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Towns in the area of Lloydminster, Saskatchewan
Alingly Alticane Aquadeo Aquadeo Beach Bapaume Barthel
Beacon Hill Bear Creek Beauval Belbutte Big River Birch Lake
Black Point Blaine Lake Blatz-Nolin Blue Heron Bodmin Bore lake
Bresaylor Buffalo Narrows Burling Cavalier Camsell Portage Canoe Narrows
Canwood Carruthers Chitek Chitek Lake Christopher Lake Clark Lake
Cleeves Clonfert Cluff Lake Cluff Lake Mine Cochin Cole Bay
Cowan Lake Dam Cree Lake Crutwell Debden Delaronde Lake Delmas
Descharme Lake Dillon Dipper Lake Dore Lake Dorintosh Edam
Elak Dase Eldorado Eldred Emma Lake Erin Ferry Fairholme
Fond-du-Lac Frenchman Butte Furness Garson Lake Glaslyn Glenbush
Goodsoil Green Lake Greenstreet Hafford Hamlin Highgate
Hillmond Holbein Ile-a-La-Crosse Jackfish Lake Jans Bay Keatly
Kilwinning Krydor La Loche La Loche West Landing Lashburn
Leask Leoville Livelong Livimoo-Moonlight Bay Lloydminster Lone Rock
Loon Lake Maidstone Makwa Marcelin Marshall Mattes
Mayfair Meadow Lake Medstead Meetoos Meota Mervin
Michel Midnight Lake Mildred Mont Nebo Mullingar Neeb
Neis Beach Nesslin Lake Onion Lake Paradise Hill Parkside Pascal
Patuanak Paynton Peerless Penn Phillip's Grove Pierceland
Pinehouse Lake Polwarth Primeau Lake Prince Rabbit Lake Ranger
Rapid View Redfield Robinhood Shellbrook Shell Lake Sled Lake
Spiritwood Spruce Lake St. George's Hill St. Walburg Turnor Lake Turtleford
Turtle Lake South Bay Tweedsmuir Unwin Uranium City Vawn Victoire
Waseca Waskesiu Lake Waterhen Lake Waterloo Lake Whelan White Lake Dam

Rural Municipalities in the Lloydminster area
Rural Municipalities map for Saskatchewan
RM sorted by RM NumberRM sorted alphabetically
# 434 RM of Blaine Lake RM of Battle River # 438
# 435 RM of Redberry RM of Beaver River # 622
# 436 RM of Douglas RM of Big River # 555
# 437 RM of North Battleford RM of Blaine Lake # 434
# 438 RM of Battle River RM of Britannia # 502
# 440 RM of Hillsdale RM of Buckland # 491
# 442 RM of Manitou Lake RM of Canwood # 494
# 464 RM of Leask RM of Christopher Lake # 521
# 466 RM of Meeting Lake RM of Douglas # 436
# 467 RM of Round Hill RM of Eldon # 471
# 468 RM of Meota RM of Frenchman Butte # 501
# 469 RM of Turtle River RM of Hillsdale # 440
# 470 RM of Paynton RM of Leask # 464
# 471 RM of Eldon RM of Loon Lake # 561
# 472 RM of Wilton RM of Manitou Lake # 442
# 491 RM of Buckland RM of Meadow Lake # 588
# 493 RM of Shellbrook RM of Medstead # 497
# 494 RM of Canwood RM of Meeting Lake # 466
# 496 RM of Spiritwood RM of Meota # 468
# 497 RM of Medstead RM of Mervin # 499
# 498 RM of Parkdale RM of North Battleford # 437
# 499 RM of Mervin RM of Northern Saskatchewan # NS
# 501 RM of Frenchman Butte RM of Paddockwood # 520
# 502 RM of Britannia RM of Parkdale # 498
# 520 RM of Paddockwood RM of Paynton # 470
# 521 RM of Christopher Lake RM of Redberry # 435
# 555 RM of Big River RM of Round Hill # 467
# 561 RM of Loon Lake RM of Shellbrook # 493
# 588 RM of Meadow Lake RM of Spiritwood # 496
# 622 RM of Beaver River RM of Turtle River # 469
# NS RM of Northern Saskatchewan RM of Wilton # 472

Indian Reserves Index for Lloydminster Area
Maps of Band Locations and Interviews of Saskatchewan Elders

Alphabetical by Reserve Name
Reserve Name Reserve # Indian First Nation
