Roy M. Robertson came to Regina in 1920 as manager for the Canada
Fairbanks Morse Company, for the Saskatchewan district. He was al-
ready well known in this city in business and social circles, for he had
lived here for about ten years prior to this time and was returning after
a four-year absence. He was born in Southampton, Ontario, on July 11,
1883, the youngest of the four children in the family of David and Cath-
erine (Cook) Robertson, the former a native of Scotland and the latter
of Ontario, her birthplace being near Guelph. The father was a lumber
merchant and a strong Conservative, one of the leaders in his party and
a force to be reckoned with in local politics for many' years. Both he
and his wife were members of the Methodist church. Both died in On-
tario, where they had passed all of their wedded life. Roy M. Robertson
grew up under the parental roof and attended the public schools at South-
ampton until he was ready to enter the high school at Port Elgin. After
finishing his high school course he returned home to join his father in the
lumber business. Three years later he came west to Regina, arriving in
this city in 1905. In 1909 and 1910 he was connected with the Interna-
tional Harvester Company here and following that was employed by the
John Deere Plow Company until 1916, when he went to Winnipeg. In
this city he obtained a position with the Canadian Fairbanks Morse Com-
pany, with which he is now connected. In this firm his progress toward
the top has been consistent and gratifyingly. rapid, so that four years
after he joined the organization he was made manager of the Saskatche-
wan territory and came back to Regina to make this city his headquar-
ters. As his concern does a large volume of business in this province,
Mr. Robertson finds that his duties take most of his time and energy. He
has been very resourceful in extending the trade throughout his terri-
tory and in introducing his company's line in places where it has been
hitherto little known.
Mr. Robertson is a bachelor. He is a Mason of high rank, his affilia-
tions in that order being with Assiniboia Lodge, A. F. & A. M., the
chapter, preceptory and Shrine. He is also a member of the Assiniboia
Club, the Wascana Country Club and the Regina Gun Club, associations
that point to the fact that his favorite outdoor sports are golf and hunt-
ing. In the Kiwanis Club of Regina he is accounted one of the strong
members and gives his hearty cooperation to its program for civic and
economic advancement in the community. His methods in business are
progressive and fair and aboveboard, while his personal qualities are
those that have won him a large number of friends in the city he now
calls home.
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