Town Resources Please E-mail Julia with any links you would like to see added to this page. List is growing as the WWW is growing. Put "Saskatoon" somewhere in the subject of any e-mails please
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Placename listing:
Rural Municipalities First Nations Bands
| MacDowall pop. ~90 Rural Municipality Number 461 Prince Albert RM No. 463 - DUCK LAKE | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Manitou Beach pop. ~140 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Marcelin Pop. ~190 R.M. 464 Leask and R.M. 434 Blaine Lake | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Marriott
R.M. of Marriott #317 Tsp 32 - Rge 14- W 3 | - Marriott Cemetery
- Marriott locates North of Rosetown, Saskatchewan
North - South Marriott is between Valley Centre and Malmgren, Saskatchewan
- See also Rosetown
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Martensville Pop. ~ 4,000 Rural Municipality Number 344 Corman Park | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Marysburg Rural Municipality Number 370 of Humboldt previously named Dead Moose Lake SW Section 2 -Tsp 39 - Rge 22 -W2 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Maskakee
Rural Municipality Number 371 - BAYNE Tsp 39 Rge 26 w of the 2nd | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Maymont Pop ~ 175 Rural Municipality Number 406 Mayfield | - Book Title The story of Maymont
Author Maymont, Saskatchewan. Golden Jubilee Committee
- Our Roots Canada's Local Histories Online - From Sod to Solar : Fielding, Lilac, Maymont, Ruddell
- Book Title Homestead hardships : Saskatchewan
Author Andrew, Norman, 1919-
Published [Maymont, Sask. : s.n.], 1974
- Brian & Kim Allan's Family Tree: Ethel May Maxwell d. 26 Apr 1964-Maymont, Sask
- Saskatchewan City and Town Maps - Directory
- Maymont Community Cemetery : SGS Indexed at FHL
- The Harkness and Kilbreath Family History of Vernon, B.C.: William H Reid Grace Harkness
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Meacham Pop. ~ 100 Rural Municipality Number 341 of Viscount, and Rural Municipality Number 342 of Colonsay |
- Book Title Milestones and memories : Colonsay and Meacham Districts, 1905-1980
Published Colonsay, Sask. : R.M. 342 Celebrate Saskatchewan 1980 Commitees, 1980
Look Up Volunteer
CAN-SASKATCHEWAN Mailing List Complete index online (Enter the term 'Colonsay and Meacham Districts 1905-1980')
- Viscount, Sk Area Cemeteries
Bethania Cemetery, near Viscount, Sk
Plunkett Cemetery: Plunkett, Saskatchewan
St. Anthony Cemetery Cemetery:
Formerly Saxby then St. Bede's) near Meacham, SK
St. Peter Lutheran Cemetery, near Meacham, Sk
Eigenhiem Cemetery, near Young, Sk
Viscount Union Cemetery, Viscount, Sk
- Meacham Greek Orthodox Cemetery
- Meacham Cemetery
- St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Cemetery
- St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cemetery
- Saskatchewan City and Town Maps - Directory
- Trojan Cemetery : SGS Indexed at FHL
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Mead Tsp 35- Rge 13- W3 | - Mead was located near Keppel, Saskatchewan
West - East Mead was located between Cazalet and Normanton, Saskatchewan Mead was located East of Biggar, Saskatchewan Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Melfort City of Northern Lights Pop ~5,700 Flett's Springs RM #429 Star City RM #428 Rural Municipality Number 459 - KINISTINO |
- The Babcock Family of Victoria BC: Albert(Birt) Babcock
- Book Title Melfort 1903-2003 : 100 years of history as recorded in the Melfort Journal, Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Published [Melfort, Sask. : s.n.], 2003
"The paper you hold in your hands ... offers glimpses at the people and places of the past through the stories published in 'The Melfort Journal'--originally known as the 'Carrot River Journal' when founded in 1908--during the period from 1910 to 2003"--p. 2
- Book Title Melfort Pipe Band, 1935-2000
Author Clancy, R. S. (Ron)
Published Carrot River, Sask. : Patches Ventures Ltd., c2000
- Book Title Voices of the past : a history of Melfort and district
Author Ryan, Timothy
Published Melfort : Melfort and District Golden Jubliee Committee, 1955
- City of Melfort
- City of Melfort the City of Northern Lights
- Fredin & Potts Family History:Albert Clark [Bert] LEDGER
- Hemingford Cemetery, Nebraska USA : Ray, Blanche M., b. 3/19/1922, Melfort Sask, Can Alliance NE, d. 3/21/1976
- James Smith Cree Nation
- Leslie/Crowell Tree: Wallace, Mary (1881 - 1969) d. 13 Mar 1969 in Melfort, Sask.
