Rev. Wylie C. Clark, D. D., one of the most prominent and popular
citizens of Saskatoon, is pastor of the Knox Presbyterian church and is
held in high esteem, not only by his parishioners but by all with whom
he comes into contact. He was born at Hornings Mills, Ontario, on the
28th of August, 1866, a son of James and Elizabeth (Cable) Clark, natives
of Scotland. They came to Canada about 1861 and located at Hornings
Mills, where the father bought land, which he brought to a highly im-
proved state. He engaged in farming until his death, in April of the
year 1900. Mrs. Clark died in February, 1901.
The public schools of his birthplace afforded Wylie C. Clark his early
education and he also attended the Walkerton high school and subse-
quently the Collingwood Collegiate Institute. For the next four years
he engaged in teaching school and then entered Toronto University,
where he was a student for some time. He was graduated from the
Montreal Theological Institute, with the class of 1894 and was ordained
at Brampton on the 28th of June of that year. He was pastor of the
Knox Presbyterian church there for ten and one-half years and then took
charge of the Chalmers church at Quebec city, remaining there from 1904
until 1910, when he came to Saskatoon. In 1921 he received the D. D.
degree from Manitoba College, at the Presbyterian Jubilee. When
Clark came to Saskatoon as pastor of the Knox Presbyterian church his
congregation numbered three hundred and twenty-one people, and church
services were held in an old wooden church. During the first three
Dr. Clark took in about ten hundred and twenty-five new members --
in 1914 services were held in the new church, which cost over two
dred thousand dollars and is as fine a church edifice as there is in
entire Dominion. The regular membership of the church at present is
one thousand. Dr. Clark has a winning and forceful personality and has
become one of the best beloved citizens of Saskatoon.
On the 28th of August, 1895, Dr. Clark was married to Miss Agnes
Thompson, a daughter of Robert and Nancy (Boville) Thompson, natives
of Ireland, who came to Canada in the '60s and for many years the
father was engaged in the produce business at St. Mary's, Ontario. His
death occurred at Brampton, Ontario, in 1918. Mrs. Thompson has also
passed away. Dr. and Mrs. Clark are parents of five children: The eldest
son, Cable Boville, was born on the 21st of July, 1896. He received the
B. A. degree from Saskatchewan University and the B. C. L. degree from
Oxford. He received the Rhodes scholarship to that institution. During
the Great war he served as lieutenant of the Thirty-eighth Battalion,
was in active service overseas three years, and was second in command
of a fleet of dirigibles at the close of the war. He is now a lecturer in the
law school at Regina. Willis L., the second member of the Clark family,
was born on the 11th of December, 1897. He graduated from Saskatche-
wan University with the B. A. degree and is also a graduate of the Sas-
katoon Theological College. He is now engaged in the newspaper busi-
ness at Windsor. He was a lieutenant in the Princess Pat Regiment dur-
ing the Great war, having enlisted at the age of seventeen years, and he
won the Military Medal. He was in active service overseas until the
signing of the armistice closed hostilities and was seriously wounded in
action; Madge was born on the 25th of September, 1902; and Betty and
Chalmers, twins, were born on the 18th of November, 1905. The three
youngest children are students at the University of Saskatchewan.
In his political views the Doctor is independent, giving his support
to the man best fitted for the office regardless of party principles. He is
essentially public-spirited and in the healthful growth and advancement
of Saskatoon and its environs he has taken a prominent part. Dr. Clark
is president of the Bible Society of North Saskatchewan and is a member
of the Union committee of the Presbyterian church. He is identified
with the Kiwanis Club, that organization composed of Saskatoon's leading
citizens, and socially he is identified with the Saskatoom Golf Club. All
members of the Clark family are devotees of golf. Dr. Clark has done
a great deal of editorial writing, and is also the author of several short
stories, and is a regular contributor to various Presbyterian
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