIS 780 107
RISING SUN School District # 5252 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 No School 107 1954, Feb 15
RIVER DELL School District # 3124 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ROCK HAVEN School District # 3707 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ROLLING PLAINS School District # 2557 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ROSE BRIER School District # 4105 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ROSE FARM School District # 2632 Sec Tsp 16 Rge W of the Meridian 69 92
ROSE LEA School District # 3415 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ROSE MAE School District # 1612 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ROSEBUSH School District # 2192 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ROSENBURG School District # 286 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
RUNNYMEADE School District # 3985 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SACRED HEART R.C. SEPARATE School District # RCS 19 Sec Tsp 36,37 Rge 18 W of the 2 Meridian 64 107 1910-Mar 24
SANCTUARY School District # 4566 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SANDY PLAIN School District # 2987 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SCENTGRASS School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Places RM Meota
SEIFERT School District # 2725 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SLEEPY HOLLOW School District # 4520 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SNOW DOWN School District # 3909 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SNOW HILL School District # 4890 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SNOWBIRD School District # 4211 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SONNINGDALE School District # 2613 Sec Tsp 39,40 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 1910-June 24
SOURIS FLAT School District # 4226 Sec Tsp 1 Rge 34 W of the 1 Meridian 64
SOUTH GOVENLOCK School District # 5197 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SOUTH MINSTER School District # 2516 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SOUTH VIEW School District # 125 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SPARROW HILL School District # 4431 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SPION KOP School District # 1127 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SPIRITWOOD RCS School District # RCS 26 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SPRING DALE School District # 263 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SPRING DELL School District # 4599 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SPRING MOUNT School District # 2766 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SPRING VALE School District # 219 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 65
SPRUCE LAKE School District # 4465 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SPRUCE VALLEY School District # 5256 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64 No School 107 1956, Aug 6
ST JOSEPH School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Previously LITTLE FLOWER 69 107
ST. ALEXIS School District # 4522 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. ALPHONSE School District # RCS 2 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 the 69 database, both ST. ALPHONSE RCS 2 and ST ANDREWS RCS 2 use the same numbers 107
ST. ANDREWS School District # RCS 2 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 the 69 database, both ST. ALPHONSE RCS 2 and ST ANDREWS RCS 2 use the same numbers 107
ST. ANN'S School District # RCS 14 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 106 107 1905
ST. ANTOINE School District # 1B Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. BASILIAN School District # 103 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. BERNARD'S School District # 1299 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. BOSWELLS School District # 3832 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. BRIEUX School District # 1463 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. CHARLES School District # RCS 8 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. CYR LAKE School District # 4973 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 previously named WILLOW POINT 4973 107
ST. GABRIEL'S School District # RCS 23 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. GEORGE School District # RCS 31 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. HENRY'S School District # RCS 5 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. LOUIS HAMLET School District # 4042 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 see also OXFORD 107
ST. MARY School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 previously named WALZ 4558 107
ST. OLIVER School District # RCS 12 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. PATRICK School District # RCS 11 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. PAULS School District # RCS 20 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. VITAL School District # RCS 3 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ST. WALBURG VILLAGE School District # 1270 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STANDING ROCK School District # 3065 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 added to 69 handwritten database in printed hand later. 107
STANDON School District # 4030 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STANLEVILLE School District # NE Sec 32 Tsp 47 Rge 24 W of the 2 Meridian 80
STANLEYVILLE School District # 385 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STAR CENTRE School District # 4390 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 later named QUEEN ELIZABETH 107
STAWCHAN School District # 1826 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STE. GERTRUDE School District # 2329 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STE. MARY School District # 4487 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 later named WISHART 107
STE. MARY School District # 4558 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STEARNS School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 previously named WILMOT 4372
STOCKHOLM Roman Catholic Separate School District # RCS 21 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STONEY CREST School District # 4317 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STONEY HOLLOW School District # 4486 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STONY VIEW School District # 2524 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STORNOWAY School District # 829 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
STORNOWAY School District # 829 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SUCCESS VILLAGE School District # 2053 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
SUNNY BANK School District # 2559 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
TABER School District # 3264 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
THACKERAY School District # 22 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
THORNHILL School District # 739 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
TRAFFORD PARK School District # 3853 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
TREASURE School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian Moved 11 miles west to replace SILVER STREAM at #3855 location. 40
TURTLE VIEW School District # 5007 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
TURTLEFORD School District # 3580 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
TWILIGHT School District # 4625 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
TWIN GATE School District # 4641 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
TWYNHOLM School District # 3010 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC School District # RCS 32 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
UNEEDA School District # 1505 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
UNITY School District # 927 Sec Tsp 35 [sic] Rge 4 [sic] W of the 3 Meridian 64 (Unity P.O. Sec.18, Twp.40, R.22, W3 66)
VAUGHAN School District # 319 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107 107
VERMILION School District # 1966 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107 107
VESEY HILL School District # 3291 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 Reading the handwritten database, this looks more like VESEY HILL than VESCY HILL 107 107
VICTORIA School District # 2530 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 6 W of the 3 Meridian 64 107 107
VONDA School District # RCS 18 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107 107
WAKAW School District # PS 6 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WARCOP School District # 3915 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WARTIME School District # 694 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WEISSENBERG School District # RCS 17 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WEST BROOK School District # 1024 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WEST DALE School District # 3787 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WEST LAWN School District # 3132 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WEST MARQUIS School District # 3375 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WEST MOOR School District # 2010 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WEST RIDGE School District # 3553 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WEST VIEW School District # 256 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WESTSLADE School District # 3309 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WHITE MUD School District # 3792 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WHITE SAND School District # 271 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WHITE WATER School District # 3467 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WIEBE School District # 3005 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WILLOW BUNCH School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 66
WILLOWBROOK School District # 4477 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WILLOWBUNCH School District # 4910 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WILLOWS School District # 4690 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WINGARD School District # 208 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WINTERBOURNE School District # 877 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WOLIA School District # 2970 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
WOOD HILL School District # 5010 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 previously IROQUOIS 69 107
WOODLIGHT School District # 3823 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ZALISCHKY School District # 2961 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107
ZALSCHEKI School District # Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 64
ZBARAZ School District # 2403 Sec Tsp Rge W of the Meridian 69 107

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schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, pioneer, settler,schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, schools, school districts, one room school house, one room school houses, school house, saskatchewan, sask, sk, Ca, Sk, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Prairie, White school house, history, historical education, prairies, Canada, Canadian, CA, pioneer, settler

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