- Melfort Creek Lutheran Cemetery
- Melfort (old) - (Craig) Cemetery: SGS Indexed at FHL
- The Family of
John Blackwell ( & Sarah Eleanor Howes: Ivan Howes Blackwell: Ernest Henry Blackwell
- Junior skaters on medal spree Nicole Watt of Melfort, Sask.
- Mt. Pleasant Community Cemetery
- Melfort Head of the Carrot River Valley
- Melfort Journal Current Classifieds
- Melfort Journal
- Melfort Public Library--map
- Melfort & District Museum
- RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Brian Allan & Kim Maxwell's: John Harold Moore: Mary Edna (Bannon) Moore
- Saskatchewan Communities - the cities (a brief history)
- Town of Melfort
- Wapiti Branch Library Directory
- Warren William Bailey, Jeanette Maria Bailey, Mortlach Saskwith photo of Melfort, Sk
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Mennon Laird RM #404 Tsp 40- Rge 6 -W3 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Meskanaw Rural Municipality Number 430 of Invergordon | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Middle Lake Pop ~ 262 A Proud Community | - Book Title Middle Lake : the vintage years : a history of the village of Middle Lake, including school districts of Grove Lake, Middle Lake, Merrywood, Mackintosh, Lake Ignace, Lucien Lake and Wilfred
compiled by the Middle Lake Celebrate Saskatchewan History Book Committee
Published Middle Lake, Sask. : The Committee, 1982
- Faith/Grace Community Lutheran Cemetery
- Holy Canadian Martyrs Roman Catholic Cemetery
- LEPSENYI Private Cemetery
- Middle Lake Cemetery
- Middle Lake Jehovah's Witness Cemetery
- Middle Lake Cemetery
- St. John's Lutheran Cemetery
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Milden Milden Rural Municipality Number 286 Pop ~220 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Moseley Humboldt RM #370 Tsp 38- Rge 22- W2 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Muenster St. Peter's colony Pop ~ 383 Rural Municipality Number 369 of St.Peter Rural Municipality Number 339 - LEROY |
- Biographical Sketch of Mr. Antonio (Tony) Molaro: The "Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel" at Carmel, Saskatchewan he designed and constructed
- Book Title Begin a good work : a history of St. Peter's Abbey, 1903-2003
Author Fitzgerald, Colleen
Published Muenster, SK : St. Peter's Press, c2003
- Book Title Fifty golden years, 1903-1953 : a brief history of the Order of St. Benedict in the Abbacy Nullius of St. Peter, Muenster, Saskatchewan
Author Windschiegl, Peter
- Book Title A mother braving a wilderness (For her children's sake) / told by her son, Otto Lutz ; edited by Thomas Gerwing ; ill. by Greg Schulte
Published Muenster, Sask. : St. Peter's Colony Jubilee Steering Committee, 1977
- Book Title Memories of Muenster's 70 progressive years, 1903-1973
Author Catholic Women's League, Muenster, Sask
Published Muenster, Sask. : St. Peter's Press, [1973]
- Book Title Muenster and district : centenary history 1903-2003, as the creek flows on
Published Muenster, Sask. : Muenster and District Centenary History Book Committee, c2003
- Book Best of Humboldt / south to Muenster, Sask to Lannigan, Sask.
- Branching Out: Fogen, Herman b. 1911 in Muenster, SK Canada
- Carmel Conception Cemetery, Muenster, Sk
- Catholic Local Church History and Ancestors Genealogy research
- Celebrating Saskatchewan - Communities!
- Hostels in Saskatchewan
- Humboldt and Area Web Page
- LeRoy Business Directory
- Mount Carmel Shrine
- Neimann Lutheran Cemetery
- St. Gertrude Roman Catholic Cemetery: Indexed at
- Muenster Roman Catholic Cemetery
- Muenster Dioceses
- Muenster History
- Muenster School
- Our roots Canada's Local Histories Online - Title: Fifty golden years, 1903-1953 : a brief history of the Order of St. Benedict in the Abbacy Nullius of St. Peter, Muenster, Saskatchewan.
