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Name: shary Place: B.C.
Email: rswl@cedar.alberni.net< br> Saskatchewan Town: Lloydminster
Surnames: King, Lister, Power

Homesteaders to Lloydminster dating back to 19oo --------------------------------------------------

Name: Shary Place: b.c.
Email: rswl@cedar.alberni.net< br> Saskatchewan Town: Lloydminster
Surnames: King,Power, Lister

1907,Port Pitt trail to Dobbin Hill Lloydminster. --------------------------------------------------

Name: L.K Lane Place: Edmonton
Email: llane@icrossroads.com
Saskatchewan Town: Maidstnone,Battlfords
Surnames: Lane

I am interested in corosponding with any decedents of the Shiloh people. These people wer members of a Afro-American colony estblished just north of Maidstone in 1909.Other members of the colony were the Mayes familys, Cooper, Perteet, Harpers, and others.


Name: Patrick Kelly Best Place: Edmonton, Alberta
Email: bestp44@hotmail.com
Saskatchewan Town: LLoydminster, Oxbow and Glen Ewen, Mervin
Surnames: Best

I am from Glen Ewen, Sask. But my family moved to Islay in 1961 and then moved to Marwayne, Alberta in 1967. I went to school in both towns and now my parents, Percy and Lorna Best live near Heinsberg, Alberta. My older brother Terry, lives at Bonnyville, and my younger brother, Jonathan lives at Bonnyville, too. I have been trying to put a family tree together now for over three months and have ran into so many road blocks. So if anyone out there can help me, please, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!!


Name: Denise(Beliveau)MacDonald Place: Calgary,Alberta
Email: www.denise.macdonald@home.com
Saskatchewan Town: Paradise Hill,Sask.
Surnames: Beliveau,Prince,Royer

I'am researching the Beliveau,Prince,Royer lines. Clarisse Royer m.to Albert Prince. I seem to come to a dead end. Any help would greatly be appreciated.


Name: Enid Street Place: Penticton BC
Email: ehstreet@shaw.ca
Saskatchewan Town: Lloydminster
Surnames: Street

Frederick and Ivy Street had a homestead near Lloydminster, abt.1902


Name: Ernie Place: Victoria BC
Email: gramps@pacificcoasgt.net
Saskatchewan Town: Maidstone, Blaine Lake
Surnames: Reubens

Family records indicate our father maried a Martha Reubens in LLoydminster SK on 4 Aug 1910. Also appears to be another marriage on 10 Aug. 1915. Both Martha and my father, Ernest Wilburforce Dalzell resided in Maidstone at the time of their marriage. I would like to find the family of Martha Reubens or any children from her marriage to Wilbur. Anything on the second marriage would be appreciated. It could possibly be to an Ada Beatrice Stokes. --------------------------------------------------

Name: Ernie Place: Victoria BC
Email: gramps@pacificcoast.net
Saskatchewan Town: Maidstone, Blaine Lake
Surnames: Reubens

Family records indicate our father maried a Martha Reubens in LLoydminster SK on 4 Aug 1910. Also appears to be another marriage on 10 Aug. 1915. Both Martha and my father, Ernest Wilburforce Dalzell resided in Maidstone at the time of their marriage. I would like to find the family of Martha Reubens or any children from her marriage to Wilbur. Anything on the second marriage would be appreciated. It could possibly be to an Ada Beatrice Stokes. --------------------------------------------------

Name: Place:
Saskatchewan Town:


Name: Ernie Place: Victoria BC
Email: gramps@pacificcoast.net
Saskatchewan Town: Maidstone, Blaine Lake
Surnames: Reubens

Family records indicate our father maried a Martha Reubens in LLoydminster SK on 4 Aug 1910. Also appears to be another marriage on 10 Aug. 1915. Both Martha and my father, Ernest Wilburforce Dalzell resided in Maidstone at the time of their marriage. I would like to find the family of Martha Reubens or any children from her marriage to Wilbur. Anything on the second marriage would be appreciated. It could possibly be to an Ada Beatrice Stokes. --------------------------------------------------

Name: Carol Radics Place: Vernon, BC
Email: CRadics@shaw.ca
Saskatchewan Town: Lloydminster
Surnames: MURRAY, KEMP

I have no information about my family but would like to know more. Mrs. Margaret Kemp Murray born: 29 Jan. 1914 Lloydminster, Sask. died: 12 Aug. 1971 Edmonton, Alta. aged 57 yrs Funeral Services Conducted from: The McCaw Funeral Chapel in Lloydminster, Alberta Interment: The Marwayne Cemetery. Does anyone have any way of finding out any more info for me? I am willing do do some research here for them? --------------------------------------------------

Name: Carol Radics Place: Vernon, BC
Email: CRadics@shaw.ca
Saskatchewan Town: Lloydminster
Surnames: MURRAY, KEMP

