Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Briercrest School District 3479
Briercrest, SK, CA

Briercrest Beginnings

The Quarter section where the village
is situated was homesteaded in 1903 by
John Stewart, and later sold to George
Cockburn Sr. in 1911 the C.N.R. purchased
it for a town site.

In 1902, Captain Charles Jaques, a home-
steader, had a store and post office on
his farm. Mrs. Jaques named the post office
"Briercrest" after the wild roses which
grew along the rim of an old glacial
lake. They agreed that the name could
be moved to the new village. It was
incorporated in 1912.

Erected by the Briercrest recreation
board in co-operation with the
Government of Saskatchewan.

Briercrest School District 3479 Pictures

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Briercrest School pictures submitted by photographer:
Julia Adamson
Sask Gen Web Webmaster
Date: October 3, 2005