- Neimann Lutheran Cemetery
- Our Roots Canada's Local Histories online -
Quest for a New Homeland : The Founding of St. Peter's Colony in Saskatchewan
Doerfler, Bruno, Weber, Jerome
- Reiners Genealogieseite: Bunz, Catherine-Mary
- RootsWeb: CAN-BC-OBITS-L :EHL, Margaret Mary (Loehr). Born November 10, 1918 in Muenster, Sask.
Bunz, Adam-Anthony
- St. Gertrude Roman Catholic Cemetery : SGS Indexed at FHL
- St. Peter's Abbey Roman Catholic Cemetery
- St.Peter's Abbey-a short history
St. Peter's Monastery - Cemetery
- Saskatchewan, Canada Hotel Guide
- Sask Biz Muenster, Sk
- Spirit and the Soil - Early Settlement of Humboldt, Saskatchewan
& Surrounding Communities
- Ted Fitzgerald - In search of In search of St. Peter (St. Peter's Cathedral, Muenster)
- Welcome to the Rural Municipality of St. Peter #369!
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Mulvihill Sec.32, Twp.35, R.21, W2 |
- Book Title As the furrows turn, 1900-1985 : Leroy and district
Published Leroy, Sask. : Leroy and R.M. Heritage Book Committee, 1986 Look up Volunteer
- Book Title The History of Leroy and district. Editor, R. S. Woods
Published [Winnipeg, Inter-Collegiate Press [1967?]
The first postmaster was Thomas Mulvihill from 1911-1915
In 1915 Mulvihill changed names to Shady Grove.
Mrs. Catherine Mulvihill was postmistress until the 1919 closing. - WDM Prairie Gamble - Family History Album - The Rural Municipality (R.M.) of LeRoy #339
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Naicam Rural Municipality Number 368 Spalding Rural Municipality Number 398 Pleasantdale Population. ~800 | - Book Title Naicam, then, 1905, and now, 1955
Author Naicam (Sask.). School
Published [Naicam, Sask.] : [Naicam School], [1956?]
- Branching Out: Dorgan, Maurice b. 27 JAN 1919 Naicam
- Canadian Newspapers on Microform held by the National Library of Canada - Saskatchewan
-Naicam Sentinel
- Genealogy Helplist Canada
-- Gleanings Along the Way: A History of Naicam, Lac Vert & surrounding districts
- Gleanings Along the Way: A History of Naicam, Lac Vert & surrounding districts
- Naicam Museum- Carlton Trail Tourism
- Naicam, Saskatchewan, Canada
Homesteading in Saskatchewan Project
*--Dorothy Anderson
*--Stanis Loyns
*--Alton Ewert
*--Cyril Griffith
*--David Carson
*--Diane Tardival
*--Mona Meekins
*--George and Edith Okell
*--Glenwood Johnson
*--Gabriel Dufault
*--Mary Bussiere
*--Neil Pierce
*--Lloyd Peterson
*--Grace Ponath
*--Irene Amundson
*--Ruby Selsky
*--Harvey Presber
*--Joan Ferguson Tells Her Mother's Story
*--Diny Anderson
*--Violet Formo
*--Mary Ens
*--Merle Formo
*--Emery Ens
*--Joe Woloshyn
*--Inga Ketilson
- Naicam Cemetery
- Naicam Community Cemetery
- St. George's Community Roman Catholic Cemetery
- Naicam News Obituaries transcribed online at Can-Sasktchewan
- Our Roots - Canada's Local Histories Online -Title: Gleanings along the way : a history of Naicam, Lac Vert and surrounding districts Author: Town of Naicam
- Round Lake Pentecostal Cemetery
- Town of Naicam
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Neeley Tsp 34- Rge - 27 - W2 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Neuenlage Neuanloge, Newanlage Rural Municipality Number 403 - ROSTHERN | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Neuhorst / Newhorst RM #344 Corman Park
| Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Newcross RM #344 Corman Park
Tsp 36-Rge 5 -W3 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Nokomis Blakemore or Blaiklie Rural Municipality Number 280 Wreford
Mt. Hope Rural Municipality Number 279 Pop.~460 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Normanton Biggar Rural Municipality Number 347 Tsp 35 - Rge 12- W3 | - Normanton was located near Perdue, Saskatchewan
West - East Normanton was located between Keppel, and Leney, Saskatchewan
- See Keppel
- See Leney
- See Perdue
