Gen Web Project
North West Saskatchewan

Sask Gen Web
Hello and welcome
Good Luck with your research.

Kindest Regards,
Lloydminster Region Gen Web Hostess,

World Gen Web

Canada Gen Web

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Lloydminster Region Gen Web
Compu Mentor

  • Here is information for participation as a Compu Mentor in the field of genealogy and particularly in the Lloydminster Gen Web Region. There are many opportunities for actively facilitating the sharing of information and expertise through the use of technology -- especially the Internet and the World Wide Web. Being a Lloydminster Gen Web Compu Mentor will help to improve the information system and all volunteer contributions are recognized. Opportunities are available for assisting the long-distance researcher and helping them to know the genealogical records and the rich and varied history of the Lloydminster Gen Web Region.
  • Become a "Look up Volunteer" , or join the local CAN-SK-LLOYDMINSTER mailing list. A compu-mentor could be someone who is either currently living in the area, has genealogical roots or interest in the LLoydminster Gen Web Region or who has resided in the area, and would be able to help with questions regarding the history of the area. Please also check out the following opportunities.

Lloydminster Region Gen Web
Posting Board
  • Lloydminster Gen Web Regional Posting Board
    Bible, Biography, Birth, Cemetery, Census, Death, Deed (Homestead),
    Immigration, Look up, Marriage, Military, Obituary, Pension, Will

    14 categories are all consolidated onto one master board. You do not need to surf to 14 separate posting boards for each category. Just go to...
    Lloydminster Gen Web Regional Posting Board
    and select the data type when posting your message! Place genealogy queries or data online to interact with other researchers from this area.

  • Lloydminster Gen Web Region
  • Lloydminster Gen Web Region Surname Database:
    Place you surname interests for the area Lloydminster Gen Web (North West Saskatchewan) online to interact with other researchers from this area.

  • Lloydminster Region Gen Web Look UP
  • Look up Database :
    Would you be able to provide a look up service to other researchers in the Lloydminster Gen Web project? Do you have a book or other reference resource invaluable to a genealogist ie it may provides: names, dates, history or location? Would you be able to provide photos of the area or of cemeteries? If you are available to be of assistance to those researching in this region, please use this form to tell folks online ...Look up Posting Form. After you fill in this form you can view your online offer at Look Ups Lloydminster Gen Web Region
    (If you don't see it please use your entry press the re-fresh or re-load button on your browser.)

  • Lloydminster Region Gen Web Homesteads
  • North West Saskatchewan Homestead Database :
    Have you received your ancestor homestead records from Saskatchewan Provincial Archives? or, have your received your letter of patent for your ancestors from National Archives? If so, would you care to make an entry of the homestead location, and homesteader? The names and homestead locations of the two sworn witnesses could also be entered to help others in their search. Do you have access to a Cummins map for this area? Would you wish to post any original homesteaders online from this map? The Lloydminster Region Homestead Posting Board is at... lloydminster Region homestead posting board - select "deed"

  • Lloydminster Gen Web History
  • History Database :
    Do you remember any local history about this region? Would you care to share it online? For example: names or name changes for school districts or postal districts, memorable weather events, incorporation or changes of railway, Hudson Bay Company, Wheat Pool, etc. If so please place it online by using this online form: Reminscences. After you fill in this form you can view your online offer at the History Database
    (If you don't see it please use your entry press the re-fresh or re-load button on your browser.)

  • Lloydminster Region Gen Web Obituaries
  • Obituary Database :
    Would you want to place any obituary information online on the Lloydminster Region Obituaries Genconnect Board? If you have wish to submit daily obits, (marriage & birth announcements, local events...) or have transcribed a whole cemetery, and wish it online, let us know and we will help to create a web page or web space for it to share the information with others.

  • Lloydminster Region Gen Web Biographies
  • Biographies Database
    Do you know of anyone who has contributed to this area and there is a biographical write up about them either online or in some other source, a book etc.? Please honor them and submit an abstract of the article about this person, and the town or city from where they hail from. Please note the source as well.