Ahtahkoop 104 Ahtakoop Band of Cree Nations
Asimakaniseekan Askiy 102 Muskeg Lake
Big River 118 Big River
Big River 118 a Big River
Bighead 124 Joseph Bighead
Bittern Lake 218 Lac La Ronge
Canoe Lake 165 Canoe Lake
Chitek 191 Pelican Lake
Churchill Lake 193 a Turnor Lake
Dipper rapids 192 c English River
Eagles Lake 165 c Canoe Lake
Fond du Lac 227 Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac 228 Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac 229 Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac 231 Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac 232 Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac 233 Fond du Lac
Gladue Lake 105 b Flying Dust
Ile A La Crosse 192 e English River
Knee Lake 192 b English River
La Loche 221 Big C
La Loche 222 Big C
La Loche 223 Big C
La Plonge 192 English River
La Plonge 192 English River
Little Pine 116 Little Pine
Little Red River 106 d Lac La Ronge
Lucky Man 106 d? Lucky Man
Makaoo 120 Onion Lake
Makwa Lake 129 Makwa Sahfahcan
Makwa Lake 129 b Makwa-Sahgaihcan
Makwa Lake 129 c Makwa Sahgaihcan
Makwa Lake 159 a Makwa-Sahgaihcan
Meadow Lake 105 Flying Dust
Meadow Lake 105 a Flying Dust
Meadow Lake 105 c Flying Dust
Ministikwan 161 Island Lake
Ministikwan 161 A Island Lake
Mistawasis 103 Mistawasis
Montreal lake 106 Montreal Lake
Montreal lake 106 b Montreal Lake
Moosomin 112 a Moosomin
Moosomin 112 b Moosomin
Moosomin 112 e Moosomin
Moosomin 112 f Moosomin
Musket Lake 102 Muskeg Lake
New Thunderchild 115 b Thunderchild
New Thunderchild 115 c Thunderchild
Opawakoscikan 201 Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation
Peter Pond Lake 193 Buffalo River
Poundmaker 114 Poundmaker
Primeau Lake 192 f English River
Red Pheasant 108 Red Pheasant
Saulteaux 159 Saulteaux
Saulteaux 159 a Saulteaux
Seekaskootch 119 Onion Lake
Sturgeon Lake 101 Sturgeon Lake
Sturgeon Lake 101 a Sturgeon Lake
Sweetgrass 113 a Sweetgrass
Sweetgrass 113 b Sweetgrass
Thunderchild 115 d Thunderchild
Turnor Lake 194 Turnor Lake
Turnor Lake 193 b Turnor Lake
Wahpeton 94 a Wahpeton
Wahpeton 94 b Wahpeton
Wapachewunak 192 d English River
Waterhen 130 Waterhen Lake
Witchekan Lake 117 Witchekan Lake
106 c
Alphabetical Listing by Indian First Nation Name
Indian First Nation Reserve # Reserve Name
Ahtakoop Band of Cree Nations 104 Ahtahkoop
Big C 221 La Loche
Big C 222 La Loche
Big C 223 La Loche
Big River 118 Big River
Big River 118 a Big River
Buffalo River 193 Peter Pond Lake
Canoe Lake 165 Canoe Lake
Canoe Lake 165 c Eagles Lake
English River 192 c Dipper rapids
English River 192 e Ile A La Crosse
English River 192 b Knee Lake
English River 192 La Plonge
English River 192 La Plonge
English River 192 f Primeau Lake
English River 192 d Wapachewunak
Flying Dust 105 b Gladue Lake
Flying Dust 105 Meadow Lake
Flying Dust 105 a Meadow Lake
Flying Dust 105 c Meadow Lake
Fond du Lac 227 Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac 228 Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac 229 Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac 231 Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac 232 Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac 233 Fond du Lac
Island Lake 161 Ministikwan
Island Lake 161 A Ministikwan
Joseph Bighead 124 Bighead
Lac La Ronge 218 Bittern Lake
