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Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Look Up Volunteers |
Look up guidelines The following is a list of reference works in the Lloydminster, Sask area which volunteers are willing to search for specific entries. To ask for a look-up, please click on the name by the reference. Add your resource to this listing. |
This page was last modified: Visitor # since Sep 22, 2000 Webmaster, for Lloydminster Region Gen Web Project
- Towns:Saskatchewan
- Email:TerrenceJestin
Book Name: Ethnic Language Publications ISBN:
Other Volunteer service provided: lists all the foreign languageandethnic publications thatwere distributedacross western
- Towns:Genealogy of the First Metis nation
- Email: AndrePaul
Book Name: Genealogy of the First Metis nationISBN:
Other Volunteer service provided: Genealogy of the FirstMetis nation
- Towns:The Bresaylor Settlement,the hamlet ofBresaylor,Bresaylor school district # 111,Battle bank school district#3125,Arbor Hill school district #3270 and Federal school district#4048.
- Email: WallaceGregson
Book Name: "Bresaylor Between" theBattle and Saskatchewan Rivers. ISBN:
Other Volunteer serviceprovided: I will look up information for anyone researching in theseareas.
- Towns:Dee Valley,Halfway,Idanell,Keyworth,Maidstonerural,Sewton,and Tebo corner.These are all in the Maidstone area.
- Email: WallaceGregson
Book Name: Chain of Memories ISBN:
OtherVolunteer service provided: I will look up information for anyoneresearching in these areas around Maidstone.
- Towns:Maidstone and Lashburn
- Email: JohnCarson
Other Volunteer service provided: Will provide look ups in the books North of the Gully (Maidstone) and South of the Gully (Lashburn)
- Towns:Leask and district
- Email: Leah
Book Name: A Lasting Legacy - Leask and Districts ISBN:
OtherVolunteer service provided:
- Towns:Denholm
- Email: SharonPeters
Book Name: The Wilsons of Denholm - 1841 PioneerFamilies of the Upper Gatineau ISBN:
Other Volunteer serviceprovided: written by AlexaPritchard and MaryWilson which includesthe family lineage ofthe Wilsons andSmiths whoeventually settled allover Saskatchewan.Birth, death andmarriage dates onlywith some articles.
- Towns:Alticane, Mayfair, Mullingar, Redfield,Whitkow
- Email: TerrenceJestin
Book Name: Golden Memories of Alticane, MayfairMullingar, Redfield and Whitkow ISBN:
Other Volunteer serviceprovided: This is an indexed book covering the following RM's: #466 RMof Meeting Lake ,# 467 RM of Round Hill, # 435 RM of Redberry, # 436 RM of Douglas, andthe # 437 RM of North BattlefordThis book includes many surnames sounding of Ukranian, French, and Germanorigin. There are some family, military and community group pictures aswell as were submitted to the publishing committee.
This look up offer no longer available.
- Towns:Marsden, Neilburg, Point Lake,Roland View, Sherlock Lake, Stanmore,Wells, Yonker
- Email: Mary Read
Book Name: Big Manitou Country 1905-1980 Volume II ISBN: -
OtherVolunteer service provided:
- Towns: Pierceland and area
- Email: Gordon A.Berdahl
Book Name: Our Pioneers - Pierceland and District ISBN: Nil
Other Volunteer service provided:School districts of Black Raven, ChocolateValley(Pierceland), Deer Haven, Glenvale,Mudie Lake, Northern Pine, SmokyHill and Venusburg (Beacon Hill)
- Towns: Pierceland and area
- Email: Gordon A.Berdahl
Book Name: Pine Cones and Pussy Willows - AHistory of Pierceland ISBN: Nil
Other Volunteer service provided:
- Towns:Meadow Lake and SurroundingDistricts
- Email: DarleneLaFlamme
Book Name: Heritage Memories: A History ofMeadow Lake and Surrounding Districts: Index
Other: Districtsincluded in this book:Bear Creek, Beaverdale, Blue Bell, Braeval, Briar Dale, Bridge Creek,Cabana, Champion, Clover Bar, Cock O' The North, Dunfield, Island Hill,Matchee, Meadow River, Neeb, Prendergast, Radiance, Rapid View, Resby,Rialto, Rollo Park, Rush Lake, Spruce Lodge, St. Cyr lake
- Towns:Turtleford and surrounding area
- Email: LizWeiers
Book Name: Turtleford Treasures 1986 ISBN:
- Towns:St. Walburg
- Email: LizWeiers
Book Name: Footprints - Yesterday and TodayVolume I & II ISBN:
- Towns:Area south of Lloydminster --Southminster, Furness, and Rugby School Districts, and some of thesurrounding area.