I have no information about my family but would like to know more. Mrs. Margaret Kemp Murray born: 29 Jan. 1914 Lloydminster, Sask. died: 12 Aug. 1971 Edmonton, Alta. aged 57 yrs Funeral Services Conducted from: The McCaw Funeral Chapel in Lloydminster, Alberta Interment: The Marwayne Cemetery. Does anyone have any way of finding out any more info for me? I am willing to do some research here for them? --------------------------------------------------

Name: Norman Chaykoski Place: Toronto
Email: nchaykoski@sympatico.ca
Saskatchewan Town: Paynton, Paridise Valley
Surnames: Lee

Inquiries and Information Requests: I am looking for any information on Luke Lee born aprox. 1913. He probably immagrated to Canada in 1934 ro 1935. Luke owend the General Store and Dance Hall in the village of Paynton, and lived in Paridise Valley. I am looking for any infomation that you can obtain.


Name: Laura Svab Place: Blackfalds, Alberta
Email: svab@shaw.ca
Saskatchewan Town: Prince Albert, Nipawin, White Fox, Garrick, Love, Choiceland, Melfort, Krydor, Brooksby
Surnames: Pronych and Cassils


Name: Doug Gent Place: Terrace BC
Email: http://www3. telus.net/Doug_Gent/emailpage.html
Saskatchewan Town: Bienfait, Estevan, Neudorf
Surnames: Lavoie

Thanks to the Meadow Lake Museum and Historical Society for the release of the Index to their heritage book "Heritage Memories" online. It is an inspiration for other Societies to follow suit. If time and money permits, one day I hope it is digitized for viewing online. Most if not all, of the information in these heritage books was submitted by various families, and should be shared online. This is a great start, and with the look-up service with it, is a very right step in the right direction. I applaud you and thank you all! Keep it up Rootsweb!


Name: Reg. Hancock Place: Stoke on Trent. England.
Email: reginald.hancock@virgin.net
Saskatchewan Town: Bellbute.
Surnames: Bellamy.(nee Webb).

Jennie Bellamy. (nee Webb).was a first cousin of my late father. b.1906 Eng.married Jim Bellamy oct.1928.Bellbute.could any one help in finding date and last resting place,also sister Hannah,


Email: jimandangela@ntlworld.com
Saskatchewan Town: WHITKOW and N. BATTLEFORD

Can anyone recall my grandfather, PETER WERMAN / WERMANSKI. Farmed at WHITKOW around 1920 - 1955 ? Died N. Battleford about 1963.


Name: Yvonne Germscheid Place: Calgary, Alberta
Email: yvonnedaniellemucha@yahoo.com
Saskatchewan Town: Poundmaker Reserve
Surnames: Morin, Keeskotagan

I am looking for any relatives in Poundmaker or area (NW Saskatchewan).


Name: Dave Lemkay Place: Douglas, (Ottawa Valley) Ontario
Email: dlemkay@renc.igs.net
Saskatchewan Town: Paradise Valley, Lloydminster
Surnames: Lemkay

My father, Rev. Ken Lemkay was United Church minister at P.V. and Lloyd 1943 through 1948. I have many early pictures and all his notes from his arrival to the west as a young new ordinand. Tremendous observations of the Prairies. I have visited all around there on a couple of trips, as I was born in Lloydminster in 1947. Proud of it too.


Name: Dave Lemkay Place: Douglas, (Ottawa Valley) Ontario
Email: dlemkay@renc.igs.net
Saskatchewan Town: Paradise Valley, Lloydminster
Surnames: Lemkay

My father, Rev. Ken Lemkay was United Church minister at P.V. and Lloyd 1943 through 1948. I have many early pictures and all his notes from his arrival to the west as a young new ordinand. Tremendous observations of the Prairies. I have visited all around there on a couple of trips, as I was born in Lloydminster in 1947. Proud of it too.


Name: kenneth dufresne Place: onion lake sask
Email: bears1967@shaw.ca
Saskatchewan Town: lloydminster
Surnames: dufresne

my brother (glen russel harper) same mother and father why is he not a treaty indian he has been trying for a few years now and is getting tired of waiting for a reply no one wants to return his call. (please help us) thank you.


Name: Merrill Taylor Place: Edmonton,AB.
Email: mtaylor@planet.eon.net< br> Saskatchewan Town: Bresaylor
Surnames: Taylor

Would appreciate contact with any f the Taylor/Sayers/Bremner decendents still residing in that general area of Bresaylor/Paynton.


Name: Karen Feaver Place: B C
Email: karenflorence@hotmail.com
Saskatchewan Town:


Name: Karen Feaver Place: B C
Email: karenflorence@hotmail.com
Saskatchewan Town: St Walburg, Spruce Lake
Surnames: Moore, Messenger, Braden, Freeborn, Mckee

