-------------------------------------------------- Email: EdOldridge Web Page: Comments: Looking for information on"Lake School", a one room school that was active from 1907until 1957. It was located about 8 klm west of the Village of Briercrest.We are in the process of restoration project. -------------------------------------------------- Email: GaelynnWall Web Page: Wall / DubeHomepage Comments: Attended school in Pontrilas. Thesmall school had a plaque stating it was part of "LittleHollywood" district.Last I heard, it was serving as someone's chicken coop! Who remembersthe great merry-go-round?
-------------------------------------------------- Email: AnnFroebel Web Page: Comments: I am looking for the location of School District #2362, name ofschool district: Muller (that is Muller with an umlaut over the"u") -------------------------------------------------- Email: AnnaRainone Web Page: Comments: As my family tells it my greatgrandfather began the Templeschool. My mom and her sibling attended in early 30's before itclosed. The family then got together in late 80's to but a kairn(stone) there to remember the now crumbling building. Anna Rainone,daughter of Lovina Temple
-------------------------------------------------- Email: MurrayCharters Web Page: Comments: My grandfather, Charlie Charters, hauled the lumber forOakenshaw school in 1916. The one room school operated to serve the ruralarea roughly 5 miles west and 2 miles south of the village of Stranraer,Saskatchewan.My uncles, cousins, siblings, and neighbours all attended until theschool closed in 1955.The Oakenshaw school sat vacant for several years and then was moved tothe village of Plenty, and converted to a residence by Gordon Rundle.I discovered this very worthwhile site while researching material for apage on my own web site.http://www.geocities.com/murraycharters/038.html -------------------------------------------------- Email: ClarenceUhll Web Page: Comments: I taught in Snowflake Scool District from 1956 to 1958. It waslocated just east of Neudorf, but I do not see it in your list. Could ithave had a different name?
-------------------------------------------------- Email: AliciaOtenbreit Web Page: Comments: Hi, I love this section. My dad went to a one-room schoolhouseuntil it shut down in the 1960s. The name of his school was GelowitzSchool, and it was in the Grayson district. He has told me severalstories about it and it makes me wish that I had been a student at a one-room schoolhouse. His teacher, Mrs. Leona Dean (nee Ottenbreit), was theteacher of his school, and I was lucky enough to have her as my Grade 1and 2 teacher in Grayson School, shortly before her retirement.
-------------------------------------------------- Email: LynneAnderson Web Page: Comments: I know of a one room school house that is in the area I grew upin. It was called Gregherd School and both of my grandparents attendedit. It originated on Apr. 3, 1914 and is located at NW 32-24-17 W2. Itis located in school district #3142. It is now a Heritage site and isvery worthwhile to check out. Original students hace placed markerstones with their names on them and there is other items on display therealso.
-------------------------------------------------- Email: GailNewton Web Page: Comments: I find your project very interesting. I went to a one roomschool house in B.C.until grade 3. My Parents also attend one room schoolhouse inSaskatchewan. My mother in Pinetorch, Whitefox & my father in CarrotRiver.
-------------------------------------------------- Email: M.Grahame Web Page: Comments: Really enjoyed this valuable website on the one room scholhouse. As my Dad attended one of these schools around 1922-23 I wasreally interested. I am trying to find his school records for a schoolcalled Bredock of Beedock near Canora/Donwell. Can anyone give me a handand point me in the right direction where I might find this school?
-------------------------------------------------- Email: M.Grahame Web Page: Comments: Really enjoyed this valuable website on the one room scholhouse. As my Dad attended one of these schools around 1922-23 I wasreally interested. I am trying to find his school records for a schoolcalled Bredock of Beedock near Canora/Donwell. Can anyone give me a handand point me in the right direction where I might find this school?
-------------------------------------------------- Email: LoisSparling Place TALMADGE (TALLMAGE) school Comments: This is a beautifully done site. I love the pictures.However, I was looking for the one room schools at Talmadge (Tallmage?),Eskbank, Happy Valley school district, and Birsay.