  • Lloydminster Region Gen Web Book Indices
    For books without an index, an index can be placed online for the book, and would not violate any copyright, as the index did not originally exist, and would be a compilation of facts. This index would indicate familial names included in the book which would help genealogists determine if this resource would be helpful. For books with an index, publisher (the local history committee) should be contacted requesting permission to re-publish this portion of the book online. E-mail

    Lloydminster Region Gen Web
    Public Domain Primary Source Databases
    Do you have a website that provides genealogical, historical or other resources for genealogists in the Lloydminster, Sask area? If you have a genealogy or geographical link then please e-mail. If you have any document typed up and saved as a computer file, please contact us. If it is of genealogical, historical or geographical interest to this area, then please e-mail and we will convert it to HTML and create a web page for it here. Please see web pages created. We will acknowledge the source for you as well if you would like. We can also send it back to you in as HTML ready for your website as well.
  • Old Telephone Books, Henderson's Directories and City Directories, Town Directories, Co-op membership Books, Credit Union and Elevator Books., Grain Companies , Church Books , and Cattle Brand Books, School Records, Church lists, Occupational (?) (Mining inspector's reports, Accident reports, railroad reports, company newsletters....) Educational (?) (school histories, newsletters, school census, yearbooks?) Census Records, Vital Records (Marriage, Birth, Death, Divorce), Court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), Church records (members lists, baptisms...), Bible Records, Prison Records Military Records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...) Land Records (homestead deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records...) Tax Records (land, property, state, federal, local....) etc. Not Under Copyright Protection: Tombstone wording, Public records, Exception: A collection compiled together by an author of public records can be copyrighted., Dates of birth, marriage, and death, and names are ordinarily not under copyright. Census data. "Facts" are not under copyright, the exception would be a collection of facts together in a manner other than alphabetical. The collection may be under copyright.
  • These ALL are documents which should be preserved. Placing these records online, offering to be a look up volunteer or duplicating them would help prevent losses of primary source documents for family genealogists. These could either be given to the Museums, Archives, or Family History Centers or placed online here. In many small towns, there was a local phone exchange before they amalgamated into Sask Tel. Directories listing names in communities could be placed online at this site for use by any online folks worldwide with a genealogical or historical interest in the area. Please e-mail if you would have any of these old directories or if you are able to transcribe.

  • Lloydminster Region Gen Web Thank you!
    Please let us know you stopped by
    Write your comments and updates in our visitor's guestbook.

    Share your Research.
    Communicate with Others
    Let us know where you are at now,
    and where you have Saskatchewan Roots.

    Meet other genealogists with similar interests.

    We really do want to know who you are,
    Thank you very much for stopping by.

    Web Master: Lloydminster Gen Webmaster lloydminster@yahoo.com, for Lloydminster Region North West Saskatchewan Gen Web Project


    Web Publish Date:

    Greetings, Valued Visitors!

    Step into the renewed home of the Lloydminster Gen Web Project, where history breathes, and legacies are etched in family tales and community heritage.

    Explore us at our new domain: https://saskgenweb.ca/sklloydm/. Yes, we've moved, but rest assured, our commitment to capturing Lloydminster's essence stands firm.

    Embark on a journey through one-room schoolhouses, cemetery sanctuaries, and historical landscapes adorned with diverse placenames and fading maps. History, more than events, unfolds as a tapestry of stories.

    As part of the Patreon community (https://www.patreon.com/SaskGenWeb), we invite you to sustain this passion-infused venture for the years ahead. Visit our new pages at https://saskgenweb.ca/sklloydm/ and witness the Lloydminster Gen Web Project's evolution.

    Your support ensures this beacon endures for historians, genealogists, and all captivated by the past. A heartfelt thanks to Ancestry.com and Rootsweb.com. Now, let our community, old and new, join hands in preserving this invaluable resource.

    Welcome to a new chapter! Your support, in any form, is a cherished gift to the history uniting us all.

    With gratitude,

    The Lloydminster Gen Web Project Volunteer Team

    >© Copyright 1996-