Navigation on the Saskatchewan


The following is a list of the Ferries in the provisional district of
Saskatchewan, at the time long before there was any bridge over the

  • Over Battle River, Battleford.
  • Across North Saskatchewan, at Fort Pitt.
  • Battleford Ferry, across South Saskatchewan.
  • Isbister's Crossing.
  • Canton Ferry, over North Saskatchewan.
  • South Saskatchewan, opposite River Lot 6, Tp. 46, Rge. 25 West 2nd.,
    P. Meridian (Haicro Settlement).
  • South Saskatchewan, L. Clarke, Prince Albert (H. B. Co.).
  • Clarke's Crossing, across South Saskatchewan.
  • S. C. Elliott, Prince Albert, transmitting papers for Ferry
    License,in favor of Henry Loucks.
  • North Saskatchewan, at Town of Prince Albert.
  • Norman McKenzie (Macleod Crossing).
  • Alex. P. Fisher, Duck Lake (Batoche).
  • Rev. Joseph Vital Fourmond, South Saskatchewan River, Sec. 16,
    Tp. 44, Rge. 1, West 3rd, ml. Meridian.
  • Gabriel Dumont (Gabriel's Crossing) South Saskatchewan River.
  • Ferry License on South Saskatchewan, Noun and Lepine.
  • T. J. Agnew, Ferry over South Branch, on River Lot 45, Tp. 46, Rge.
    25, West of 2nd P. Meridian.
  • F. A. R. Mountain's Ferry, South Saskatchewan, over South Saskat-
    chewan at Saskatoon.
  • Across Bow River at Canmore.
  • Across High River, on Clagary-Macleod trail.
  • On Bow River, near Cluny Station on C. P. R. to reach Queenstown
    from Cluny.
  • R. A. MacKenzie, Red Deer, re Ferry License.
  • Ferry across the Old Man's River.
  • Ferry License for Ferry across Bow River, at Banif, D. B. Woodwarth,
  • Ferry across Old Man's River at Kipp, Wm. H. Long, Kipp, Alta.
  • Bow River, Calgary.
  • Elbow River, Calgary.
  • Belly River, at Coal Banks, Lethbridge.
  • Red Deer River, near Edmonton trail, S. M. Bannerman, Calgary.
  • Across Bow River, opposite Road Allowance, between Sec. 36, Tp. 23,
    Rge. 1, and Sec. 1, Tp. 24, Rge. 1, West 5th Meridian 1/4 mile below 1st
  • Between Edmonton and Fort Saskatchewan at point known as "Oliver
  • Across Bow River, near C. P. R. Bridge at Cochrane.
  • Across North Saskatchewan River at Edmonton.
  • Fort Saskatchewan.

When Mr. Clark decided to farm and run a cable ferry at what was
afterwards so well known as Clark's Crossing on the Saskatchewan he
made estimates of the cost, which are now before the writer. In consid-
ering the values, the distance from Winnipeg to the Crossing must be
taken into account. Mr. Clark built the scow himself.

The estimate for the scow 32 feet long, 12 feet broad and 2 feet deep
provided for 2,374 feet of lumber at $40 a thousand, $94.96; 900 feet of
cable at 121/2c a foot, $112.50; spikes say 1,000, at 3c a pound, $2.40;
other iron say $10-total cost not counting work, $219.86. He also esti-
mated for a ferry 40 feet long, 14 feet wide and 2 feet deep. This called
for 3,260 feet of lumber at the cost of $130.40, and other items were
freight on cable $24, manilla rope $10, pulleys, etc., an item of $30 for his
own labor which he put down at $2 a day for 15 days. There was also
an additional item of $10 for tar and hemp for packing the scow. The
total for the larger ferry being $384.90.

This was the cost of the famous ferry which was seen and used by
so many in the Rebellion of 1885.

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