- Email: KarenLawrence
Book Name: South from Lloydminster, AHistory of Southminster, Furness, and Rugby School Districts. ISBN:
- Towns:Lloydminster
- Email:JanetNewman
Book Name: Lloydminster Times, 1905-1942 ISBN:
Other: Vital Statistics from the Lloydminster Times April1905-1942, hoping to complete to end of 1945 in the near future.Also willing to do lookups in 'East of Lloydminster' and 'The Fort PittTrail'
- Towns:Lloydminster
- Email:JanetNewman
Book Name: 'East of Lloydminster'
Other: Vital Statistics from the Lloydminster Times April1905-1942, hoping to complete to end of 1945 in the near future.Also willing to do lookups in 'East of Lloydminster' and 'The Fort PittTrail'
- Towns:Lloydminster
- Email:JanetNewman
Book Name: 'The Fort PittTrail''
Other: Vital Statistics from the Lloydminster Times April1905-1942, hoping to complete to end of 1945 in the near future.Also willing to do lookups in 'East of Lloydminster' and 'The Fort PittTrail'
- Towns:Cole, Cordelia, Dix, Edam, Horse Hill,Poplar Del, Spenceville, St. Hippolyte,St. Cyril, Valley Springs, Vawn, Vyner.
- Email:Debby
Book Name: Their Hopes - Our Heritage, published by Edam HistoricalSociety 1992 ISBN:
Other: this book has all the schooldistricts with maps, some cemetery listings,Churches and Clubs, along with some personal family stories. Isindexed
- Towns:Lloydminster area (Albertaside)
Book Name: West ofthe Fourth - Lloydminster Area ISBN:
Other: Welcome to the Vermilion River, Alberta Lookups and Publications Page!!
- Towns:Green Lake
- Email: Tammy
BookName: Green Lake Church Records 1876-1911 ISBN:
Other: Ialso have the census for Green Lake & Ile a la Crosse for the years1881, 1891, 1901
- Towns:Madrid
- Email: LeoYur
Book Name: Accommodations lodging in Spain ISBN: http://www.sleepinspain.com
Other: Accommodations lodging inSpain and Andorra together with the best exclusive offers in differenttypes of accommodations.
- Towns:Bright Sand, Cottage Grove, Deer Valley,Dexter, Elmhurst, Emmaville, May Bell, Moose Head, Pine Ridge, Sky Rock,Spruce Bluff, Spruce Lake and Waskiagon
- Email:LizWeiers
Book Name: Bright Sand to Green Fields ISBN:
- Towns:Mervin
- Email: Mary Read
Book Name: Mervin Memories ISBN:
Other: Community of Mervinand the school districts of Aroma, Brooksdale, Clover lake, Cordelia,Daysville, Dulwich, Louisville
- Towns:Town of HaffordRM of Redberry
- Email: Mary Read
Book Name: A Walk Down Memory Lane - Hafford & District ISBN:0-88925-356-0
- Towns:Waseca District, Waseca Village, Battlevale,Walter
- Email: Mrs. KellyVenance
Book Name: Waseca Echoes, Published by TurnerWarwick Printers, Inc. North Battleford, Sask 1984 ISBN:
Other:I have friends from the area and so have the book to do lookups.
- Towns:St. Walburg and area
- Email: Raleigh
Book Name: Footprints of Yesterday & Today ISBN:
Other:Footprints of Yesterday & Today - covering the community of St.Walburg and surrounding district. I have Volume 2 which covers familyhistories from I-Z
- Towns:Mayview and areaDeer Ridge, Lone Spruce, Mayview,Cookson, Sturgeon River
- Email: Raleigh
Book Name: A Homesteaders Dream ISBN:
Other: AHomesteaders Dream --A history of Deer Ridge, Lone Spruce,Mayview,Cookson, Sturgeon River. Includes family histories.
- Towns:Foxdale and area.Rich Valley, Shell River,Rayside, Silver Cliff, Foxdale, Sturgeon Valley
- Email: Raleigh
Book Name: Our Harvest of Memories ISBN:
Other: OurHarvest of Memories -- covering Rich Valley, Shell River,Rayside, Silver Cliff, Foxdale, Sturgeon Valley. Includes familyhistories.
- Towns:Leoville, Laventure, Ranger, Junor, Penn,Chitek Lake, Pelican Reserve, Spruce Creek, Timberland, Timberlost,Capasin
- Email:
Book Name: Our Roots Canada's LocalHistories Online - After the dust : a history of Leoville & community
- Towns:Turtleford-St. Walburg Area
- Email:
Book Name: Harbinger farm, 1906-1920
Complete Online Book
- Towns:Fielding, Lilac, Maymont,Ruddell
- Towns:Meota, Prince, Wing, Russell, Fitzgerald,Vyner, St.Michael, Jackfish Creek, Ness, Lavigne, Cochin, Murray Lake,Scentgrass, Glenrose, Moosomin, Saulteaux, Metinota.
- Email: Debb y
Book Name: FOOTSTEPS IN TIME ISBN: ISBN 0-88925-208-4
- Towns:LloydminsterLloydminster Times Feb 26 1925 Frank Turton funeral
- Email: DorothyBrowne
Book Name: Lloydminster Times ISBN: Feb26 1925
- Towns: Blaine Lake, Gillies, Krydor, Tallman