
No history of the medical fraternity in the Pheasant Hills district would be complete without extended mention of Dr. Percy C. Crosby, who in the fourteen years of his practice in Melville has proven effectively his unusual skill in his profession by the excellent results which have attended his labors. Dr. Crosby has not only attained prominence in professional circles, but is well known in political circles and is now serving his second term as mayor of Melville. He was born in Prince Edward Island, on the 26th of March, 1876, a son of Isaac and Susan (Scott) Crosby. The father, who was a successful farmer and miller throughout his life, has passed away. His widow continues to reside in the old home in Prince Edward Island. Percy C. Crosby received his early education in the public. schools of his birthplace and subsequently enrolled in the Prince of Wales College. In 1904 he was graduated from McGill University with the M. D. degree and immediately began the practice of his chosen profession. He was employed as physician and surgeon of the Canadian National Railroad in 1904, on the construction between Kamsack, Saskatchewan and Ed- monton, Alberta, and served in that capacity for two years. He was also connected for two years with the Winnipeg Trunk Pacific Railroad from 1908 to 1909. In February of the latter year he came to Melville and has since practiced here. He enjoys an extensive and important practice and has attained a position of prominence among the foremost members of the profession in the district. Dr. Crosby's preparation was thorough and as he keeps in close touch with the progress of medical science through the medium of the various journals and periodicals issued for the benefit of the profession, he has continued to advance. Although he is progres- sive, he is not given to experimenting on his own responsibility, and never lays aside an old, well tried method of treatment for a new one until assured beyond all question of its superior efficacy. Aside from his private practice the Doctor has served as health officer of Melville for several terms. He is interested in farming and owns considerable val- uable land in this district. In 1909 Dr. Crosby was married to Miss Nellie Shane, a native of Ottawa, and to them two children have been born: Clayton and Milton. In his political views Dr. Crosby is an independent Liberal. He is very active in civic affairs and was elected to the office of mayor in 1922, and was reelected in 1923, and is giving a most successful and prosperous administration. He has also served one term on the city council, has been a member of the local school board for six years, and is an active member of the Melville Board of Trade. Fraternally the Doctor is identified with the Masons, being a past master in the lodge, and a Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar. He is likewise past master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and past noble grand, and is also a Knight of Pythias. He is a man of high integrity and well controlled ambition and is among the district's most representative citizens. Bibliography follows:

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