One of the most public-spirited and enterprising citizens of Prince
Albert is William Oliphant McDougall, secretary of the Prince Albert
Agricultural Society, manager of the Prince Albert Exhibition and sec-
retary of the Prince Albert Historical Society. He was born in South-
port, Lancashire, England, on the 26th of May, 1874, a son of Ronald
and Isabella Howe (Oliphant) McDougall, the former a native of Edin-
burgh, and the latter of Glasgow, Scotland. Ronald McDougall studied
undertaking and for many years was engaged in that line of business in
Liverpool, England, being more than usually successful. He was also
prominent as a temperance reformer. Mr. McDougall died in March,
1914, and is survived by his widow, who is making her home in Not-
tingham, England.
William Oliphant McDougall received his education in the schools of
Liverpool, the grammar school at Seaforth and subsequently enrolled in
King's College at London. After putting his textbooks aside he became
an apprentice to a tea broker in London, England, and remained with
him for four years. In 1894 he came to Canada, locating at once in
Prince Albert and he worked for a farmer near this town for four years,
at the termination of which time he rented land, which he operated for
a time, and subsequently purchased some land at Red Deer Hill, which
he improved and brought to a highly cultivated state. Later he took a
homestead near the Red Deer Hill farm and farmed both places, amount-
ing to a half section, from 1898 until the 1st of April, 1914. He then
rented out the land and accepted his present position as secretary of the
Prince Albert Agricultural Society.
Mr. McDougall served as first Reeve of the Rural Municipality of
Prince Albert, holding that office for one year, and for some time he
was a trustee of the school district. He was acting secretary of the Grain
Growers Association for many years and is life honorary secretary of
the organization. He is at the present time secretary of the Dairymen's
Association. While active in agricultural pursuits Mr. McDougall made
a specialty of growing grains and good seeds and his farm lands are still
devoted to this particular form of agriculture. His success as an agricul-
turist is widely known. The Prince Albert Exhibition, of which he is
secretary, is the third largest in the province. It was nothing but a
county fair at the time he took charge and he has made of it a wonderful
The political allegiance of Mr. McDougall is given to the Liberal
party and he maintains an active interest in party affairs. His religious
faith is manifest in his membership in the Presbyterian church. Fra-
ternally he is identified with the Masons and the Independent Order of
Foresters. He is a prominent member of the Kiwanis Club and the Prince
Albert Club and keeps in touch with all of the general activities of the
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