The following are submissions to the Regional Saskatoon Gen Web Project.They may be web page URLs representing databases which are helpful toresearch in this region OR they may be databases sent in and placedonline courtesy of the webmaster at Saskatoon Gen Web Project and web space provided by Rootsweb. (See also the Saskatchewan Provincial Resource Project)
2 Historical Aerial photos of Harris, Saskatchewan and Melville, SK postcard

2 Historical Aerial photos of Harris, Saskatchewan and Melville, SK postcard Many thanks to Chris Simons for perserving a piece of history from his ancestors and passing such along.
St Denis Cemetery

St Denis Cemetery Closest Community - Bradwell NE ¼ 34-36-02 W3 RM of Blucher # 343 AND St. Helen's Cemetery (also sometimes referred to as St. Denis Cemetery) NW Corner of NE ¼, Section 34, Township 36, Range 2, West of 3rd, in the R.M. of Blucher #343 Submitted by : Gordon Griffiths
Many thanks to Therese Denis for the verified and complete St Denis listing. Many thanks to Gerry and Lin Mitchell for caring about St. Helen's Cemetery.
Marriages from Humboldt Journal - Oct 1905 to Dec 1 1921

Marriages from Humboldt Journal - Oct 1905 to Dec 1 1921 - recording newspaper date, Bride, Groom, marriage location and wedding date if known submitted by Heather Canevaro.
Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee St. Peter's Colony 1903-1928

Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee St. Peter's Colony 1903-1928 near Muenster and Humboldt, Saskatchewan. Written in German and English. As well images of the St Peters Monastery and Parish submitted by Gordon Neish and link to the cemetery transcriptions. Book submitted by Julia Adamson and formatted by Gordon Neish. |
1888 McPhillips' alphabetical and business directory of the District of Saskatchewan, North West Territories N.W.T.

1888 McPhillips' alphabetical and business directory of the District of Saskatchewan, North West Territories N.W.T. is now online. (or small scans)
The provisional District of Saskatchewan, North West Territories N.W.T would be centrally located in the province of Saskatchewan, however it extended west past the current Alberta Saskatchewan border on the 4th meridian and it also extended east into the current province of Manitoba. The south and north borders were township 35 and township 70.
The places included for example are - A La Corne - Batoche - Battleford - Birch Hills - Birch River - Bresaylor - Carrot River - Clarke's Crossing - Cold Lake - Cumberland - Duck Lake - Fish Creek - Fort Pitt - Frog Lake - Grand Rapids - Green Lake - Halcro - Humboldt - Lac La Ronge - Lower Flat - Nut Lake - Onion Lake - Prince Albert- Red Deer Hill - Red Deer Lake - Saskatoon - - Shell River - Snake Plains - Battleford District - St. Laurent - St. L. de Langevin - The Pas - Battleford Town - Battleford - Prince Albert- Saskatoon Submitted by Julia Adamson. |
- Bogdanovka (Cee Pee) Cemetery RM of Corman Park # 344
- Dalmeny Bible Church Cemetery Evangelical Mennonite Brethren RM No. 344 Corman Park
- Dalmeny Mennonite Brethern Cemetery RM No. 344 Corman Park
- Henrietta Pakrowka Cemetery RM No. 344 Corman Park
- Kermaria Cemetery near St. BrieuxRM No. 399 of Lake Lenore
- Kermaria Church Cemetery near St. Brieux RM No. 399 of Lake Lenore
- Kirilowka Cemetery RM No. 344 Corman Park
- Langham First Saskatchewan Lutheran Cemetery RM of Corman Park # 344
- Langham Community Cemetery Saskatoon RM of Corman Park # 344

Cemetery tombstone photographs submitted by Gordon Neish along with one room schoolhouse photos of - Bailor School District 3601 - Glen Kelly / Longfield (Naicam)
- Byng School District 3601 - Glen Kelly / Longfield (Naicam)
- Green Lawn School District 2545 - Glen Kelly / Longfield (Naicam)
- Henrietta School District 19 - Langham
- Kermaria School District 775 - Naicam
- Roanoke School District 4292 - Naicam
- Lewis Lake 3400 - Glen Kelly / Longfield (Naicam)
. |
Alvena, Saskatchewan Genealogy and Homestead History

Alvena, Saskatchewan Genealogy and Homestead History web pages online by Sheila Schmutz.
Sigfried Olson

