Irvin Bowman, vice president of Bowman Brothers, Limited, whole sale automotive supplies, is one of the prominent business men and popu- lar citizens of Saskatoon. A native of Michigan, his birth occurred in Yale, a son of Rev. Benjamin U. and Rachael (Hallman) Bowman, ex tended mention of whom is made in the sketch of Aden Bowman, to be found elsewhere in this work. Irvin Bowman was reared in the town of his birth and there at tended the public schools. For several years after putting his textbooks aside he engaged in farming and when seventeen years of age came to Canada. In 1907 he joined his brothers in the conduct of the present business of Bowman Brothers, automotive supplies, the concern at that time being chiefly a bicycle, motorcycle and Goodyear tire concern. Sub- sequently they discontinued the tires, etc., and since that time have con- fined themselves to the handling of automotive equipment. The growth of this concern has been spectacular and is due in large measure to the efforts and innate business ability of its vice president, Irvin Bowman. He has worked tirelessly for the advancement of the business and the success he has achieved is well merited. Of a staff of eight salesmen, six are on the road at all times and two are city salesmen, located in Saska- toon and Regina, respectively, the firm maintaining a branch office in the latter city. The firm's business extends into Manitoba and Alberta and of course covers the entire province of Saskatchewan. In December, 1916, Mr. Bowman was married to Miss Phoebe Herner and they have one child: Percival, whose birth occurred on the 17th of October, 1917. Mrs. Bowman is socially prominent and is a woman of culture and refinement. Since attaining his majority Mr. Bowman has followed an independent course in politics, giving his support to the man he thinks best fitted for the office without regard for party principles. He maintains an active interest in local affairs and lends his aid to all causes which he considers worthy. The religious faith of Mr. Bowman is that of the Methodist church. Bibliography follows:

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