A prominent member of the dental profession in Saskatoon is Dr.
David V. McRae, who has practiced here since 1916. He was born in
Moose Creek, Ontario, on the 12th of August, 1888, a son of Malcolm and
Ellen (Chisholm) McRae, natives of that province. Malcolm McRae en-
gaged in farming in Ontario throughout his life, becoming a successful
agriculturist. His death occurred on the 6th of November, 1921. Mrs.
McRae died in April of the year 1913.
In the pursuit of his early education David V. McRae attended the
public and high schools of his birthplace and then matriculated in McGill
University and later spent two years in Dalhousie, taking a course in arts.
In due time he enrolled in the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, from
which institution he was graduated with the class of 1914. The following
year he came to Saskatchewan and in 1915 located at Swift Current,
where he practiced until July, 1916, at that time removing to Saskatoon
where he has continued to reside. He has built up an extensive and im-
portant practice and stands high among the members of his profession
in the city and district. Dr. McRae has remained a constant student of
his profession and holds membership in the Saskatoon Dental Society and
the Saskatchewan Dental Society, and he belongs to Psi Omega dental
On the 20th of September, 1920, Dr. McRae was married to Miss
Isabelle Urquhart, a daughter of John A. and Mary (McDonald) Urqu-
hart, natives of Ontario. Her father is a well known contractor here.
He located in Saskatoon in 1912 and has won a position of prominence in
business circles. To Dr. and Mrs. McRae two children have been born:
Ellen, who was born on the 9th of November, 1921; and Ian, who was born
on Christmas day of the year 1922. In his political views the Doctor is an
Independent. Socially he is identified with the Canadian Club and his re-
ligious faith is that of the Roman Catholic church. Dr. McRae has made
many friends in this city and he well merits the esteem in which he is
held by all who know him.
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