Sigfried Olson homesteader near Bradwell, Saskatchewan biography sent in by Sharon Olson .
Englefeld Union Cemetery Englefeld, Saskatchewan, Canada SE Section 9 - Tsp 37 - Rge 19 - W2

Cemetery tombstone photographs submitted by Julia Adamson and indexed at Saskatoon Gen Web.
Batoche Cemetery Legal land description Section 50 Tsp 43 Rge 1 West of the third Meridian RM of St. Louis # 431

Cemetery tombstone photographs submitted by Florence in BC web page created at Saskatoon Gen Web.
Bladworth - Emmanuel Lutheran Cemetery RM No. 253 Bladworth, Kenaston, SK

Cemetery tombstone photographs submitted by Julia Adamson and indexed at Saskatoon Gen Web.
North Prairie Cemetery Hinchcliffe - North Prairie cemetery Legal land location: NE 35-35-06 W2 GPS Location: N52-03-18.91 W102-44-39.79 RM of Preeceville # 334, Saskatchewan

Cemetery tombstone photographs submitted by North Prairie Cemetery Association c/o Brian & Barb Melsness and David Severson and indexed at Saskatoon Gen Web.
Henderson's Saskatoon Directory 1911

Saskatoon Henderson Directory from 1911 listing residents, their occupations and their civic address.
Métis Nation History

Métis Nation History - Commemorating 2010 Year of the Métis Nation Anniversary. Photographs of the Batoche Cemetery Batoche, SK RM of St. Louis # 431 and Fish Creek Cemetery Wakaw RM of Fish Creek # 402 as well as pictures of national monuments and historic sites from Alberta and Saskatchewan regarding the Louis Riel Resistance or the 1885 Northwest Rebellion. Image of tombstone marker for Gabriel Dumont.
Jim McConnell's Autobiography 1877 - 1957 Canadian pioneer farmer in Ontario, Saskatchewan and British Columbia

"My grandmother left me a copy of this autobiography written by her brother, Jim McConnell,a recipient of the Pioneer Centennial Medallion. I've posted it online thinking family researcherswould find more than sixty names mentioned, (indexed here), as well as descriptionsof the same conditions that faced their relatives. After the first five pages, the writer seldomspeaks of his family. Instead he describes the early hardships and farming in great detail.It's hard to believe one man farmed so many ways in so many places in Canada!" Website introduction and URL links by Kathleen Hay .
Hanley Cemetery

Cemetery database submitted by Darice Carlson Clerk Town of Hanley and website created at Saskatoon Gen Web.
The Story of Lockwood Community The Centennial Book Committee 1967
 The 1967 Lockwood, Saskatchewan history book "The Story of Lockwood Community" is now online on the Town of Nokomis website.
Website URL links submitted by Ron Isherwood .
Drake Obituaries and Death Notices Esk Obituaries, Esk, SK Guernsey Obituaries, Guernsey, Sk Jansen Obituaries, Jansen, SK
 Lanigan Obituaries, Lanigan, SK
Website URL links submitted by Ron Isherwood .
Nokomis Cemetery

The Nokomis Cemetery is located on the west side of Town on the SW 27-29-22-W2 in the Rural Municipality of Wreford # 280. Website url link submitted by Ron Isherwood Town of Nokomis, Saskatchewan website |
Drake Cemetery,Drake SK, RM of Usborne #310 Lockwood Cemetery, Lockwood, SK, RM of Usborne #310 North Star Cemetery,Drake SK, RM of Usborne #310 Venn Cemetery, Venn, SK, RM of Usborne #310

Website URL link submitted by Ron Isherwood .
The History of Nokomis - The Junction Town 1905 - 1955

The History of Nokomis - The Junction Town 1905 - 1955 An outline of the growth of the Town and District written by Edythe Humphrey and submitted by R. Isherwood |
Elstow CemeteryElstow, Saskatchewan
 Elstow Cemetery located at SE Section 15 - Township 35 - Range 1 - West of the 3rd Meridian.
Cemetery Photographs / alphabetical listing submitted by Saskatoon Regional Gen Webmaster Julia Adamson
The Mary Anna Messmer Brockmeyer Funeral Card Collection - Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada

