Harry E. Sample, the oldest of the Sample children, is prominent in the business circles of Kerrobert as part owner of the Sample Brothers department store. He was born in Hastings county, Ontario, in March of the year 1877, a son of William and Annie (Pye) Sample, extended mention of whom is made in the sketch of W. B. Sample, appearing else- where in this work. Harry E. Sample~ the oldest of a family of nine children, received his education in the schools of Hastings county and at the age of seven- teen years made his initial step into the business world, accepting a clerk- ship in a local store. In 1904 he removed to Lloydminster and there en- gaged in the mercantile business in association with R. W. Miller, a man for whom he had worked in the east. They continued in business in Lloydminster until September of the year 1911, when Mr. Sample came to Kerrobert and went into the general mercantile business here, in asso- ciation with his brothers, W. B. and G. F., who had started the enterprise upon its remarkable career in 1910. This store has the largest stock in Kerrobert district and Mr. Sample has been an important factor in its continued success, for there is no phase of the business with which he is not familiar, having worked his way up from clerk to part owner. Sample Brothers have a branch store in Luseland, which is operated under the name of Sample Brothers & Beck, Limited. In April, 1908, Mr. Sample was married to Miss Pearl Miller and to them four children have been born: Madeline, Loraine, Audrey and Wil- liam. Mrs. Sample is descended from old United Empire Loyalist stock and she is a woman of much culture and refinement. Mr. Sample fol~ lows an independent course in politics, giving his support to the man best fitted for the office, without regard to party principles. He has served on the school board for some time and is ever ready to lend his aid in the furtherance of any movement for the advancement of his home city. He was reared in the faith of the Methodist church and is a con- sistent member of the Union church here, in which he is a deacon and has been superintendent of the Sunday school for the past three years. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons. He is a member of the Kerrobert Curling Club, and a follower of all outdoor sports. Bibliography follows:

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