Lac La Ronge 106 d Little Red River
Little Pine 116 Little Pine
Lucky Man 106 d? Lucky Man
Makwa Sahfahcan 129 Makwa Lake
Makwa Sahgaihcan 129 c Makwa Lake
Makwa-Sahgaihcan 129 b Makwa Lake
Makwa-Sahgaihcan 159 a Makwa Lake
Mistawasis 103 Mistawasis
Montreal Lake 106 Montreal lake
Montreal Lake 106 b Montreal lake
Moosomin 112 a Moosomin
Moosomin 112 b Moosomin
Moosomin 112 e Moosomin
Moosomin 112 f Moosomin
Muskeg Lake 102 Asimakaniseekan Askiy
Muskeg Lake 102 Musket Lake
Onion Lake 120 Makaoo
Onion Lake 119 Seekaskootch
Pelican Lake 191 Chitek
Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation 201 Opawakoscikan
Poundmaker 114 Poundmaker
Red Pheasant 108 Red Pheasant
Saulteaux 159 Saulteaux
Saulteaux 159 a Saulteaux
Sturgeon Lake 101 Sturgeon Lake
Sturgeon Lake 101 a Sturgeon Lake
Sweetgrass 113 a Sweetgrass
Sweetgrass 113 b Sweetgrass
Thunderchild 115 b New Thunderchild
Thunderchild 115 c New Thunderchild
Thunderchild 115 d Thunderchild
Turnor Lake 193 a Churchill Lake
Turnor Lake 194 Turnor Lake
Turnor Lake 193 b Turnor Lake
Wahpeton 94 a Wahpeton
Wahpeton 94 b Wahpeton
Waterhen Lake 130 Waterhen
Witchekan Lake 117 Witchekan Lake
106 c
Listing by Reserve Number
Reserve # Reserve Name Indian First Nation
94 a Wahpeton Wahpeton
94 b Wahpeton Wahpeton
101 a Sturgeon Lake Sturgeon Lake
101 Sturgeon Lake Sturgeon Lake
102 Asimakaniseekan Askiy Muskeg Lake
102 Musket Lake Muskeg Lake
103 Mistawasis Mistawasis
104 Ahtahkoop Ahtakoop Band of Cree Nations
105 a Meadow Lake Flying Dust
105 b Gladue Lake Flying Dust
105 c Meadow Lake Flying Dust
105 Meadow Lake Flying Dust
106 b Montreal lake Montreal Lake
106 c
106 d Little Red River Lac La Ronge
106 d? Lucky Man Lucky Man
106 Montreal lake Montreal Lake
108 Red Pheasant Red Pheasant
112 a Moosomin Moosomin
112 b Moosomin Moosomin
112 e Moosomin Moosomin
112 f Moosomin Moosomin
113 a Sweetgrass Sweetgrass
113 b Sweetgrass Sweetgrass
114 Poundmaker Poundmaker
115 b New Thunderchild Thunderchild
115 c New Thunderchild Thunderchild
115 d Thunderchild Thunderchild
116 Little Pine Little Pine
117 Witchekan Lake Witchekan Lake
118 a Big River Big River
118 Big River Big River
119 Seekaskootch Onion Lake
120 Makaoo Onion Lake
124 Bighead Joseph Bighead
129 b Makwa Lake Makwa-Sahgaihcan
129 c Makwa Lake Makwa Sahgaihcan
129 Makwa Lake Makwa Sahfahcan
130 Waterhen Waterhen Lake
159 a Makwa Lake Makwa-Sahgaihcan
159 a Saulteaux Saulteaux
159 Saulteaux Saulteaux
161 a Ministikwan Island Lake
161 Ministikwan Island Lake
165 c Eagles Lake Canoe Lake
165 Canoe Lake Canoe Lake
191 Chitek Pelican Lake
192 b Knee Lake English River
192 c Dipper rapids English River
192 d Wapachewunak English River
192 e Ile A La Crosse English River
192 f Primeau Lake English River
192 La Plonge English River
192 La Plonge English River
193 a Churchill Lake Turnor Lake
193 b Turnor Lake Turnor Lake
193 Peter Pond Lake Buffalo River
194 Turnor Lake Turnor Lake
201 Opawakoscikan Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation
218 Bittern Lake Lac La Ronge
221 La Loche Big C
222 La Loche Big C
223 La Loche Big C
227 Fond du Lac Fond du Lac
228 Fond du Lac Fond du Lac
229 Fond du Lac Fond du Lac
231 Fond du Lac Fond du Lac
232 Fond du Lac Fond du Lac
233 Fond du Lac Fond du Lac
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