Online scans of 300+ funeral cards, dating from as early as 1958 through to last year. Although principally from Humboldt, so far I've also seen cards from Fulda, Muenster, Saskatoon and Prince Albert as well. A number of newspaper obituary clippings are included in the heap as well and will be scanned and added to the page. Submitted by Donna Hrynkiw .
Photographs, Saskatchewan River Church Cemetery

Lutheran Cemetery near Outlook Submitted by Julia Adamson Saskatoon Gen Web Curator .
Cemetery in Verkhniyakivtsi, Borshchiv rayon, Ternopil oblasty

"Many, many families left this town and moved away, predominantly to Canada. For instance, a majority of the Ukrainian pioneers in Rosthern and Vonda in the province of Saskatchewan were specifically from this town. In Canada, variations in spelling this name include: Verchniakiwci, Wierzchiakowce, Wersznykiwci, Wiszniency, Werchnikevci, Wershnikiwtsi, Wershnikivetz, Wershnykiwci, , Wiszniaucy, Vershnekewsti. " Submitted by Carrie Stevenson .
Merrill - St. Stephen's Anglican Cemetery Merrill One Room School District 1582

Merrill, Saskatchewan website pages and photographs submitted by Julia
Pryma (St. John the Baptist) Cemetery near Smuts, SK
Adimiwka (Holy Ghost) Cemetery southeast of Rosthern, SK NW31-41-2-W3
Laniwci-Ukrainian Catholic St. Ascension SW1-41-2-W3 Laniwci, SK
Borschiw Cemetery near Prud'homme Saskatchewan
Terpannia Brookhill Cemetery Located 15 km south of Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan on Highway 12.
Sacred Heart Cemetery Prud'homme, Saskatchewan
St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery Rosthern, Saskatchewan
Trinity Cemetery SW1-44-7-3 Located near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan
A compilation and transcription of the above Saskatchewan cemeteries submitted by Carrie Stevenson .
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan

TURNER: Harris, M.L.A. biography MACKENZIE: The Honourable Philip Edward, Puisne Judge of the King's Bench of Saskatchewan biography.
MOXON: Arthur, B.A., B.C.L. biography. HEARN: Lieut.-Colonel. John Harvey, B.A., LL.B., biography. ARMITAGE: Captain Alex. Howard, M.D., C.M.: Tessier/Saskatoon SK biography. |
Viscount, Saskatchewan Area Cemeteries
 *--Bethania Cemetery, near Viscount, Sk *--Plunkett Community Cemetery: Plunkett, Saskatchewan *--St. Anthony Cemetery Cemetery: (Formerly Saxby then St. Bede's) near Meacham, SK *--St. Peter Cemetery, near Meacham, Sk *--Eigenhiem Cemetery, near Young, Sk *--Viscount Union Cemetery, Viscount, Sk
*--Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Hungaria Cemetery, Viscount, Sk
*--St. Alphonse Roman Catholic Cemtery, Viscount, Sk
submitted by Heather Canevaro.
Hanley Cemeteries - Bethlehem Lutheran CemeteryHanley, SKR.M. of Rosedale #283
- Hanley CemeteryHanley, SKR.M. of Rosedale #283
- Hanley's First CemeteryHanley, SKR.M. of Rosedale #283
- Hanley Mennonite Church CemeteryHanley, SK
- Sunny Valley CemeteryHanley, SKR.M. of Rosedale #283
 Hanley Spring Creek Lutheran Cemetery
 Round Prairie Metis Cemetery

Cemetery Photographs / alphabetical listing submitted by Saskatoon Regional Gen Webmaster Julia Adamson |
Sask Gen Web Events Posting: Back to Batoche Trail Ride

