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Rural Municipalities First Nations Bands
"Who we are is more than the sum of the different experiences people have of us"*
Haddington Sovereign Later Name |
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Hague Rural Municipality Number 403 - ROSTHERN Rural Municipality Number 404 - LAIRD Pop ~670 |
- Arma Cemetery between Hague and Rosthern
- Bergthal Mennonite Cemetery
- Book Our roots Canada's Local Histories Online - Title: Men of Steele : life style of a unique sect : Saskatchewan Valley Mennonite settlers and their descendants
- Book Title Mennonite homesteaders on the Hague-Osler Reserve
compiled by Leonard Doell
Published Saskatoon, Sask. : Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan, 1999
- Book Title A history of the Hague Mennonite Church, 1900-1975
Author Rempel, John D
Published [Hague, Sask. : Hague Mennonite Church, 1976?]
- Burns Lake Lakes District News Burns Lake, BC - Giesbrecht, Anna March 10, 1911 Hague, Sask. - May 18, 2004
- CCMB Mennonite Historian Booknotes: Hague-Osler Mennonite Reserve: 1895-1995
- Chilliwack Progress Search All Papers by last Name - WIEBE, Peter D. Wednesday, 08 Sep 2004 Chilliwack, BC Peter was born in Macklin, Sask. on August 26, 1929 to Dietrich and Anna Wiebe. In 1933, the family moved to Hague, Sask. were Peter attended Passiondale Rural School
- GUENTER Private Mennonite Cemetery
- Hague Private Cemetery
- Hague (old) Cemetery
Hague (new) Cemetery NE12-41-4-W3
- HAMM/FEHR Private Cemetery
- Hochfeld Mennonite Cemetery
- KLASSEN Cemetery
- MB Herald September 8, 2000 Death Index: George Klassen
- Neuanlage Mennonite Cemetery
- Rosengart Cemetery
- Sommerfeld Mennonite Cemetery
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Halcro 9,15 - Tsp 46 -Rge 26 -W 2 Rural Municipality Number 461 - PRINCE ALBERT |
- Halcro was established in the NWT and to the north saw the name change of the nearby placename of Aaskana to Red Deer Hill
- Cemetery St. Andrew’s
- Pukahn and Deer Lodge were also established in the NWT to the east of Halcro
- Neighboring Hoey to the south, and Fenton on the south of Halcro, were established after Saskatchewan became a province
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Halcyonia Section 14 - Tsp 40 - Rge 8 - W 3 |
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Hanley Pop ~495 Rural Municipality Number 284 - RUDY Rural Municipality Number 283 - ROSEDALE Rural Municipality Number 313 - LOST RIVER |
- The Anderson - Larson Family History of Kelowna, B.C., - Perry Joseph Musselman Olga Beatta Dahlby
- Book Our Roots Canada's Local Histories Online Ripples and reflections : Hanley
Published [Hanley, Sask.] : Hanley History Book Society, 1982
- Title Who cares now?
Author Duddridge, Lew, 1918-
Published Ottawa : Borealis Press, 2001
Royal Canadian Air Force. Squadron, 405 -- Biographical book
- Book Title Hanley, the story of the town and district
prepared by the pupils of Hanley High School, Saskatchewan, 1954-1955, Jubilee year
Author Hanley (Sask.). High School
Published Hanley : [s.n.], 1955?
- Book Title Our Roots - Canada's Local Histories Online - The best 70 years of my life : it's all downhill from here
- COOK Private Cemetery
- Deaths- HUNTER - Olga Johanna (Olson) June 12, 1903 Hanley, Saskatchewan - December 16, 1997
Finance: Statistics: Population Statistics 1991 & 1996, Saskatchewan Census Population
- LEE Private Cemetery
- Frankford Coleman Wagar Born: 10 JAN 1877 - Hanley, Sask. Died: 14 MAY 1947 - Hanley, Sask.
