A representative member of the Sample family of Kerrobert is George
Frederick Sample, associated with his brothers in the conduct of the
Sample Brothers department store. He is a veteran of the Great war
and was badly gassed while serving his country. He was born in Plain-
field, Ontario, on the 3d of November, 1885, a son of William and Annie
(Pye) Sample, extended mention of whom is made in the sketch of W.
B. Sample, appearing elsewhere in this work.
George Frederick Sample received his education in the public institu
tions of his native province and later engaged in the lumber business,
coming west to Saskatchewan in 1906 and locating in Lloydminster. He
was very successful in that line of business and was thus actively en-
gaged until August of the year 1910, when he joined his brothers, W.
B. and H. E. Sample, in the conduct of the Sample Brothers department
store in Kerrobert. His business career was interrupted by the outbreak
of the Great war, for he was exceedingly patriotic and was quick to put
all personal interests aside and offer his services. He enlisted in August,
1915, and was in active service until April, 1919. He was gassed in the
spring of 1918, from the effects of which he has not yet fully recovered.
One of his brothers, Wellington M. Sample, also enlisted for active service
and was wounded at Vimy Ridge, in the spring of 1917. He was then
sent into England and upon recovery returned to his regiment in August
of that year, but was killed at Arras in a raid, on the 3d of June, 1918.
After receiving his discharge from the army George Frederick Sample
returned to Kerrobert and resumed his position in business circles. He
has a genial and pleasing personality and has a host of friends.
Mr. Sample has always maintained an independent course in politics
and he is well informed on all important questions and issues of the
day. His religious affiliation is with the Union church. He is one of the
most prominent Odd Fellows in this part of Canada and received the
Past Grand Jewel in 1922, and is also a member of the Rebekah Lodge.
He is secretary-treasurer of the Great War Veterans Association. Mr.
Sample is a supporter of amateur sports and enjoys golf, which is one
of his greatest recreations. He is unmarried.
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