BACK to BATOCHE Metis Journey & Trail Ride submitted by Jeanette Jerome |
The Doukhobor Genealogy Website
 Researched and started by Jon Kalmakoff
Welcome to the Doukhobor Genealogy Website - the primaryinternet source connecting researchers ofDoukhobor genealogy. This site is dedicated to the reclamation,discovery, collection, preservation and free sharing ofinformation related to Doukhobor family history.
The Doukhobor movement settled in the areas of Rosthern, Blaine Lake and Langham area of the Saskatoon Gen Web Project. Doukhobor Cemetery Transcription Project Learn about this ambitious new project to transcribe all Doukhobor cemeteries and burial sites in Canada, the current status of the project, and how you can volunteer to participate to preserve our history. Doukhobor Cemetery Index This new online index contains the name and location of over 105 (private) Doukhobor cemetery and burial sites in the provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Public municipal cemeteries with significant numbers of Doukhobor burials are also listed. The index identifies the status of transcriptions for these cemeteries along with links to transcribed pages.
- Alexeyevka, Kamsack area, SK
- Blagoveshchenie Cemetery, Canora district
- Blahodarovka Cemetery, Veregin district
- Chursinoff Cemetery, Mikado district
- Daphne Doukhobor Cemetery, Watson district, SK
- Doukhobors in Watson Public Cemetery, Watson, SK
- God's Blessing Cemetery, Kylemore, SK
- Kalmakovo Cemetery, Buchanan district, SK
- Kapustino Cemetery, Veregin district
- Kirilovka Cemetery, Buchanan district, SK
- Meadowdale Cemetery, Canora district
- Moiseyevo Cemetery, Buchanan district, SK
- Nadezhda Cemetery, Veregin district, SK
- Nikolayevka, Togo district, SK
- Novoe Cemetery, Canora district
- Novo-Pokrovka Cemetery, Veregin district, SK
- Novo-Troitskoe Cemetery, Buchanan district, SK
- Old Kamenka, Togo district, SK
- Old Terpenie, Togo district, SK
- Ooteshenia Cemetery, Buchanan district, SK
- Peaceful Cove Cemetery, Pelly district
- Petrovka, Kamsack area, SK
- Rodionovka Cemetery, Mikado district
- Semenovka Cemetery, Arran district
- Smirenie Cemetery, Veregin district
- Sovetnoe Cemetery, Mikado district
- Spasovka Cemetery, Veregin district
- Tolstoy Cemetery, Veregin district, SK
- Verigino Cemetery, Veregin district
- Village of Buchanan Cemetery, Buchanan district, SK
- Village of Veregin Cemetery, Veregin, SK
- Vossianie, Runnymede, SK
- Vozvyshenie Cemetery, Hyas district
- Whitebeech Community Cemetery, Whitebeech district
- Yorkton City Cemetery, Yorkton
Email Jon Kalmakoff if you are also researching Doukhobor genealogy and history. |
Sask Gen Web Events Posting: Red River Settlement Descendants Reunion 2005

Reunion for descendants from Red River Settlement and Lower Fort Garry - August 13-21, 2005 submitted by Jeanette Jerome | Christ Church Patience Lake Cemetery, St. Denis Cemetery and Glenmauer School

Christ Church Patience Lake Cemetery, St. Denis Cemetery and Glenmauer One Room SchoolHouse Photographs submitted online by Saskatoon Regional Gen Webmaster Julia Adamson
Mount Carmel Shrine, and Carmel Conception Cemetery

Mount Carmel Shrine, and Carmel Conception Cemetery Photographs submitted online by Saskatoon Regional Gen Webmaster Julia Adamson
St. Peter's Monastery Cemetery Transcriptions

St. Peter's Monastery Cemetery Photographs submitted online by Saskatoon Regional Gen Webmaster Julia Adamson
Fron Lutheran Cemetery