-------------------------------------------------- Email: Denise Daubert Place AMDEWANDA SCHOOL, KENNEDY SCHOOL Comments: I would like to pass on my thanks for a beautifullydesigned/written/presented website on the One Room School Project! In themidst of compiling family history for the Vogel Family who arrived inSaskatchewan, Canada in 1908 (these Russian children attended AmdewandaSchool) and another side of the family who came to Kennedy about the sametime - I was thrilled to navigate your site and find information placingthe Amdewanda School geographically and a photo of the Kenndy School,built in 1905. Accessing the booklet on early Saskatachewan womenteachers gave me a "sense" of the times when my husband's twograndmothers were educated in one room school houses.Thank you for a wonderful project that you are sharing with everyone!Denise Daubert -------------------------------------------------- Email: SheilaFinnie Place SILVER CREEK SCHOOL Comments: I am looking for Silver Creek School. It was about three orfour miles from Coté, Sask, about ten miles from Kamsack, Sask. Ibelieve it closed in about 1956 or 1957. I went there for my first fourgrades and remember being heartbroken when it closed and we had to go toschool in Kamsack. -------------------------------------------------- Email: IrvKrause ,BR>Place EIGENHEIM SCHOOL DISRICT Comments: I attended Eigenheim District school in the 1940's. I( did notsee it listed in your alphabetical listings. I attended there for thefirst years of schooling and I remember it well. We had 32 students, oneteacher of course, a Mr. Nick Kroeker. Almost all of the students werefirst cousins of mine. I went back a number of years ago and there wasonly a rock with a plaque on it.I was the only student in Grade 4 so I took grades 4 and 5 at the sametime because I believe there was only one student in Grade 5.Interesting education!!!!!
-------------------------------------------------- Email: Dan LavalleePlace BRAEVAL SCHOOL I attended Braeval School in the Meadow Lake District from 1957 to 1964 and thoroughly enjoyed the experience! We had Grades 1 to 8 (with only 5-6 grades functional at any one time) with one teacher. Elly Ward was the teacher for years and ruled with both an iron fist (for the older boys who wanted to be farming) and with care (for those looong recesses when the whole school was playing ball). There was a barn on the property and that afforded us an extra playground, although technically forbidden. We had a coal furnace and there were many mornings when we had our mittens on for a long time while the furnace heated up the school. I have stories almost too numerous to mention regarding this unique experience.Are there any other folks who attended that are reading this?Send me an e-mail...... Dan Lavallee Love your site!!!!! -------------------------------------------------- Email: Lillian Kelly Place GLEN ADELAIDE SCHOOL Hi There May name is Lillian Thompson Kelly Gross and I attended Glen Adelaide school from 1955 to 1960 The school is outside of Wawota
l. Is there anyone out there who was with me? I know there is a marker and I live in BC now but it would be nice if someone local could take a picture of the Marker and send it to this site. I have such fond memories of sitting in a classroom with 12 grades. I would be happy to hear from anyone who attended this school or lives close to Wawota.
Lillian Kelly
-------------------------------------------------- Email: Red Lauttamus Place: COVERDALE SCHOOL
A.(Red) Lauttamus Yorkton Sk. attended Coverdale school near Moosomin Sk,
-------------------------------------------------- Email: Debbie LewisPlace: BROWNHILL SCHOOL DISTRICT 353
Hi, my name is Debbie In the mid-70's my parents took us kids out west for a camping vacation and we got to see the actualone-room schoolhouse that my mom attended. It was Brownhill SD 353, and there are two neighbouring churches in the area. I don't know where or what the churches names are but one of them she used to attend and if you can help me with the names and/or locations of these churches I'd be very grateful aswe are trying to get all the information we can for our family tree geneology project. Thank you, Debbie Lewis
-------------------------------------------------- Email: Dennis Epp Any pictures of the EIGENHEIM School, Eigenheim Rd. Sask? I read the comments from "Email: Irv Krause", I also attended the Eigenheim school, but it was in 1054-55. I also went to Eigenheim Church and lived on Eigenheim Road. Huge memories.....does any one have a picture of the school, I have been searching to no avail. Please contact me at Dennis Epp
-------------------------------------------------- Email: Rob Kline Query about KENNISBERG SCHOOL #1220 near Fenwood (RM Stanley 215)? Hello I just discovered your website One Room School Project and I believe I found the school that my grandfather, Edward Klein, would have taught at....He homesteaded on the next section SE 1/4 Sec 12 Tp 23 east of the Kennisberg School on the NW Sec 11 Tp 23 Rge 8 W2M in School District #1220. (there was another school on Sec 23 same Tp with the same name and within the same SD). The school and homestead was south and east of Fenwood. Where would I post a query about whether anyone had any information about for that school and school district?Thanks in advance Robert Kline Victoria BC Please contact me at Rob Kline
-------------------------------------------------- Name:Davies, Rewakowky, Graham Place :Kamsack, SK Email: Darryl T Davies Hello
I came across your site and it is a welcome addition to finding people from my home town. You ae welcome to add my name and e-mail to your site. I was wondering if anyone has any information regarding the following people:
Shirley Rewakowsky Robin Graham Judy Graham
I went to school with them in Kamsack and was curious if anybody knows where they are today.
