Navigation on the Saskatchewan


Reverting to the steamer North West, some of her season's work in
1884 will give an idea of the river traffic. When finally she got away she
went down to Grand Rapids and took on freight principally for Prince
Albert. She had to make two trips as far as Cedar Lake with half a load
each time owing to the low stage of water. On the way back she passed
the Marquis, stuck at Thorburn's Rapids waiting for the water to raise.
At Grand Rapids she took on the cargo of the lake boat Princess from
Winnipeg. She had a full load of 300 tons. She left freight at Cumber-
land, Fort a la Come, Prince Albert, Carlton, Battleford and Fort Pitt,
and when she arrived at Edmonton she had 100 tons for that place. She
met the high water somewhere about Carlton, and passed lots of saw logs,
some rafts and a Hudson's Bay flat boat which was at first mistaken for
a washed out bridge. The following is her log from Prince Albert to
Edmonton, and also a statement of the cargo delivered at Edmonton,
which will throw some light on the needs of the country at that

Left Prince Albert at 5 p.m.,June 30th; left Carlton 11:30 p. m., and
tied up at Elbow 7:10 p. m., July 1st; arrived at Battleford, 7:30 p. m.,
July 2nd; left Battleford, 2:50 p. m., July 3rd; arrived at Pitt, 5:10 p. m.,
July 4th; left Pitt 3:30 a. m., July 5th; arrived at Frog Lake Landing
11 :30 p. m., July 5th; arrived at Victoria, 5 :45 p. m., July 6th; left at 7:10,
arrived at Fort Saskatchewan 12:10 p. m. July 7; and reached Edmonton
at ~ p. m. The officers of the boat this season are Captain Jas. Sheets;
clerk W. R. Talbot; pilots, Julius Dugal and Peter Dorion; engineers, 1st,
Wm. Daly, 2nd, J. Elroy; mate, Rod Smith; steward, Jno. Long. The
manifest showed the following goods delivered at Edmonton: H. B., Ed-
monton district 400 boxes sugar, 161 sacks of bacon, 40 kegs of nails, 4
cases and five bales merchandise. H. B. Athabasca district-80 sacks
flour, 44 kegs of sugar, 32 chests tea, 54 bales, 49 cases, 6 bbls. merchan-
dise, 11 bales tobacco, 11 boxes gunpowder, 23 bags shot. H. B. Peace
River-119 bales goods, 67 cases of goods, 68 kegs of sugar, 42 bags shot,
10 casks sundries, 4 bbls. salt, 4 cases soap, 2 casks coffee, Brown &
Curry, 1 box cigars; W. F. Bredin, 4 hay rake and fixings; Crown Timber
Agency, 1 safe; Garrioch, Peace River, 1,450 lbs. goods; Brick, Peace
River, 6 cases goods; Govreau, Edmonton, 1,600 lbs. of goods; Hourston,
Edmonton, 49 pkgs. goods; Hardisty, Edmonton, 27 pkgs. goods; Inglis,
Fort Saskatchewan, 13 pkgs. goods; Kelly, Edmonton, 1 stove; J. H.
Long, Edmonton, 6 pkgs. goods; E. J. Lawrence, Peace River, 10 pkgs.
goods; Moberly, Peace River, 8 pkgs. goods; R. C. Mission, St. Albert, 1
pkg. goods; H. S. Moore, Edmonton, 15 pkgs. goods. •D. Maloney, Ed-
monton, 16 pkgs. goods; A. MacKenzie, Peace River, 5 pkgs. goods; A.
McDonald & Co., Edmonton, 1 threshing mill and 23 pieces, 3 self binders
and 39 pieces, 3 rakes and 16 pieces, 1 reaper and 8 pieces, 2 grain crushers
and 6 pieces, 9 sets harrows, 2 plows, 3 sacks of binding twine; J. A.
MacDougall & Co., Edmonton, 2 threshing machines and 15 pieces, 1 box
baby carriages; Norris & Carey, 7 pkgs. goods; E. Nagle, 1 pkg. goods; F.
Oliver, 12 bags bacon, 4 bbls. salt; Round, Peace River, 1 pkg. clothing;
D. Ross, Edmonton, 1 wash boiler; Sinclair, Peace River, 1 plow and
fixings; C. Stewart, 5 bags flour; Sanderson & Looby, 1 pkg. steel; T.
Turner, 1 mower and 3 pieces, 8 pkgs. goods; Dr. Wilson, 52 cases drugs,
14 cases hardware, 9 bbls. drugs, 13 cases confections, 4 case~ and 4 cans
oil, 1 show case, 4 boxes glass, 1 buggy and 3 pieces, 23 pkgs. sundries;
W. J. Walker, 10 mowers and 30 pieces, 11 rakes and 70 pieces.

On her way up she had picked up freight at various points where it
had been left previously owing to low water, and some of the freight
delivered in Edmonton had been originally shipped from Winnipeg in
1881. Some of this was bacon and was said to be in very bad shape to
stand another "steamboat blockade". Leaving Edmonton she had on board
10 packages of goods for the Roman Catholic Mission; 80 sacks of flour
for the Indian Department, Saddle Lake Landing; 70,000 feet of lumber
for the Hudson's Bay Co., Prince Albert; 67 packages of fur and 5 pack-
ages of fine fur for H. B. Co., Winnipeg.

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