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Nutana R.M. 344 Corman Park | An original settlement, now incorporated into a neighborhood of the city of Saskatoon Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Oban Rural Municipality Number 347 - BIGGAR Tsp 36 - Rge 15 - W3 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Osler Rural Municipality Number 344 of Corman Park Pop ~ 620
| - Arnold Boldt
-Boldt lived near Osler, Saskatchewan for first 12 years... - Bergthal Mennonites
-school opened in the fall of 1986 near Osler, Sask., led by Elder John D. Redekopp --Bergthal Colony and Its Descendants
- Books--" Boldt, Leonard C., Fourtieth Anniversary: Osler Mennonite Church,
1928-1968 (Osler, Sask.: n.p., 1968). "
- Book Title Osler-- the early years and the one room school #1238 (1905-1947) : reminiscences past and present / [editor, J.G. Guenter]
Published Osler, Sask. : Osler Historical Museum, 1999
- Coming to Canada
-- "As early as the 1890s, Russian Mennonites began to settle in parts of Saskatchewan: Rosthern (early 1890s), Osler-Hague(1895), and Swift Current (1904). They were followed by other Mennonites from Manitoba, as well as some from Russia between 1923-30 and after WWII."
- Kronsthal Mennonite Cemetery
Newhorst Old Colony Mennonites Cemetery/ Neuhorst Old Colony Cemetery
- Osler History
- Our roots Canada's Local Histories Online - Title: Men of Steele : life style of a unique sect : Saskatchewan Valley Mennonite settlers and their descendants
Osler Community Cemetery : SGS Indexed at FHL
- Osler Cemetery
- Osler Cemetery
- Sir William Osler
- WDM Prairie Gamble - Family History Album - BUHLER: SURVIVOR: Maria Pauls Driedger Buhler
- WDM Prairie Gamble - Family History Album - JOHANN DRIEDGER: Rebel With a Cause
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Outlook Rural Municipality Number 284 of Rudy Pop ~ 2,100 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Pathlow Flett Springs RM #429 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Perdue Rural Municipality Number 346 of Perdue Pop ~400 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Peterson Rural Municipality Number 371 of Bayne | - All Saints Anglican Cemetery
- Peterson - Prudhomme United Cemetery
- St. Agnes/Peterson Roman Catholic, Ukranian Catholic Cemetery : SGS Indexed at FHL
- St. Mary United Cemetery
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Pike Lake |
- Book Title Seventy years in Saskatchewan on mud snakes and sauerkraut
Author Pippin, John Ralph, 1905-
Published [Saskatchewan : J.R. Pippin, c1981], (Saskatoon : Aviation Training Systems)
- Book Title Reflections : Pike Lake, Valley Park
Published Saskatchewan : Pike Lake Women's Institute, c1981
- Down on the Farm
-- Blue Cloud and Footstep Blue Cloud and Footsteps Martin O'Malley - Saskatchewan Provincial Parks Pike Lake Provincial Park
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Pilger Pop ~ 102 Rural Municipality Number 400 of Three Lakes | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Plassey Tsp 32- Rge 26-W2 Rural Municipality Number 312 - MORRIS | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Pleasant Dale | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Plunkett Rural Municipality Number 341 of Viscount |
- Book Title Through the fields of time : Plunkett and district
Published Plunkett, Sask. : Plunkett History Committee, 1982
Look up Volunteer
- Foster Family Web Page - Kostuk, Leonard Joseph
- Frank Kuschnereit's Habermehl Page: Habermehl, Levi (26 Feb 85)
- Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Cemetery
- Hungarian Newspaper: CANADAI MAGYAR FARMER [Canadian Hungarian Farmer]. Winnipeg; Crosswoods, Sask.; Plunkett, Sask., 1910-1918.
[Weekly paper in Hungarian, continues KANADAI MAGYARS?G. Edited by: P?ter N?meth (1910-?) and Rev. L.F. Schaffer (?-1918).]