Thank you Darryl T Davies -------------------------------------------------- Name:BERNADETT SCHOOL DISTRICT 4587
Place : Pascal / Victoire, SK Email: Guy Lefrançois
Hi, My dad was one of a small handful of teachers in Bernadette School District 4587. He taught there from 1938 to 1961. When he left, the school was closed and moved to the nearby First Nations Reservation where, I believe, it became a dancehall. I’ve been look for old photographs of the school. Does anyone have any? Guy Lefrançois -------------------------------------------------- Name:KILLALY SCHOOL Place : Killaly, SK Email: Marianne Hoedel
My name is Marianne Eva Hoedel…I went to school in Killaly , Sask …around this time also.
-------------------------------------------------- Name: CAITHNESS School Place :Leader Sask Email:-Dale Kent Hi I’m looking for anyone associated with Caithness School near Leader, Saskatchewan in the mid fifties. Pleased contact me -Dale Kent -------------------------------------------------- Name: HUDMORE School Place :near Arcola between Froude and Stoughton Name: O'BRIEN School Place :near Stoughton Name: WOOD MOUNTAIN Place :near Wood Mountain Email: Shirley Kulchyski I really enjoyed your One Room Schoolhouse Project. I attended a one room school house Hudmore School it was in the Arcola School District on Highway 13 between Froude and Stoughton. I attended grade 1-3.
Also I was curious about a school I think the correct name was O'Brien not sure of the spelling it was a short distance from Stoughton SK. My Mom Ellen Armstrong taught there prior to marrying my fatherWilliam Mitchell, it would have been 1935-36.
She also taught at Wood Mountain her first school upon graduating from normal school.
I would be interested in anyone who remembers these schools.
Shirley Kulchyski -------------------------------------------------- Name: ? School Place :near Woodlight/Fort Pelly, Saskatchewan Email: Charlotte Pakulak,Duncan, BC. We have a photo of a schoolhouse that belonged to William Pakulak and his wife Mary Woloschuk Pakulak, both of whom were raised in pioneer families of Saskatchewan, near Fort Pelly and Sturgis (Preeceville, . Both are long gone, and no one of their generation remains. We can’t date or decisively identify the photo, but we do have some idea of the possible name of the school/school district. Woodlight / Fort Pelly Saskatchewan schoolhouse. We would love to have this one added [to the gallery of pictures]. We think it is most likely the photo is the school attended by Mr. Pakulak, as his wife is known to have seldom if ever attended school. However, her siblings did attend school, so the photo could also have belonged to her. If nothing else turns up to narrow it down, the photo can at least be described as belonging to families that farmed near Fort Pelly and Woodlight but could be from other nearby school districts. Charlotte Pakulak,Duncan, BC. If anyone has any clues as to this school house, teacher and pupils, please E-mail Julia, ORSH Webmaster
-------------------------------------------------- Name:ZAPOROZE School #3188 Place :near Krydor Saskatchewan Email: Joe Marciniuk I attended Zaporoze #3188 for 7 years, it is located in NW 19 44 8 W3. Good idea for this Saskatchewan One Room School Project.
Thank you most kindly If anyone else has any information regarding schoolhouse locations please E-mail Julia, ORSH Webmaster -------------------------------------------------- Name: CREEKSIDE school district 997 Place : near Theodore, SK
Bev Keller (Nonemaher) I went to school there grade 1 – 8 - 1949-1957 – teachers were Dick Mercer and Miss JohnsonLooking to hook up with classmates and looking for pictures – and history and current condition of school if it still exists Email: Bev Keller (Nonemaher) -------------------------------------------------- Name: ROKEBY School District # 1124 Rural Municipality of Wallace No. 243 Tsp 25 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian Place : near Rokeby, SK
Lalah (Russell) Anton) Looking for students who attended Rokeby school in the late 1940s and early1950s. Have a photo of students with teacher Mr. Fassnidge. My brothers, Grant and Gary Russell (I think about 3rd and 4th grade)are in the picture. We are trying to identify all the students. (March, 2015) Email: Lalah (Russell) Anton) -------------------------------------------------- Name: AISNE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3908 Place : Vancouver,B.C. Saskatchewan Town: Kamsack Surname: I am wondering if there is anyone out there that went to Aisne school between 1952-1957 I would be interested in hearing from you Comments: AISNE School District # 3908 SW Sec 31 Tsp 28 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian
I think this is a great site and find it quite interesting, I was born in Kamsack and lived there till 1957 South of town and did attend Aisne school where I learned everything I know
Contact: Barry Kazakoff -------------------------------------------------- Name:CROOKED HILL CREEK School District 1031, PRETTY VALLEY School District 4378, PIPESTONE CREEK School, PORCUPINE PLAINS school Saskatchewan Town: Amsterdam, Mikado, Porcupine Plain, Rose Valley Surname: POPOFF, John Ivan. Comments: John Ivan Popoff was a student at Crooked Hill Creek School, then went off to high school, and normal school, returning to Crooked Hill Creek School to teach. He also taught at Pipestone Creek School in Rose Valley and finally at Porcupine Plains school before retirement. Seeking any and all information about John Ivan Popoff, and these schools, please. - Crooked Hill Creek School District 1031 South West quarter of section 15 Tsp 32 Rge 4 W of the 2 Meridian near Amsterdam, Saskatchewan (NE 14-32-4-W2)
- Pretty Valley School District 4378 Tsp 31 Rge 3 West of the 2 Meridian near Mikado.
