Navigation on the Saskatchewan


The tariff for freight and passengers from and to Winnipeg was as
follows -Freight-To foot of Grand Rapids SOc per cwt, return SOc;
head of rapids $1, return the same; The Pas, $2.50, return $2.25; Cum-
berland $2.75, return $2.50; Fort a la Come $3.00, return $2.75; Forks
of Saskatchewan $3.00, return $3.00; Prince Albert $3.00, return $3.00;
Carlton $3.25, return $3.25; Battleford $3.50, return $3.50; Fort Pitt
$4.00, return $4.00; Victoria $4.25, return $4.25; Edmonton $4.00, re-
turn $4.00; Fort Saskatchewan $4.25, return $4.25. Furniture set up,
100 per cent over above rates; furniture knocked down, 50 per cent over;
boilers and heavy machinery 50 per cent over; gunpowder rate double.
Passengers-To Grand Rapids, cabin $7, deck $4, return the same; the
Pas, cabin $18, deck $10, return, cabin $15, 'deck $7.50; Cumberland, cabin
$24, deck $15, return, cabin $22.50, deck $12; Fort a la Come, cabin $28,
deck $20, return, cabin $25, deck $20; Forks Saskatchewan, cabin $30,
deck $23, return cabin $27.50, deck $20; Prince Albert, cabin $30, deck $15,
return, cabin $25, deck $15; Carlton, cabin $32.50, deck $15, return, cabin
$27.50, deck $15; Battleford, cabin $40, deck $20, return, cabin $35, deck
$20; Fort Pitt, cabin $48, deck $28, return, cabin $48, deck $20; Victoria,
cabin $40, deck $20, return, the same. Fort Saskatchewan the same all
around; Edmonton the same all around. Children over five and under
twelve years of age, half fare.

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