Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Briercrest School District 3479
Briercrest, SK, CA

Briercrest School District
The large area which is not the Briercrest S.D. 3479
was once divided into many school districts.
Below are the names of the school districts with
the year they were organized and the year they closed.

Coventry S.D. 213 1891 ----
Hipperholme S.D. 487 1899 1906
Sunny Hill S.D. 757 1902 1939
Drinkwater S.D. 969 1904 1968
Peachey S.D. 992 1904 1940
Cataraqui S.D. 10121904 ----
Amherst S.D. 1180 1905 1962
Thompson S.D. 1260 1905 1953
Lake S.D. 1607 1906 1957
Spicer S.D. 1687 1906 1959
Roseville S.D. 1780 1907 1951
Palmer S.D. 2267 1909 ----
Camlachie S.D. 2284 1909 1959
Hapsburg S.D. 2582 1910 ----
Claybank S.D. 3408 1914 1972
Kelso S.D. 3461 1914 1933
Tilney S.D. 3543 1915 1962
Stelcam S.D. 3599 1915 ----
Ridley S.D. 3651 1915 1952
Elarton S.D. 4109 1918 1945
Utopia S.D. 4482 1922 ----

Briercrest School District 3479 Map

Map revised to January 23, 1911

School House Locations
Conventry School District 213 SW 27-15-24-W2
Hipperholme School District 487 NE 14-13-26-W2
Peachey School District 992NW 2-14-24-W2
Catarqui School District 1012 NE 3-15-26-W2
Amherst School District 1180SE 29-13-24-W2
Thompson School District 1260NE 12-13-24-W2
Spicer School District 1687SE 1-15-25-W2
Palmer School District 2267SE 12-14-25-W2
Camlachie School District 2284SE 9-14-26-W2
Hapsburg School District 2582 SW 26-12-25-W2
Ridley School District 3651NE 17-13-25-W2
Utopia School District 4482SE 20-14-23-W2

Briercrest School District 3479 Pictures

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Briercrest School pictures submitted by photographer:
Julia Adamson
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Date: October 3, 2005