Fron Lutheran Cemetery located west of the Agrium Potash Mine.Agrium Inc. Vanscoy Potash Operations 32 km SW of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan"Delisle Fron Lutheran Cemetery NW 19-35-8-W3". Cemetery Photographs submitted online by Saskatoon Regional Gen Webmaster Julia Adamson
Old & New Furrows : The Story of Rosthern Rosthern Historical Society
Old & New Furrows : The Story of Rosthern, by the RosthernHistorical Society and published in 1977 is now transcribed online atOur Roots Nos Racines.
Wilkie Sk
Wilkie Sk submitted by Robert Hansen published online by Julia Adamson Would anyone know the date of this photograph?
Ukrainian Marker Tsp 41, Rge 2 West of the 3rd meridian
Memorial East of Alvena, Saskatchewan 12-41-1-W3 and South of Fish Creek, Saskatchewan 3-42-1-W3 submitted by Julia Adamson transcribed by Carrie Eirene Stevenson
Biggar Heritage Album
Saskatchewan Centennial Project 2005; Biggar Heritage Album submitted by Rae Chamberlain.
Marie Pedersen Bergstrom's cousin Sigfords house
A 1925 postcard of Marie Pedersen Bergstrom's cousin Sigfords house submitted by Pat . Can any one can identify this house and who owned it?
Saskatchewan Historical Photographs
 Saskatchewan Historical Photographs - Dewar Lake and Lydden, Sk Railway Stations, Trains, etc - submitted by Nancy Magnusson .
Warren William Bailey, Jeanette Maria Bailey, Mortlach Sask
 Warren William Bailey, Jeanette Maria Bailey, Mortlach Sask with historical photos of Melfort, Mortlach, and Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan submitted by Linda Bailey-Lisac .
1906 Census Transcription for Radisson, Redberry, New Ottawa, Muskeg Lake, Fielding, Borden, Aldina areas
 1906 Census Saskatchewan District Saskatchewan 16 Subdistrict 18 submitted by Julia Adamson Sask Gen Webmaster.
Nokomis, Saskatchewan  Some information about the town of Nokomis, Saskatchewan, submitted by Hal and Gene Hicks.
Biggar, Saskatchewan Obituaries January 2000 to December, 2000
Biggar, Saskatchewan Alphabetical Obituary Index January 2000 to December, 2000  Obituaries indexed by date and alphabetically from the Biggar Independent, submitted by Rae Chamberlain. These obituaries are also a part of the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Obituary Collection
 Narratives of Saskatoon 1882-1912by Men of the City is an online book which includes sketches of theearly pioneers who settled the villages Saskatoon, Nutana, andRiversdale before they amalgamated together, a listing of pioneers inthe district who immigrated by trail before the railway of 1890, andnarratives by early mayors and fathers of Saskatoon. Submitted onlineby the Saskatoon Regional Gen Webmaster |
Saskatoon's Cemeteries
 Preservation of the history of the cemeteries of Saskatoon, Sk. Transcriptions online provided by the Saskatoon Cemetery History Association
Obituaries and Memoriams transcribed from the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Star Phoenix  A new website featuring obituaries and memoriams indexed alphabetically from the Star Phoenix, submitted by Saskatoon Regional Gen Webmaster
A Land Harvest by Faith 1884-1984 Wakaw, Saskatchewan Book Index 
Alphabetical book index of the local history, family biography bookpublished in 1984. Individual family biographies submitted by familymembers.Book Published by Wakaw Heritage Society S0k 4P0 Friesen PrintersAltona, Manitoba 0-882-925-545-8 1984 online permission granted by the Town of Wakaw Office of the Town Admistrator Box 669 Wakaw, Saskatchewan S0K 4P0 |
Biggar World Volume 1, No. 1, August 19th, 1909: Biggar's First Citizens biographies of G.T.P. Employees and businessmen
 Biographical sketches of Biggar's First Citizens which vary in lengthand information. Some biographies give a birthplace, sometimes withage, educational background and occupation in 1909. The article coverthe businessmen and various GTP railway employees of Biggar,Saskatchewan. This article was previously re-published in the BiggarBranch Saskatchewan Genealogical Society newsletter by Rae Chamberlain.These biographical sketches are much appreciated, and will be veryhelpful to those with a genealogical or historical interest in the townof Biggar, Saskatchewan.
Batoche photographs
 A collection of photos taken at the National Historic Site of Batoche.
Homestead Forms -
 Examplesof blank homestead forms which may be representative of those held in asettler's file at Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan. These would givean indication of what types of documents may be available if a copy ofa homesteader's file would be ordered.
Church of God in Christ Mennonite Cemetery
Donavan Cemetery
"Gone from us but leaving memories Death can never take away; Memories that will always linger Whilst upon this earth we stay." -Author unknown
Relationship Chart
This relationship chart is extremely helpful to understand how therelationships work while adding ancestors and cousins to the family tree . Both of these wonderful projects have been kindly submitted to the Saskatoon Gen Web Project using e-mail by Randi Bender Thank you very much! |
The Norrie Family of Warman, Saskatchewan
 A genealogical - biographical page submitted using e-mail by Donna Fraser as a *.doc file in this format which was converted into HTML and put online. Thank you, and good luck with your research! |
History of Watson Museum, Saskatchewan
 This history of the Watson and District Heritage Museum was writtenup and mailed by postal mail by Tanya Gattinger and is muchappreciated! Good luck with your studies this fall.
Battleford /Kamsack * Kindersley * Lloydminster * Moose Jaw * Regina * Saskatoon * Swift Current * Weyburn * Yorkton