- Viscount, Sk Area Cemeteries
Bethania Cemetery, near Viscount, Sk
Plunkett Cemetery: Plunkett, Saskatchewan
St. Anthony Cemetery Cemetery:
Formerly Saxby then St. Bede's) near Meacham, SK
St. Peter Cemetery, near Meacham, Sk
Eigenhiem Cemetery, near Young, Sk
Viscount Union Cemetery, Viscount, Sk
- Saskatchewan Canada Provincial Hotel Directory
- Reiners genealogy side: Welter, OD-Wilfred
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Prud'homme (Prudhomme) Previously named Howell Rural Municipality Number 372 - GRANT Rural Municipality Number 371 - BAYNE | - Bandet Family Tree- Joseph Auguste
Bandet - Hubertine Hounjet - Constant Jean-Baptiste Bourdel
- Book Our Roots - Canada's Local Histories Online - Title: Life as it was : Prud'homme, Saskatchewan, 1897-1981 Author: Prudhomme History Committee
Book tells Daughters of Providence story - Book Title With faith and hope : St. Laszlo our heritage
Published [Prud'homme, Saskatchewan] : St. Laszlo Historical Committee, 1979
near Prud'homme Saskatchewan
- Bout d'histoire - Howell
- Canada Military heritage Project - Viczko, Rose, Cpl.,
- CANOE 2000: Jeanne-Mathilde Sauv?
- Chabot, Mrs. C?cile Marie
- ?milie - S?ur Marie-Antoinette (?milie) Bandet.
- Film honours community's origins PRUD'HOMME, Sask
- Jeanne Sauv?
- Miskolczi Reunion History: JANOS MISKOLCZI, SR. AND ANNA(Reeves) MISKOLCZI
- Our Roots Canada's Local Histories Online - Life as it was : Prud'homme, Saskatchewan, 1897-1981
Prudhomme History Committee,
- Prudhomme Cemetery NW7-39-27-W2
- Prudhomme Cemetery SE12-38-28-W2
- Prud'homme Multicultural Museum
- RootsWeb: CAN-BC-OBITS-L
Bonnie Masson; Comox Valley Record; 23 Jan 2004; B15; Born in
Prud'homme, Sask., s/o Wilfred and Marie Masson. Family listed.
- Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery, Prud'home, Saskatchewan
- St. Mary's Community Cemetery
- Wapiti Branch Library Directory
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Pym St. Andrews Rural Municipality Number 487 Tsp 30 - Rge 14 - W3 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Radisson Rural Municipality Number 405 Great Bend | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Red Deer Hill RM #461 Prince Albert | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Renown RM #312 Morris Pop ~450 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Resource Star City RM #428 |
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Reynaud Three Lakes RM#400 Rural Municipality Number 400 - THREE LAKES Pop ~300 |
- Book Title Treasured memories : St. Benedict-Reynaud
St. Benedict-Reynaud History Book Committee
Published [St. Benedict, Sask.] : The Committee, 1993
- Bonne Madone Roman Catholic Cemetery
- Reynaud Greek Orthodox Cemetery
- Saskatchewan Cities and Towns - Reynaud
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Rheinland Rural Municipality Number 344 of Corman Park | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Rhyl RM #346 Perdue |
- Book Title Let's look back
Author Perdue History Group
Published Perdue, Sask. : Perdue History Book Committee, 1977
- This town no longer exists. For previous location and neighboring towns see:
Sask Wheat Pool Maps 1924 and 1984
- Rhyl was located east of Perdue.
