One of the first citizens of Kerrobert is William Burton Sample, post- master and one of the owners of Sample Brothers department store. He was born at Plainfield, Ontario, in April, 1884, a son of William and Annie (Pye) Sample, likewise natives of that province. The father was a car- penter and millwright by trade. His death occurred in 1912. Mrs. Sample survives him and makes her home in Kerrobert, where they were living at the time of Mr. Sample's death. The public schools of Bridgewater, Ontario, afforded William Bur- ton Sample his education and after putting his textbooks aside he en- gaged in clerking in various stores from 1899 to 1910, spending the last three years of that time in Lloydminster In June, 1910, prior to the or- ganization of the town of Kerrobert, he came here, driving across the country accompanied by his sister, and they were the first settlers here. Subsequently Mr. Sample went into the general mercantile business with his two brothers, G. F. and H. E., under the name of the Sample Brothers department store, an association that has since been maintained. This store is one of the finest and carries the largest stock of any in the Ker- robert district, receiving a large patronage. Its customers are always assured the most courteous treatment and are given the choice of the highest grade goods at the most reasonable prices. The firm operates a branch store at Luseland, under the name of Sample Brothers & Beck, Limited. In August, 1921, Mr. Sample was married to Miss Olive Edna Cooper of Waskada, Manitoba. She maintains an active interest in the club and social events of the community. Mr. Sample is public-spirited and in 1910 was called to public office, being appointed postmaster of Kerrobert. He has brought about continued advancement and improvement in the mail service here and discharges his duties with an efficiency that com- mands universal respect. He is now a member of the city council and has served one term on the school board. For some time he was presi- dent of the first branch of the Retail Merchants Association. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons. Socially he is connected with the Kerro- bert Golf Club, of which he was at one time vice president. His religious faith is that of the United church of Canada and he is one of the fathers of the Union church here. This beautiful edifice was erected at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars and is attended by Methodists, Presbyterians and Congregationalists. It was incorporated in 1911' and was the first Union church in Canada. For six years Mr. Sample was secretary treasurer of its board of managers. Bibliography follows:

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