Contact: Iris Alexander
-------------------------------------------------- Name: NETHERHILL School Saskatchewan Town: Netherhill, Saskatchewan Surname: TURTON, Leslie George Comments: I'm trying to find any information about my grandfather (Leslie Turton) who apparently emigrated to Canada from England in the 1920's. The paperwork we have says he went to Netherhill, Saskatchewan to become a teacher. Vessel: RMS Andania (Cunard Lines) Name: Leslie George Turton Born: 1903 Departure: Liverpool 5th August 1927 Arrival: Montreal, 13th August 1927 Ticket number: 8036 Profession: School Master Age: 24 Web pages were made up here: Images of Netherhill, Saskatchewan circa 1927 and Leslie George Turton Contact : Alex Birtwisle
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Possibly Old INVERGORDON School 3054 - White Frame School house Saskatchewan Town: Crystal Springs and Invergordon, Saskatchewan Surname: REID, HEATHER Comments: Trying to identify from an old photo, the school where my aunt, Jean Heather (her surname was Heather), taught from 1928 to 1932. A cousin Art Reid from Crystal Springs attended there too. Daisy Reid (Ellison) taught at the old Invergordon school as well at some point after my aunt Jean left. She later became Art Reid's sister-in-law. A web pages was made up here: White Frame School nar Crystal Springs / Invergordon, SK Contact : ~Heather Davis
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:GRASSWOOD school district 3998 Saskatchewan Town: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Surname: Comments: I went to a one room school called Grasswood, it was and still is (although it’s not a school anymore) located in Corman Park just outside of Saskatoon Sk. On Clarence Ave. My sisters and I have many good memories of that school in the 50’s when children could actually safely walk to school I would like to hear from anyone who attended Grasswood elementary in the 50’s. Contact : ~Wayne Dobson
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ESTLIN school district 107 Saskatchewan Town: Estlin, Saskatchewan Surname: Comments: I attended the Estlin, Sask. school in the 1960s. It was a lovely experience actually -- so much more free and fun than what I see of elementary schools today.A great project! Sad to see the school has been abandoned.Best fromAnne Merino Contact : ~Anne Merino
-------------------------------------------------- Name: Pleasant Plain School District 1710 Welby School District 1710 Place : Welby, Saskatchewan Email: Jim King
Seeking to follow up on the one room schoolhouse at Pleasant Plain - later named Welby. History, or to make contact with classmates, &c would be greatly appreciated. My grandfather, Hector McKay, taught at the school 1908/1909. Thank you. Jim King --------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- Name: Roe School District 755
Place : Rural Municipality of Miry Creek #229 Abbey, Saskatchewan Email: Bea Schultz
Charlie Dunlop was the auditor for the Roe School Board.
In 1921 we know that Charlie Dunlop hired Mrs Harris as a housekeeper and her two sons Tom and George did indeed attend Roe School.
In 1917 Mrs Harris husband died in WW1, buried in France, and we would like to find just when she became a housekeeper for Charles Dunlop and how long she lived there with her two sons......also any school records of George & Tom attending Roe School - how many years did they attend this school?
Mrs. Florence Harris remarried Harold Cake in 1927.
Bea Schultz
Thank you.
-------------------------------------------------- Name: ??? Creek School of the year 1917
Place :Canada Email: Gary & Ginny Peterson
To whom it may concern: I found this photo among my husband's paternal
grandmother's photos. The back of the photo states that she taught
school there in 1917. Her name was Ingeborg Marie Bergquist b. Sweden,
1898, died in St. Paul, MN in 1978. She was married to Charles Gotfrid
Peterson. I was wondering if you could verify this photo for me.
Thank you.
Ginny Law Peterson
Gary & Ginny Peterson
Thank you.
For new additions please email. The automated system was getting spammed and had to be discontinued. :-(