Hanley Cemeteries
- Bethlehem Lutheran Cemetery
Hanley, SK
R.M. of Rosedale #283
Hanley Cemetery
Hanley, SK
R.M. of Rosedale #283
Hanley's First Cemetery
Hanley, SK
R.M. of Rosedale #283
Hanley Mennonite Church Cemetery
Hanley, SK
- Sunny Valley Cemetery
Hanley, SK
R.M. of Rosedale #283
- Hanley Spring Creek Lutheran Cemetery Hanley SK RM of Rudy Number 284
- JOHNSON Cemetery : SGS Indexed at FHL
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Harris R.M. #316 of Harris Pop ~ 230 |
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Haultain Rural Municipality Number 314 - DUNDURN Tsp 34- Rge 4- W3 |
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Hawker Tsp 36 - Rge 6 - W 3 |
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Hawoods Tsp 36 - Rge 8- W3 |
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Henty Tsp 39- Rge 9- W3 |
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Hepburn Pop ~450 R.M. of Laird #404 |
- Book Title Our rich heritage : Hepburn and districts : Mennon, New Home, Richmond, Marion, Embury, Steele, Lakeburg, Parker, Schmidtsburg. Carson, Hudson Bay, Edenberg
Published Hepburn, Sask. : Hepburn History Book Committee, 1994
- Carson Cemetery
- Foth Family History: Children of PETER FOTH and MARIA STRAUSZ
- The Haines Family Tree: Earl Morris Fare Earl Morris Fare
- Hepburn Mennonite Brethren Cemetery
- MB Herald: January 19, 2001: Ninety years for Hepburn MB Church
- MB Herald: October 12, 2001: Deaths: Anna Unruh
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Hessledale Section 34 Tsp 36 - Rge 2 - W 3 |
- Hessledale's location was to the north of Blucher, Sk
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Hillsley Section 14 Tsp 36 - Rge 24 - W 2 |
- Hillsley's neighbors of Burr and Mancroft, Sk were to the east and they were around in the same era.
- Hillsley's location saw the change just to the west of Golden Gene to Golden Acre, Sk
- Just to the north;Carmel Station changed names to Carmel after the post office of Hillsley closed
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Hochstadt R.M. of Rosthern Sk, No. 403 Tsp 40 - Rge 4 - W 3
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Hoey Pop ~ 60 St. Louis RM # 431 Twp.45A - R.27 - W2
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Rural Municipality Number 461 - PRINCE ALBERT
Tsp 47- Rge 27- W2 |
- Holmes was situated south of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
- Holmes neighboured a town which was named Clouston to the West.
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Hoo Doo Marne Later Name |
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Howell |
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Humboldt Pop ~ 5338 Rural Municipality Number of Humboldt Rural Municipality Number 340 - WOLVERINE
(Was Rural Municipality Number 340 - PLASTERFIELD) Wilkommen! |
- All Saints Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery
- Book Title The Best of Humboldt
Published Humboldt, Sask. : Humboldt Journal, 1982
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- Book Title The Humboldt story, 1903-1953 : a brief history of the Town of Humboldt, its pioneers and development
Author Grant, Robert W
Published Humboldt, Sask. : Humboldt Board of Trade, [1954]
- Book Title Humboldt memories
Published [Humboldt, Sask.] : Humboldt Pub. Co., [1980]
- Book: Our Roots Canada's Local Histories Online: The Legacy of St. Peter's Colony
Hepp, Michael J.
- Book: Our Roots Canada's Local Histories Online: Humboldt on the Carlton trail
Tefler, W. P.
- Book Title R.M. of Wolverine memory album
Published Plunkett, Sask. : R.M. of Wolverine History, 1981
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- Gerwing Family Tree: Richard Gerwing :Thomas Wilfred Hergott :Mark Daniel Gerwing :Frederich J. Gerwing:Kevin Gerwing : Ida Anna Wesling: William G Bobinski
- Gospel Herald Obituary - Jarocki, Marie Elsie George
- Governor General Announces 72 Caring Canadian Awards - Norman R. Duerr - Humboldt, Sask.
- Humboldt Journal, Volume 2, No.21 March 8, 1907
- Humboldt Private Cemetery
- Humboldt School Division #104
- Humboldt Settlement
- The Mary Anna Messmer Brockmeyer Funeral Card Collection - Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Memorial Obituaries for Joel Carpenter Born Humboldt, Sask. Nov. 7, 1919 d Aug. 16, 2004 Wausau, WI.
- Obituaries : Clara Hundseth (1911 - 2002)
- Our Family tree Anders Reierson Bergrud
- Reiners Genealogieseite: Nosbush, Joh-Joseph (10 März 1919 Humboldt, Saskatchewan - 10 März 1919 Humboldt, Saskatchewan)
- RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Hall-Geneseekers: Crook, Elmer : Crook, Florence Isabella : Crook, Lewis : Crook, Lewis William: Crook, Sarah "Etta"
- St. Augustine Roman Catholic Cemetery
- St. Benedict Community Cemetery
- St. Elizabeth's Convent Roman Catholic Cemetery
- St. Peter's Mancroft Anglican Cemetery
- The Spirit and the Soil: Settlement of Humboldt, SK and Surrounding Communities
- Town of Humboldt
- Wolverine / Morvine Community Cemetery
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Hurdman Lodge Later named Environ Section 34 - Tsp 37- Rge 10 - W 3
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Hurton Section 30 - Tsp 29 - Rge 25 - W 2 |
- Just one month after Hurton P.O. closed, the P.O. at Simpson opened.
(Simpson's location was on the rail line immediately to the south west of Hurton which was not on the C.P.R. rail line.Hurton would lie west of the C.P.R.)
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Population Source: |
Statistics Canada Top | Genealogy Resources | Home |

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