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History for the Lloydminster, Saskatchewan area
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Historical Date/s: Type of Event: Dulwich

There was a town named Dulwich located between Edam and Mervin until the highway was built. It was quite a thriving little town with a Pool elevator, Searle elevator, blacksmith shop. There were community dances and it was quite a bustling community.
Source Title: Reminiscence Source ISBN: Author:
Publisher: Copyright:
WWW Address: Http://www.
Submitter: Email: saskgenweb@yahoo.com


Historical Date/s: May 15 1998 award for Feb 15, 1995 Act of Bravery Type of Event: St. Walburg

Frank George Larson, M.B., St. Walburg, Saskatchewan Medal of Bravery On February 15, 1995, Frank Larson saved three people from a burning house in St. Walburg, Saskatchewan. When fire broke out in the nearby kitchen, Mr. Larson shouted to alert the other occupants and awoke his companion and her three-year-old son, urging them to follow him. A wall of flames blocked the main entrance so Mr. Larson ran to the front door and, unable to open it, smashed the window. He returned to the bedroom where his companion had fallen back to sleep, shook her awake, grabbed the toddler and carried him outside through the broken window. Mr. Larson climbed back in and, assisted by his companion, carried another woman out. He then raced to the neighbours' house to alert the fire department and returned to search for his disoriented companion who had remained behind. The intense noise of the inferno made communication impossible so he crawled through the thick black smoke until he found the woman and brought her to safety. The three other victims were evacuated by the firefighters.
Source Title: Investiture of the Decorations for Bravery Source ISBN: Author:
Publisher: Copyright:
WWW Address: http://www.gg .ca/appointments/archive/inv0598_e.html
Submitter: Email:



Lillian Mitchell Retired teacher Lillian Mitchell has been a volunteer for UNICEF, the United Nations Childrenžs Fund, since 1971. Over a 25-year period she has co-ordinated the promotion of UNICEF products through schools, churches, businesses and the media and has led fund-raising for UNICEF products in Grenfell and the area along the Trans-Canada Highway between Regina and Moosomin. She encouraged the formation of the Grenfell UNICEF choir. Thanks to her work, UNICEF has a significant profile in the area and a high ratio of money raised to population. Mrs. Mitchell is active in the United Church as an elder and director of the children's choir. She is also a volunteer in choral music and festivals and in the Superannuated Teachers' Association. She taught high school for 30 years and has undertaken her volunteer activities despite being legally blind. Lillian Mitchell received the UNICEF Saskatchewan Volunteer of the Year Award in 1990 and the UNICEF Canada 50th Anniversary Gold Award and Volunteer of the Year Award in 1996. Tel. (306) 697-2623 Biographies and telephone numbers of the recipients of the Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal are attached. All recipients are willing to be interviewed.
Source Title: Source ISBN: Author:
Publisher: Copyright:
WWW Address: http://www. gov.sk.ca/newsrel/1997Jan/027.97012301.html
Submitter: Email:


Historical Date/s: Type of Event: tangle flags district

Source Title: Source ISBN: Author:
Publisher: Copyright:
WWW Address: Http://www.
Submitter: w dumont Email: wdumont@telus.net


Historical Date/s: Type of Event: Frenchman Butte, Saskatchewan and area

Source Title: My own family history collection Source ISBN: Author:
Publisher: Copyright:
WWW Address: Http://www.roo tsweb.com/~sklloydm/Howard/index.html
Submitter: The Howard Families Email: pkbest1956@yahoo.ca
