As a successful business man Aden Bowman is widely known through-
out Saskatoon and the province. He is president of Bowman Brothers,
Limited, wholesale automotive supplies, located at No. 234 Twentieth
street, East, Saskatoon, and maintaining branch offices at No.1827 Corn-
wall street, Regina. Mr. Bowman was born in the United States, in the
state of Michigan, the town of Yale, on the 3d of February, 1888, a son
of Rev. Benjamin U. and Rachael (Hallman) Bowman, natives of Canada,
the former of Galt, Ontario, and the latter of New Dundee, Ontario.
For many years the father was a minister in the Mennonite church and
held many important charges in the state of Michigan. He is now retired
and is making his home in Brown City, Michigan, where he is a highly
respected and esteemed citizen.
In the pursuit of his early education Aden Bowman attended the
public schools of his birthplace and spent one year in high school at Cass
City, Michigan. In 1906, when eighteen years of age, he came to Saska-
toon and in March of the following year opened a bicycle and repair busi-
ness, forming the basis for the large business of Bowman Brothers,
Limited, wholesale automotive supplies. Mr. Bowman prospered from
the beginning in the conduct of his business venture and built up a repu-
tation for good service, courteous treatment and fair dealing at all times.
For some time he had the distribution for the Goodyear tires. The com-
pany at the present time devotes its entire time and attention to motor
supplies, having discontinued its line of bicycles and motorcycles. In
1907 a brother of Mr. Bowman's, Irvin Bowman, extended mention of
whom is made elsewhere in this work, became a member of the company
and is now vice president. Ira, another brother, who is also mentioned
in this work, joined his brothers in the conduct of the business in 1910
and has charge of the Regina branch. Roy H. Bowman,the third
came into the firm in 1913, and he is secretary-treasurer. The continued
growth of the business is due to the executive ability of its president,
and the talents and foresight of all of the officers, aided by their efficient
staff of employes. The business covers the entire province of Saskatche-
wan, parts of Manitoba and extends into Alberta. In Saskatoon the firm's
staff consists of twenty-five persons. It has eight salesmen, six traveling
salesmen and one city salesman at Saskatoon and one at Regina. In the
latter city the staff numbers twenty. In 1912 Bowman brothers erected
their present handsome building, twenty by one hundred and thirty feet,
with two stories and a basement, and they occupy the entire build-
ing. They also occupy considerable space adjoining. As the president
of this large concern Mr. Bowman is readily conceded to be one of the
foremost business men in Saskatoon and he well deserves the success
he enjoys.
In December of the year 1913 Mr. Bowman was married to Miss Lilly
Fern Bigham and they have three children: Neda R., whose birth oc-
curred on the 1st of January, 1915; Earle Wallace, who was born on the
20th of October, 1918; and Donald A., whose birth occurred on the 22d
of April, 1922. Mrs. Bowman is a woman of culture and refinement and
she is prominent in the club and social circles of this city.
Mr. Bowman follows an independent course in politics, giving his
support to the man he thinks best fitted for the office without regard to
party principles. He has never sought nor desired political preferment,
being always too busy in the promotion of his personal affairs. He is
not, however, selfish nor self-centered and his aid can always be counted
upon to support those interests which will uplift and benefit humanity.
His religious faith is that of the Baptist church. He is a member of
the Kiwanis Club, the Canadian Club, the Riverside Country Club and
the Saskatoon Golf Club. He is an executive on the Saskatoon Board of
Trade. Mr. Bowman and his family reside on McPherson avenue, where
he has built a fine modern home.
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