Rhyl was located SW - NE between Kinley and Urban Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Richard Pop ~ 20 Rural Municipality Number 436 - DOUGLAS Tsp 43- Rge 12- W3 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Roddick RM #463 Duck Lake Tsp 45- Rge 1- W3 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Romance RM #339 Leroy 2- Tsp 36- Rge 19- W2 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |
Rosetown Pop ~2800 Rural Municipality Number 287 of St. Andrews Rural Municipality Number 317 of MARRIOTT Go for the Rose | - 1330 CGYM / 1210 CFYM Welcome! Rosetown's Radio Station
- Book Title Our Czech heritage
Author Nevay, Verla, 1924-
Published [Rosetown, Sask. : s.n., 1980]
- Book Title Rosetown : First 75 years / compiled by Frank Glass
Published [Rosetwon, Sask.] : Rosetown Publishing, 1984
- Book Title Pioneer days in Saskatchewan, Rosetown district
Author Heartwell, Joseph
- CN Place Names
- Descendants of William Wyers: HELENA WYERS,
- GENUKI: Kirkby Wharfe MIs, Graves in the Churchyard Extension.: H. L. NICCOLLS
- HURLBUT - HURLBURT Genealogy: Sylvia Beatrice Dowding
- My Family Puzzle Tree : Halliday, Ann Jane
- Person Sheet Wrench-Mason-Williams-Bright Families: James Hall CURRIE
- Prairie Schooner Travel Region
-Canadian Provincial Tourism Offices and Chamber of Commerce
- Rosetown Bretheren, Hutterite Cemetery
- Rosetown Community Cemetery
- Rosetown School Division
- Rosetown Saskatchewan
- R.M. ST. ANDREWS #287
- Sadie Annabella Yuers
Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Rosthern RM# 403 of Rosthern Pop ~ 1,560 | - Adamiwka Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery
- Arma Cemetery between Hague and Rosthern
- Bergthaler Mennonite Church (Rosthern, Sask.)
- Bergthal Mennonite Cemetery :Bergthaler Mennonite Church
- Bergthal Community Cemetery
- Bergthaler Mennonite Cemetery - Rosthern, Saskatchewan
- Book Title The mulberry tree
Author Friesen, Anna, 1899-
Published Winnipeg : Queenston House, 1985
- Book Title Birth and growth of the Eigenheim Mennonite Church, 1892-1974
Author Klaassen, Henry T
Published Rosthern : [Eigenheim Mennonite Church], [1974]
- Book Title The days of our years : a history of the Eigenheim Mennonite Church community : 1892-1992
Author Klaassen, Walter, 1926-
Published Rosthern, Sask. : The Church, 1992
- Book Title Old & new furrows : the story of Rosthern
Published Rosthern, Sask. : Rosthern Historical Society, [1977]
Look up Volunteer
- Book Title Rosthern : Where the hard wheat grows
Author Rosthern (Sask.). Board of Trade
Published [Rosthern, Sask.?] : Issued by Rosthern Board of Trade, [1912?]
- Canadian Newpapers on Microform held by the National Library of Canada
-St. Peters Bote. -Sask Valley News. - Canadian Ethnic Newspapers Received-Der Bote
- CCMB: Mennonite Historian 12/98: Genealogy and family history
Ukrainian Community and Family Histories
- Descendants of Samuel Drake - Joanna Coombe Family
- The Descendants of William Weatherby
- Doukhobors - Images in Special Collections
- Dyck Homestead Cemetery: Family Bergthal Mennonite: Bergthaler - Dyck Cemetery
- Eigenheim Mennonite Church (Rosthern, Sask.)
- Eigenheim Church Cemetery
Markwart Cemetery
- Menno Link Mennonite Information Center
- Our Family Tree - Jacob James Klaassen: Charles Wright1
- Our Roots - Canada's Local Histories Online - Old & New Furrows : The Story of Rosthern Rosthern Historical Society
- Parishes of the Diocese of SaskatoonAnglican Church of Canada
Pioneer Cemetery
REGIER Private Cemetery
REMPEL Private Cemetery
- Rosthern Private Cemetery
- Rosthern Private Cemetery
- Rosthern Protestant Cemetery : SGS Indexed at FHL
- Rosthern Non-Denominational Cemetery
- Rosthern Junior College
- Rosthern Mennonite Church (Rosthern, Sask.)
- Rosthern - Sask Valley News
St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery-
Sts. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic, Ukranian Catholic Cemetery
- Seager Wheeler Farm By Ken Sapsford SSCA Soil Conservationist
- Welcome to the Seager Wheeler Farm
Box 476, Rosthern, SK Phone: 306-232-5959 Seager Wheeler Farm School tour
Town of Rosthern Administration Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Ruddell (Village) RM of Mayfield #406 Pop ~30 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Rutan RM #342 Colonsay Tsp 35- Rge 27- W2 | Top | Genealogy Resources | Home | Population Source: | Statistics Canada Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |

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