William Alexander Munns, secretary and manager of the' Executors & Administrators Trust Company of Moose Jaw, is a native of Ontario, his birth having occurred in Thedford, on the 30th of October, 1876. His father was Dr. William Alexander Munns, a native of Toronto, who was educated in the public schools of his birthplace and attended the university there. As a young man he went to the United States during the Civil war to become a surgeon in the northern army and served throughout the war, but at its conclusion returned to Canada, where he settled in Thedford, Ontario. There he practiced medicine until his death in May, 1920. He is survived by his widow and five of his six children. Before her marriage Mrs. Munns was Miss Mary Chester, and Markham, Ontario, was her birthplace. She now lives in Port Huron, Michigan. Dr. Munns was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, as is his wife, and he was a member of the Canadian Foresters and politically a Conservative. William Alexander Munns was the fourth child in the family in the order of birth. He was educated in the public schools of Ontario and in the Moose Jaw high school. The first few years after he had completed his education Mr. Munns taught school himself, but gave up his teaching position to become city clerk of Moose Jaw, a position that he held for two years. Anxious to try his own hand in the real estate business, the young man left the Moose Jaw-Saskatchewan Land Company to go to Victoria, British Columbia, to establish a business for himself. There he met with encouraging success, which led him to attempt greater things. After two years in British Columbia, Mr. Munns came back as far east as Winnipeg, to accept a position as secretary in a cement company. A couple of years after this he returned to Moose Jaw, which has since been the scene of his activities and will doubtless continue to be so. For Mr. Munns is rapidly forging ahead in this city and already holds a position that would do credit to any able business man. From the time he first came back until 1919 he was engaged in the real estate business in this city, but about five years ago he was made secretary and manager of the Executors & Administrators Trust Company, his present position. This firm has a high standing in the financial circles of Moose Jaw, thus to be one of its officers is convincing evidence of ability and prestige in the business world. Mr. Munns was married in 1917, to Miss Anna Ballantine, who was born in Tiverton, Ontario, where she was educated, and was a teacher in Moose Jaw for ten years before her marriage. By inheritance and pref- erence Mr. Munns is a Conservative politically speaking, and for four years held the office of secretary of the Provincial Conservative Associa- tion. He and his wife are adherents of the Presbyterian church, while has been active in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which he past grand of Valley Lodge. For a long time he has been one of the most enthusiastic members of the Rotary Club and has held the office of resident. Much of his time and thought outside of his own business been given to the development and management of the Moose Jaw for he early saw the possibilities for the upbuilding of such an enterprise here and has put forth every effort to make the under- taking, once begun, a success. He is now a member of the executive committee of the yards. Among the other institutions of Moose Jaw that have derived the benefit of his support and assistance are the public school and Collegiate Institute, for he is a member of both boards of education. For recreation this busy man of affairs curls in the winter time, this Scotch sport being a favorite with him. Bibliography follows:

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