Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Mennon School(School District #1508)

Mennon School-School District 1237
Photographs of the chool in Mennon, number 1508 as you can see from the name on the side of the school above the side door. The swings belong to the school and are just behind it. I have no idea if they are as old as the school or not but they sure look like it. They are still stable. The floor of the school is still solid, a chalk board is still on the walls, and there is a basement.

NE Section 10 - Township 40 - Range 6 - West of the 3rd Meridian
Located near Mennon, SK

The National Archives Post Office site lists
Mennon post office at...
NE Sec. 10, Twp. 40, R.6, W3
from 1915-1969.

Hudson Bay School-School District 1243
The next set of photographs are of the Hudson Bay school number 1243. The front name didn't turn out as well as it is fading but you can read most of it. Not in as good a shape and it has been said that there is no floor just a sharp drop into what would
have been the basement.

SW - Section 17 - Township 41 - Range 7 - West of the 3rd Meridian
Located near Great Deer, and Petrofka, SK

The National Archives Post Office site lists
the Great Deer post office at 35 - 41 - 8 - W3.
and the Petrofka P.O. at 30 - 42 - 6 - W3
from 1907 - 1923
and the Petrofka P.O. at 4 - 43- 7 - W3
from 1924 - 1940
Hepburn P.O. is located at 41 - 6 - W3.

Petrofka, SK

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1. Submitted by Candace Comber
Subject: Re: one room school house-mennon
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006

Mennon School(School District #1508), Mennon School District #1508 , Mennon School District #1508 , Mennon School District #1508 , Mennon School District #1508 , Mennon School District #1508 , Mennon, Sask, SAskatchewan, Sk, One Room Schools, Mennon Sask, SAskatchewan, Sk, One Room Schools, Mennon, Sask, SAskatchewan, Sk, One Room Schools, Mennon, Sask, SAskatchewan, Sk, One Room Schools, Huson Bay School district #1243, Hepburn, Petrofka, Great Deer, Hudson Bay School, Huson Bay School district #1243, Hepburn, Petrofka, Great Deer, Hudson Bay School,